~Year 983
The High King of Vallarta overlooks the other six great houses and appoints a new Prime Minister from an entirely new house, the House of Sundin,
With only six left out of the seven great houses after the decimation of the House of Magaine, a new house rises to power with the emergence of the new Prime Minister.
The House of Sundin becomes the seventh of the seven great houses, restoring the balance of power in the royal court.
- The Royal Archives, History of Vallarta.
"The responsibility, duties, the legacy of the Ardens, loyalty to the High King... Ardenurve and all things of that nature, you do not have to face any of it." Kye continued, Myrina blinked in surprise at Kye's words.
"What exactly are you implying Kye?" Myrina asked befuddled.
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