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20.66% I am the God-Emperor of Mankind! / Chapter 24: Chapter 21

Chapter 24: Chapter 21

As Anakin and Padme was rushing on the corridor it suddenly lost all its lighting. They immediately turned on the flashlights they have on their shoulders so as to see the way up ahead.

Anakin tried to sense the whole corridor for any living existence but he failed to sense anything. It's only empty.

"Anakin, I don't feel so good about this." whispered Padme as a rustling on their back was heard. They immediately turned around to see what it is but what they saw was only a paper flying due to the wind.

Anakin unlodged the flashlight on the vest he's wearing and pointed it on the roof of the corridor as he held on the hand of Padme.

"Let's go, something must've happened for this corridor to los-" Anakin's words were cut off as the sound of metal falling was heard in front of them. Anakin immediately pointed his flashlight up front only to see a metal tube that fell down and on the roof was steam escaping the broken tube.

Anakin signalled for Padme to walk as they slowly made their way on the dark corridor more cautious than ever. Anakin was totally using his force sense to ensure that they won't be caught off guard.

As they slowly made their way, a cold breath was felt beside the ear of Padme as she suddenly jumped towards Anakin in fear.

Anakin saw this and immediately pointed the flashlight to the former position of Padme as he observed everything on that side.

"What was that?" whispered Anakin in question to Padme who has lost the blood on her face as it turned extremely pale in fear.

"I felt a cold breath near my ear." answered Padme still shivering in fear as she wiped the cold sweat off her forehead.

"Damn it!" said Anakin in frustration. He's so powerless that they're under the thumbs of the man playing with them.

"Show yourself! If you're truly brave show your self!" suddenly shouted Anakin in anger and frustration.

His voice echoed all throughout the corridor giving the horror vibe as the sound of something falling down was heard on their front.

There, a celexus assassin can be seen slowly walking towards the duo of husband and wife.

Anakin seeing this immediately pulled out the lasgun dangling in his shoulder and opened fire. Padme also took her lasgun and opened fire.

The lasgun was on full auto as countless bolts travelled to the position of the assassin. The assassin then suddenly disappeared and the bolts only hit the wall of the corridor at the back of the former position of the assassin.

"He's...gone?" Anakin stopped firing as he tried to sense the assassin only to feel nothing.

"Anakin, what is he? That man is scary." said Padme as she also stopped firing and reloaded the lasgun.

"Boo" a cold voice like that of the devil was heard at their back as Anakin immediately turned around while unsheathing the bayonet of the lasgun from its sheath to attack the assassin. Padme was stunned and fell to the ground as she felt immense fear all throughout her body.

The assassin easily evaded the attack of Anakin and pulled Anakin's wrist before doing a judo throw to bring Anakin to ground. The assassin then moved in unprecedented speed as he did a light karate chop at the back of Padme's head to knock her out.

"Padme!" shouted Anakin as he tried to move and save Padme but the assassin was just too fast and before he knew it, Padme was already on the ground unconscious.

Anakin struggled to stand up as the assassin suddenly appeared before him and kicked him by the gut as he suddenly flipped and hit the back a couple of feet from his original position.

The kick proved to be too powerful even for force enhanced Anakin as he spitted out blood and was in absolute pain. The assassin then delivered another kick that hit the face of Anakin as his face suddenly looked like a Newtonian fluid with the vibrations.

As the vision of Anakin blurred he still tried to fight the assassin but he can't move anymore.

"I'm... powerless" whispered Anakin in his mind as his consciousness faded and he completely lost it.

The assassin just reported to the space marine leader to send someone who will tow the duo to the infirmary.

After sometime, large group of rebel soldiers appeared on the scene and they inly saw the unconscious body of the two. The assassin was long gone as he retreated back to his home, the shadow.

The guards had the duo in tow as they moved their unconscious bodies to the infirmary.


Somewhere on the unexplored regions of the galaxy...

The Emperor with the custodians and the Silent sisters was on the battle barges on the space of this random planet. Together with the ship of the Emperor was the ships of the different space marine chapters.

Salamanders, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, and many more. They're gathered here today to simulate the whole landing plan on Coruscant. Take note that this is only the landing plan and not the complete extraction plan. The Emperor just decided to simulate

the whole landing plan as he didn't want any of the Force bullshit telling those jedis what's up on things. He didn't want any attention for now as he still doesn't completely understand how the force works.

The Emperor was experimenting daily on the Hall of Leng. He's had the spies scattered all throughout this galaxy bring what the jedi calls as "force sensitive" people. He has made a special laboratory on the Hall of Leng where he does interesting genetic experiments on these captured force sensitives.

He has only started to experiment on them for about 2 years ago on the year of 24 bby. That's the time where he truly thought that the Imperium can carry their own weight even if he goes around this galaxy. He saw that the force sensitives has more amount of midichlorians on their body so he connected this phenomena on their strength through the force.

At first, he tried to extract the midichlorians from the force sensitive and transfer it to another host. He managed to deduce that the misichlorian is present on all living cells of a body. So being the Emperor himself, extracted all those living cells from a body and transferred a part of it to a test tube baby and a teenager, and a fully frown man.

After sometime, he got the information that the midichlorians dies due to cells being renewed and the only thing he can do is of course, natural breeding.

So over the course of two years he cultivated the mendelian inheritance way. He ordered the kidnapping of force sensitives all over the galaxy including the unknown regions and made them create as much children as needed with the help of the fast growth technology of the Imperium.

The Emperor managed to conclud from this large experiment is that the power of someone using the force is totally random. The Emperor continued to work around the idea of manipulating the force by creating a direct connection to it using the force sensitives he's cultivating. But the good news is, he has managed to cultivate a pretty powerful force user and he's thinking of pumping a good amount of his blood to this force user and see what happens.

On the matter regarding the source of their psychic power, the Emperor has established a research group that does research about that and they're consist of psykers whose job is to test theories, techpriest whose job is to provide technological help, and the new addition are the scholars of the Imperium who's only recently founded due to this research group as the Imperium before the grand military parade on Terra was rather unstable as people was still adjusting so the research stagnated. But with the Imperium's scholar, the research speed has increased and great breakthroughs has managed to be accomplished. Their recent report stated that the force plays a role on the psychic power a psyker has.

Back on the the planet, it originally has some native inhabitants that's yet to evolve to the tribal age. They're still on the similar caveman age of humanity's cavemen age. The engineers that was sent here were tasked on creating a 1 is to 1 scale ratio of the whole Jedi temple and its surrounding buildings in a 5 kilometer radius.

Luckily, the species here didn't left their caves and thus they survived any blaster bolt that's supposedly coming their way.

"This is the ground command, everything is in set for the simulations." said an officer on the communication channels for everyone to hear.

Aboard the flagship of the Emperor, Imperator Somnium or "The Emperor's Dream"...

"Affirmative..." said an officer inside the control room of the flagship as she directed the message to the Emperor's seat.

The Emperor received the transmission and firmly said.

"Let the simulation commence!"

On the teleportation modules aboard the flagship, 300 of the custodians readied themselves.

Even though all of these are for only a simulation, they still need to give their all.

Aboard the other ships containing the space marines, the astrartes have made their way to the drop pods.

Time quickly passed by and everyone was ready for the deployment.


A great amount of golden light was quickly accumulating on the teleportation beam of the Emperor's flagship. As this light reached its brightest it suddenly shot directly to the planet creating a gigantic pillar of gold that spans kilometers.

Seeing this, the space marines also sent their drop pods.

Thousands of drop pods surrounded the beam of golden light as it slowly penetrated the atmosphere of the planet.

On the planet, a defeaning explosion was heard as the golden beam hit the front of the jedi temple building.

Followed by this explosion, was thousands of earth shattering booms as the drop pods hit the buildings surrounding the jedi temple building.

The drop pods slowly opened revealing the gigantic figures of the space marines as these marines shouted each of their battle cries.

A chaos unfold and in under a couple of minutes, the body pillow that has the face of Vulkan was extracted and the all the space marines has safely exited the planet.

A quick and totally stealthily way of extraction. Totally stealthily. yes totally stealthily way of extracting someone.

Observing as the whole battle unfold, the Emperor was truly satisfied. The custodians pierced through the set defenses on the building like using a nuclear reactor to melt a butter.

"Everything looks good." said the Emperor on the communication channel as he nodded in approval which made everyone on all the ships that heard his approval was beyond ecstatic and cheers erupted.


Somewhere on Coruscant...

"Today's the day." said a spy as he fixed his shirt and continued with his current job.

He, together with hundreds more have formed an observation circle surrounding the whole Jedi temple to ensure that they won't suddenly transfer Vulkan somewhere.

"This is Xulu-1, my post here is clear." radiod a spy which the man heard as he radiod his tge state of his position.

"This is Gamma-6, my post is clear. Everything is set for the landings" radiod Gamma-6 on their secured communication channel.


Battleships suddenly pop out of existence on the space out of Coruscant. Gigantic ships of unknown origin, only bearing the uniform symbol of a two headed eagle with one head has its eyes closed.

Thousands upon thousands of starfighters descended from the skies as it painted the sky with the color of the fire from their weapons.

A deafening whistle of a bomber was heard as a squadron of bombers escorted by fighters performed a nosedive on a city security force building on Coruscant, laying bombs and making the while building collapse in seconds.

Screams sounded as civilians tried to evacuate but the falling rubbles crushed some of the unlucky ones.

On the sky the planetary defense starfughters of Coruscant boomed on the sky as a gigantic dogfight the scale of a whole planet was seen.

Imperium against the Republic. A war bred nation that held the line for the past 10 thousand years against a nation that hasn't seen war for the past millennia. Who will win on such a grand battle. Only time will tell.


The sounds of machine guns and laser cannons was heard as the anti-air batteries of the Republic was silenced in a dramatic fashion by an Imperium fighter.

"Damn it! What are those annoying flying things!" growled a clone officer as the clones on the ground was tore to shreds with the drive by of another Imperium fighter.

"Sir we propose we evacuate and regroup. We can't fight them like this." said another clone to the officer which prompted the officer to order a retreat to the remaining clones.

The clones slowly retreated as the whole ecumenopolis that is Coruscant was thrown into turmoil. The clones haven't managed to fulfill their jobs as planetary defense forces because they're shut down before they can fire a blaster bolt.

Men after men, women after women died without knowing how. Structures of massive scales fell down as the planet wide city has turned into a battlefield.

The bullets from the noisy machine guns of the fighters knows no gender as it tore everyone to shreds without discrimination. The ultimate form of equality.

Up in the sky the starfighters turned into scraps of metal which crashed back to the planet amd caused even more destruction.

The far superior and battle tested fighters and strarfighters of the Imperium shone on this battlefield. The zealotry of everyone aboard the vehicles shone its true potential as they did one of the greatest rage quits since Abaddon on Cadia did.

The damaged vehicles crashed themselves on large buildings not only causing immense deaths but also doing economics damage to the republic.

Explosions after explosions happened as a group of fighter planes crashed and managed to bring down a tower that that looks like a pillar.

The spies on the ground earlier set up the beacons to be used as navigation guides by the space marines to be dropped directly on the planet.

The jedis of the jedi order rushed out of their temple with a few remaining to protect it. They wanted to help as many people as they can and ensure their safety. The battle hasn't even reached its peak as the number of starfighters on the sky almost blocked out the sun, creating an artificial eclipse.

As the spies reached the places they're supposed to put the beacons jedis spotted them from the distance.

"This is omega-5, the beacon 47 has been places successfully and was completely functional." reported the spy the the flagship of the fleet which just responded with a simple affirmative.

On a distance, a line jedi spotted him doing suspicious activities. The jedi immediately rushed towards the spy to confront him.

"You! What are you doing right there. Can't you see there's a battle?" confronted the jedi as the jedi jogged towards the spy.

"Great jedi, I-I'm lost! H-help me please." acted the spy with a matching trembling and shivering voice.

The jedi was convinced, he thought that it made sense that due to fear the man was lost, after all the Coruscant is really big so he dispelled all his doubts and decided to help the spy.

"Let's go this way! This place is dangerous as someone is attacking us!" informed the jedi as he walked towards the spy to help him walk just in case the soy is injured.

"W-who would attack us?" asked the spy as he walked limping which the jedi immediately saw and supported him.

"Let's go" the jedi carried the spy to a safe place and as they slowly walks the spy suddenly stops.

"Is there a problem?" asked the jedi with cautiousness.

"Nothing, it's just that you meddled with my work." said the spy truthfully as he pulled out a laspistol and fired at the head of the jedi. The Force blared warnings to the jedi but it's too late.

The jedi saw the spy pull out a gun and was just about to ask why but the spy already fired the gun directly to the jedi who didn't managed to evade so his head suddenly exploded.

Just then, a transmission has sounded on the earpiece of the spy which made him jump in joy.

"This is fleet high command. Prepare for landing actions..."

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor SomeGuyOnDarkArmor


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