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Patient in the White room (PT 2)

Daniel's consciousness snapped back, making him spring from the ground.

#Have you calmed down?#

The familiar voice of the doctor caused Daniel to turn around. He wasn't used to the current environment.

The large white room was replaced with a small metal room. From the ceiling, a red light shined down upon him.

"The fuck?" Daniel said covering his eyes. The light had started to make him sweat and exfoliate.

#You have been put into the solitary ward#

"Ha, so that white room of yours is too weak to withhold me!?" Daniel started to break into laughter, so much so tears started to form under his eyelids.

#This is just a precaution#

"My ass!" Daniel shouted as he flipped off the camera from the ceiling.

"This guy just doesn't quit does he?" The doctor said sighing and as he pushed his glasses back onto his forehead.

A flurry of knocks came from the door behind him.

"Yes?" The doctor said as he grabbed the door handle and pulling it towards himself.

A man in a full slim-fit black suit stood over him. The man's height was no joke, any person that looked at him would assume he would at least be 6'5.

"I'm here representing Argus" The slender man said making his way through the door and onto the office chair where the doctor was sitting previously.

"What would Argus want with us? We are but a mental hospital." The doctor said turning, as he unscrewed the lid of a bottle of water.

"We would like to take him off your hands" The slender man pointed towards the camera monitor, showing Daniel still flipping off the camera.

This statement made the doctor freeze. "What are you gonna do to him?" The doctor asked placing down the open water bottle.

"Everything in this contract" The slender man reached into his coat and pulled out a stack of paper and passed it to the doctor.

The doctor grabbed the contract nervously, he took a small gulp of water, before flickering through the contract provided.

"So, he will be free to do what ever he wants, but nothing against the law?" The doctor asked releasing his eyes from the contract and staring at the slender man.

"That is correct" The slender man nodded taking the contract out of the hands of the doctor.

"Who am I to restrict a man's freedom. Only if he gives consent will I sign this." The doctor said taking out a cigarette from his coat pocket.

"Alright, I'll ask him" The slender man got up from the chair and brushed a piece of lint off his coat.

He walked out the door disappearing into the dark without a trace.

His footsteps were still heard, like an invisible man, or ninja cloaked by night.




Back in the room, Daniel had given up on trying to aggravate the doctor. He laid on the floor with a magazine over his face.

The cell door opened with a nurse walking through. "How's your day going so far?" She asked placing a glass of water down as she handed Daniel an arrangement of multicolor pills.

"How good can it be?" Daniel mumbled as his face was still buried in the magazine's pages.

"There is someone here to see you." The nurse said taking the magazine from his face.

The man in the slim-fit black suit stood in the doorway, holding a group of papers stapled together.

"I'm here to offer you an opportunity to get closer to the outside world." The man said standing over Daniel as if he was a plebeian. He gave off the aura of a wannabe God, looking down on all those less fortunate than him.

"Don't give me that attitude, you can shove that pride up your ass." Daniel said getting up, but still not equalling the suited man's height.

The slim-fit man snickered and grabbed Daniel's collar. "When someone gives you a choice, answer them" He said looking into Daniel's hazelnut eyes.

"Shove it old man!" Daniel replied in anger.

As it was about to get heated they were interrupted by the doctor on the PA system.

#Calm down, tell him about the contract#

The slim-fit man grunted and shoved the documents into Daniel's torso.

Daniel took a couple steps back and flipped through the papers. "What's the catch?" Daniel asked as he handed over the documents back to the man.

"You won't be able to PK or Steal"

"Now that's disappointing," Daniel said sighing.

"Don't forget you're still a mental patient. We're only doing this to feed the public a better image of ourselves." The man said as he thrusted his index finger into Daniel's chest.

"Whatever, it's not like I'm doing anything." Daniel said grabbing the pen out of the man's coat and signing his name onto the paper.

The slim-fit man smiled as he took the signed contract out of Daniel's hands and showed it to the camera.

#All good# The doctor said over the PA system.

"We'll send the gear in the next half hour." The slim-fit man said to Daniel closing the cell door behind him.

"Can't wait." Daniel said sarcastically as he continued to lay on the floor with the magazine over his face once again.

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