(A/N: This is just a side project since I'm trying to make a That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime fanfic so don't expect me to update to much though I'll try to update every week, but no promises.)
'I died... I know I did, but I can't remember how and now I'm floating around in this gods forsaken void.' This is what I thought before an incredibly bright light that seemed to even outshine the sun came and began descending towards me while shrinking and dimming until it was in front of me.
"This place isn't quite forsaken yet. So tell me what you are doing in the void mortal?" Asked the light.
'I don't know, I know I died then I am here. What is there to tell. I have a better question what or who are you?' I replied while attempting to look at the bundle of light.
"Well I'm a god. And my name is not important. But you are, you could.... maybe..... yes." Said the god. "How would you like to reincarnate into a world of your choosing with 5 wishes?"
After the god asked that my brain stopped working for what felt like eternity. I mean you can't just expect him to shrug such a big question like that. I have read of such things from fanfics and the like. I honestly don't know why the light even asked me when it knows I'm going to say yes. 'Yes however I need time to think about my wishes if that's fine with you.'
"Course I got nothing but time." Said the god.
'Alright I want to be reincarnated into TVD/TO/Legacies series. For my first wish I wish to be born as a siphoner with my own magic in the Mikaelson family. For my second wish I wish to be born with black hair and gold eyes. Third wish is that my magic is constantly increasing as soon as I'm born. Fourth wish is that my magic strengthens my body passively. Fifth wish is to be a genius(what I mean is that Raziel will be able to edit, enhance, and even change spells like Esther's spell to make vampires, be able to learn things at an insane speed).' I said.
"Granted, however you will only the forth wish after you become a vampire. And as a gift I'll give you the power to see yours and others status, and also you'll only awake your memories at three. Now off you go." After the light said that I was enveloped in a light and shot off into a direction.
"Finally some entertainment."
3 Years later...
Raziel was currently asleep in their families home. While he was asleep he suddenly awoke with a start. 'So I was truly reincarnated as a Mikaelson and as a siphoner. I'm also a few months older than Rebekah being born in October, nine months before Rebekah as she was born in June 11th (or so says the wiki). I am beings taught a little bit about magic from Mother (Esther) and Ayana.'
'Well suppose I should learn all I can about magic from them because I have until I'm about 17.' Raziel thought.
With that though Raziel went to sleep.
(A/N: Should I put what skills Raziel will have and his level of attainment in magic?)
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