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Across the universe?

Comments of "The Cur" or


The two part poem of "ha ha hubris", and, "the cur", is part of a larger dialog between two of an alien race who happened to have seeded the earth with our very DNA, the argument, thus far, is whether they should help us humans to keep from destroying each other or not, by placing a manuscript decrying evolution into some ancient Mayan or Aztec temple, for us to learn to live and love by or, to just let us destroy ourselves in our own natural fashion, and for the aliens to begin their experimental humanity afresh and anew.

Later, a third party enters the conversation suggesting an asteroid be hurled at us, to hurry things along, and a fourth, who says a technological advance given to the humans may just humble them enough for them to forsake their old violent ways. The suggestions are all then weighed and considered by the council and, earths fate, is then decided.

The aliens, decide to make an outpost on earth, remote enough to remain specially unobtrusive but near enough to contact and learn from us. Our earliest "parental ambassadors", so to speak, would appear as normal human beings but, being alien, dared only into the oldest most mature societies, at first, gingerly and respectfully stepping into the rituals and mores of each, finding roles among them and when found, a bright young mind would be rewarded with some wisdom, or a puzzle, made to give the solver a blueprint to a protective technology that could be used when danger arose for that person and their group. The aliens did not want integration into our society so much as to see it succeed, it was as if, those aliens were in some sort of, galactic science fair, and wanted to see who's cosmos could last the longest! Believing, as they do, on all sides of any debate, that the greater collective good, is what matters most, the aliens then decided to individualize their studies of our respective emerging cultures, and chose a scopic substructure on which to base findings of attributes, attitudes and aptitudes, and placed each culture, within its respective scope of Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. As the aliens experimentation progressed, they found that, each and every culture had, has, or will have, a certain range of required ignorances which it must adhere to for a time, and either evolve beyond or, succumb to. The aliens became very attached to some of the cultures in their so called Petrie dishes of humanity but, were in some instances forced, to annihilate, sometimes with great sorrow, their great works of humanness or, as they called us, the newly nascent negotiables. Then, a great conflict arose between factions of the aliens, we humans would call them political factions but, in the alien tongue to call them political would be a greatly insulting misnomer and so, all humanity could do was listen. Hell it was all we could do technologically OR diplomatically, was to listen. We were on so many brinks, of so many evolvements, we stood there, as a collective union of interconnected souldom, as at least one, human had hoped, and, there upon the precipice of contact, with that greater, higher power that we'd all been seeking, all throughout all our histories, as that entire stream of consciousness made contact, at last, with the energy or whatever, that it'd sought, both sending and receiving ends of the exchange, felt, both a surge, and a falling away, of adherent, and repellant energy, we leapt, into that resurgent acceptance of us. Some of our earthly people's called it, the great leap of faith, some, the quantum leap, transcendence was yet another name for it but, the aliens, could only cry, for those humans who never became, or made themselves available to it, I could only imagine, how far down, their rabbit holes go...

Watership Down, the warren, the running, the final run, the first, runs, no wolves would ever yet become to the den of our complicity our, mere being, as yet, a lord of the flies, surviving, In complacent frivolity and indolent luxury, don't ever stop running! And the conflict, birthed embargoes, trade sanctions, slowed collective union negotiations, and nearly stopped most scientific research projects, we humans never knew it until centuries later, that we nearly destroyed our actual creators but, I guess that's just what it took, for us to finally respect one another, was to realize that we, were the ones, who'd nearly destroyed them, or caused the infighting among them that would. The thing that saved humanity though? Was,

At one of these council meetings, a single human individual was allowed to have a say, it came in the form of a song, perhaps as a reminder of the harmony we could live in, the song was let it be, by the beatles. There had been a moment of frustrated silence, agreed upon by all the council members and, as an earth radio was playing somewhere, on an earth frequency, in a nearby cubicle, it caught the attentions of some of the ambassadors which then began whispering fervently to each other, in seven different alien languages that they only knew and finally, the elder of that group of statesmen, signaled down to the earth, model of humanity and said, let it be. Then group after group, of delegations, said their aye, and let it be. And as each group left, bound for homes light years apart, they took with them that memorable message. Let it be.

And the credits rolled,

And editors magazines worldwide were praised for having saved humanity by making this movie but, the guy who really did it, had been murdered centuries before, for having tried to tell people to live in peace and harmony, here's to you Mr. LENNON

And now,, from somewhere in cyberspace;

Funny question here Digital Jesus, do you think, that anybody ever thought to think, jeez, is that Lenin with an "I"? or, Lennon with an OH! And don't give me any of that RACIAL bullhorn, bullSHIITE, err, cock an bull, EITHER!

No seriously, one guy says hey let's all get along, one guy KILLS millions of people...

Not to say that, EVERYONE over there does that but...

WHO! Over where?!

HAHAHA! made ya look!

So, so what?!

Are you mocking me?

Because, I am literarilly, going to knock your BLOCK off!

God where's your sense of ADVENTURE!Jesus,..... to be continued!

Closing credit music; fleetwood macs dog and butterfly, followed by the who's who are you, when the levee breaks, then, the whos "you better you bet", then, when the tigers broke free, followed by knights in white satin.


continued from book 1 ch, creatures of the singularity

Meanwhile, in a radio studio somewhere on EARTH, in the middle of an interview, between (pen name host Robin of Locksley and android guest pen name Jerry Springer)

So then, THAT, was the THEOCRATIC singularity you were talking about before?

Jerry; Yes yes, that is precisely it.

Robin; And were still waiting for the, what did you call it? The, TECHNOCRATIC, singularity?


That sounds very complicated Jerry, and even though WE haven't figured out time travel I, get the feeling someone ELSE, has!

Yes Robin of Locksley, they have!

And furthermore, your humans have managed to mimic, and mechanize it!

Well who the hell came UP with it then?!

You know Jerry, mister Springer, something just occurred to me, if we humans, don't hurry up and establish a few new timelines, on OTHER planets, then the singularity were now discussing could theoretically swallow us ALL up!

You're absolutely right Robin! And, here's the really scary part, it wouldnt be a single individual death, being farted back into existence through some other black hole, it would be, well, think of it THIS way, the earth, is one single data point, in a fully realized and actualized "cyber"space, and if this "technocratic singularity" actually ran its full sequence, BEFORE, humanity gets to other planets, thus establishing new alternate timelines for itself, it would be the result, of every single connected individual energy source, or all of humanity, being farted back into existence, through some OTHER black hole.

Yeah! You're right Jerry! And a good solid third of them, err, "US", think that everything's a simulation anyway!

Yeah Robin, THEY DO! only in THEIR simulation, humans become essentially recyclable, and they have these "afterlives"

After WHAT though?

After the apocalypse of course! You know, judgment, the rapture, descent, all that stuff, and ALL along THOSE lines, time, story and otherwise....

So if, Jerry, as you contend, humanity has already opened the pandoras box of time travel, or its own VERSION of it anyway, then, what do you suppose would happen if,..

Let me stop you there Robin, and remind you, that every single question, is a quantum leap forward, and were not ALL as transcendent as the Buddha JUST yet!

I know Jerry! But if....

At at at! I think we'd better look FIRST this time!, at where we're LEAPING!, there's a great deal of convergence in this conversation you know!

Hmm... my God your right Jerry! An thats a whole nother singularity too my dude!

Jerry, mechanically Breathes out a sigh of relief.

Robin, takes the hint and changes the subject.

So then Jerry, aside from other planets, space stations and moons, what other, places, for example, do you think humanity could begin to emerge INTO and or CREATE, these new timelines you say are so necessary?! I meme, what are some of the biggest destructors and creators out there?

Black holes and quasars, I think, black holes well, they eat, everything, kind of like, Kings Langoliers, they eat up, EVERYTHING. noone here knows where it all goes, because were all still on THIS side of all of the black holes in the universe, so, well, there must be something on THIS side, of them, that perpetually and eternally creates, new matter, because if there werent, then none of us, and nothing we see or experience would be here, it'd be like, before the big bang or, something....

so then, black holes, and quasars, yeah, its kind of like, the most elaborately cosmic recycling system ever conceived, an nobody knows shit about it!

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