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75% Authors world: Black Lagoon / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 setting roots part 1

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 setting roots part 1

I groaned as I woke up on the sofa again. I had passed out on the sofa in the Lagoon dock, running my hand over my face I sighed, things had been getting rather slow, it had been two days since that job to stall that freighter. And I had decided to give it a bit of time to rest up after all that happened I just wanted a few days of quiet to rest up cause I knew what was coming next on the agenda but I knew it wouldn't be for a while at least.

But I had rested enough, and it was time I started getting set up in this town. Pushing myself off the sofa I made my way over to the fridge and took out a cold bottle of water before I walked over to the middle of the room and pulled down the ladder leading to the roof. After climbing up I walked to the top and looked out as the streets of Roanapur climbed the slope inland.

I find it interesting with how my mind has changed with this character's mindset, normal people would just look at the scenery like this and enjoy the view, maybe make a few mental notes about certain things, but my mind was working completely different now.

I wasn't admiring the scenery I was taking in every little detail and planning for any encounter, I was scanning the rooftops and making notes of sniper angles, I was measuring distances and calculating number the number of floors in each building and estimating structural weak points before calculating how much explosive I would need to take it down with the least effort. I was counting choke points and ways to travel to avoid direct lines of sight with the tallest towers gaze, so this is the mind of a trained soldier, I have to say I like it.

Even with two years in the Russian military I had a keen eye, and I would need that if I was going to stay alive here, well I knew the Author-God wasn't going to kill me off but it should help to keep me out of situations where I could technically die if I didn't have some all-powerful god looking out for me.

'Ok first things first if I'm going to set up shop here I need a base of operations… Better make that two, and at least three or four safe houses with supplies set up around the city and two supply drops outside the city so I can be ready to bolt should shit hit the fan at any point and I can lay low until things cool over.'

I scanned the building line, all of them were standard, build with regulation materials, no major re-enforcements or extra support columns in place, they could be breached easily, and with a high enough calibre the walls would provide as much protection as toilet paper. No, none of them would suffice for a first base or safe house, if I wanted one I was going to be comfortable with, I'd have to build it myself, now the question is where to build them.

I scanned the area as I noted down all possible positions where I could set up shop, the key factors I had to take in was who controlled what areas, the triad controlled the guns so that only the Rip-off-church and others with permission could sell them in bulk, hotel Moscow controls the heroine routes in the city and they are in links with the Columbian cartel in that, while they and the Italian mafia control the girls on the city streets with everyone taking a piece of the action.

The city was divided into different areas each controlled by different factions, and then there were the smaller factions and gangs that roamed around the place all small time and not much of a threat, I could always take a few of them, or knock out some leader and get some working for me, takes some out of the equation and set up shop, if their turf is in a nice spot, but where to look first.

As I looked over the city I heard someone climbing up the ladder and coming across the roof. "Hey, there you are, what the fuck are you doing up here?" I heard Revy ask as she came up behind me.

"Just property scouting, I figure I'm going to need a few places, I like to be prepared," I said taking a drink of my water

"A few, you planning on going to war or something?" Revy said rolling her eyes

"You never know what the future holds. I was thinking of maybe removing a few small gangs from their little rat holes and seeing about using their places. No doubt they'd have a little cash stashed away which is always good, the guns and ammunition would also be a bonus" I smirked

"Jesus, you're planning on doing all this yourself talk about being greedy," Revy said crossing her arms.

"You want in? I'll cut you in on thirty percent of the cash we find" I proposed with a smirk, the more the merrier.

"Forty-five," Revy countered holding up four fingers, "plus all expenses I put into it"

"Forty, plus expenses and I'll give you half the 9mm rounds we find that should more than cover it" I grinned with a chuckle

Revys eyebrow twitched, "find, but you're paying the round at the bar"

"Deal" I smirked holding out my hand as we shook on it.

"Ok so where are we going to hit first," Revy said grinning as we started heading to the ladder.

"I'm not too sure yet, I need a map of this place to see where the best spots would be," I said as we climbed down.

Going back inside, I lifted one of the extra maps there was lying around and spread it out on the table, setting my bottle down to hold back one of the corners.

Looking over the map was a very strange feeling, Roanapur was much larger than I had originally thought from looking at the anime. It stretched much further back and was a lot wider that it looked. From what I could see this was only one of the seven ports in the bay and while Roanapur was mostly full of the scum of the earth it was also a holiday resort in some areas filled with shops and restaurants and even some classy hotels, and at the very back the largest building was a casino and hotel run by hotel Moscow as their main base of operations, it hosted each the entire bulk of the faction there and the special forces, their armoury and head office, just west of it was a slightly smaller hotel tower which was the base for the Triad, they specialized in mostly intel transference, and never brought the weapon market into the hotel, though there was a drug ring agreement running through it with the cartel. The hotels being the largest source of business in the city.

Looking at the map I could see the key areas, there was the slum's to the far west where the majority of the trash hang around, then the mid-level area where the trash goes to pick pockets occasionally just slightly closer to the middle of the city, all along the ports were warehouses and some residential areas but they were mostly used for storage.

Further inland there the more desirable areas that were still sleazy, where no decent person would want to live but you won't find the likes of them here, that's where all the bars, whore houses and strip clubs are, and the further east you go the more they spread out as more and more cheap motels and apartment areas fill in the gaps. It was in the thicker of those areas that where the Italian mafia and the Columbian cartel had set up shop.

The lagoon main office was in the middle area between the slums and the whore houses but closer to the docks, you had to take a number of back ally routes before getting onto the main road to get here, to many choke points for my liking.

As I looked over the map I marked with x's where the key areas are before nodding to myself as I circled areas that were strategically important. Three of them were more on the east side of town where the motels were taking over and then there was one sitting right smack in the middle of the middle area close to the lagoon office building.

"Those areas, who controls them?" I asked looking to Revy

She looked at the map and smirked, "well those one you've got up there is home to two gangs, the Cobras and the Hellhounds, a bunch of pussies no more than fifty members between them" she said as she pointed to two of the areas I circled to the east, "they're small time dealers and gun runners dealing in small amounts and small arms, they never really cause much hassle for the larger fish so they're left alone, though the word is the hellhounds pay homage to the cartel for the heroine they sell, and the small arms they get smuggled in through some means were not sure off, but it's not us"

"So do you think that puts that one off the table seeing as they've got links to the cartel?" I ask as look around for another area

"not exactly" Revy said with a shake of the head, "there are twenty gangs around that area that do the same with the heroine but they're all on the agreed routes, if we hit them that would be kicking up a shit storm, but hitting these pussies shouldn't do much, as long as we kill them all so they can't come back and rat us out to the cartel"

"Got it kill 'em all then. What about here and here?" I ask gesturing to the other two areas

"well this one will be tricky," Revy said as she pointed to the lowest of the three in the east near the water, "it's right on top of one of the large gangs, the seven straights, seventy bastards in total, armed with sub-machine guns and a few mini-guns in certain areas in that compound of theirs they cover the stretch of lands for at least several blocks, they cover half the cocaine intake in the city, taking them out would piss a lot of people off. Of course, it would also mean a hell of a payday and we can just sell the cocaine connections to whoever wants to take over. Of course the cartels will be thanking us because that will make them the only dealers in the city and that compound is pretty sweet. Reinforced walls, and front gate with motion sensors and already kitted out, it will be a beauty of a place to chill out in, I think it even has a pool too"

"You're kidding, oh we're hitting there first," I grinned, I wanted a pool. "Now, what about this last one near the office?"

"Oh, that one's the least problems, only a small gang in there ten guys at most with knives and small calibre handguns they mostly do stick up jobs on tourists. There're some bounties on their heads by hotel Moscow and the triads, if you want to collect on that, though the bastards have to be taken alive, I've been meaning to collect them but I just couldn't be arse doing it alone" Revy smirked

"Sounds like easy money, we'll do that one last to make sure they're all there when we do, and bring the car we can toss the buggers in the back and take them to meet their makers" I said grinning some extra cash wouldn't hurt on top of whatever these bastards have, plus it will put me on good terms with hotel Moscow.

"Sounds like a plan to me, so how you want to do this first," Revy asked taking out her Berettas and checking their mags.

"I'm thinking we just go in hard and fast," I say with a shrug, "but I want to do a quick recon first to do a count-up on just what we'll be facing so I know what we're going to need. We can just head to the church beforehand and get the stuff before hitting it and leave the clean up to the cleaners after we've looted all we can"

"playing it safe Hm, well it's better than getting our heads blown off, alright come on the car should be outside, I'll drive," Revy said as she walked to the door I followed.

Getting into the red 1969 Plymouth Road Runner I smirked, "this should be a fun little day trip don't you think?"

"Hell yea, nothing like mass murder and stealing to make my day" Revy smirked before she put her foot down and we sped off.

Scene break

It was a good ten minutes before we got to the place even with Revy breaking every traffic law and speed limit on the way there. And I have to say she wasn't joking on this place.

We pulled into an ally way on another street to take notes on what we could see. The place was a fort and a heavily armed fort at that, three floors with a single main entrance. It was a three-meter wide archway into the main yard and from what I could see the rumours about the pool were true.

There were four visible guards in the archway two at each end each armed with military grade assault rifles. But those weren't my concern, what was were the four M134 Miniguns mounted on second and third-floor windows, each with a man on them. My next problem was their front doors, these guys had cash to burn to have these, four inches thick cast iron with several interlocking bars and outer wall reinforcements, you'd need a tank to even make a dent once they closed, and all the first floor windows had bars on them so the only way in once it was closed was to scale the building, and that was If the mini-guns didn't rip you to shreds when you got too close.

Their roof was flat and they had three guys up there also each with assault rifles as well, and from watching for fifteen minutes I've noticed a pattern from the movements behind the windows on the second and third floors, each had two patrols of guards that do a full rotation every five minutes, not that we had to worry about guards once we were inside it would be a cluster fuck of a blood bath, the problems were getting in and making sure everyone we had to kill was in there as well and then making sure no one escaped after it all kicked off, that shit stain of a mercenary from the other week may have been a jackass but he was right about one thing no one likes survivors.

The good think was my military brain was working over time I already had several strategies that would do just fine, but I needed to know what I had to work with to make it work, we had to go shopping.

"Alright let's move," I said to Revy, "we need to go shopping, Papa needs some new toys for this job"

Revy smirked, "let's go shopping" she grinned before we shot around the bend like a bat out of hell.

Scene break

It was just after mid-day when we pulled up outside of the large church that was on the outer rim of Roanapur, it was a large catholic church with white painted outer walls and large windows, the standard in most buildings of its kind. Looking around as we got out of the car I could see a number of other buildings around that I hadn't in the anime, they must have been the rest of the convent, the place still needed to serve as a church after all to retain its cover as a church, while really its congregation were the largest suppliers of illegal arms in Roanapur that uses their church cover to smuggle weapons over borders without being stopped, it was really an ingenious cover, to bad I knew better than to trust the people in charge of it I had seen who they really are and where their true loyalties lie with, and out of all the people in Roanapur they were the people who could in all likely hood bring Roanapur crumbling to its knees and destroy everything.

But for now they weren't at that level of a threat yet, I'd deal with them in my own time, but I wasn't stupid to think I could take them on at the moment, they're CIA for crying out loud, but I knew I simply had to bide my time and get them under my thumb, having a CIA mole could be rather handy, the head of the triad here in Roanapur certainly seems to think so, and that man's not stupid, but I suspect not even he knows who he's acutely talking to behind the distorted voice over the phone calls.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Revy started banging at the door of the chapel. "Hey you in there you old skank, hello, you've got business here! Open up already!"

I smirked watching her as I noticed a white parakite tethered to a wooden post by some flowers, it let out a squawk as it flapped its wings before repeating something vaguely similar to what Revy had just yelled, 'guess she comes here and does this often then, that or there are some people with the same foul mouth as hers' I think as I start walking towards the chapel.

As I approach the chapel I can hear yelling coming from inside, something about a loud mouth bitch asking to get shot as the voice got closer. Then the door opened wide and I got a look at who was yelling back. I knew who she was immediately, Sister Eda, or Edith Blackwater.

She was wearing the standard black and white nun's outfit, complete with the crucifix around her neck, and habit on her head with some thick strands of dirty blond hair coming out, she wore a pair of pink angular sunglasses covering her blue eyes. Though the nuns habit hides it somewhat, her body shape was easily made out and her curves were very nice, and to anyone who had a good brain in their head, that would probably send up some flairs you don't normally see sexy nuns but then I normally never went looking for pussy in a convent before.

"Will you shut up already, you're shouting loud enough to wake the fucking dead" the sister yelled as she opened the door and her eyes fell on Revy and then be before back to Revy. "Hm, who's the stud you got there Revy he looks nice, just about my type you wanna share him"

I blinked at the sudden advance, 'I thought the letter said only one girl per fiction, eh I'll find out later', I though before I gave a little chuckle at the sudden advance.

Revy just snarled at the comment, "Fuck off Eda we're here to get some things for a job, you gonna let us in or what?"

Eda looked to Revy for a moment, "what are you talking about, your order isn't due to be here for another month or two. We can't make stuff appear just like that"

With a pissed off sigh Revys shook her head, "No not that shit, another job just came up off the books and we need some shit to make it happen, so we need to look at your in-house stock"

That seemed to get Eda's attention, "Oh and just what kind of jobs does Lagoon classify as off-the-books? Must be something pretty interesting?"

"It's got nothing to do with Lagoon" Revy glared at her, "just clearing some real estate of some annoying bugs so the "Stud" here can move in"

Now Eda looked to me, "Oh I see, so does this Stud have a name?" she asked as she looked me up and down like a piece of prime cut.

I smirked, "My name is Leo Melikov, and as much as I'd like to continue this little chat of ours, we are rather pressed for time as I'd like to have at least one place… "gryzun besplatno (Rodent free)" by end of day, so if we could chat while we walked"

That seemed to make her smirk some as she turned, "Suit yourself, come on the stocks back this way" she said as she waved over her shoulder for us to follow.

Following through the church I had to admire its architecture it was quite an old building at least sixty years old if not older and had been beautifully maintained. As we reached the back of the building there was a thick wooden door with a heavy bar across its front and a large padlock on it, I raised my eyebrow looking at it, 'this is all that they use to keep all that fire power safe, talk about lax security, but then again who would be dumb enough to try and steal from them when they have the backing of the triad it would be suicide'

Eda undid the lock and pulled the bar to the side as the door opened and we walked in, and we were greeted with a sight most gun nuts would give their left nut for. There were row of crates stacked two at the back and one at the front open showing their contents, there were at least fifty along each side of the room with two lines of tables running down the middle with a small walkway between them, the tables had smaller crates in them and had an assortment of explosive and special ammo on them in batches of ten.

I couldn't help but grin walking into that room, "I think I've died and come to nebo (heaven)" I said before Revy burst out laughing beside me.

"ha-ha-ha, Damn it Eda you been holding out on us, there enough guns in here to fucking fight world war three for both sides" Revy laughed.

"Oh you think this is good this is just the show room, we keep a small supply of special order items down in the back room, but those will cost ya an arm and a leg or your balls if you're not careful" Eda laughed.

I smirked, "Oh I'll have to see those at the end and see what you've got but for now let's see what igrushki (toys) we've got to work with," I said as I started walking forward to browse over the guns

"So Leo, what you thinking for this first one, the place is a fucking fort," Revy asked as she lifted one of the AKs and aimed down the scope mock firing.

I grinned, "well I'd like to keep the overall damage to a minimal on the outsides, we need to take out the guns and block the doors from shutting cause if they shut then things are going to get harder unless Eda's hiding a bak (tank) somewhere around here" I ask in a joking tone looking to the blond.

Eda laughs, "Sorry fresh out, but where's the place you guys are hitting I can only think of a few that you would need a tank for"

"He's talking about the seven straights place down at the water side, we scoped the place out before coming here" Revy explained as she pulled back the slide on the AK checking it over

Eda looked at me wide-eyed hearing that, "you're shitting me, those aren't some low power back street boys you're talking about. That's one of the bigger gangs in that area, and you two are planning to take their strong hold on the waterfront, for what?"

I smirked, "for my base of operations, I'm setting up shop in town, I used to do hit man jobs taking out groups or single targets in tactical strikes, but I burned through the money from single jobs to fast and the group jobs don't come in often enough, so I figure why not make a business out of it and see if anyone wants to join me in it, heck why wouldn't some people, travel to exotic locations kill a few pricks come back and drink and screw till your hearts content, it's a win, win, win and double win if you ask me"

Revy looked at me with a smirk, "so what was all that about asking Dutch for a slot on the Lagoon then, or were you just blowing smoke"

"a man's got to eat and ubiystvo (assassination) jobs don't drop every day, we have dry spells just like any other, heck I used to take on some mercenary jobs when times were low just to eat, I figured having Lagoon to fall back on would be a good bet" I explained remembering my character memories, he'd had a hell of a fun life.

"Oh I got ya" Revy smirked setting the AK down

I looked to Eda, "so what you got in the controlled explosives area, just as a backup in case we need to blow that door"

Eda raised an eyebrow to me putting on her shocked face, which I knew was just for show her whole persona was just an act, "well we got a crate of C4 in the other day, but if you're taking the place, you're not going to want to bust in the front door"

I paused for a moment, "yea I know I'd like to keep them from closing it or get inside before they do, if that's at all possible, blocking it would be an option, but we'd need a vehicle to ram in there to keep them from doing it, but we don't have time to go car shopping"

Eda smirked, "well then you'd better go packing then, take out them before they can close it"

I smirked as well, "and not get cut down by their mini-guns at the same time, just what I was thinking. We'd need some heavy armour for that, and I think I know just what will get the job done, mind if I take a look at your special stock to see if you have anything that would do the job?"

Eda smirked at me, "right this way" she gestured to a side door.

Walking through we were greeted with a sight that would make most think they were seeing things, I just grinned like a mad man, "oh things are going to go boom"

"That's an understatement," Revy said coming in beside me with the same slack-jawed expression I had before we both looked at each other and shared the same thought, 'we are going to have so much fun'

Scene break

Driving down the road to the compound I couldn't help but think this was cheating in some way, eh what do I care this is going to be freaking awesome.

I looked into the back seat and smirked, "you ready to pump some vesti (lead) into these guys?" I asked Revy who was grinning just as bad as I was.

"Damn straight, I away wanted to shot one of these things and now I'm gonna open up, I tell ya Eda's been holding out on me with this beauty," Revy said as she took her seat

I shook my head, "Yeah but at least you're getting it now, and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it was going to be, I've still got plenty left even after all the ammo costs"

"I still say we don't have enough" Revys smirked as the compound came into sight

I smirked, "we'll we're about to see, better brace this is going to be a hell of a crash landing," I said as I slammed my foot on the accelerator.

Now if you were the poor fools in the compound you would have looked out the front door and shit yourself at the huge armoured monster coming at you, and that's practically what these fools did, the second I started heading right for them. I could see them beginning to rush around like headless chickens as the guys at the front started opening up with their machine guns and mini-guns spraying us as we came we were going full speed and their shots just pinged off us like flies hitting a bug zapper this continued to the point when we crashed through the little fence they had around the compound and charged straight for their front door as they tried to close it, problem was we were too fast and way too big. The guys in the way had to dive out of our path not to get run down cause I wasn't taking my foot off the accelerator until we were inside and as soon as we were I slammed my foot on the breaks and came to a stop just before we went in the pool.

Your probably asking yourself just what the hell I was driving, well let me tell you I had only seen this a few times in the movies but being in one of these monsters you get a whole other perspective to just how big these things are, I'm taking about a M1117 APC in the classing desert dust paint job.

Once we had stopped we got a good look at the inside of the compound and it was nice two sets of balconies around the upper floors with lots of room and the pool just off to the left of the ground floor, looking up to the balconies I grinned seeing a whole lot of guys with a lot of guns all pointed at us.

"Gudi (Goodie)" I said as they all started opening fire like idiots as the rounds continued to ping off our armoured exterior, if I recalled the newspaper I read the year was 1997 so technically this thing wasn't due to be out on the field for another two years, so how Eda got a hold of one to sell I don't know but I'll be damned if it doesn't do its job.

After another thirty seconds, the firing stopped and I grinned picking up the microphone and flipping a switch to turn on the exterior speaker.

"Attention you idioty (idiots), what you are currently looking at is the latest in bulletproof armaments and as you can see your bullets can not pierce it, so you cannot shoot us, however, the same cannot be said for us shooting you" I grinned as Revy grabbed the controls of the top mounted 50.Cal machine gun and opened fire.

The bullets cut through them like tissue paper as Revy started at one side and sprayed in an arc before repeating tearing through any protection they had and cutting them down as they started running for what little cover they had. Some hid behind stone pillars that gave them some but we'd deal with them when the fun really started.

After two full minutes of the guns firing, we ran out of ammunition and Revy sighed at the controls, "I told you, you didn't get enough bullets"

I smirked, "of course I didn't, there'd be nothing left of the compound if I bought more, you'd never stop shooting" I said as I pulled her down sticking myself out and firing off the smoke grenades covering us in a few seconds, "teper' samoye interesnoye mozhet nachat'sya (now the fun can begin)" I said pulling my colts and jumping out to start the fighting, Revy close behind me, the idiots had gone inside to find cover what was left of them. I could see bodies hanging over railings and through windows, walls filled with bullet holes where Revy had strafed the place.

"I sure did a hell of a job on these guys" Revy grinned

"Yeah and shot my new compound to Ad (hell)" I sighed, "but it had to be done, come on let's clear these ublyudki (bastards) out you take the third floor I'll take the second. Yell if you find anything good" I said as we split up as the staircases

"Will do" Revy said grinning like a maniac as she went up

I rolled my eyes as we got to work clearing each room as I went, the idiots didn't stand a chance, by the time I was finished I must have shot twelve on my floor, the rooms looked like they were just for sleeping, there wasn't much here, I was just hoping Revy had found something good on her end.

"Hey, Revy you done yet?" I called up just in time to see a corpse falling from the balcony above and dropping into the pool, "great now I'll have to have it cleaned before I can go swimming" I said with a sigh before looking up to see Revy looking down on me with a smirk.

"Ah quit your groaning and get up here, you're not going to believe what I've found," Revy said grinning.

I quirked an eyebrow as I started up the second staircase up to her, she gestured to the last room and I walked in blinking as I looked around.

The room looked to have been a bedroom looking at its similar layout compared to the others, but its walls had been covered over with metal for protection for the tables stacked with keys of cocaine, with a large crate over to the side of the room full to the brim.

I grinned there's got to be at least a couple hundred kilo here in product, selling it at a hundred dollars a gram I'd be seeing at least twenty million dollars easy here, well that's me set in cash once I've got this sold I can set up here easy with this score.

"Well this room alone has just set up my operations for years to come once I find a buyer for it all" I grinned

"You kidding me, with this much stuff, you'd be able to retire after you sell half of it," Revy said looking over the stuff

I smirked, "and what would be the fun it that, as much as I wouldn't mind sitting back on a beach somewhere with some cold drinks and a fishing rod, retirement isn't for me. Na I prefer the smell of oruzhiye (guns), puli (bullets) and chertovski mnogo vzryvov (a hell of a lot of explosions)"

Revy laughed, "oh I hear ya, so you wanna first dibs at their armoury or what before I call Eda to come over and start bidding, they have a nice stock here, not as big as the church but still nice"

I smirked, "you can go a head, I need to make a call of my own, you would happen to know a certain blond woman's office number would you?"

Revy smirked tossing me a cell phone, "speed dial six, six, six for the devil" she said heading out

I chuckled before punching the number in and waited at the dial, I got a heavy Russian accent on the other end that would be her right-hand man.

"Hello, who is this and how did you get this number" spoke the voice

I made sure not to hide my own accent as I spoke, "hello, I'm trying to reach your boss, I've got a deal she might be interested in"

"And who might I say is calling?" the voice responded

"Leo Melikov" I replied as I heard him take the phone away from his ear after a few seconds I heard the familiar voice of the balalaika on the other end

"Ah Mr Melikov, such a pleasure to be hearing from you so soon, I trust you're enjoying our cities hospitalities," Balalaika said in a cheerful tone

I smirked, "and what a pleasure it is to hear you also, yes I've been finding the city to be most welcoming, it's certainly livelier than I was expecting but then I didn't really know what I was expecting"

"Indeed, now what can I help you with, my lieutenant said you had a deal to offer me?" Balalaika asked I could hear the intrigue in her voice, or maybe that was just her accent, it's hard to tell.

I smirked, "right to business without foreplay, moy vid zhenshchiny (my kind of woman), yes actually I was out on the town looking for places to start my roots so to speak"

"And you were wondering if I knew of any good places where you might do so?"

I chuckled, "actually not, I found one such place and I think it will work nicely, for now, a compound down on the shoreline, previously ran by a group of idiots called the seven straights if I recall the devichiy (girl's) words on the matter, she was who gave me this number, you see we cleared them out and we found a substantial amount of their narkotiki (drugs) that were looking to unload, about two hundred or so Keys of kokain (cocaine), and you were the first group who came to mind"

"Well you certainly don't waste any time, you've been busy," she said in a tone I could only interpret as impressed.

"Indeed, so are you interested," I asked smirking on the other end

"That I am, that stockpile there on top of what we already have can fund our operations for some time to come"

"Excellent, then you can send your lyudi (men) to come and do a count on the stock, we'll arrange a time later for the payment," I said in a relaxed tone

"You're very trusting aren't you?"

"Well, wasn't it you who said, Otel' Moskva imeyet kodeks chesti (hotel Moscow has a code of honour), I'd think that also counts towards not screwing those out of their money in deals" I chuckled.

"Very perceptive, my men are on their way, I'll call you again on this number with the price once I've had the stock verified and valued" she said in a please tone

"udovol'stviye delat' dela s vami (A pleasure doing business with you), the stock is on the third floor last door on the right-hand side. Skoro uvidimsya (See you soon)" I said before hanging up as I walked out of the room putting the phone away

"So what did sis say," Revy said coming up beside me with a pissed off look on her face.

I smirked, "she's sending someone to pick up the keys now. You get a hold of Eda?"

"Yep, she says she's not interested in the guns says the sister says they've got all the stock they need" Revy scowled leaning on the railing, "so that's a bust"

"We'll still get cash from the narkotiki (drugs), so that's not bad thing it just means I've got an oruzheynyy (armoury) now, as a bonus" I smirked, "the day's staring off good"

"Yea, so you wanna hit those other places now" Revy looked to me with a smirk

"Da, chert voz'mi (Damn right), come on, we need to grab some Ammo from the mini-guns here for the next hit" I could see her grinning, "I'm gunning this time" I said walking past her, "I don't need you tearing the arse out of this next place, it's already going to cost a fortune to fix this place up. We'll call the cleaners on the road to get rid of the bodies. Don't need the old tenants stinking up my new pad" I said

"Oh come on it's not that much damage," Revy said chasing after me just as one of the pillars that were supporting the far walkway collapsed making my eye twitch and Revy chuckle

I sighed, "The repairs are coming out of your cut. You went overboard"

Revy's eye twitched at me, "fine" she said as we started out the door to our next job.

Scene break

With the ammo now restocked from the compounds guns we took off for the next location, we were sticking to the plan and leaving the smaller group till last, I figured I'd get a call from balalaika about the cocaine pricing and me turning up with a group of that hotel Moscow has been looking for would only sweeten the deal.

Now I hadn't really seen the area that we were heading to next so I wasn't sure what to expect here, according to Revy these two groups the Cobras and hell hounds both worked out of a single building the cobras dealing the heroin and the hounds dealing in small firearms, and as we drove down the street heading for the place I got a good look at what we had to deal with, the building was four floors tall and looked like a renovated office building like the one Lagoons office space was based in, it would make somewhat of a decent set up on down the road, maybe I could rent it out to Dutch in a while when those gorillas shoot his place to high hell, I still don't know how in the hell they all survived that attack in the anime but I'm looking forward to finding out when it happens.

As we came up to the building at high speed I slammed on the breaks and swerved so that the right side was facing the building, the front door in front of us has three guys standing in front of it each packing nine millimetre semi autos on their belts, and the second they saw us swerve in the look on their faces said it all, and it looked like they shit a brick when the guns aimed at them with me grinning behind them.

"dobroy nochi (good night)" I smirked to myself as I pulled the trigger and strafed the three before doing a vertical line up the building shattering the window on each floor before I began zig-zagging the building floors, by the time I was done there wasn't a window left that wasn't shattered, and the only reason I stopped was because I ran out of ammunition.

Jumping out of the hatch Revy followed me and whistled seeing the damage, "not so shabby, only some exterior damage, nothing a little plaster and paint won't fix, but what matters is the body count"

I chuckled, "yeah do me a favour and tally up all the bodies you find that aren't your kills, I need to add to my marks, and it helps if I have an accurate number, so far I'm getting thirty-two new ones next visit"

Revy gave me a dry chuckle, "sure no problem" she said pulling her Berettas as we walking into the building guns raised as we started clearing the place out, I took the second and fourth floor Revy took the first and third, fucking idiots didn't stand a chance as we walked through the halls mowing down anything that moved.

Finishing the last of them we came up to the fourth floor and I had a scowl on my face, the entire top floor was a meth lab and looking at the poor quality of some of the stuff was pissing me off, the stuff I hadn't shot to hell looks like it was on its last legs, whatever drugs that were coming out of here were not going to do anyone any good either way, who fucking know what other stuff these bastards were mixing in with it all.

"So what do you wanna do with all this," Revy said looking around the room

"Burn it, I have no interest in the Heroine or Meth, the place would be better off without it," I said with a scowl

Revy looked to me, "wow so the big bad Comrade has a conscience who knew, by the way, your death tally is sixty-seven now" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"It's not a conscience, its common sense. While I don't approve of the use of these drugs I also don't view them as totally evil, they are a product that is sold, and if used in a safe way in correct environments then I don't see a problem with people using, it is their choice. However the stuff in here is not safe, who the fuck know what these ublyudki (bastards) are putting into their mix to bulk it up, I'm betting none of this is even ten percent pure and would kill anyone who took a higher dose" I explained as I put my pistols away

Revy just walked to the window, "all right point to you" she said before looking out the window, just as police sirens sounded, "ah just great" Revy said as I came up behind her and looked down to see our ride was blocked in by several police cars and I could see the chief with a loud speaker before I heard him.

"Alright to the gunmen inside, come on out with your hands up, unless you want to be turned into Swiss cheese" he spoke through the loud speaker

I sighed rubbing my temple, "I hate svin'I (pigs)" I said before turning Revy next to me

"What the fuck do these dip-shits want, it's not like were hurting anyone, were actually doing their jobs taking these fucktards out" Revy complained as we went down the stairs

Making it out the front door I had my coat handing over one of my shoulders showing the tattoos on my arm.

The pigs kept their guns on us and the chief had a pissed off look on his face, "Revy what the hell, why'm I getting reports of a freaking Armoured car tearing up gang dens throughout the city, and who the fuck is this guy!"

Revy smirks and I just shook my head, "Who I am svin'ya (Pig), is someone who does not like guns being pointed at him, so unless you and your men want to be added to my kill count and pile of bodies inside I'd suggest your order them to stop or I will start shooting"

The chief looked at me with a scowl, "I don't think you're understanding where you are at buddy"

I scowled back, "no I understand perfectly, I'm standing in the asshole of the world talking to an idiot who doesn't realize he's talking to someone who's killed more times that you've fucked, though that second number isn't very high to begin with, and is someone who can kill you without blinking, now I suggest you get the fuck out of our way, we still have another place to hit before we have a meeting to attend, or do you want to be the one to call Balalaika and tell her why she'd going to have to wait around for me to finish up"

The chief looked like he was about to blow a gasket and the pigs around him were sweating at my threats, I knew he wouldn't risk pissing off hotel Moscow, he was on their payroll after all, as well as every other faction in town, the entire force was crooked each of them, I never really had much love for cops and neither did Leo, when he was younger he would always have been treated like filth by the Russian police, half the force was crooked and the other half didn't give a shit, well at least that was what it was like where he grew up, the whore houses always saw to the police first and the gangs paid commissions for them to turn a blind eye to any illicit activities, and when that wasn't enough they took half the food rations from any shelters for themselves so they'd have more money for drink and whores, that had been why Leo had added thirty tallies to his count after he got back from training when he killed all the police in that area he grew up and took all their cash for himself, it was safe to say Leo hated cops and that was starting to rub off on me.

After several seconds the chief finally relented and gave his men the order to lower their guns before pointing his finger at me, "I'd better not see you again or next time I'll give the order to shoot first"

I smirked, "you do that, and there'll be a rather large crater where your station used to be, and I'll make sure you have a front row seat to your own castration svin'ya (pig)" I said walking past him getting back into our armoured transport with Revy behind me as the police moved out of the way and we took off.

As we were driving Revy looked to me, "what the fuck was that about back there?"

I sighed, "I don't like svin'I (pigs), especially those on the take, you can never tell what they'll do if they've got it out for you" I said leaving the rest up to her imagination, though I already knew what she was thinking about as she looked away from me, I knew her history or as much as I could have known from the anime series, mother sold herself on the streets only to die in childbirth, drunk ass father never worth much beat her and treated her like shit, and to make it worse, raped when she was a teen by a fucking cop, no she held no love for cops either, or rather one group in particular, something tells me if she and them met up now, it'd be a fucking bloodbath.

PsyChotiX556 PsyChotiX556

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