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Chapter 16: The Game 8

"Where are we going?" Luci★Fer asked while looking at the map in my hands. Nishikienrai was also confused, they had thought we would have hit the nearest guild with a world item, after all, some guilds did have 1 or 2 world items among them.

"Let's first get information on all of the world's items. This is a map to one of the world items that didn't originate from the leaves YGGDRASIL." I said calmly, stunning the two who looked at the map in my hands.

Many known world items came from the leaves of YGGDRASIL, there were about 200 such world items, but there were others that came from other means.

"The Well of Wisdom? the same one Odin used to get knowledge? On that note, is there Odin in the game?" Nishikienrai asked to which I shrugged.

"Maybe he would appear if we conquered Asgard or something, but how would his character play out? From what I know, he has a spear that always lands lethal hits... is that a world item?" I asked, making the two think for some time.

"Maybe... what about people like Loki and Thor?" Nishikienrai said softly, I sighed softly before looking up ahead at the dungeon which was well hidden from everyone's view. we were currently in Midgard, this dungeon was well hidden deep near the edge of the world, and we had to be careful traveling there. but Midgard was one of the weaker worlds.

"let's go," I said while we all checked ourselves for some time before we stepped into the dungeon. Due to how far we were from the center, it was safe to guess that this dungeon might have more than 5 world enemy-level boss monsters

And we were not wrong to guess that. the guardian of the well of wisdom, Mímir, made sure that no one could simply reach it. we had to face many tree monsters while heading down toward the roots of YGGDRASIL before we had to fight the roots of YGGDRASIL, which took the form of 3 perfect copies of ourselves.

"thats some BS," I said caught off guard by the sight in front of us. but I didn't waste much time

"Nishikienrai join hands with Luci★Fer on taking out your copy. I will buy time by drawing the two away." I said to which the two nodded before Nishikienrai disappeared into the shadows, meanwhile, Luci★Fer who was an angel, a special class of angels known as Light Bringer, shot forward while bright light shot towards Nishikienrai's copy, at the same time, I shot forward to meet my copy as well as Luci★Fer's copy.

It was an annoying battle facing these copies that had all of our abilities. But there was one thing the copies couldn't copy perfectly... world Items, this gave Nishikienrai and Luci★Fer the upper hand to use their world items and quickly killed Nishikienrai's copy, meanwhile, I was struggling.

Although my copy was weaker than me, it was a two v one, it only turned around for me once the two joined to help me, and we quickly defeated them. but honestly, even if we didn't have the world items, we would have still won, after all, these are A.I. and they were not made to use their skills better than us. Plus, the copies only had the skills and abilities that we used, nothing like our trump cards.

"Impossible!" a cry filled the bottom of the tree of YGGDRASIL, we all looked over and saw a face appear on the tree of YGGDRASIL.

"How? I studied all of your skills and abilities, it should have been impossible. I will not let you steal the well!" the face said while the roots gathered, forming a body for it, while it got up to face us.

"what the fuck..." I said while looking at the boss monster in front of us name, was written in Black Ink. This meant that this guy was stronger than me. 

"language!" Mímir roared while he punched forward, but we all used our skills to dodge. he rushed towards me, seeing as I was the strongest. I wasted no time turned into a dragon, and went on to fight this guy, but I noticed something before we could clash.

I quickly cast the spell message to both Luci★Fer and Nishikienrai, but I didn't need to say anything as Nishikienrai spoke ahead of me.

"his weakness is that he draws strength from the world tree, his strength drops the further he is away from it. draw him away." Nishikienrai said, to which I nodded. I wasn't sure at first, but they had seen it better than me. so I went on to jump back, avoiding the clash, causing Mimir to jump towards me in rage seeing as his attack was avoided.

"I think we should attack to kill before he comes down or something! make sure he stays out of there for 120 seconds. act to enrage him, and not make him realize that he is stepping outside of the range of power... I will act like his attacks are hurting me." I yelled while getting ready to use Perfect Attack.

Nishikienrai and Luci★Fer smirked at this, why? because the NPC is programmed to act and do things based on what happens around them. This means that so long as we don't trigger that command, then Mimir would stay angry, and attack blindly. but there might also be a time limit on how long Mimir would stay enraged, so they needed to add the enrage debuff on Mimir to ensure he kept attacking while I kept taking the beating and hopefully not die since I couldn't use any other skill for the next 120 seconds.

But Luci★Fer was there, and he was ensuring my health didn't drop, but he had to be careful so as to not heal me too much as it might also trigger Mimir to do something. So, 2 minutes quickly passed, and as soon as it did, I used the Primal Elemental Dragon breath, at the same time, Luci★Fer, and Nishikienrai attacked with everything they had,

Mimir's body was swallowed by the 3 attacks, and his health reached zero. Seeing this, I sighed in relief. someone's name being in black was the worst, it pretty much meant you were outclassed. the colors went from white, and would slowly turn to yellow, orange, and red before they darkened into black.

Black meant impossible, so I had to get Mimir away from the tree, while at the same time making sure he wasn't too far from the tree, who knew if that would trigger him to do something else? I had to keep his name in the red range, where I could use my fast reaction speed to hold on... oh, I have a skill that allowed me to change the height of my dragon form. I set it to be about the same size as Mimir who was pretty much a giant.

"No! You can't get the well of wisdom, it would kill the tree of YGGDRASIL." Mimir cried as his head fell to the ground, he was now just a head without anybody. but he was glaring at us, not wanting us to take the well.

"So, you're saying this well is like the water that the tree of YGGDRASIL needs?" Luci★Fer asked to which the head tried to nod his head, but realized he couldn't

"Yes, the well of wisdom is an endless source of water. without it, YGGDRASIL would dry up and die." Mimir cried out, causing us to think for some time about our next move.

"Let's take part of the well, enough to keep the tree alright," I said calmly, i wouldn't be shocked if we took the well, and the game starts a new event in which everything starts dying or something.

"t-that's okay," Mimir said with slight hesitation, I nodded lightly at his words and went to the well where the others gathered a lot of water and watched as the well just restored itself bit by bit.

"Just a question, but how would you save the tree when one day the well stops recovering?" Nishikienrai asked making Mimir sneer

"thats impossible, the well is endless and can never dry up," Mimir said disdainful at the lack of knowledge 

"For someone who guards the well of knowledge, you are stupid. how can you not plan for the worst case... isn't that like planning ahead 101?" I asked making Mimir frown lightly, at this I sighed. it seems like I said something the game developer never thought of, instead Mimir heard the second nearest thing.

"I never thought of it... but if the day comes, then we are all doomed." Mimir said lightly, making us just look at each other.

"Well, how do we use the well? we need information on all the world items out there." I said calmly, Mimir snorted not wanting to help us. I rubbed my chin slightly at his action, before speaking.

"Help us out, and we will not tell the world about this place... not everyone is as good as us," I said making Mimir glare at me hatefully, but in the end, he gave up and just told us how to use the well... well, in our case the water.

We needed to make a sacrifice, the greater the sacrifice, the more knowledge we could get. for example, if we wanted knowledge of world items, we would need to sacrifice a world item. 

I went on to use it, Sacrificing 10 levels for the knowledge of all of the world's items worldwide. it would be a pain regaining my levels, plus the fact I would lose some skills, but it was all cool, I was going on a world item hunt, and I would slaughter a bunch of players.

"Why did you do that when I have Avarice and Generosity?" Nishikienrai asked while pulling out the world items he had. Avarice and Generosity are a pair of gauntlets.

The left gauntlet is an evil-looking thing that resembles the hand of a demon. It seemed to be made out of some sort of black metal, which was covered in twisted thorns. Its fingertips were sharpened into points, and the dirty radiance surrounding it resembled some sort of strange secretion. Just a single look filled all who saw it with a terror stemming from the depths of their souls.

In contrast, the right gauntlet looked like the pure, immaculate hand of a maiden. It is white and its slender proportions were covered in elaborate gold embroidery, which further emphasized its exquisite beauty. It drew the eye like bees to honey, and just like seeing a world-class beauty, the onlookers felt like they might lose their souls to it.

Avarice and Generosity can absorb experience points. In that regard, it is capable of storing them for later use whenever the wielder is ready to consume the experience points.

"Fuck..." I said while slapping my head, Nishikienrai and Luci★Fer laughed slightly at this. they have come to notice a thing about me, at times I was smart, but I would overlook the simplest of stuff.

I sighed while taking the gauntlet, I went on to use the stored XP to help restore my lost levels. Luckily, I had taken these things out to fill them up. but they didn't have a limit, I just went on a slaughter until the XP was so large it could help even someone like me reach level 100 3 times over. 

"Well, I have the knowledge, Let go get them," I said while looking at my mini-map, I enlarged it, and there were dots on the 9 realms, and every world item out there for us to get. I could even see their information and owner. So, we left Mimir back in the tree while we left to go collect world items, sending the game into chaos as guild after guilds were slaughtered by only 3 players, with all of their treasures taken.

videos of me, Luci★Fer, and Nishikienrai storming the guilds were seen all over the world and forced many guilds to submit under the rule of Ainz Ooal Gown. 

Momonga also had a lot of attention on him as videos of him fighting the Lords of the Seven Deadly Sins were spread. the way he could one-shot anyone and anything he came across shocked everyone, leading everyone to start guessing just what type of race he was.

but then there was Touch Me. Someone used one of the most powerful world items in the game, a world item called Ouroboros to alter YGGDRASIL's game mechanism, wanting to make sure that the guild Ainz Ooal Gown couldn't enter the area where the mine was... but it backfired, although everyone else was kicked out of the area, Touch Me wasn't, and he killed the players along with taking Ouroboros for himself.

Touch Me from there on went on to use Ouroboros, changing the mechanism of the game, allowing only members of Ainz Ooal Gown to enter the area where the mine was. with the whole guild no longer needed to protect the mine, they all spread out, either joining me, or Momonga... but this was where trouble came.

You see, Touch Me has been walking on eggshells as late. the guy wasn't on board with the whole evil thing, which annoyed most of the members of Ainz Ooal Gown. I didn't care if the guild took the righteous act or the evil act, my karma value was 0, meaning I was neither good nor evil, but everyone else like Momonga had a karma value of -500, which meant extremely evil.

Touch Me had 500, meaning Extremely good. So, because of this, he joined Momonga to hunt down world enemies instead of joining me to slaughter other players. but Ulbert Alain Odle was with Momonga. Momonga had a reason for taking Ulbert Alain Odle. yes, Ulbert Alain Odle was the only guild member whose attack power was on my level, but his rivalry with Touch Me always led to a fight, so it was best for the two to be kept apart.

Since he suffered from Chuunibyou, he would often act in the manner of a typical villain. He is disillusioned with the real world, resenting everyday society for the unfairness it offers to poor people like him from birth. Reasonably so, Ulbert is pessimistic about his future in the real world, viewing hard work to climb the social and economic ranks as nothing more than an impossibility to begin with.

He sees certain people like Momonga and Herohero to be natural-born losers like himself. He believes that no matter how hard one tries, one will never be able to lead a comfortable life like Touch Me. Seeing how grim his life situation in the real world is and the future that is to come, Ulbert felt as though he would end up sharing the same horrible fate as his parents, who worked themselves to death. Ulbert depressingly acknowledged the fact that someday on the job, his superiors will use him up until he is broken and then throw him away once he can no longer prove himself useful to them.

In this day and age, it is normal for people to be worked to the point they die. Ulbert fully accepted this... well, he told himself he did. this is where his rivalry with Touch Me started. He wanted to prove to himself he was better than Touch Me. How could Touch Me be born from money, while at the same time also be better than him in the game? He wanted to at least be better than Touch Me at something, if not in the real world, than the game, but even in the game he failed. 

Every mistake Touch Me made, Ulbert was there to take advantage of it. But if it was only Ulbert, Touch Me could take it. but many didn't like Touch Me to be the leader, how could someone who was all about justice be the leader?

"We should be taking a monopoly on everything!" Ulbert yelled at Touch Me, causing Momonga to panic while trying to keep the peace between the two.

"Thats taking things too far, we are not the only players here. we can't just take the best dungeons and mines." Touch Me yelled angrily.

"Fine, then let's take a vote," Ulbert said while looking towards everyone, causing Touch Me to grit his teeth seeing how everyone was on Ulbert's side about this matter... it was then Touch Me realized something... he was a part of the wrong guild. to see those who had followed him, joining Ulbbert, he felt betrayed.

"I played this game to have fun... not to take that away from others." Touch Me said while looking towards Momonga who didn't pick a side and just wanted them to stop fighting.

"Touch Me-san, let's all calm down. Let's just first do the things we were doing. we will hunt down the world enemies, while Igneel-san finishes up collecting the world items." Momonga said only for Touch Me to place his palm on his shoulder.

"No... I will be leaving the guild." Touch Me said while he passed on the guild leader position to Momonga, along with a few items that belonged to the guild instead of him.

"Wait, Touch Me-san. is leaving the guild not too much? We can all talk about this" Bukubukuchagama said in shock, she wasn't the only one shocked as everyone was shocked at the sight before them.

"Sorry... I will just be taking away your fun. my character and yours just don't match. plus, what is a villain without a hero to stop them." Touch Me said while looking at Ulbert who was also stunned. yes they fight, but Ulbert still sees Touch Me as a friend, but hearing Touch Me's words, Ulbert eyes burned with fire.

So... Touch Me left the guild, leaving everyone at a loss. the second-strongest player in the game just left, and the second-strongest member of the guild just left. this made everyone not know what to do for some time, so the world item hunts came to a pause as they returned to the guild...

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