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60% I’ve been reincarnated as a golem. / Chapter 9: Iron (armored dirt) man

Chapter 9: Iron (armored dirt) man

I make my way to the second floor armory and am immediately taken aback by how large it is.

The walls are lined with gem stone like swords and armor, magic guns, and... eggs?

"Oh I see your eyeing that summoning stone"

Before I can reply I turn around and....

Holy sh*t...

A muscular tan woman with brownish red hair in a pony tail a few inches shorter than me looks directly into my eyes clearly waiting for a response.

( she's an 8 according to my own preference btw)

"Oh no I was just looking around and got surprised when I saw these eggs"

" They're not just eggs.... you can use them to summon magical entities as servants"

" How useful can they be in a fight?"

" Oh... your one those types of guy huh?"

" Well these magical spirits come in every shape and size imaginable... with all sorts of powers so it depends on what your looking for or how much cash your willing to spend"

" What's the cheapest summoning stone available for purchase here"

" That would be that black lumpy mana stone right over there"

She points to a baseball sized shiny... lump of coal?

" How much?"

" 1 silver "

" How useful can that summon possibly be?"

" Oh well to be honest I've no clue"

" What?"

" It's rank is D- rank but we've tried to see what element it is, what gender the summon would be, physical/ actual age... probable stats etc..."

" But the only thing we know is that it's a summoning stone and it's rank... how to use it is still unknown"

" You said it's only one silver right "

" Yeah... but who in their right mind would buy a shiny rock.. I mean se....."

" I'll take it"

" Excuse me sir??"

" I said I'll take it... I want it"

" Why.... an S+ ranked piece of sh*t is still just..."

" I think it looks nice"

" What... buts it's black and misshapen"

That's true.. however that's just it's physical appearance. I have mana sense so I can see tha magical power of things. All items here have a certain color and brightness to its glow. The building we're in and even the people. But this rock... it's blank?

Actually it's looks... cold.. almost like a single touch would result in death. In the end it doesn't matter how strong this summon would be, I really just want this before someone else gets curious about it just like me and gets it first.

I need to make an excuse... it seems like she really doesn't want me to buy it, as to why I don't know... what if?

" Miss is there, by any chance, someone who already has a claim on it?"

" Uhh that's..."

" If not, what's the problem?"

" I don't want you coming back and asking for a refund..."

She points to a sign near the entrance which clearly states..



" I said I want it... even after you told me it was useless did I revoke my previous claim?"

I unleash some of my aura... even if I were to use my full power it wouldn't even phase her... she looks really strong. And I'm afraid that if I did she would mistake it for an act of aggression. So this much should at least be noticeable.

" Uhh no, you didn't. Alright then, just hand over one silver and take it."

"I pull one silver out of my spatial storage and give it to her.

I then walk over to the stone and place it in my storage.

I'll ask the system about it later.

Now on to what I actually came here to do.

My stone sword might be powerful but it's still just a sword shaped rock. The cheapest swords here are all around 6 silvers. I guess regular non magical weapons don't work that well against monster higher than F+ rank.

I can't afford anything so I'll have to look for an alternate way to get a better weapon.

Now on to the armor....

I look around and find a full plate armor set for 4 silver.

It's not enhanced in any way...

I like this.

It has a sharp, angular, bucket helmet. And a large chain mail cloak which the arms stick out of. The chain mail has some sharp spiky metal plates spread evenly around it.

Must be to help it simulate cloth when you move around.

I walk over to what I assume is a cashier which is a muscular old man a little over half my size with a scar over his right eye.

" Hello sir, I'd like to buy that armor set right over there "

I point to it and he doesn't even react.

" auhh sir??"

" Stop bothering me you piece of sh*t"

Oh... it's a racist... of course he is.

" Uhh sir I have the money if that's wha..."

" Didn't you hear me?! I said scram. I'm not serving you. That armor might be cheap but it took me a few hours to make. If I hand it over to a dirt golem, it'll get destroyed right along side you in a couple days... Maybe even today!"

Oh... He just didn't want to waste the gear on a lowly dirt golem such as myself.... which is understandable

" Sir selling me that gear wouldn't be a waste"

" What are you talking about?!"

" I'm a D+ rank"

he looks at me with wide eyes and a blank stare...

" Bullshit let me see your tag!"

Oh crap.... I really should have thought this through... goddamn I'm dumb.

"I don't have it on me"

" listen pal... I'm not selling any of my work to you... especially not a lying piece of crap such as yourself"

Well... now I have to make a better weapon and some armor myself... I'm going to get absolutely destroyed in my first fight.

I turn to walk away and head out of the guild hall.

I need to enhance my weapon and make some magical armor to raise my stats... how the heck am I supposed to do that?!?!

[[\ in case host doesn't remember you have both your regular crafting skill as well as magikraft both at lvl 18 /]]

Oh yeah.

I leave the city through my usual entrance/ exit.( the northern side)and stop at a random area in the nearby forest.

I have a crap ton of mana stones I collected from all those goblins and that giant I fought.

I grab the purple mana stone I got from the giant and decide to infuse it into my blade.

It's placed right above the hilt at the base of its blade which causes a rush of energy to flow through me and causes my sword to change shape.

Now it's hilt is a little thinner and longer, it's rounded around the stone like a sharp disc and the higher up the blade you go the thinner it gets. It's tip is also flat but just as sharp as the rest of it.

The hell is going on?

[[\ host has successfully crafted a D rank magical item. Would host like to name it?/]]

Uhh... giant.. slayer?

[[\ is host sure?/]]


— Giant slayer

- all earth magic and earth element skills have a 15% boost to all functionality.

Oh my god this is great... I wasn't expecting this but now I have a weapon that can help me hold my own against a D+ rank. That's the highest rank of adventurer that I'm allowed to fight in the challenge ring.

Now for armor....

I go back to the city and enter a blacksmith shop.

" how can I help mr. golem?"

A blond girl that reaches the top of my chest asks me with droopy eyes.

"Uhhh. I was just wondering if I could buy some iron from you... enough to make some armor??"

" But of course"

She tells me the raw material would cost 2 silvers. I pay up and place the lumps of iron into my storage and walk out of the store.

The girl waves to me as I leave.

Wonder what was up with her?

I go back to the same spot I crafted my sword.

And use my crafting skills to shape the iron into some armor.

I'm not a petty person... but I don't believe in letting bygones be bygones either.

In the end.. the armor looked almost exactly like the one I wanted to buy earlier today.

I had placed the processed mana stone I got from all the low lvl goblins evenly around the armor to help magical power flow through it easier. I also used my mana to enhance the gear to its absolute maximum.

I wasn't expecting much from this.... at all actually. But my new status window begged to differ...


Yeah... I'll take them all on.

Every last challenger....

I'm making mad stacks today.

I then begin walking back to the guild hall.

Wherever I go I get stares from people and wry looks.

I forgot to mention...

( which seems like a common occurrence)

That I'm very tall.... the armor I based this on was human sized..... its design didn't look that cool or even remotely scary...

But..... it does now.

If you saw a huge armored being almost 3 times your size stride around at a constant steadfast speed. Good guy or not you'll get weak kneed.

I go back to the adventurers guild and, after much delay, make my way to the challenge ring.

Everybody looks at me.

They must think I'm a monster that made its way paste the city guard.

I walk over to the stairs and go up them.

" Hey you!!"

I turn around to see a red headed, flat chested girl, with a giant ... flat slab of steel for a sword??

That things almost as big as her!!

" What is it miss?"

I've never seen someone as big as you with that style around here before.. identify yourself now!"

" I pull out my I'd and show it to her"

She chuckles.

" So your that pompous dirt golem people are talking about huh?"

" Pompous??"

" You try to pretty yourself up with gear thinking that'll make you anything more than a dirt golem"

"News flash pal, you could be as big as a mountain and you'd still be a one shot kill"

" That's not even remotely tr...."

"Anyways... what do you think your doing here"

" I'm going to the challenge ring"

" Haha"

" And doing what?"

" Betting on myself"

" How much??"

" 4 silvers "

" Pathetic"

" Yeah well I'll be leaving with gold "

" In your dreams sh*t golem"

" What's you rank miss"

" D+ plus, you trash"


I didn't yell... I just raised my voice.

" What did you say to me?!?!"

" Fight me first.... then sh*t talk me all you dare to... before that, SHUT UP"

She stares at me with the same face you make when you see someone eating glue.

I proceed to walk past her and make my way over to the receptionist in charge of the fights.

Yeah D+ rank huh... this'll be almost too easy.

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