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A Night of Surprises

The cat hissed at her surroundings and shivered as the wind tore through the trees. She had run away from her home just hours before because of her annoyingly prissy and snobby owners. This was an outrage! A scandal that should've been put on that bizarre metal box thing that her owners would gawk at all the time. She growled in rage. To top it off, she was still wearing the ridiculous monstrosity a.k.a. clothes that she was always forced to wear to 'make a statement'. Despite this, she wasn't spoiled. Her name was Fluffy, but who in their right mind would name a cat something as common as Fuffy? As a result, she liked to be called Cat.

In the distance, she spotted the sweeping turrets of some sort of a structure. She slinked a few steps forward and upon closer inspection realized it was a dark, and haunted-looking fortress. Blocking the entrance lay a fuzzy, brown lump. Cat borrowed into its warmth and purred contently. Soon after, she realized that she wasn't the only one purring. The hair on the kitten's back stoop up on end and she shrieked in surprise. After hearing a shrill noise, the lump slowly blinked and scrambled up in astonishment. It was a bear! When he saw the irritated cat, he squealed in delight.

"Ooh, look! An adorable little kitten. You're so cute and soft and fluffy and-"

He was cut off by Cat, who was very offended when the bear called her fluffy. "Excuse me? Who d'you think you're calling cute?"

" I know! Since I'm starving let's go and eat! My name is Misky, what's yours?"

"No way are you having me for dinner, ya big lump of fur."

"That's a weird name…"

"My name is Cat!"

The bear trotted on, immune to Cat's annoyed grumbling as she hurried to catch up. She tripped several times and hoped that Misky didn't notice.

"I think I have a wheel of cheese, some bread, and milk. Do you like milk? I love it!"

"I'm no stray alley cat!" she exclaimed indignantly.

They walked into the fortress and navigated their way through the ancient and gloomy hallways, the bear chatting up a storm which Cat was purposefully choosing to ignore. Soon after, they realized that they were lost. Cat had a lot to say to Misky about this subject. After she yelled herself hoarse, they backtracked and tried to find the kitchens; Misky apologizing the whole way. As they wandered around aimlessly for an hour, Cat admired the architecture of the fortress and her mind began to wander…

They walked through a grand archway that was painted in shades of gray and entered the somehow still picturesque garden. The colors were bright and the flowers were blooming.

Suddenly, a big two-headed monster of some sorts with a hairy blue chest and sharp teeth lumbered out of a row of rose bushes and roared at them, showing his enormous teeth and showering them with his disgusting breath. The sound was so hideous that Cat and Misky both clapped their paws to their ears.

"MY EARS!" shrieked Cat. "My poor, POOR ears! You've traumatized me for life! There's this swanky new invention called brushing your teeth ya know? You should try it sometime, it would do wonders."

Since the monster didn't appreciate her remark, he growled and bared his teeth, getting ready to devour the unusual pair. Cat and Misky teamed up to ultimately defeat the monster. Cat distracted it by hurling a steady stream of insults at the top of her lungs while the bear swiped at it with his sharp claws. At last, they managed to corner the weak monster against a stone wall.

"Fine!" the monster gasped (they never got around to introducing themselves). "You win, you brats!" Then his body became limp as he passed out cold.

The cat and the bear looked at each other sheepishly and bumped fists. "" They panted in unison.

Misky reached over and waved a paw in front of the monster's snout. "Yep. Looks like he won't be waking up any time soon. Shall we?" He asked, motioning to the table laid out with a buffet that had mysteriously appeared once the monster was defeated.

Cat giggled, then stopped short, mortified at the sound she had made. Nevertheless, she batted her eyelashes at Misky and said, "We shall."

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