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Chapter 35: Three Places at Once

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not posting last weekend, but I was taking the weekend off. It was my first free weekend without work, so I mostly relaxed all day long and tried not to stress too much.

Another thing. Should I change how I upload? Like shorter chapters more frequently or stick to the 2500-3000 word chapters twice a week? Shorter chapters won't take as long to write, so I can do them more often but probably not daily. Leave a comment, I'd love to know.


"Please go out with me!" A firey blonde-haired young man yelled as soon as Shizue and I walked in through the door.

"Sorry but I'm spoken for," Shizue says as she wraps her arms around my left arm.

I look down at her before smirking and looking at the now devastated young man. I decide to throw some more imaginary arrows into his heart.

"Shizu-chan. is this guy bothering you? I'll send him away!" I say in an obviously 'lovey dovey' voice.


"Sorry about my comrade. He doesn't seem to know when to quit." Said a young and mildly charismatic young man as he held his comrade's head under his arm.

"It's fine. I don't mind that much." Shizue said with a smirk while darting her eyes towards me.

We had arrived at the adventurer's guild and we were assaulted by party requests and offers from at least a dozen adventuring teams. Despite the fact that Shizue gave up her A+ Rank and had to start as copper plate again, this doesn't mean that Shizue's reputation for being powerful was any less tarnished. Many party's wanted her to help carry their team to higher ranks and for prestige. Some lusted after Shizue's body since she was definitely as beautiful as Narberal Gamma, so she would be looked at with lust like Nabe was in the original.

I picked the same canon Swords of Darkness to party up with. Mostly due to Ninya being there. Sebas should encounter Tuare in a week or so, so I figure I can reunite the sisters and give my most loyal butler a small sister harem.

It's definitely not because the author couldn't organically force the interaction between the parties.

Definitely not.

Anyways, we were talking on the second floor of the guildhall within earshot of a few nosy adventurers who thought they were being sneaky. We had discussed roaming the roads of E-Rantel and slaying any monsters we find and exchanging proof of their kill to the guild for money.

Apparently, this was a very fast way of earning pocket change for the week and what most adventurers did whenever there weren't any big or worthwhile quests on the board. Shizue even confessed that most people from the northern guild used this method for 'power-ranking' before Yuuki's reforms. All they would have to do is bring in proof of slaying a significant number of body parts from monsters of a higher rank and they would be approved for promotion.

Obviously, this led to people paying others to hunt for them and collecting the rewards, which is why the Northern Guild requires tests and exams to rank up now, rather than just 'proof'. Say what you will about that chaos-loving madman, but Yuuki not being good at his job isn't one of them.

"Alright. We have a deal then!" I say as everyone wraps up their introductions and we head downstairs to head off.

"Excuse me!"

I turn around and grin behind my mask. In front of me is the man with the hentai protagonist's haircut- I mean, the top potion maker in all of the city. Nfirea Bareare.

"Yes, young one?" Shizue asks.

Nfirea blushes a bit at Shizue's looks before shaking his head. "I'd like to request you for a personal quest." He states.

"Hmm... Well, it will have to wait. We already accepted the request of these gentlemen here" I say, motioning to the Swords of Darkness.

Everyone in the building is shocked. Peter, Swords of Darkness' leader even opens his mouth to object, but I cut him off.

"I know what your about to say, but completing the quest that we have accepted first is common courtesy is it not?" I say to which Shizue nods before looking back at Nfirea.

"I am honored by your request, however, Momon is correct. Perhaps though, we can find a compromise. If your request is something we can do on the way, then perhaps we can do both?" She says, looking at me.

I can hear various whispers throughout the crowd. Nfirea looks pleased. I think... It's hard to judge with his hair covering his eyes and his practiced smile. I sigh before shaking my head. It's going to be a long day...


At my other body, I am currently sitting in my bedroom back at the Waterfall Palace. In front of me is a game-like screen similar to a system from manga or web novels. I am currently playing around with it. Changing rules and creating new species for fun.

Of course, this system is controlling the World System. I've made it a hobby of mine to tweak the world as I want ever since Akasha took control. I've already separated Goblins from the Ogre evolution line and gave them a higher Evolutionary stage called Goblin Champion, which is my equivalent to a Human Sage. I also created the 'Lord' Race as one of the parallels to the Kijin. Lords will be mostly magically talented monsters, like Shuna, while Kijin will be physically talented monsters like Shion. Lords also have magic stones at various points on their bodies similar to the ones from Re-Monster, which was the inspiration for this race.

I may or may not have also removed the skill loss and sexlessness of Ultimate Existances but I won't talk about that too much. Let's just say, its good to be Omnipotent sometimes.

I am knocked out of my fun by Albedo approaching me. She doesn't dare look me in the eye anymore and looks like she is defeated. Her head is hung low and she walks with quiet and soft steps, like a child who is approaching their parents to be scolded.

"R-rimuru-sama. I have come to answer your call..." She says with hesitation.

"Good. I heard you tried killing yourself again? Cut off your own head somehow?"

"Y-yes, Rimuru-sama..." Albedo held her head down in shame.

I sighed heavily. All of my subordinates had their souls backed up inside of [Samsara] and my top Subordinates all have [Ultraspeed Regeneration] or [Regeneration EX], so it is impossible for them to be killed unless I allow it.

"Albedo. I understand your pain, well perhaps I don't understand it, but I understand the reason for your actions and what lead you down this path. I have watched you suffer for too long. It ends now. Your punishment will be to subjugate the Ice Dragons and Ice Giants of the Azalezian mountains by yourself and without any support.

You are barred from using your Unique Skill to subjugate them and are not to return until it is done. This will be a long-term mission lasting several weeks, and since you are barred from returning or seeking aide, you know what that means right?"

"Y-yes," Albedo says with a complicated look of fear, desperation, hope, and dread.

As a succubus, especially one who has experienced sex with me and my [Divine Bodily Fluids], her being away from me and being abstinent for a long time is like purposefully keeping an addict away from their addiction. This will make Albedo suffer greatly, but won't actually hurt her, so I won't have to feel too bad and she will have the burden of being punished lifted off her shoulders.

I won't lie. I really didn't want to have to do this, since, in another life, I would praise Albedo for her loyalty and cunning in procuring Olga for me. For a brief moment, mind control sex really tingled my sadist side, but I know that once the moment was over, I would never forgive myself.

I stood from my desk chair and walked over to Albedo before embracing her. "Come back quickly alright?" I say to which she sobs quietly to herself and hugs me back with a nod.


While two of my bodies are doing other things, my third body, one of only four I am occupying right now, is watching over a growing alliance of nations in the Central Region. The Holy Church of Ruberios is leading the training of several hundred troops and I can see messengers from the nations of the Northern City State Alliance travelling around the Jura forest to the Southern Region to ask assistance from the armies of Estonia.

I had Akatsuki and Shiroe plan out everything. We have tapped all magical communications, brainwashed all the Generals and a number of Lords, and I even embedded magical mental conditioning into the Templars from Hinata's group. When Hinata is inevitably ordered to fight me by Luminus or her Celestial Sages during the war in a few months, I will have the perfect casus belli for my invasions.

I know that Guy Crimson won't sit idly by once my invasions kick into overdrive, since he wants to 'balance' the world by pitting the Demon Lords and monsters against the humans for all time, but really, I don't care. When they attack me, they will forfeit their lands.

I smile as Footman approaches me. We are both hovering high in the sky and outside of the range of the mages below us. He 'kneels' in the sky and greets me.

"Hohohoho! It's always a pleasure being in your presence once again Rimuru-sama!"

"Footman. It's good to see you. How goes the mission I gave you?"

"My lord it is going exactly as you have planned! Hohohoho! Naturally, I have gathered everything!"


I have had Footman gathering evidence that Yuuki is working with the former Demon Lord Karazeam who is in the body of Kagali, his secretary. I want to pin the entire war on him when it happens by revealing this information, though there is also something else I want from him.

"Have you found her?"

"Of course, Rimuru-sama! Mrs Mariabell Rosso was an easy one to locate, though due to a certain man's constant monitoring of her, it will be impossible to assassinate her."

"Her Grandfather is someone with an Ultimate Skill that controls life and death. Killing her wouldn't have ever been an option anyway. How has Yuuki been dealing with her?"

"My lord, Sir Yuuki and Lord Karazeam plan to take her Unique Skill by some unknown method and take her body for experimentation."

"I know that everyone in your Moderate Harlequin Alliance is undead of some kind, so it is possible they want to turn her into an undead puppet for Clayman. She is pretty powerful in life, so the added strength of undeath will probably be a good boon for her."

"As expected of Lord Rimuru! There is one more thing to report, however."


"Sir Yuuki has been contacted by someone strange."

"Oh? Who would that be?"

"Her name is Noint. Apparently, she is using a skill called [Manas: Ehit] to contact Sir Yuuki."

I raise my eyebrow at this revelation. I thought that [Athena] told me Ehit died and it should have told me that his consciousness survived as a [Manas]. I briefly begin to think that it has something to do with being kept in the dark again by my ow skills, but Akasha inturupts my train of thought.

[Master. Before I became a [Manas] then evolved into a [Codex], I didn't consider a [Manas] of a person's consciousness to be 'alive'. Plus all [Manas] have the intrinsic ability of [Voice of the World Concealment] so there was no quick way to know this. [Athena] relies upon information gleaned from the world system of this world for all information regarding this multiverse.]

'So even though [Athena] was also almost omniscient like you, because it failed to categorize a [Manas] as 'alive' it didn't mention it?'


'And you didn't mention it either because...'

[You never asked. I would have told you when Noint started making her move though]

'Isn't she making her move now?'

[Yes, but you would have received the information anyway and it was a rather low priority due to the fact that Ehit won't receive a body to inhabit like Karazeam for a while.]

'I see. I'll let it go this time then.' I thought turning my head back to Footman.

"Noted. This is very important information. Was there anything else?"

"Tear has become suspicious of my movements of late. I believe it won't be long before I am discovered."

"Alright. Take this" I say throwing him a red magic crystal. "If you crush it, then it will teleport you to me if you are ever in danger."

"Oh Great Rimuru! I am truly humbled by your kindness!" Footman says with another dramatic performance.

'I get that their whole thing s that they are circuits clowns and performers, but give me a break man...' I think before looking below again.

Things are picking up. In three days the undead incident in E-Rantel. In one week, the Estonia invasion. In one month, the annual war of the Re-Estize Kingdom and the invasion of Jura by the Central States and Holy Alliance.

So much to do. If only I could be in three places at once.

Oh wait...

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Hey guys. The next chapter is here. Thought I would give you a new one when I had time. It's a little bit of a shorter chapter but hopefully, It will appease your appetites!

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