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100% Gossamer Thread / Chapter 2: Creation

Chapter 2: Creation

Location: Forest of Ibengspil, of Prau Province, Year 1317.

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB has formed


System's randomized selection has activated


H4Nd protocol activated

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB title achieved: Unlucky

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB title achieved: System's Child

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB Path Unlock: System's Inheritor

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB has unlocked the following abilities:

Universal Language

System Language

Vocal Mimicry

Clay Assimilation

Fabric Assimilation

Gossamer Thread

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB has unlocked the following spells:

Transfer Unlucky (Requires Contact)

Magic Absorption (Requires Contact)

Assimilative Bite (Requires Contact)

System Communication (Requires ???)

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB current statistics:

Titles: Unlucky, System's Child

Species: Sentient Construct

Subspecies: Living Toy

Level: 1

Exp: 0

Skill Points: 5

HP: 7/7

MP: 13/13

Strength: 3

Defense: 2

Stamina: 10

Speed: 4

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 3

Charisma: 1

Luck: -5

Magic Skill: 6

Physical Skill: 6

???: 0

Current mission:


NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB has been named.

NPC Ax96Lfz99bXjbnzXQB has been renamed to: Angofiede

NPC Angofiede has been converted from NPC to C.

C Angofiede has been awoken.


H4Nd protocol complete.


The Forest of Ibengspil. Placed on the continent of Eyrie, a land of magic and beasts, and so forth. While it is a land like many others, one thing that makes this world unique is that every inhabitant of the world has a system, a equal opportunity to grow into a godlike being. Yet the competition prevents many from doing just so, and the requirements increase with each growth. Most are too unwilling to put the effort or risk into such strength, and so only five known creatures have ascended to such a point.

There are countries outside of Eyrie, and the story may well grow to encompass them.

Though, such a possibility is many years ahead. The story begins within these woods, of which many adventurers take their first steps. Through it cuts paths to the neighboring dry lands, marshlands, and grasslands. One may think that is a lot of lands; they'd be right. Yet they were only considered part of the kingdom's ownership on paper, for self proclaimed clans of monsters have ruled the area for decades. Of course, while there are attempts underway to conquer these lands, that is also many years away.



The story begins in The Forest of Ibengspil.

A unnoticed foxhole under a oak root, a bundle of grassy patch of land. Under of which was none other then a simple old toy, forgotten by playing children, or perhaps left on purpose.


Memories have a certain magic to them. Feelings, emotions, thoughts; if life is given to a object in something such as this, if the mind truly believes something has a soul, a faux soul may be formed. A amalgamation of living and artificial.

Toys are the perfect vessel for this, the most extremely loved or hated carrying a presence powerful enough to gain life.


Blinking, moss cleared to reveal brown, glossy eyes created from porcelain.

It wasn't alive, for it had no skin nor blood nor stuffing. Just a hollow skull with hollow eyes.

'... Angofiede.....'

The first word that echoed within it's mind; new and sentient. Numbers and instructions followed after, overwhelming the newly formed consciousness.

Strength? Spells? Names? It couldn't understand at all.

A voice spoke out to silence the din within it's mind.

"Issue has been recognized. Processing...


H4Nd has been updated. H4Nd protocol has been changed to include a artificial assistance.

Instructions have been uploaded to user interface."

A yellow screen would spread in front of it's eyes, yet as no light reflected off anything surrounding it, it was evident that the screen wasn't a real presence. Naturally understanding the words, Angofiede's eyes skimmed over the 'instructions'.

"H4Nd will assist in understanding C Angofiede, and the world surrounding it. In order to request assistance, C Angofiede simply needs to speak in 'System Language'.


Automatic assistance activated. C Angofiede lacks knowledge of language.


Difference between system language and universal language abilities. Universal Language is a automatic translation, of which speaking and writing will be universally understood by C Angofiede and targets. System Language is only understood by those of the System's Children, and cannot be spoken physically. System Language is activated when C Angofiede purposefully organizes their thoughts to communicate with the System, or H4Nd AA. A example would be if C Angofiede thought the request, "Identify ______", or "Request Changes to _____". "

As it finally seemed to end it's explanation, Angofiede would attempt to do as instructed.

'What is the System?'



Request blocked. Alternative answer:

A natural ability born to every living item, allows living item to grow using EXP. Allows access to abilities, spells, and evolution."


'Points required to increase level, obtained by learning and improving abilities and spells, defeating opponents, and completing missions.

Additional explanation: Increasing level is one of the only ways to improve statistics. It allows for the obtaining of skill points as well. Skill points can be spent to learn or improve certain abilities and spells without naturally learning or improving them, and certain abilities can increase stats outside of leveling up."

Blinking, Angofiede tried to absorb what he had been told. A circular symbol appeared on the yellow screen, and the written transcript of the voice's words changed to what seemed to be a list.

".... automatically switching to ability and spell screen. H4Nd will prevent improving current abilities and spells, and will only allow the learning of new abilities and spells at this time.

Learnable Abilities:

Natural Healing Level 1 (Cost: 1 SP)

-Requires Material

-Healing Speed improves upon level

Harder Skin Level 1 (Cost: 1 SP)

-Increased Defense Stat

Movement Level 1 (Cost: 1 SP)

-First level creates flexible joints

-Movement Speed improves each level

Weapon Knowledge Level 1 (Cost: 2 SP)

-Allows weapon wielding

-Skill improves each level

-Skill can evolve

-Each skill evolution allows knowledge of a new weapon

-Possibility of skill creation

Learnable Spells:


... due to current state, all skill points will be spent to achieve the listed abilities. Future skill points will be spent by the choice of C Angofiede.


Weapon Knowledge Ability requires selection of proficiency.

Please select beginner weapon proficiency:


-Long Range

-High Critical Rate

-Requires Ammo


-Close Range

-High Damage

-Risk for Self Damage


-Mid Range

-Quick Piercing Damage

-Risk for Self Damage

Judging by statistics, the recommendation is: Bow."

Slews of information were provided in mere moments, and it took a few more questions before Angofiede fully understood the explanation.

As H4Nd had recommended, Bows were probably the only option for them. Being made of porcelain isn't exactly great for taking hits, and they weren't good enough at movement to dodge attacks. The high chance of critical hits would also fix the issue with his low damage output.

'Abilities have been updated.


Unless contacted, H4Nd will furthermore only activate when requested by either The System or System Language.


Good Luck."

AbNormal_Human AbNormal_Human

Nothing more then words this chapter, though more action will begin soon.

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