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90.64% I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me? / Chapter 125: Let Me Show You the Ropes

Chapter 125: Let Me Show You the Ropes

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Just like that, two months have passed and it is September now. Nothing happened during the months aside from Fu Hua sleeping with me almost every day and kissing me on the lips whenever she thought I was sleeping.

But… what to do? I have Mei and I still haven't got over the fact that I just lost my child. Even if the baby wasn't born, it still felt bad. Just try losing a child if you don't know my sufferings.

"Master, you are monologuing again," Luna notified me as she placed a cup of tea on the table.

And that's the thing. Luna always knew whenever I was monologuing in my mind. Is she secretly a mind reader?

"I am not the mind reader, Master," Luna sighed and walked away. Yeah… totally not suspicious at all.

Bronya's birthday was last month and as a good friend of hers, I gave her a limited HOMU doll to please her. And from the look she was giving the doll, I suppose she loved my gift.

The school reopened after the Summer holiday and I am proud to say that I have done all of my homework. I mean, the subjects are related to theories and I am really good at it. The teachers told us that they will be giving us a small-sized battleship and permission to create a team to lead.

Yes, the school is allowing the students who haven't even graduated yet to lead their own team into the battle. I wonder how high Theresa was on bitter melon juices when she decided that adding such a rule was a good thing.

But well, the difference in the number of Captains and the Valkyries is very large. Like… there's only Captain in every 7 or so Valkyries. There aren't many people who can withstand Honkai Energy. Those who can command troops are even less. That's why there is a Captain course in St. Freya academy but even the academy can only do so little.

The Captains will be given a team of Valkyries to lead when they are in their 3rd year. They aren't part of the team, mind you. They are there just to guide them in their missions. But the Captains can form their own teams if they have Valkyries who are willing to join them.

"Master," I heard Luna's voice coming from beside me.

"Yes?" I turned to look at her. Even after a year, she hasn't changed a thing. Still the same clothes and still the same height and body structure. It was like she hadn't aged a day since I met her.

Even now, I still wonder why she decided to follow me although I don't have any money to give her as salary. And a maid of her caliber must be so popular that there might be a pile of letters of invitation. The reason why she chose me over those many people is not something I can understand.

"Miss Kyuushou asked me to tell you something, Master," Luna said, making me raise my eyebrow. Kyuushou? It must be something bizarre then.

"Sure, go ahead, Luna," I replied.

Luna pulled out a phone from her pocket and opened the recorder. "This was what she said, Master," Luna sighed and played the recorder.

From there, the voice of Kyuushou played out. "Please make me your teammate! Please?! Please?! Please?!"

I sighed and dragged my hand down from my face. Typical Kyuushou. Although she might be strong…

"I am strong!" came her voice from the recorder. Did she just…

"Of course! A Savior like me can totally see the future!" and her voice came. Yeah… I am believing that shit she pulled up, a joke or not.

Now that I have my first teammate, I should find another…

"You don't need to find another teammate beside me for now," came the Savior's voice from the phone. I looked at Luna asking if this really was the recording. I groaned after seeing a nod from her.

As if she knew I was thinking she would be enough for my team, another recording played out, sending me chills up my spine. "Don't worry," she started. "I'm the strongest," came the distorted voice of hers. The voice is not her usual bubbly and hyperactive one but it was the one filled with conviction and confirmation. The voice, although it was distorted, I somehow knew it was hers.

I can't help but sigh at her determination. She really wants to be in my team and just the two of us… As I thought, she was hiding something. There was a saying, "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer." Although I don't know if she is my enemy, I'll just keep her close to me lest she causes more trouble.

"Great! I will be looking forward to it!" Another part of the recording came and it ended there.

I looked at Luna and sighed. She was even looking at the phone in her hand with astonishment. Guess even a perfect maid like her won't be able to keep up with Kyuushou.

*Ring!* *Ring!*

Looking at my phone, it was Bianka who was calling me. It had become a routine where she always called me during the night to check up on me if I am doing well.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Oh, Urien!" came the voice of Bianka from the other side. Judging from the background noise, it seems like she is inside some kind of vehicle.

"Yes, yes, Urien here," I replied in a joking manner. It's always refreshing to talk with her.

"I heard you will be getting a team! Congratulations!" She congratulated me.

"Well… I will be making one myself. There is a Valkyrie who will be joining," I replied, making her laugh.

"I am happy for you, Urien!" she told me with a genuine happiness tone in her voice.

"Thank you, Bianka," I nodded. "So? How was your mission?" I asked and I regretted it later. She started ranting about how the carelessness of the country took the lives of many citizens.

"There… there… Take it easy, Bianka. You'll get old early if you have too much stress," I tried to calm her down. It became our daily routine where I listened to her troubles, which are mostly related to the higher-ups of the countries, and sometimes gave advice on how to deal with them.

"Oh… it's already this late. I will be going now. Thank you for listening to my ranting, Urien! Sorry!" After that, she hung up the phone. Well… I should also sleep.


A week passed and I and Kyuushou were standing on the Honkai Beast-infested land. The two of us got a mission to deal with the Honkai Beasts coming out of nowhere and attacking the city.

With Yakeru in my hand, I rushed toward the beasts and Kyuushou followed behind me with twin daggers in her hand.

It didn't take long for us to eliminate the Honkai Beasts. After confirming with the locals and searching for any remaining Honkai Beasts, we left the city with our small-sized battleship. It can fit 8 people easily. Of course, we used AI to run the battleship, so it is just the two of us on the ship.

Looking through the mission log, I noticed that HQ sent us another mission to do. Well, another day for us to work to our bones. But, going to the location might take us at least 3 hours, so we can have some rest.

Kyuushou… after doing missions together with her for a week, I can say that she is strong. And I got a hunch that she is not using all of her skills. I mean, her twin daggers can somehow transform into claymore and sometimes heavy artillery. I have seen those forms because she showed me but I haven't seen her use those during actual combat.

*Ring!* *Ring!*

A comm device rang and Theresa's face appeared on the screen. Just as I was about to greet her, the look on her face stopped me from doing so.

"Urien, we have a problem!" She started. "I've lost contact with Himeko and the girls 5 minutes ago!" Theresa continued.

"What?! Send me their location!" I immediately opened the location she sent me. "Crap! It will take over 2 hours for us to get there!" I couldn't help but curse out.

"I am already on Hyperion. I'll arrive at their location in 15 minutes," Theresa answered for me. I can at least sigh in relief when I heard that.

"Wait… I got their signal. I'll call you later, Urien. Don't worry about them and continue with your mission," Theresa requested. Well, since there's nothing I can do about it, I should at least finish my mission and greet them back at St. Freya.

This new mission we got is a tricky one. They want us to deal with a town filled with Honkai Beasts. Isn't this supposed to be an A-rank mission? Why are we given this? We are just a C-rank team with a B-rank Captain and a B-rank Valkyrie. Well, I should finish this quickly and return back.

It didn't take long for the two of us to nuke the whole town. Since HQ had already told us that there's no humans in the town, it will be their fault if we accidentally kill the humans. Well, sacrifices are necessary after all. I'll throw the staff from HQ under the bus when I get into trouble.

With no more missions coming from HQ, Kyuushou and I just joked at each other and prepared to go back to St. Freya.


It took over 1 hour to get back to St. Freya and it was already night. Together with Kyuushou, the two of us walked toward the dorm of Kiana and co.


Just when we were about to reach the dorm, the sound of the building exploding resounded throughout the surroundings. Seeing the dorm getting blown off, I kept staring at it like a dumb duck. I mean, who would be such an idiot to cause trouble in the school. Well, except Kiana of course.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I rushed toward there as soon as I could. There, I saw a teenage male floating in the air with an unconscious Mei beside him. Fu Hua is on the ground with just a shirt as her clothes.

"Know this, little Valk," the teenager started. "I'm the 1st Herrscher. There's no way you can beat me," he continued.

My eyes widened at his proclaim. Oh no, you don't! Don't you dare try to slender someone I had come to admire!

I walked toward them with a stride. "A Herrscher? How come a cheap knockoff dared to proclaim himself as a Herrscher?!" I glared at him with Honkai Energy rising from my body. It's time to teach him how a real Herrscher does their job.


Author's Note;

Yeah... I totally made up the Valkyries and Captains ratio. This has become an AU, yay!

This chapter is not a proper chapter. It is more like a summary of things that happened between Urien's birthday and his fight with a Herrscher wannabe.

Zimrence Zimrence

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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