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9.8% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - The Special Internship

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - The Special Internship

Sitting in my lab a week after the LA brawl I was working on Ochaco's present. Having been busy dealing with overly aggressive reporters, I finally had found time to make her dress. Stitching it by hand, I wanted to make sure I gave her a good dress. Admiring the finished sun dress, I got it bagged for her and left it in the lab. Saturday was her birthday so I would keep it here till then. Now my problem was the last few dates I had.

Toru wanted to just have a casual date with me, but I had a surprise for her. I had been tinkering with a way to inhibit her invisibility with a bracelet mounted device. It would only work for a few hours at a time on a full charge though I knew she'd be happy either way. Itsuka and Momo wanted me to plan theirs without their input, and Nejire...well she want to have dinner with my family. What she was planning in her mind I wasn't sure. I made it a rule not to look into the minds of friends and family, something were best left unknown.

'Itsuka I can take to Hawaii for the day, and let her enjoy herself. Momo...I have no idea. Like me she comes from a rich family so I have no idea what to do.', I thought, 'Well actually...there is one thing money can't get her I can easily do. I will need to have dad get me some equipment.'

Going home to meet the girls and Deku, sat down to do our projects...well except for me since I was done. Helping them get their book report projects done, we went out to play afterwards. Going to the park we played hide and go seek and then played tag. Noticing Bakugo watching us from a distance I walked over to ask if he wanted to play only to have him tell me to leave him alone. Shrugging my shoulders I walked away, and got to playing again.

Going about my week normally, when Saturday came I went over to Ochaco's house early. She wasn't having anything fancy at her party just some standard barbecue food, and a small cake. She had invited several people from class, but only her friends showed up. As the first to arrive I offered to help setup, but her parents insisted I go play with her.

Finding her getting some party games setup, she looked cute doing her best to make her party fun. Speeding around to set everything up for her, I told her I was here afterwards. Giving me a smile she thanked me for the assistance, and offered to play horseshoes with me like at the pier. Tossing them lightly we played the game till the others started arriving. As they showed up we started playing other games like corn hole, ring toss, and darts. All of the games she got the ideas for from our time at the pier.

"I haven't seen these games before.", Nejire said.

"Neither have I, they are a lot of fun.", Momo said.

"Their another game we can play?", Mina asked.

"Well...", Ochaco said looking to me, "Can you think of anything?"

"Do you have some old bags your parents don't mind if we get dirty?", I asked.

"Let me ask.", she said.

Running off for a few minutes, she came back with several old cloth bags that looked ready to fall apart. She said her parents gave them permission to do what they wanted with them. Telling them we could do a sack race, all of them looked at me like I was crazy. Showing them how it was done, and the rules they wanted to try it for themselves. The first race we did I won by a country mile as they kept tripping. That said the rounds afterwards they got better and better.

"I like this game!!", Mina said, "Got anything else?"

"There is a three legged race, a relay race, obstacle course, and a few others I can think of.", I said.

"You sure know a lot of games.", Toru said, "Where did you learn about them?"

"My dad told me.", I lied.

Trying the games I suggested till it was time to eat, here parents watched us play with smiles on their face. Since the pickings were slim, I ate light so the others didn't have to worry. When it came time to open gifts the girls and Deku gave her stickers, a phone case, and some girly stuff. Giving her my present she pulled the dress out only to put it back in the bag.

"Clark...did you pay for it?", she asked.

"I handmade it.", I said.

"You had it made?", she asked.

"No like I sewed it together with cloth, needle, and string.", I said.

Pulling the dress out she shook as she saw the sparkles glimmering all over. Having put on some of the double sided shiny scales that a lot of people like back on my world, I felt it was a good touch for her dress. Seeing how part of the dress could change by running her hands up and down, the other girls gasped. Her parents were in shock that I had made something of this quality by myself.

" made me a new dress?", Ochaco asked trying not to cry.

"I know you were looking at a sundress when we were out before. Figured that you may want another dress to wear for special occasions just like the cute blue one.", I said.

"", she said tearing up, "It looks you beautiful!!!"

Giving me a hug she ran off to try on the dress. The other girls looked at me like I owed them something making me sigh mentally. Girls and clothing are truly terrifying...just thinking about my mother's clothing and shoe collection, I was screwed when I settled down. Coming back in her dress the other girls ran over, and looked the dress over. While they did that Deku approached me with a request.

"Do you think you could make me an All Might outfit for my birthday?", he asked.

'This kid...', I thought, 'Well at least he said birthday, I can managed that.'

Saying I could do that, I felt the other girls staring at me. I didn't need to read their minds, and seeing their pouty faces I couldn't refuse. Nodding my head they started talking about her dress and what they liked about it.

"You certainly have a knack for making things.", Ochaco's mother said.

"It's my hobby, I like making new things.", I said.

"How do we wash it?", her father asked.

"Just like a normal dress, it doesn't need anything special.", I said.

Seeing her smile was probably the best reward I could get for this. Unlike Deku with his All Might fixation I would be pursuing a relationship in a few years with her. I hated the fact that he was so focused on a single goal with no room to budge. I had given him some help to be ready for his chance to receive One for All, but if he kept chasing his dream to be All Might...we could be friends, but having Toga pursue him would be horrible for her. At this point I was doubtful she'd even consider him now given all he talks about is All Might. I was trying to be nice, but he is making it impossible for me to help him make female friends. No one wants to really sit here, and listen to him fan boy over All Might. I was a Batman and Superman fan as a kid, but Deku takes the cake on fanboys.

'If he wants to follow in All Might's footsteps as a single guy, I won't stop him.', I thought, 'I think it's the most stupid thing I have heard him say, but it's his life. I really hope he doesn't complain twenty years down the road when he is still a virgin.'

Putting that aside for now, I focused on having fun at the party. When I went home, Alfred informed me my parents had left on a business trip. Hearing it was just part of their job, I said I would be in my room. Locking the door behind me with a smile on my face, I decided to tonight I would try sleeping in the Sun to see what benefits it could bring me. Just outside the atmosphere for a short time increased my powers a decent amount. Curious about long term exposure, I planned out my trip carefully. Since no watch was going to survive in the Sun, I left an alarm set with a tone I could hear in space...hopefully. Once Alfred went to bed for the night, I left a dummy in my bed and flew off. Leaving my change of clothing on moon I shot off to my rather warm bedroom. While I was soaking in the Sun, All For One's Dr. Kyudai Garaki was going over my recent event in LA.

"This is simply marvelous!! His power is far beyond what I expected!!!", he said, "His strength certainly exceeds All Might's if my math is right. Not only that he has more powers that aren't on my list!!"

"Doctor, just how is it he has this many Quirks?", All for One asked, "Surely he is a modified human or something."

"No, I have checked the records carefully. He is an unaltered child, my hypothesis is he is the result of Quirk Evolution. My hunch is that his initial Quirk is the basis for the others. It functions similar to One for All and All for One in that it allows the user to hold multiple Quirks under a single Quirk.", the doctor said.

"Then the machine misread him?", he asked.

"No necessarily, his Quirk may allow his body to contain all those Quirks and more. It is difficult to tell without a blood sample, I doubt that will happen after watching take those three men down.", the doctor said.

"Yes...three well known villains taken out by a child. He is likely going to be the biggest obstacle. Has he shown any weaknesses?", he asked.

"What's troubling thing is there are no issues thus far. He appears to be immunity to psychic attacks and radiation. His body is immune to fire, and it doesn't appear he hurts himself from exerting his Quirks. All signs point to him having a very limited spectrum of weaknesses...if he has any.", the doctor said.

'This isn't the news I wanted to hear. My apprentice will likely do something rash, and I am in no condition yet to go out in public.', he thought, 'What's more that psychic was someone even I stayed away from. I don't deal with their organization as they are in my way...the child dispatched him in minutes like it wasn't that hard. This requires further investigation, starting with his family would be the easiest.'

Locked in a steel box with a single window, the five center villains of the LA attack were currently locked up in the mountains. All of them had been chained in place, and left in their cages since arriving. Food was delivered by robots so they hadn't seen another soul aside from each other. After having his powers removed Mind Breaker had learned the hard way what it's like to have no Quirk.

"Just you wait till I get out of here, I am going to nuke your ass for making a fool out of me!!", Megaton snarled at him, "Because of you now all my hard work is over!! I am the laughing stock of the community because a kid kicked my ass!!"

"You think that's bad!? The fucker one shot me!!", Bulldozer shouted, "Old Man you better hope I don't find you later!!"

"Will you all shut up!", Mind Breaker snapped, "You all would be locked up if not for me!!"

"I'd rather be locked up instead a fucking joke!!", Bulldozer snapped.

"You should all be more worried about what happens when their commander shows up.", Mind Breakers said.

"Oh now you are scared!!", Magneta snapped.

"I have no powers now remember!!", he barked.

Laughing as he approached with his big boss in tow, Charles thought it was hilarious bro see once powerful villains brought so low. Behind him the North America Head Officer thought it was amusing as well as she wore a grin on her face. Originally she was going to leave it to the US Commander to interrogate them, but she decided to after hearing who she'd be meeting. Dismissing Charles she walked over to the group, and stopped in front of Mind Breaker.

"It's been a while.", she said with a cold tone, "I remember our little fight from last time, too bad you can't fly away or use your pawns this time."

"You know this hot woman!?", Bulldozer said eyeing the smoking hot, curvy woman.

"She is a viper!", he retorted.

"Oh now that isn't nice.", she laughed, "I came here to get information on that serum you were testing. It's far too dangerous for the public to be exposed too."

"You are too late, we already sold the serum notes to several buyers already. If you were trying to force me to talk about it, too bad.", he said.

"I see, well then it can't be helped.", she laughed before planting her heel in his gut, "Maybe you can tell me where you buddies are hiding, and I will ensure when the Russian President sees you it will be a little less painless."

"Fuck you.", he retorted.

"The last man that tried is now a statue on my garden. He waters my flowers for my daughter's and I.", she said.

"The fuck!?", Bulldozer snapped.

"Her touch or gaze turns things to stone.", Mind Breaker said.

"Oh yes, I happen to have a grudge with Mind Breaker. He killed my mother when I was seven leaving me alone with my poor father. Other than my husband I only allow my father touch me, the rest of you men are utter disgusting pigs barely adequate to be lawn decorations.", she snapped.

"That sounds so wrong...", Magneta said.

"He hugs me you filthy cunt.", she said walking over to her, "Far more affection than you ever got, or your twin daughters."

"You stay away from them!!", Magneta snapped.

"They are law biding citizens, I have no reason to harm them.", she retorted, "That said they have been showing signs of following your footsteps. It would be a shame if they ended up like you."

"You bitch.", Magneta said.

"Haha, you can call me whatever you like. Where your going I might someone you want to see.", she smirked, "Since the World Government's can't keep you in line, we will be taking you to Section 13's prison. You best enjoy the sunlight while you can, once you enter Nautilus you won't see it again."

"Nautilus?", they asked.

"It's the underwater Section 13 prison. If you escape you will be flattened like a pancake under the water pressure.", she said, "Down there you won't see any light aside from the lighting we install."

Leaving them to misery she left them, and rejoined Charles who was waiting close by. He honestly hated working with her as she was a sadist, and enjoyed tormenting her targets. That said she had a good track record of breaking people so she was tolerated by the organization. Ordering him to schedule transport for them he nodded his, and followed her back inside.

Sleeping in the Sun was quite an experience, it was like floating down the lazy river but more peaceful. Enjoying a restful sleep in the Sun, my alarm snapped me awake at 7am. Flying home I went to take a shower, and see what had changed. First thing I did was check my height as I knew I was shorter than my peers. Walking up to my measurement post, I found I had grown about two inches.

'Damn...only two? Well I guess it's better than nothing. Now I know so I can plan out my Sun Dips to reach my height goal.', I thought, 'On to the next test.'

Testing my psychic abilities I found nothing changed, but my body did feel different now. It felt like I had a ultra thin barrier around parts of my body. It didn't completely cover everything, just parts like my head and arms.

'Interesting...I wonder if this has to do with the Quirk conversion. Maybe the sunlight down here isn't quite enough to unlock the full potential of my power. This is worth investigating further.', I thought.

Running more tests, I started realizing I had gained quite a lot. My eyesight had substantial increased to the point I could see down to what a cheap microscope could, my sense of taste was now able to separate out ingredients in food with ease, and most importantly I found my punches were causing less of a shockwave than before. During that fight in LA I realized how difficult it was too not cause shockwaves with my strength.

'This will all be handy, this confirms the experiment was successful.', I thought with a smile, 'This calls for a celebration!! I think I will treat myself to some donuts!!"

Asking Alfred for permission to go get some, he said it was fine so I walked over to a local bakery to get breakfast. Walking inside I placed my order for Alfred and I before taking a seat so they could make his coffee. I didn't mind waiting as it gave me a chance to figure out where to go from here. As I was pondering that question a robber came in to take the money in the register. Looking at him like he was a moron, I wanted to know what he was thinking. This place served donuts...wasn't he afraid of running into the cops?

"Give me all your money!!", he said hiding behind his mask with a fireball in his hand, "Or I burn this bitch to the ground!"

Standing up from my seat, I walked over and told him to stop it. Today was my day to celebrate my successful experiment, I wasn't about to let it get ruined by some guy wanting to steal a few bucks. Politely asking him to turn himself in, he tried to blast me with the fireball. Grabbing his hand I squeezed just enough to make his hand creak, before it actually would snap. His face immediately cramped up as he tried to yank his hand away. Chopping his neck, he hit the ground completely out cold. Calling the police immediately afterwards, I stayed around till they showed up. Slapping cuffs on him they tossed him in the car, and tipped their hats to me. Grabbing my stuff, I thanked the cashier and went home.

"Next time the kid come in make sure he gets a free dozen on the house.", the owner said with relief.

"Yes boss.", the cashier said with relief.

Having had a fireball in his face, he was extremely grateful I stepped in. When I got home I gave Alfred his donut and coffee. Asking me if I had run into any trouble I said I would let him know when that happened. Going up to my room I finished my drawing for the wireless transmitters and receivers I wanted my father to start producing. Rolling them up to show him when he got back I leaned back in my chair deciding what to do next. I had so many ideas that could be done to help others, but I didn't know which to do next.

Deciding to take another walk, I walked around town trying to figure out where my efforts would be best spent next. Hero work was nice, but my flight to LA that last time kind of ticked off a lot of local pencil pushers. Section 13 intervened stating that I had acted on their request thus had given me protection for that day though I didn't want to push it. Keeping it in the city for now was my best choice till things calmed down.

Pondering what my goals should be before getting into U.A in four years, I had a few rough ideas. First was definitely spending a lot of time in the Sun juicing up my Quirks. Second, I wanted to see what the effects of a Blue Sun would do to me. I remembered that in the comics it was theorized that a Kryptonian would see their power increase even further, and potentially unlock new powers. That would require experimenting, and testing my hearing in deep space. Last thing I needed was getting lost in space.

'After that I want to get more inventions out. I know the possibility is slim, but I really want to see if I could get an internship as a side kick for a Hero till I get my license too.', I thought, 'I think those four are enough to keep me busy on top of bonding with the girls.'

As I was thinking about going home, I ran into a familiar face on patrol. Waving over to him, All Might gave over with his signature smile. Asking him how he was doing he said he was feeling better than ever.

"Good work by the way, I saw your fight in LA on the news. You did a wonderful job ensuring the number of deaths was kept low.", he said, "I had something I wanted to ask you, what would you say if you were offered a temporary permit for Hero work?"

'Hot damn, was that all it took!? Just helping out fighting a few villains?', I thought.

"I would love it, I kind of got in big trouble for the LA stunt.", I sighed.

"I heard all about it, I because I heard the Commissioner is trying to get you on with a Hero to get live experience in a controlled setting.", All Might said.

"I assume by you telling me that you are wanting me to work with you?", I asked.

"Haha you catch on quick.", he said with a smile, "The Commissioner is pitching the idea to the City Council next week, if they agree he should be reaching out to you shortly afterwards."

"I understand, thanks for the heads up.", I said, "Also, there is a bank robbery in progress on National Bank on Sunset Rd. The robbers just fired shots into the ceiling."

"Alright, well then I will be on my way!", he said sprinting off to help.

Running straight there, All Might trusted my hearing even though nothing looked wrong outside. Barging inside he found the people in the lobby on the ground covering their heads as several men were holding the staff at gunpoint. Staring at All Might, the robbers froze not expecting a Hero to show up so quickly.

"How the hell did you know!? We cut the alarm and silent alarm!!", they shouted.

'He really is going to be a villains worst nightmare.', All Might thought as he gave the crowd a smile, "Have no fear, I am here!"

Later that afternoon, we watched the news report about the bank robbery as we ate our food. Deku almost fainted when he heard that All Might was the one that had caught the robbers single handedly. Handing the robbers over to the police, they thanked All Might before he headed out.

"All Might is so cool!!", Deku shouted making the girls give him a cramped expression.

'Deku...I think I need to make some medicine for both you and Bakugo.', I thought, 'This really is getting old. Both of you knuckleheads need to calm down.'

Going about our normal routine after that, I decided to attend the City Council Meeting that next Wednesday. I was the first topic brought up which was rather embarrassing. Getting straight to the point, the Commissioner wanted special permission to have me allowed to be a Temporary Hero if I was accompanied by a licensed Hero. Citing my abilities as crucial to helping continue the hard fought peace, I wasn't the least bit surprised when several members voiced concerns of using a ten year old to fight crime. Stating that I already had defeated several powerful Villains in the US, he argued that they shouldn't leave me on the bench.

"The boy wants to be a Hero, and I think if he is accompanied by licensed Hero it should be fine. I have several high ranked Heroes already chomping at the bit to have him under their wing.", the Commissioner stated, "Not only that, from what I hear Section 13 also wants him to have special privileges if they need to call him in."

'That's the first I am hearing of this...', I thought.

"He can wait till he is a student at U.A High School.", the mayor said firmly, "As for the business with Section 13 that is none of our concern. That is for the Prime Minister to decide on not me."

Realizing that these idiots were going to budge on the issue, I was going to leave when several members of the community came for in support of the Commissioner's plan. They were all people I had helped from the little old lady I protected to people I had pulled out of burning buildings. All of them argued that I was more of a Hero than most Heroes the city had. Smiling when I heard that, I was touched that I was making a big enough impact to have them come forward on my behalf. Telling the council everything I had done, even at the donut shop, all of them wanted me to have the chance to be out there helping.

At this point the council was starting to soften up. I knew it wasn't because they changed their minds, this meeting was publicly broadcasted so out right dismissing the idea would likely cause them issues come election time. It was a typical politician tactic that really ticked me off. They'd do whatever ensured they got reelected, and that's why they were budging now. Deciding to allow me permission to do Hero work with a Licensed Hero, I also had to have a dispatcher available for me to call so they could track when I was off and on the clock. They decided to call 'Community Hero Work' or in government labor. Honestly I didn't care about not making money doing the work, it was enough to stretch my legs out and actually be a Hero legally.

Slipping out before anyone saw me I went home to tell Alfred. Congratulating me, he asked when I would be doing work. Stating I would have to wait to hear from the Commissioner, I immediately ran up to make the adjustments to my costume since I grew a bit since I last wore it. That Friday the Commissioner called me into his office after school to talk about the 'Community Hero Work' I would be doing. Telling me the restrictions I had on my license, I said I didn't mind as I could finally do Hero work legally.

"So here is the list of people that offered you positions.", he said sliding me the form.

"I don't need to look, All Might told me he would like me to accompany him.", I stated.

"I figured you'd say that.", he chuckled, "I will let him know your choice, and give him your cell number."

"Thanks.", I said.

"No thank you, All Might told me you were the reason he caught those criminals at the bank.", he said, "If it wasn't for you they'd have gotten away with several hundred thousand dollars. The bank is already installing a new system so it won't happen again."

"He did all the work, I just gave him the tip.", I said with a grin.

"You really are something kid, usually the Heroes I deal with would be demanding they receive credit for their work.", he stated.

"Doesn't matter who does it, it matters that someone shows up to help.", I replied with a nod, "Well if you excused me I have to go see Toga."

"How is the girl doing by the way?", he asked, "I haven't heard anything about her recently."

"She is doing a lot better, found that her urge to stab people came from her body trying to supplement low nutrient levels in her body. Since her Quirk allows her to change her appearance, she requires a lot more nutrients than a normal person because of the energy and extra material needed to make those changes.", I said.

"That was all!? You're saying a diet change was all she needed!?", he said standing up.

"Yes, it's unfortunate it took over ten years to figure that out.", I said, "She is really a sweet girl, but society wrote her off as a lost cause."

"Have you told her parents?", he asked.

"Do you really want to involve them?", I replied, "They left her in a small apartment in a bad neighborhood. You think they have a right to call themselves a parent? I don't mean to be rude, but Toga told me they didn't even try to help her after the psych said there wasn't anything they could do."

Seeing my point he didn't push the subject. After I left though he decided to call them, and let them know without her consent. He was doing it for her own good in his mind, but in reality he opened up a can of worms neither of us expected.

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