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91.36% I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me? / Chapter 126: Putting a Faker in His Place

Chapter 126: Putting a Faker in His Place

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The teenager looks at the boy walking toward them. The boy is wearing the Captain's uniform issued by Schicksal.

"What did you say, worm?!" the teenager growled at the boy standing in front of him.

Ignoring the teenager, Urien turned his head toward Kyuushou and requested. "Kyuushou, take Fu Hua to the medical bay. I'll take care of this knock-off by myself," he told her while turning his head toward the teenager floating in the air.

"No, Urien! He is —," Just as Fu Hua was about to stop Urien, Kyuushou used a karate chop on the back of her neck, making her faint. From the sound of it, Kyuushou must have put some strength in the chop.

"How about Mei?" She asked him after carrying Fu Hua on her shoulder like a potato sack.

"I'll get her… No, take her too," he replied. Kyuushou knew almost all of his secrets, that's why he didn't even bother to hide some of his secrets. So, he didn't even hide that he was aware of the fact that she knew about his secrets.

Seeing that the duo was ignoring him and talking at each other, the teenager, the clone of the 1st Herrscher, was enraged. "How dare you worms ignore me?!" He uses his power over gravity to increase the gravity around Urien and Kyuushou.

Although the gravity around them increased by 3 folds, Urien and Kyuushou didn't even notice that the teenager was trying to get their attention. The power of the man-child in front of them is like an insult to them who are real Herrschers.

"Kyuushou… get Mei and go to Theresa," Urien told the Savior to save Mei and retreat. He doesn't like the fact that someone is masquerading as the Herrscher of Reason, the first Herrscher to rebel against the Honkai.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Kyuushou saluted him with her free hand and rushed toward the Herrscher wannabe.

Generating her twin daggers out of thin air, she dodged the gravitational push sent out by the clone of Welt. Smirking, she sent out her own gravitational push, making the clone lose his footing and staggered back. She just gloated at the fact that she can use the power of the 1st Herrscher better than him.

A portal, black, and violet in color, appeared in front of her, catching the clone off guard. She ran inside the portal and reappeared behind the clone. She uses Gravitational pull to pull Mei toward her and zap the clone with the power of the 3rd Herrscher, the Herrscher of Thunder.

Floating in the air with the help of the power of the Herrscher of Reason, Kyuushou nodded at Urien and walked inside the new portal that appeared in front of her.

"So… she can use the power of 3 Herrschers," Urien nodded in understanding. With her help, he was able to copy the powers of the first 3 Herrschers.

"How dare she?!" The clone roared in rage after seeing he was beaten by the little girl he had underestimated.

"Well, I guess it is just you and me, faker," Urien grinned and pulled out his katana from the scabbard. Yakeru, that is the name of the katana his father made for him.

Urien walked toward the clone as the teenager in front of him was not worth his efforts. He can just snap and kill the guy but Urien wanted to know why he dared to blow up the building in St. Freya Academy, his niece's academy.

He took out his phone, without minding the clone trying to use his power to make Urien kneel to the ground. After all, gravity does not have any effect on Urien when he is in his Herrscher form.

He always coated himself with Honkai Energy and the gravitational force produced by Honkai Energy has no effect on him as his energy is much denser than the cheap knockoff.

"Hello, Theresa?" Urien called his niece.

"Hello, Urien?! Where are you?! Mei got captured by the 1st Herrscher!" Theresa's voice came from the other side. Urien raised his eyebrow. He noticed that Theresa didn't refer to him as an uncle. And he immediately understood that there were some people near her.

"You mean the 1st Herrscher knockoff," Urien nodded while raising his head to look at the clone who was trying to make him kneel. The clone then sent out many Gravitational pulls and pushes to Urien but he countered those with the opposite. "I must say I am not satisfied with how they did to his intelligence. It is truly lacking. I guess the creator's intelligence must be lacking too," he added.

Urien heard someone spitting out something on the other side of the phone. "So… you can deal with him?" Theresa's smug voice came after that. He immediately caught on to that and he understood what she wanted him to do.

"She must be together with whoever made this clone," Urien thought. "Of course, I can! He's just someone who can do some gravity trick after all. I'm currently trying to get some data from him to know who his creator is," he told Theresa while chuckling. "I am also going to put lots and lots of light bulbs inside their brain to brighten it up and to make sure not to make a defect like this ever again," he added.

That makes the other side cough out more blood. He doesn't know who was coughing out blood but he is sure as hell having fun with it.

"You don't need to take data from him, Urien. I've already got this," Theresa's laugh is uncontrollable. "You can do as you like," she added.

Getting an okay from her, Urien hung up the phone and put it inside his pocket. Although he wanted to kill the cheap knockoff in front of him, he held up from doing that. He had a hunch that he'll meet someone interesting after letting him go with many wounds on the body of the clone.

Looking at the sweating clone, Urien smirks, "What am I going to do with you?" He has many things he wants to try. Like… Can that clone withstand the power of the Herrscher of Binding? Will the clone blow up? Die because of Honkai Energy exhaustion? There are many things he wanted to try on him.

"Well," Urien smirks. "I am feeling generous, so I won't be using any of my Herrscher's powers," he added. He undid his Herrscher transformation and walked toward the clone. Yes, even in his human form, he doesn't need to put much effort to deal with the clone.

The clone only knew how to push, pull, increase the pressure and absorb the pressure given to his body. Typical low intelligence villain stuff. Plus, he has a shield around his body to protect himself. But there is almost nothing Urien can't cut with his beloved katana in his hand.

The clone didn't know why but he was sensing danger coming from the boy in front of him. So, he immediately acted on his instinct. He throws many gravity attacks at the boy but he just dodges at the hairbreadth.

"Why won't you die?!" The clone screamed and floated into the air. His thought is that the boy won't be able to hurt him if he is in the air. And oh boy… he was wrong.

Urien lightly jumped and arrived in front of the clone. And a slash from his katana cut through this shield and amputated his hand. Urien poured his Honkai Energy onto his katana and rotated the energies on the blade, making it something like a saw. That's the reason he was able to cut the shield.

"Argh!!!" the clone screamed. "How?! Even that girl's fist can't do anything to the shield," he screamed. Blood is dripping down from his wound. Tears were forming in his eyes, and even some had fallen down from there.

Urien said nothing but smile. He gently landed on the ground. Seeing no chance of winning, the clone had decided to flee. Yes, he is a coward by nature. He might act arrogant, but he had never faced any dangers. So, the first thing he thought was to run away when he noticed that he was going to lose.

With the help of gravity, he pushed himself away from the boy in front of him and flew inside the forest where he might be able to escape.


Shaking his head, Urien followed the clone from behind. When he caught up with the clone, he saw that the clone was already killed by the man with the glasses.

Seeing him, Urien's eyes went wide. He knew this man. He had seen him inside Theresa's memory. He is the real 1st Herrscher. And the name tag on his shirt… It is the staff badge of St. Freya Academy.

"As expected… letting him go led me to someone interesting," Urien walked out from his hiding.

The man's head snapped toward his direction. But before he could do anything, he coughed out blood from his mouth. The blue-haired girl? beside him rushed toward him to help. But both of them stared at Urien cautiously.

"Hmm… is that the aftereffect of using the Divine Key?" Urien mused.

"Who are you?" It was the blue-haired girl who asked calmly.

"Me? My name is Urien Gregorios. It is a pleasure to meet you, the 1st Herrscher. I've admired you for a while now," he introduced himself and let the other party know that he knew the man's identity.

The blue-haired girl's eyes widened after hearing his name. Urien chuckled after seeing her expression. As he thought… The girl must be one of the people who was with Theresa.

"So… Mister Urien," the blue-haired girl started while helping the man stand. "What pleasure do we owe you?" She stared straight into Urien's eye.

"Looking at your expression and your intelligence, I am guessing that you are not the one who created this knockoff," Urien smirks.

To his smirk, the girl also returned one. "Indeed. I am not the one who created the clone," she admitted.

Urien then ignored her and looked at the man. He is a middle-aged man with short brown hair. Exactly like how he saw inside Theresa's memory.

"The 1st Herrscher…," Urien started. "You are injured," he continued while looking at the man, searching for other injuries.

"Indeed," with no use lying since the boy had already seen them, the Sovereign nodded.

Urien nodded and was lost in thought. He is thinking about the pros and cons of his soon-to-be action. After a while, as he reached his conclusion, he looked at the Sovereign and offered help. "Let me heal you," he said.

The two people in front of him looked at him with gobsmacked expressions. Just before the Sovereign was about to refuse, the blue-haired girl asked first, "Can you really?"

Urien nodded his head. He can indeed heal internal injuries. "Einstein!" the Sovereign tried to protest. "But you *need* to stay alive, Welt. And don't be foolish enough to refuse the help you are getting even if he can heal you or not," Einstein scolded him.

Urien looked at the two of them with an amused expression. It is quite a sight to see a grown-up man being scolded by a teenage girl.

"Well, let's start, shall we?" Urien said, gaining the attention of the two. With Honkai Energy rising from him, he turned into a Herrscher form.

"A Herrscher!" The two of them looked alarmed.

"Now, let me touch you. Anywhere is fine," Urien held out his hand.

Although the two in front of him are cautious, Welt gives him his hand while the other hand is preparing the Divine Key in case things went south.

"Let's start," Black smoke started to appear around Urien's hand. He is using the Herrscher of Death's power, Regeneration/Restoration, and Matter Recreation to the atomic level. As he sometimes helped Mobius in his previous life, he knew basic human anatomy. With that, he restored and recreated some body parts of the 1st Herrscher.

After a while, Urien released his hand, making the 1st Herrscher gasp for breath. Einstein is helping Welt and didn't do anything rash. She… is someone who can keep her head cool if necessary.

"You should be fine now," Urien told the Sovereign.

"Thank you," the man nodded. He felt better… it was as if all of those injuries were taken away from him.

"No problem," Urien smirks. "Take it as my thank you gift for protecting humanity from the 2nd Herrscher," he added.

The 1st Herrscher blinked. Didn't know how the boy in front of him knew about it. After all, Schicksal had erased all the records about him participating in the war.

Looking at the man's confused expression, Urien put up the illusion using the Herrscher of Sentience's power.

"I am Welt of Humanity!" A man's voice rang out in the surrounding area. Seeing the sight, the almighty 1st Herrscher covered his face with his hands.

"And I stand against you, Dark Queen, as a warrior guardian of the human race! Law and reason, not the chaos of the void shall prevail today!" The man announced while creating many weapons.

Looking at the illusion, Einstein smirks. She got one juicy tale to tease Welt. And as for the man in question, he is still covering his face in shame. He thought nobody was there when he said that at that time.

"Those two lines… those two lines made me respect you, Mister Welt," Urien told them. Yes, he indeed admired and respected the 1st Herrscher. The Herrscher who stood beside humanity… he would laugh at the thought if he heard that in his previous life.

"I see…," the 1st Herrscher nodded his head. "Thank you for healing me, Mister Urien," he added.

"I thought you are the Herrscher of Death when I saw you healing Welt," Einstein stated. "But after seeing the illusion, I have to put away that thought," she paused a little. "You are no normal Herrscher, aren't you?" she questioned.

Urien shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows?" he replied with a smirk. "Anyway, I hope you don't tell anybody about me… well, aside from those who you truly trust, of course. Wait… don't tell about me to the one who created the clones," Urien stated.

"I can do that," Einstein nodded.

"Well, student… I think you should go back to your dorm now," Welt told Urien as he stood up.

Looking at the rising sun, Urien's eyes widened. He really needs to go back now. He has classes tomorrow.

"Oh, crap! I will be going now," looking at the watch, Urien quickly runs back to his dorm to have some sleep.


Author's Note;

*Zimrence looking at the number of chapters of Honkai Arc*

Damn… It's already 35 chapters, and it is still ⅓ of the arc… I promised the other readers that I would be wrapping up the Honkai arc in 40 chapters. Well… I am very sorry! I still need to write another ⅔ of it, so it might take longer than 60 chapters! I am very very sorry!

Now, let's talk about the 1st Herrscher's power. Yeah, yeah, put down your pitchforks. I know the gravity manipulation ability is the power of the Herrscher of Star/Earth. But in GGZ, Welter can manipulate gravity. And miHoYo being a lazy arse, they didn't fix that in the AE Invasion manga. And me being a lazy arse, also refused to fix it. So, I am adding the ability to manipulate gravity as one of the 1st Herrscher's powers. For those who don't know, in GGZ, the 1st Herrscher can devour Honkai Energy.

Zimrence Zimrence

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