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15.9% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 6: Chapter 4 Part II: What's your fear?

Chapter 6: Chapter 4 Part II: What's your fear?

'Play stupid games.' White glowing eyes appeared from the darkness. 'Win stupid prizes.' It's disappeared.

Will's eyes opened to his body and environment, shaking.

He sits up before his body hits the ceiling of the Rustbucket.

His back hits his bunk.

"What the fuck?!" Will shouts, staring at Tennysons and his clothes lying on the floor. "Max!" He climbed down from his bunk before the RV jump.

Will falls onto his back, hitting the floor.

The RV shook side to side while Will went with the momentum.

He rolls across the floor, hitting the wall and windows until he crashes onto the floor.

Will grunts crawling toward the wall, trying to keep his balance from the shaking Rustbucket. He stood to his feet, throwing the curtains aside.

He sees Benita on the steering wheel by Unconscious Max: Driving down the hill from the head windows.

"BEN!!" He shouts, but his voice becomes unheard by the shaking and their clothes, food, and pots, getting thrown around.

Will approach her, but Benita hits the brakes, coming to a ledge. He hits his gut against the booth table before grabbing it for grip support.

The Rustbucket drifts along the rocks and hill until it comes to a stop inches from the edge.

"Hoooooo." She relaxed with sweat rolling down her face. "That was a close one." She shakes Max. "Grandpa!"

"Ugh! Christ." Will leans on the Booth table covered in bruises.

Hearing Will's voice Benita looked back with her eyes lit up.

"Will, I knew you. Will pull through!" Benita turns to Max Something happened to Grandpa." Will approaches the two rubbing his gut.

"Ughaaaaaaa." Max groaned weakly while his eyes were half-lit. "Zombozo took our souls. Not only that but our. Happiness." He falls unconscious.

"Zombozo did this?!" Will looks to Benita.

"Yes, he has Gwen." Will grabbed his face with his hands shaking into a fist.

"Help me, move him." They grab Max with a struggle and set him in the passenger seat. They place him there and put the seat belt on him. Benita and Will pants. "Today is getting worst by the minute."

Will stood up, and Benita tackled him into a hug causing him to stagger. "B-Ben?!"

"I THOUGHT YOU WOULDN'T WAKE UP!!!" Benita roared into Will's chest. "I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE!!" Benita choked on her cries as her body began to shake. "D-DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!!" She grasped his blue shirt. "Please. Don't." She whimpers into Will's chest.

Will can only look down at her wide-eyed.

"I'm sorry, Benita." Will returns the hug holding her tight.

He leans against the counter before dropping onto the floor on his butt with Benita in his arms.

He looks at his hand, seeing his veins blinking green.

Will smirks before looking up to the ceiling.

"You know Ben." Will breathe out. "You're not like this. And I understand." He chuckles. "I haven't seen you cry." He caresses her back. "Do you remember the first time we met?"

-Three years ago.-

"Alright, everyone." A female teacher waved to his students to quiet down. "We have a new student that will be joining us today." She smiled and notified the student over behind the door.

Young Will entered with a giant black hoodie covering his hands. The kids had mixed emotions about this while Will's shoes clicked on the floor.

The white chalk hits the board. Will writes his name. 'Will Glover'

Young Benita raised a brow while Young Will turned around with his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"I'm Will Glover. Don't annoy me." He announced in a cold tone to everyone.

The students glance at each other and back at Will.

The teacher cleared her throat, giving an awkward smile.

"I'm Ms.Busy." The teacher stated. "Ms. B is fine." Her eyes wander the classroom."Where can I; seat you?" She whispered."Ah, Benita." Young Benita looked around while almost everyone stared at her. "Ben!" Benita jumps. "Don't pretend you're not here." She glances at Will, not gazing back. "Will, you can sit on the right of Benita there. Ben raised your hand." Young Benita sighs, raising her hand while Young Will approaches his seat. "Ok, Ben. Since you're a little slacker, can you show Will around the school and befriend him?"

"Yeeee-" Benita drags out, causing everyone to laugh but Will."Yeeeeeeee-"

"Ben." Ms. Busy squinted her eyes.

"Yes, Ms. B." Benita sighs.

"Great now, on to the lesson." Young Benita nervously looks at her neighbor.

Young Will shadowed his darkness, concealing his face but his jaw.

He pulls something from his backpack, causing Benita to flinch.

Will places a notebook down, drawing something.

Benita only sighs in relief.


"This is the Gym." Benita opens the door to show it. "There's nothing to explain; it's a gym: right?" She gazed at Young Will, looking indifferent.

"Yeah." Young Benita chuckled nervously.

Suddenly Young Benita and Will stumbled into the gym.

"Well. Well. Well." A voice stated.

Young Benita and Young Will gathered their bearings.

They look back at the Young Cash and JT.

"It seems Penny finally made a friend." Young Cash cocked his head before JT slammed the door shut.

"She's no friend of mine." Will stated, causing Benita to flinch."I hardly know her to decide." Will patted his hoodie."Also, I have no interest in making one."

Cash winces at Benita.

"Ooooh, another year alone." JT chuckled.

Benita rolled her eyes.

"What do you want this time?" Benita raised a brow. "Money?" She folds her arms. "I have no clue why your parents gave you the name Cash When; you don't have a lick of coins in your pockets, and yet you take from others. That's so not Cash Money."

Cash grabs Benita's shirt pulling his fist.

"I must've hit you too hard for you to remember the last beating." He squinted his eyes at Benita.

Benita glared back.

"This is not the time-"

"A-UHM!!!" JT clears his throat. "My friend is speaking."


Storyboard Change

Young = (Y)


"Thank you. My dear friend." (Y) Cash grins at JT, that only nods. Cash glances back at Benita. "Can you loan some money?"

"No." She replied quickly, causing Cash to chuckle.

"I don't think you heard me." He pushed Benita onto the floor. Cash stood above her with his fist drawn back. "I don't have the money for wings. And you know their banger now. Fork it over!"

"No!" Benita glared back at him. "You need tutoring for comprehending-" Cash punches Benita to the ground.

Will staggered, clenching his fist.

"Ha, hey, Cash." J.T. chuckled, getting Cash's attention. "It looks like we have a hero."

"Is that so?" Cash got off Benita that wince, standing off against Will.

Will sighs before unclenching his fist.

"No, I was surprised, that's all." His eyes land on Benita messing with her cut.

"If that's the case, then. BUG OFF!!!" Cash shouts while Benita looks up to Will, pleading.

"Alright." He walks out the door, surprising Benita.


A tray slams in front of (Y) Will as a black eye and a cut: Benita sits in front of him, glaring.

Will calmly eats his mashed potatoes.

"You're a real jerk. You know that?" (Y) Will continued not batting an eye, causing her to growl.

She slides his tray aside: getting some looks their way.

"Back there, you could've said something."

"And I did. The boy is an idiot." Will stick a straw into his apple juice. "I would aim at the body." Will slurp from his box as Benita frowned her brows.

"You're funny. I almost forgot to laugh."

"Thanks. Dad told me I will become a great comedian: one day if I put in some hard work." Will points his straw at her. "Like how you're trying to shift the blame to a New Blood. It says more about you than you think." He pulled his tray back, but Benita slid it from him.

"You can bite me!" Her eyes darkened.

"Ho, Ho, I never knew you're the type."

Benita stood up from her seat, leaning in front of Will, still looking down at his food.

"We both know you have a sad existence, but that doesn't give you: an excuse to treat me that kind of way!"

"And we both know you're an annoying kid that no one wants to hang out with." Benita goes to slap Will, but he catches her wrist. "Don't start a fight that you can't finish." Will throws her wrist back, causing her to stumble. Will glared up at her while she did the same panting.

The children around them stood silent or chattered at the scene before them.

Benita gazed at the eyes watching her before she grabbed her tray, storming off.

Will watches her leave before starting back on his food.


(Y) Will walks through the hallway while students avoid him.

"Can't believe he's still here." A student whispered from his locker as Will passed the kid, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder.

"I hear he had an ex." Another student chimed to another. "The girl has powers and all. Do you think she might be in that explosion on Helcion Bay?"

"We can't be talking about that here!" A girl student hits the arm of her girlfriend.

Will stops to look at the girl and her friend.

The two only avoid their eyes from his. Will shakes his head before continuing down the hall.

His phone hums. He whips it out.



<We would like to talk with you when you get home.>


Will sighs.



<We would like to talk with you when you get home.>



He walked by the gym doors and heard sobbing.

"What the hell?" Will said under his breath before putting his phone into his pocket.

His curiosity got the better of him.

He entered his eyes and followed the sun raying through the windows onto the empty Basketball court and bleachers.

He heard the sob stop.

Will stayed quiet, listening to the ringing of silence.

Will shrugged and left, giving the door a satisfying click.

Under the bleachers, Benita relaxed with her back against the wall of expired gum and white paint. She cowered: behind her arms, gathering the courage to sob again for a knock to catch her by surprise.

The hooded kid. Will gazed down into the darkness of the steel cage.

"Don't tell me. You're crying." Will stated before he drew closer to Benita.

Benita looked away, wiping her tears.

"I'm not."

"Like I haven't heard of that." Will slipped through the beams after her.

Benita clenches her fists.


"Cussing already?" He slips past the last, looking down at Benita. "Sadly, you haven't beaten that record." Benita only glared up at him. "As I said, I heard sobbing. I came to check it out." Benita growls. "Did you just growl at me?" He raised a brow under his hood.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!" She pushes Will back. "When did you care for me anyway?! It has been months since you ever talked to me or anyone else! WHY NOW?!" Benita roared.

"I'm here, am I?" She clenches her shaking fist.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She pushes Will down, and his hood flies back. Will hits the floor while Benita's pants hold back her tears. "No, one cares for me!" She clenches her teeth. "I can't do anything right!" Her eyes touched the roof of the bleacher before she looked back down at him. "Do me: a favor!! And FUCK OFF!!!"

Will held his hand out and smirked.

"I'm Will Glover. I like going for walks, drawing, and reading. I'm always up for something new."

"What?!" Benita exclaimed

"What's your name? Leaving me out could destroy your chance." The boy only smirks up at Benita with his hand out. Benita's lips shook while tears rained from her face.

"T-this has to be some lied!"

"The longer I'm down here greater the chance I might catch something if you haven't noticed your chilling in gumtropia." Will eyed the gum all around, getting Benita to notice.

"Right." She wipes the tears from her eyes. "If this is a lie, I'm breaking your nose." Benita grabs Will's hand while a bright blinds them.


Present Will is currently staring up at the Rv ceiling.

"Honestly." Will paused. "You remind me of Katlyn." Benita looks up at Will with red eyes. "I saw what loneliness can do to someone. I can't help but get attached." Will keeps his eyes from Benita's gaze. "As time flies, I threw away my grief so I could you grow with you" His brown eyes stared down at Benita's. "You were the best thing that happened to me."

"Really?" Benita looked away.

"Yeah." They make heavy eye contact. "Give me a chance to stand with you." They lean toward each other.

"Ugh!"Max groan. "Gwen."

The two snapped out of it.

"Yeah, Gwen!" She gets up with a heavy blush like Will.

"Yeah, and everyone else."Will finished while Benita headed for the steering wheel.

"I'll drive." Benita declared, taking the driver's seat.

"No, I am." He pulls her off.

"I won Drift city." She glared.

"And, Who used to steal cars and sell them to the highest bidder?"

Benita growls while Will climbs into the seat.

"Ok, been a long time." He whispered, rubbing the driving wheel.

"When you like to stop talking to yourself and help me save a dweeb of my Cousin. Let me know; take your time." She taps her foot.

"Yeah. Yeah. Get off my back." He goes to turn the keys, but Benita immediately grabs his hand.

"I'm afraid of clowns." She said under her breath while Will cranked the RV, causing it to roar to life.

"Giant spiders. If one shows all man for himself." He shifts the gear into drive.

The Rv turns around before gently driving up the hill.

"That hex of yours hasn't turned up yet?" Benita grabs the driver's seat behind Will, watching his slow progress.

"They're ignoring me. Because I did it." Will answered with his eyes on his progress.

"Ain't you supposed to?" Benita cocked her head to the side. "With that many voices and you seeing things, I can't believe your insane."

The Rv made it back to the main road.

"I didn't say I was." The Rustbucket cruise along its lane.

"That book." Benita begins. "It's Gwen's." Will side-eyed Benita before looking back at the road. "What's it doing on your bunk?"

"She gave it to me." Will paused. "She wants me to connect with them.

"The voices?"

"Aliens." Will corrected. "I've seen one memory with HeatBlast. Back at Gingertown." Benita gazed at Will wide-eyed. "I believe he's the original owner. He goes by Novis."

"Wait. Wait. Hold the phone!" Benita shakes her head. "You've seen this?" She raised a brow.

"I was him." Will paused. "But, now he is me." Benita, lean back in deep thought.

"What do they want?"

"To remember. Themselves." Will stated while Benita squinted her eyes. "They weren't specific."

"Then listen to them." The Rv loses stable ability before Will regains it.

"S-say what now?!" Will raised his voice.

"Before any of this even started! It wasn't that bad!"

"How can you tell me that when you haven't got the first clue what I'm going through?!"

Benita stared silently before sighing.

"Think about you for a change." The boy stays focused on the road. "This is only day one. Imagine after that."

"I'm. A. Vessel." Will glared at the road. "I can take what they can throw at me."

"Will." Benita places a hand on his shoulder. "We respect you for putting your life before us." Benita grasps his shoulder blade. "Please don't let this be your downfall."

Will stay silent.

"Good. God." Will stated while his eyes grew wide over the steering wheel.

Benita followed his gaze before she did the same.

A giant storm cloud surrounded the town, rotating above it while lighting sparked.

"We're going through that?!" Benita exclaimed.

"Do we have a choice?" The RV drives into the tunnel, lucky of reflective lights shining them the way.

The drive grew quiet as they exited the tunnel to the same storm that now has the town engulfed.

The RV stops along the road, a few miles from the rotating cloud barrier.

They said nothing, only hearing the wind whistling outside the RV.

Will places his head against the staring wheel, sighing. He rubs his hands against the wheel.

Benita noticed Will's nervousness.

"I maybe can turn" Benita activate her watch, scanning through her aliens. "Heatblast, so you can see me."

"No." Will's voice escapes his lips. She looked up wide-eyed.

"I can do this! Let me-"

"I said no!" He raised his voice. " Save it for when we have to fight."

Benita stays silent before looking at the storm.

"You sure about this?" She grasps Will's seat.

"Yeah." He said under his breath, flashing the Rustbucket headlights. Will closes his eyes, taking breaths before reopening them with determination, burning through them. "Hold on!" Will stomps on the pedal, causing the Rustbucket to race miles towards the storm.

"Will." Benita's eyes shake while they grow close to the rotating barrier. "Will!" She shouts, digging her nails into the chair. As they heard the wind, whistling turned into a hum. "SLOW DOWN!!"

The barrier grew twice its size from their head windshield before completely engulfing them.

The last of the light became non-existing while the Rustbucket shakes.

Hail crack against it, giving a sickening sound.

Will finally listen to Benita's advice as they travel blind into the storm.

They felt the wind give the RV a little push. Benita and Will can only grunt their teeth.

A stop sign slammed against the windshield.

"HA!!!" Benita and Will scream as The Rustbusket jolt to a halt.

The stop sign slowly slips away, surprisingly, not leaving a scratch.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Will cursed to himself as their heart rate grew three times.

"J-just go!" Benita screamed.

"Alright! Alright!" The Rustbucket continued forward.

The Rustbucket slowly travels the street.

The roaring wind, the wipers swiping, and the hail smacking against the vehicle became their gut-wreaking music.

The trip felt like hours.

"A-alright." Benita noticed from the windshield, passing a sign saying 'Scotland Park.' "We're almost there." Benita quickly shifts her gaze to Will, extremely; focused on the road with his chest nearly touching the steering wheel.

Rustbucket escapes the deathtrap as it stops in front of the eye of the storm.

Will breath escapes from his chest.

"You did it!" Benita grabs his shoulder from behind his seat. "You did it!!!" She giggled.

"Alright! Alright!" Will rolled his shoulders from her hands. "We did it." Will smirk before gazing through the window.

In front of them sat an opened gate. Behind it was a few crates. They see the giant tent that started this.

Will turn to Benita.

"You're ready?" He noticed Benita gazing at the open gate like him.

"Let's get, my cousin." Benita looks to Max, still unconscious in his passenger seat. She exited the RV with Will behind.

Will closes the door behind him while his hair and clothes wave.

The boy's eyes look up to the dim light between the eye of the storm.

"Will." Benita's voice brought him back. His eyes land on Benita crouching by the gate. She waved him over.

Will sneaks to Benita before entering through the gate.

They took the nearest cover, which happened to be a row of crates.

Will took the lead sneaking along with the crates with Benita on his tail.

A joyful whistling Thumbskull walked along the crates carrying two on his shoulder and hip like a sack of potatoes.

"Hey!" Acidbreath shouts, getting the tower's attention. He turned to Acidbreath approaching him. "We need them unscathed! Boss orders."

"Ok." Thumbskulls nods.

"It's not ok!" Acidbreath corrected while Will and Benita slowly paced themselves, masking their steps. "It's I understood. You don't want to leave empty-handed. Do you?" Acid breath folded his arms.

Thumbskull's brows touched his skull before he nodded furiously.

"No! I understood." Thumbskull adjusts his grip while Acidbreath sighs.

"You're doing a good job." Thumbskull stared at Acidbreath, closing his eyes. "Keep up the great work."

Acidbreath walked away, causing Thumbskull to grow a smirk.

"I-I- I'll do my best!" He chuckled before resuming his work.

Will and Benita took cover to a stack of crates. Will peaked his head from the box. His eyes land on the curtain from the main tent inviting darkness.

"Any thoughts?" Benita whispered to Will, Gazing up at the eye of the storm, taking in air. "We could face these freaks now, but that would give us away. Or we could, solid snake, but I have you know." Benita's eyes wandered the environment. "I much prefer loud."

"Of course." Will closes his eyes before a figure drops in front of the two.

Will and Benita staggered. The figure turned to the two, wrapping red hair around Will's mouth.

Benita activates her watch, but the figure prevents her hand from slamming it down on the chamber.

"Are you two idiots?!" A voice whispered as Will and Benita's eyes landed on Frightwig standing to her feet with her back toward them. "You two have a death wish trying to pick a fight with Boss?!" She looked over her shoulder, glaring at the two.

"HMM?!" Will and Benita hummed within her binding before she let them go.

"You're not with them?!" Benita whispered while Frightwig folded her arms.

"You two would've been dead by now!" She gave them her eyes of annoyance.

"So, you're on our side?" Will tested his jaw.

"I'm on my side." She furrowed her brows at the two. "I don't know how you two got here, but turn back!"

"Not without my Cousin." Benita rubs her wrist with a glare. " And the people and my Grandpa's soul that you four took."

"Hard pass." Frightwig's eyes land on Benita.

"I guess loud it is." Benita hovered her hand over the watch chamber.

"Woah! Woah!" Will hisses. "Can you at least pass us some info?" Will squinted his eyes at Frightwig. "That can at least help us defeat them."

"Ok." Frightwig stared blankly at the two. Will and Benita lighten their standoff. "The longer you stand here, the sooner dead you are." She furrowed her brows.

"Hey, girl!" Acidbreath shouts from afar. "Where are you?!"

Frightwig hissed before looking into Will's and Benita's eyes.

"I won't save you!" She clenches her teeth.

"Then don't." Benita shrugged, staring back.

"GIRL?!" Acidbreath raised his voice while Frightwig only glared at the two. She walked from their cover. "What the hell are you doing?!" Acidbreaths shouts.

"It's called taking a break."

"I don't remember giving you one!!"

Will and Benita look at each other.

"The. Tent." Will stated as he peaked from cover, seeing Frightwig walking with Acidbreath from their location.

"Hey!" Will looked to Benita, pointing. "We could use that." Will noticed the scattered crates leading to the tent. "I'll go first." Benita sneaks in front of him quickly and quietly, crouching behind the first crate of the five.

Benita crouched and sprinted to another while Will followed.

Benita grew closed while Will crouched in front of the third.

"HEY!!!" Will grew paralyzed behind his crate hearing Thumbskull's voice. "I saw you! Come out!"

He ordered while Will sweated.

The boy looks at Benita peaking from her crate at Thumbskull. She quickly sat on her butt, scanning her watch.

"It seems someone snuck in without a ticket." They heard Acidbreath's muffled breath become free.

Will's breath quickened as he heard footsteps approaching his position.

"Come on out. We won't hurt you." Acidbreath paused. "Maybe." Thumbskull chuckle.

Will bites his lip, closing his eyes. Hearing their steps grow heavy.

Music blast getting everyone's attention.

"It moves. Fast." Thumbskull concluded.

"No, you idiot!" Acidbreath shouts while Will sees Benita replace with an iPod on the ground in front of the crate. "It's a distraction! But this will lure it out!"

A cloud of green smoke hazed toward the crate of the iPod, melting the box and tech into green acid, Stopping the anxiously loud sound.

The cloud swallowed crate after crate growing near Will, clenching his teeth, eyes widening in horror.

A green light flashes, stop the onslaught of the deadly cloud.

"Uh, do you hear that?" Thumbskull questioned while Will slowly peaked from his crate at the three looking around their surroundings.

A stack of boxes shatters behind the three, gaining their attention.

A green and black pitching machine stares daggers at them: Known as Upgrade.

"HEY!" Her oval eyes bend. "Do you know how long it took to save up for that?! " She destroyed them with a swarm of baseballs.

Thumbskull growls, tanking the hits as he approaches her: shielding his face.

Thumbskull slams his arms into the crate, causing splitters to fly.

Upgrade lands on another crate scoring a shoot at his privates.

Thumbskull drops to his knees. "RAAAAAGH!!!" Thumbskulls screams in a low voice.

"Essssss!" Upgrade circle face frowns while she winces. "Sorry about that."

"You think we're a joke?!" She pushes herself off the box and towards Upgrade. She screamed before her hairpins came down, Upgrade dodges, but Frightwig managed to damage the pitcher machine leg.

Wood rained while Upgrade repairs her leg within seconds: Their battle rages.

Acidbreath recovers approaching Upgrade blind spot.

A baseball smacked into his head.

Acidbreath: winced in pain before seeing Will standing from his cover.

"Oh shit." Will squinted his eyes, clenching his teeth.

Acidbreath snaps to Will, releasing his odor.

Will staggers before his odor travels with the wind, diverting from Will's position.

Will sighs in relief while Acidbreath stands to his feet, biting his lip before giving a toothless grin. He rushes the boy.

"FUCK!!!" Will sprints past to the stack boxes. The three children had their previous interactions.

The boy stumbled to his feet, moving around the cover as a gust of odor consumed the box into a nasty; odor releasing a dead animal aroma out into the air.

Will can hear his heart racing while his eyes land on a hall of stack crates ahead of him.

He rushes in before taking cover to the nearest turn, nearly out of breath.

"So." Acidbreath's panting voice states while Will closes his eyes. "This is a game of Cat and mouse." He chuckled.

Will sneaks down the hall of crates before seeing a three-way hall ahead of him. He's choices to go straight, right, or left.

"Oh, Will.~" Acidbreath sang, causing Will to look back before taking a left. "Do you want to know how I know your name?"

Will ran into the open space of the maze of crates seeing rows of them line behind and beside each other. Sadly, he was at a dead end.

Will's eyes darkened.

"You see." Will took cover at the third row on the right. "That girl at the main event was calling out. "Ben! Ben!" Acidbreath chanted with menace in his tone: he entered the area, and Will hid. "The funny thing is they didn't come." He chuckled while Will bit his lip hearing his shoes click during the mild breeze. "The boss loves false hope, but what's the kicker?" The boy hears Acidbreath spit. The spit lands on rows of crates near Will burning the boxes around it and spilling out circus equipment.

A ball rolls from the crate slowing to a stop. An image of a clown flashing his teeth put him on edge.

The aroma nearly made Will gag.

"Will! She cried while The girl's soul was getting sucked from the very bones of her body!!" Acidbreath stomps on the ball, causing Will to flinch.

AcidBreath came to a stop.

Acidbreath stood a few feet from Will, crouching behind a box.

Will's eyes followed Acidbreath's presence with panic in his eyes.

Acidbreath sniffs the air before sighing happily.

"The two of you, arriving here, proved my point that hope is always there." He gave a toothless grin. "At the last minute!!!" He snaps toward Will's position only to see him running out the way he came. "I'll make sure. They remember!!" Acidbreath shouts.

Will pants loudly as his eyes focus down the hall of crates. He snaps back, seeing Acidbreath slowing gaining on him.

"Your scare!" Will focus back on the hall, his pants grew rapid. "How about you slow down! We can talk!" Will made it back to the three-way hall before taking a sharp turn to the middle.

Will's spine shivered as he heard a crash.

"Blast!" He snapped his head back. Acidbreath stands to his feet. "Your swift for a runt?!"

Will continued running before slowing to a stop.

"No." Will stagger, pressing his hands on the wall. "No! No! No! NO!" Will shouts, standing at another dead end.

Will hears stomping coming to a stop.

"I can't believe you made me run after. You." Acidbreath states causing Will to snap back at him, approaching. "But, I can't complain. We all need our cardio." He grins while Will presses his back against the wall.

"I-I know you can hear me!" Will shouts while his eyes shake. "Help me!!! Please!!!" The voices stayed silent.

AcidBreath looks down at Will, casting a shadow over him with sinister grin plaster on his face.

"Aww." Acidbreath coos before his oversized hands grab onto Will's shoulders. "You can't escape reality." His lazy eye and normal eye harden. "Only embrace it." He inhaled.

A creak fills their ears before it stops. A loud crash makes Acidbreath stagger forward, falling onto Will's shoulder.

"Argh!!!" Will pushes Acidbreath aside.

He falls to the ground. Acid spills from his lips and onto the concrete causing the haze to float with the wind.

Will pants staring at Acidbreath's body before looking to Upgrade holding a broken-bat handle.

"You." Upgrade pants. "Owe me twice, junior." She chuckled, throwing the bat aside.

Will approached Upgrade before giving her hips a tight hug.

"H-hey! Will!" Upgrade exclaimed while Will could pant. Upgrade lower her oval face before patting his back. "I-I told you before you can lean on me." Upgrade stays silent, listening to Will's constant panting. "Come on. Let's get Gwen."


Upgrade and Will approach the back entrance of the main tent.

"Hey, dolt." They gazed back at Frightwig tangled up in her hair. "The Boss will kill you. He doesn't take second chances lightly."

"Thanks for the hairs up." Upgrade chirped. Frightwig only growls as Upgrade brush her hand on Will's shoulder. "We can handle it. Don't worry your pretty soul about it."

"Don't say I warn you." Frightwig sighs, pressing her forehead on the cement.

WIll and Upgrade turned to the tent before The watch times out.

"Seriously." Benita sighs.

"We got this, Ben." Will declared with confidence spilling. "I know we do." He lowered his voice as he turned his eyes to the entrance.

"You two met?" Benita steers Will from the pressure."She seems focused on you." She questioned.

"I did a favor: Frightwig hooked me up even with a selfie." He said under his breath. Benita could only grin. "But that doesn't matter now." He gazed at the curtain. Benita noticed Will's hand shaking before she grabbed it, gripping her's with his.

Will turned to Benita, looking at the entrance.

"When we get out of here, don't tell anyone. And stay silent." Will only glance. "I have-" Benita stumbled with her words. "I have-" She bites her lips. "I like you."

Will heart races.

"I-uh." Benita turns from him. "Jeez, this is harder than look." She sighs before gazing at Will. "I want this, but let's not start."

Will's heart can only snap.

"I like you like that. I still do." Benita plants her hand on her eyes. " I can be a cunt at times...Let me adjust before we make this a full-blown relationship." Benita blushes, looking away from him. "Y-you can talk now."

Will could grin with one.

"That's fine with me." Benita nods with a warm grin plastering her face. Will grip lightly, getting Benita's attention.

Will's eyes harden at the entrance determination oozes out from the boy.

"Let's finish this." Will states as Benita looks back at the curtain.

They enter into eternal darkness. The steps they took

hallowed until they lose grip.

"Ben?" Will snaps around. "Ben?!" Darkness was his only friend until he turned around, dumbfounded. "What the hell?"

The walls were grey: the wallpaper ripped, showing the naked wall of wood. The door paint we're old: Peeling, and the doorknob: was coated in coal.

The two-way hall presented itself.

A White-door with a Golden knob. Or a White-peeled door with coated knob of coal.

"I don't. Like this." Will said under his breath, taking a step.

His steps creak the floorboard while he grows near the golden knob door. Millions of possibilities flood into his imagination. And it all came to one question 'What's behind that door?.' He reaches for the knob, but it starts snapping aggressively. Will backs up getting must distances. The knob stops. The door burst open as a wave of spiders like Black windows, Huntsmen, and Red Backs came crawling his way.

"SHIT!!!! Will cursed before running from them. To his second option. He goes to open it, but it's jammed. "COME ON!!!" He bangs his shoulder against it, but it bulge. The spiders grew near while his door slammed open, revealing Gwen with a knife and plaster smile that could only haunt him.

"Hey!! WILLY!!!" Will dodged Gwen's stab, and her knife stabbed the wall.

"Gwen! What are you doing?!" He questioned in utter shock.

"That's a trick question." Gwen rips the knife from the naked wall. "Can you die already?!" She charges Will. He stops the weapon that came close to his eye like a wave of spiders. Will noticed the stab she did to the wall; light is seeking, through.

"Sorry." The boy pushes the knife away at the last minute.

Will headbutts, giving a cringe-worthy crunch to Gwen's nose before tossing her to the floor.

Gwen rolled to a stop sitting up with blood raining her nose before be overwhelm with spiders.

"AAAAAAAAAAHH!!! YOU THROW EVERYONE AWAY LIKE JANE!!!" Will staggered back, watching the spiders bite or try to crawl to any hole they find on Gwen's head. "There's eyes on you!!!" Will's breaths grew while Gwen only turned pale, losing all her muscles in her body. "SHE'LL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!" Will ignore it and crash through the wall and onto the dusty ground.

He gets up in sync with Benita. They noticed each other before they said anything. The lights cut on, revealing a giant machine with ghosts roaming past the small windows.

Benita and Will were in the circle with it.

Clapping gains the two attention causing Benita and Will to snap at Zombozo, giving a nasty grin.

"Welcome! You two came for the season finale?" He gestured.

"You have my cousin!" Benita steps forward. "Where is she?!" She demanded.

"Oh, you mean this, sugar?" Zombozo snaps his finger, revealing Gwen lying on the ground, skin to bones.

"Ben?" She grasps, causing Benita and Will to growl.

"Let's wrap this up. Toby meets Will." Zombozo whistled.

A giant jumping spider crawls from the darkness, and his legs rapidly hit the ground, making Will and Benita's spines shiver.

Toby stood near Zombozo with his eight eyes glancing at Will's two.

Will only staggered while his eyes become hollow."Will you save the town and your Gwen?!! Let's give the people a show!!!" He snaps as the light reveals skin-to-bone audiences: laughing and coughing now and then.

Toby rushes Will that runs to the closest thing. A ladder.

The boy hurries himself along as he notices Toby flying at him.

Will slides down, dodging Toby's sharp fangs. He continued and made it to the top of the pillar.

Toby hissed and climbed after him.

"FUCK ME!!" Will gazed around to get far from it. Toby gets closer and swipes his leg at Will, but he leaps from it as he catches the swinging handlebar. "Haaa!" He leaps to another while Toby jumps to the ground and crawls in the middle looking at Will, waiting to strike. Will leaps to another platform; Toby took this opportunity to chew and claw at the pole he stood on: The platform shook.

"No, No!! Don't do this now!!" Will shouts as The platform leans on the side. The boy held onto the pole of the platform with dear life. "AAAA!!!"

"Will!" Benita turns back to Will's scream. Zombozo holds Benita from behind. "Shit!" Benita cursed.

"You have a bad influence." Zombozo grabs her jaw with a toothy grin. "How about separating from the problem?!" Benita struggles while Toby continues with the support. The pole finally gives, and Will rolls off.


Time slowed.

Will free fall from the platform. The boy can hear Benita scream.

He gazes past his swinging arms; to the ceiling of the tent.

'Will you help?' A familiar calm voice rings in Will's head.

"Yes, I can!!!" Will shouts in his head.

'I'll wait.'

"NO!!! I'll help! Please let me see this through!!!" Will's head grew quiet. "I'll help you and the others gain their memories!!! GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!!"

Will only hear silence. The boy felt himself growing close to the ground.

'You are forgiven.'

Time resumes.

Zombozo's smile widen. Toby prepares to pounce at falling Will.

Will's eyes flared sky blue while Benita's watch became available.

"Yes." Benita slams her hand onto the watch creating a green flash.

The x-ray of Will. His jaw became dislocated before a spike of rock; separated his jaw from his upper, replacing his lower jaw with a rocky one.

His Ribcage expands while his bones become non-existing.

Glowing symbols of sky blue race along his arms; his forearms became stubs before rock raced along with them, replacing them with new ones.

Toby leaps up at Will before crashing into the ground, making the clay ground touch the sky.

Ghostfreak, in the arms of Zombozo, fazed through his grip before rushing towards Will's crash course.

"Huh?!" Zombozo stares at his hands.

The dust settles, revealing a Stone Golem with glowing eyes blankly staring at the ceiling on a twitching Toby.

Ghostfreak eyes only widen as The stone Golem slowly stands to his feet, towering over Ghostffreak, standing eight feet tall.

"Woah." Ghostfreak said under her breath.


Stone golem Will= Avalanche


Avalanche gazed back at Toby that only brisk with the wind. His non-exist brows lowered.

"NO!!!" Zombozo's shout gained the two aliens' attention. "You think I lost!!!" Zombozo clenches his teeth as he begins to float in front of the machine case with souls. "Behind that Exterior!!!" He roared while his pupils glowed orange. "ARE TWO RUNTS PLAYING WITH THEIR TOYS!!!" The ground in front of them shakes.

Avalanche and Ghostfreak watch as holes appear, smoke hazing out of it.

A hand of a skeleton slams out from its hole before grasping the dirt.

"There's nothing I can't face!!!" Zombozo roared as the horde of skeletons climbed out their holes dressed like knights. The Skeleton's skin: restored, revealing patches of their skin missing. Flames burst from their bodies, showing their glowing orange eyes."Step right up!" The hellbent on the horde of Hell knights beat their shields in sync. Darkness consumes Zombozo's glowing, orange eyes. " Nothing! Can conquer fear!! Then fear itself!"

Zombozo opened his arms with a deadly grin. The machine-casing souls roared while the Hell knights roared, charging at the duo.

"An another illusion?" Ghost Freak questioned, watching the Hell knight charge them.

The silent giant charges at the horde, running right them towards Zombozo. Avalanche's heavy stomps shook the ground as he jogged.

Avalanche swipes the Knights that flew from their feet and onto their backs.

Others strike and grab onto Avalanche, that staggered to his feet.

The hell knights chipped at his rocky body before Avalanche spun his upper torso, spinning like a spinning top.

The Hell knights that surrounded him back off while the unlucky few flew off his body, or Avalanche's heavy fist crashed into their armor, causing them to fly across the ring.

Avalanche alined his body, eyeing the horde.

"Will! Look out!!" Ghost Freak shouts while The silent giant notices, a fist racing toward him.

Avalanche's side floated, dodging the fist that retracted to Zombozo that clicked his tongue.

Undescribable whispers filled Avalanche's head.

'Is this what you deal with?!' GhostFreak questioned within the silent giant head while the horde came for more. "Do your thing!"

Avalanche clenches his fist.

"Give up, kid!!" Zombozo shouted while Avalanche grabbed a leaping Hell knight and threw it into two more. Another Hell Knight rushes Avalanche's blind spot with his sword burning bright. Growing close, GhostFreak arm rushes out Avalanche's spine, grabbing the helmet of the Hell Knight before slamming it onto his back. GhostFreak returns to Avalanche. "You've lost!"

The machine encases of souls burst with a green beacon of light shooting to the skies. The tent ceiling shreds to pieces revealing the eye of the storm. The whispers of souls grew louder while the wind picked up.

Avalanche quickly gazed at the horde that was undamaged.

'This won't end.' Ghostfreak voice echoes Avalanche's head. 'I'm ending this now!' Ghostfreak leaves Avalanche: that only reaches out to her.

Ghostfreak charges Zombozo that only grin.

"You're as desperate as an orphan without a parent!!" In an instant. Zombozo's head expanded twice his body size, and Zombozo's orange eyes slit as he grew sharp teeth.

He gave a screech, causing GhostFreak to recoil onto the ground.

"Take this for accommodation." Zombozo hurls bowling pins at Ghostfreak while Avalanche rushes to her side.

He stood: in front of a petrified Ghostfreak with his arms stretched out towards the bowling pins.

'Must. Protect.' A whisper states while a blind light blinds Avalanche.


Through the eyes of Avalanche, his hand stretched out while the ground in front became a wall of rock.

The wall shakes while the sound of mini gun calibrating makes the chirps of birds deaf.

He looks back to a little girl with grey skin and spikes on her head. Her red eyes stared at Avalanche with disbelief before the silent giant turned to the wall, causing it to drop to the ground.

An Ancient robot covered with overgrowth stood a few feet from them between the thick trees shooting countless beams.

Avalanche stretched his arm out before one of the beams blind-sighted him.


Avalanche guarding Ghostfreaks summons a wall. The bowling pins crash, causing multiple explosions. Avalanche looks back at daze Ghostfreak. His blue glowing: eyes lingered into hers.

"Now. I understand." Ghostfreak said under her breath while the wall crumbled to the ground. "ZOMBOZO!!!" Ghostfreak roared before rushing after him while Avalanche continued facing the Hell knights.

"Second times the charms." Zombozo oozes a cocky aura before releasing the same scare tactic, but GhostFreak doesn't recoil. "WHAT?!!"

Ghostfreak tackles Zombozo against the glass of the machine, encased with souls, and it cracks. She punches Zombozo across the face before he snaps back with the same screech into her face.

Ghostfreak eye disappears before her face opens, showing her crowded sharp teeth and a long tongue slitting out.

She screeched, causing her animalistic shout to echo. A purple light brightened down her throat, showering Zombozo's petrified face.

"RAGH!!!! AAA AAA!!!" He screams while Ghostfreak face closes back, revealing her glaring eye. She draws her fist back before punching Zombozo dead in the nose.

His head draws back, causing the glass to shatter.

Suddenly the machine that collected souls erupts before exploding with a bright light.

The light dims down while the eye of the storm slowly disburses, revealing the night sky.

Avalanche staggered back to the horde of Hell Knights surrounding him before the ground.

They stood, burst with hands of bone grabbing onto their legs or ankles, Flamesburst from the hands, causing the Hell knights to scream.

They flail their swords and arms, trying to keep afloat before getting dragged into the hole of hazing smoke. The ground closed up while Avalanche gazed around daze.

His eyes land on the machine smoking, and Ghost freak float back from it.

"Ugh!" A groan gets his attention. The silent giant gazed at Gwen sitting up while the two noticed the audience doing the same. Gwen's eyes land on the destruction and Ghostfreak before landing on Avalanche's glowing blue eyes staring from afar. Gwen grasps staggered on the ground.

The silent giant approaches Gwen getting the audience to stagger with fear and curiosity.

Avalanche stood above Gwen before slowly taking a knee. Gwen's panting grew while he left out his hand, causing her to flinch.

Something grew out from the palm of his hand, A sunflower.

Gwen's eyes landed on it before she picked it up.

"W-Will?" She whispered while the silent giant only stared.

"Ha ha!!" A few kids laugh, racing down the blenchers their parents called out, but they ignore them.

"You're so cool!!!" A kid with a missing tooth exclaimed as the kids surrounded Gwen and Avalanche.

"Woah." Avalanche looks to his right, seeing a kid with a red cap touching the symbols on his forearm. It only sparkles, causing the kid to smile with glee.

"Is everyone alright?" Ghostfreak states, floating down toward them. The children only hid behind Avalanche.

"Thanks for your help." Gwen sighs before standing to her feet.

"No!!!" A voice of anger shouts. Avalanche stood to his feet while Ghost freak clenched her fists guarding the children and adults. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG!!?" Zombozo roared.

Zombozo was covered with ash and had a broken nose. Climb out from the hole of the machine, crashing to the ground. He stood to his feet with his legs wobbling like noodles.

"IT TOOK TO BUILD THAT?!" Zombozo clenches his nasty teeth before pulling an old-school revolver from his tattered coat pocket. The audiences grasp and scream before hitting the dirt. His orange eyes slit as his finger slowly pulled a trigger.

Stanly appeared bitting into Zombozo's arm, redirecting the gunshot. "Am I a mutt magnet now?!" He growls, pulling his fist back before someone grabs his arm.

He looks back, and a fist knocks Zombozo onto the ground.

"You can take your anger out when you're behind bars." Max frowned his brows before clenching his fist.

Zombozo sits up, holding his mouth before disappearing in the form of confetti.

Max staggered.

Ghostfreaks rush Max putting him in a crushing hug.

"Uh?" Max looks down at Ghostfreak before noticing the eyes looking at him. "Ben?!" Max whispered.

Stanly approaches Gwen and Avalanche before sitting and looking up at Avalanche.

"I like to thank you." Stanly moves his lips, causing Avalanche's mouth to drop. "You save my human. I'm not entirely sure who you are, but I'm eternally grateful."

Gwen cocked her brow at the silent giant with his jaw dropped.

"Uh? What's wrong?" Gwen looks back to Stanly, only barking before gazing back at Avalanche. "And don't make that look. You look creepy." Gwen and the kids step back.


The Rustbucket exit the town while Benita is currently in the passager seat and Will is seated in the booth: drawing something in his book.

"You two did great. Overcoming your fear to protect this town. I call that a hero." Max smirked at Benita before doing that to Will, noticed at the corner of his eye. He nods.

"Yeah! No, need to thank us, We're just doing our jobs." Benita kicks back with a smirk.

"As much I want to admit. You two truly step up." Gwen smirked at Benita and Will standing behind Max.

Benita raised a brow.

"What's happening?" Benita questioned, turning to Gwen. "This is not the Gwen I know."

"Just accept the compliment." Gwen glared before Benita smirked.

"Will." Max gazed up at the head mirror. "Do you feel any better?" Will doesn't answer. "Will?" Gwen and Benita look back.

"Will, are you--" Will's body emits a green glow revealing his veins.

Will twirled his pencil with his glowing green eyes looking down at his unfinished work.

An inch of Avalanche's face was on his gifted notebook.

A window beside it shows the first memory of what Will discovered.

Will looks up at the three as undescribable voices whisper in his head.

"It's all coming together." He gives a warm smirk.

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