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44.04% The Path of RWBY / Chapter 37: Taking over the Dark Lands

Chapter 37: Taking over the Dark Lands

It had been a month since the meeting and in this period many things had happened and one of them was me gifting Menagerie to the faunus and now half of the population in Remnant knew and loved me since this half was all the faunus people while the human half was still digesting the fact that I was basically the ruler of Remnant at this point , some didn't accept but instantly changed their minds and accepted that fact after seeing me restore the moon that had been destroyed with a snap of my fingers. This time Salem wasn't that impressed and when I did it she just chuckled and said "Show off" and just like that we became the absolute rulers of Remnant accepted by everyone. I felt so proud of myself because I basically fixed this world but my mood went a bit down when I remembered I wouldn't be able to enjoy this new world I created because we had to prepare for two major fights , I just hoped that after that we could finally rest and enjoy our creations.

At this point I didn't even use the system that much because of the arc , I mean who would knew this system would be a total waste of a precious wish that could be used on other stuff? I could basically create anything in the shop so it became useless , well at least for me since Salem was using it to it's full potential , buying various things such as skill books and enchanted equipment , even thou I could make it for her she said she wanted to achieve her own stuff to so I just left it to her. I was thinking about all this while sitting in our room drinking coffee from my favorite mug , and it was at this moment that I received a message from Alfred who was the one me and Salem decided to put in the place of king of Vale [Lord we were planning on cleaning the Dark Lands , I request your aid] , this started a thought process in my head 'The source of the grimms in the Dark Lands are the pools , they too are the reason the land is dead there.

Hmm what if I made it...and then move it , but them...wait I have the arc hahahaha this is perfect' I started laughing at the new plan that was forming in my head , but it would require a lot of movement and when I say a lot I mean movement on a continental scale , but with the arc that became child play so I decided to message Alfred back [I will help you guys , hold on for a bit and I will teleport all of you directly there] and I sensed where Salem was and connect with her through my new skill [Telepathy] because I just wanted to max it out , after a bit Salem asked what was the matter since I usually don't just connect like this and use the scroll to call her , `Well I just wanted to connect to you , so we can never be separated fully and will always , always no matter the distance or location have each other to talk` she was silent for a bit before sayin back `I love you Ozma` and this time I could feel her emotions through the mental channel I had just created , this made me smile before I said `I love you too Salem`.

After our little touching moment I told her my new plan and she just said `Well go on , you have the power to do it so go ahead. Just don't cause any severe damage on the surroundings and watch out for the plates as they're very sensitive` I said to her `I know , what I'm about to do will likely cause big changes but I can just stabilize them and freeze them like that to stop any problems that might occur in the future` and she said that was a good idea so I just 'muted' the channel since I didn't want to break it and Salem did the same. After that I teleported myself to Alfred's location and found him directing a what seemed to be a squadron of hunters in preparation for the upcoming battle and when he saw me he was really happy and so were the hunters of the squad 'I guess having a powerful person to lean on does really boost morale' and after greeting him and the hunters I told all of them to stay still and after that I covered all of them with my magic and found that there were about 150 hunters in this squad.

After making sure everyone was inside my cover I teleported all of us to the edge of the Dark Lands , where there was still a bit of life , really small but a reassuring sight for the soldiers since they were on edge ever since they found out they were coming to what was supposedly the land of grimm , even with my presence there was still that pressure in the air. But seeing that little life present they relaxed a bit and seeing no grimm in the surroundings they relaxed even more and this time Alfred said "Prepare a camp since we will be staying here for a bit" but I told him "There is no need since I can just create a portal leading directly to the city so you can all go home at night" they all looked really happy after hearing me since who would like to sleep in the lands of grimm? They could die in a moment of relaxation or even in their sleep if the guy in patrolling died first without warning the rest so my words diffused the pressure in the air and they relaxed but still maintained their guards up just in case.

Seeing they didn't have the need to build a camp we started advancing forward going deeper in the land and after about 3 hours walking we finally found grimm , it was a pack of beowolf but before they could engage I told them to stop and asked Alfred "Alfred can you form a party with them?" and he said "I already did Lord , this squad is composed of my most trusted people and they are my comrades so I created a party with them" I nodded at this and was a bit surprised since even thou he only had an extension of the system he could create his own parties but I didn't think much about it and said to him "Then you can continue , treat this as your grinding session since I'm here to protect you guys. But only count on me for life or death situations and other than that I won't interfere" they all nodded and engaged the pack of beowolfs which had more numbers than the normal pack you would find in the wilds.

The whole day went on like this and the deeper we went the stronger the grimm became , another scary thing was that the number never decreased even thou they had killed more than what I assumed to be more than 300 grimm and this made the realize that the this was indeed worthy of being the former sanctuary of the brother of Darkness. After night came Alfred told the soldiers they could go home and they would continue their takeover the next day so I found a empty space and created a gate with my [Marker] skill that was connected to my kingdom and I made the gate big enough so that all of them could pass through it with no problems and after all of them were gone only me and Alfred remained there and after talking with our wives , I had just found out he had a wife and this made him laugh , we decided to camp there and pass the night. After we had set our camp and I had made a grimm repellant barrier around it we had dinner and were laying there.

"Lord when will you be leaving?" Alfred asked me while continuing to lay on his bean bag "You don't need to call me lord here Alfred , it's just the two of us here and right now we are just two friends camping" and after a sigh he said "Well what an odd place to camp this is" , we laughed and after a it I said "Probably after we have finished all our plans and guaranteed Remnant's peace". The sky this night was clear and we could see the stars since we were still very far from the true dark lands where the sky was red at night , we enjoyed that peace for a bit before Alfred said "I will make the day you depart a commemorative date to the whole world so that you will forever be remembered" and this made me chuckle before I said "I hope when we come back you are still here Alfred my friend" and he chuckled like me before we called in the night and killed the flame , Alfred said "Sleep well my friend Ozma" and this made me smile since it had been a very long time since he called me by my name. After that we continued to look at the starry sky before we took some pictures with our scrolls and continued to look at them until we fell asleep.

LeylinTheFifth LeylinTheFifth

Here is the chap fams , this last scene I didn't plan to do but after rewatching Final Fantasy XV ending I shed some manly tears and decided to just put it in. Tell me if there are any mistakes or things I need to correct in the comments.

Have a good night and reading fams

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