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Resident evil:Anomaly Resident evil:Anomaly original

Resident evil:Anomaly

Author: kurumi654

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The carefree life of a child

Chapter 1: The carefree life of a child


The rain was running in the tragic night, where it all began.

The screams of a boy could be heard in the air, while lightning boomed in the sky.

The blood on his hands and the large number of dead bodies around him were proof of the greatest mistake to his once pure heart as that of a child.

Year XXX

A child's laughter could be heard in a small village as he ran around greeting his neighbors and friends who were residents of his village.

Despite the great scientific advance in the world and especially in the United States, in the small town several kilometers from the city of Raccoon City, all the people who lived there knew nothing of the outside world.

Or at least most were ignorant of the outside world.

The town was made up of the Nakfa tribe, a tribe that had lived for hundreds of years on the tops of the mountains surrounding Raccoon City.

The tribe took care of a rare flower that bloomed every hundred years.

The blossoming of the flower was the most beautiful day, because it signified the change of the village leader.

The flower, like the one that the Ndipaya tribe used to take care of, also caused an exponential increase in the physical qualities of whoever consumed the plant and came out alive.

"Two parts of true ascension that can never come together"

A phrase found in the fairy tales heard in the nakfa village.

The ascension of the sun was the name of the plant cared for by the Ndipaya tribe of Africa and was the counterpart of the ascension of the moon, which was the flower guarded by the Nakfa.

The place where the tribe lived was a cold and snowy place where most of the time there were blizzards and avalanches, but they all believed that the gods protected them.

The houses were made of mud and various compounds, which kept the houses from deteriorating, information that the natives learned over time.


Ethan shouted as he went to his father's arms, Ethan was a 12-year-old boy, very smart, he always helped his father.

He was the next village headman and also the favorite of all the housewives, he was too tender in most women's eyes.

He was called the reincarnation of the moon because of his silky, beautiful white hair and eyes as bright and golden as the stars.


"What are you doing here?"

Alan, Ethan's father, asked as he ruffled the hair of his firstborn and only son, Ethan.

Alan was a loving father to his son, after he is the only important thing in the world he had left after the death of his wife, who died after giving birth.

Most parents who would have gone through what Alan went through, after watching their beloved wife die in front of their eyes helplessly, would most likely have become depressed or abandoned their child, blaming him for what happened.

In extreme cases, they would have even taken their hatred out on their own children.

But Alan was not like that, he always took care of his son as his greatest treasure or at least that's what he tried to do, but he was the leader of the tribe.

"What are you doing here, champ?"

"You should enjoy your 12th birthday together with your friends."

Alan was smiling as he watched his son, he looked so much like his mother.

"Dad, let go of me!"

Ethan complained as he pulled his hand away from his father, who was tousling his hair.

"You know I don't like you doing this to me!"


The people with Alan were laughing at Ethan as they watched the boy try to look annoyed.

"Dad, can I help?"

Ethan spoke with a 360° turn in his attitude as he tried to convince his father.

"I'm sorry, son, but you can't."

Alan again ruffled Ethan's hair as they left him to go back to work.


"I could help if you'd let me."


"How I wish I was older, it's boring to be a kid who no one takes seriously."

"Would you like some candy?"

"How cute!"


"That I'm not cute!"

"I'm not a little kid anymore!"

Ethan was complaining as he walked past people's houses to get home.

Sometimes I would like to be more helpful.

"I'm back!"

Silence greeted Ethan as he made his way to the kitchen of the empty house.

The kitchen didn't have much, but it was better than nothing because it had priceless mementos made by Ethan and his father, like pots and pans and silverware.

The house was very tidy, all thanks to Ethan, who always got around to cleaning the house.

"If it weren't for me, for sure, all this would turn into a house dump."


It was time for lunch, and he had to do everything because he didn't want to overload his father, who was helping to build new houses for the people.

Ethan took a chunk of wood from the campfire he had to light the twigs under the small brick grill in the middle of the kitchen.

*Sound* *sound* *sound

The pieces of firewood began to make sounds along with the meat releasing its juices.

The smell was flooding the small kitchen after several minutes of waiting, when Ethan's urge to eat could no longer be contained.

GRRR HH! Ethan's stomach rumbled louder each time the rich aroma of spices and meat reached his nostrils.

The vegetables and chicken, now cooked, were seen by the big golden eyes of Ethan, who after fetching a wooden spoon was now happily eating his food.


Ethan's happiness now was beyond description after tasting the meat his Uncle Paul brought him after he went down the mountains and hunted a deer.

Ethan rarely ate meat and of the few times he did eat he always enjoyed them.

The softness of the meat, the juiciness and the delicious flavor that combined with the spices caused an explosion of flavor in your mouth.

"Thank you for the food."

He had finished his meal, Ethan, and was very satisfied stretched out in the chair.

He wanted to enjoy it, but it was impossible because when he realized he had already finished eating and his plate was empty.


Water was pouring from the sink as Ethan washed his dishes before heading out again to see his best friend Richard.

A black-haired, black-eyed boy the same height as Ethan, that was one of Ethan's best friends.

Everyone always said they were like good and evil.

One was very mischievous, and the other was always humble and helpful.

"Ethan come!"

Shouted a voice behind Ethan, being Richard, who came running, not before throwing snowballs at Richard.

"Let's play!"

He motioned Richard to Ethan for them to play.

The snowball battle began, both children were throwing snowballs at each other while attracting the attention of the other children in the village.

"Let's go!"

"That you don't give me!"

"You throw like a girl!"

"Don't insult the girls!"

The snow battle ended with the last throw of a girl who ended up knocking Richard down.

"I told you not to make fun of Sara."

Ethan spoke as he approached next to the girl named Sara, who was smiling with a proud look on her face, much to the annoyance of Richard, who saw the obnoxious girl standing next to Ethan.

"What do we do now!"

Sara was now more animated and wanted to keep playing more. She was the most hyperactive of the three.

"I have a wooden board, how about sliding down the snow?"

Richard's idea was quickly accepted by Sara, but it was the opposite for Ethan.

"That's too dangerous."


(I know I'm going to regret it)

After several minutes, Ethan finally surrendered to his friends as he was dragged by them all the way.

"I'm going to get me better friends, I swear!"

Sara and Richard were laughing at Ethan's words as they kept going up a hill.

"We know you love us!"

Ethan was stunned at his friends' comment.

"We're here."

Richard, now stepping out of the way, revealed a small sled.

"I made it recently for us and now as you can see it is finished."

"What better time to release it than on your birthday, Ethan."

"I don't know how to feel yes happy because you did this for my birthday or bad, because in a moment I will be risking my life with you."

Ethan laughed nervously.

"Come on man!"

The hyperactive Sara spoke as she patted Ethan's back, who was a little stiff.

"Besides, we'll just go down the little hill and nothing else."

"Little Carolina?"

He looked down, Ethan, when he saw the size of the hill in all its splendor, and it wasn't small at all.

"This should not be considered a hill, but a giant mountain!"

"Come on, it's a small hill."

I try to calm Sara down Ethan, something that didn't seem to work very well.

"Do I really have to get down with you guys?"



"Very serious."

They both smiled.

kurumi654 kurumi654

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