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20% IRIS CRAWSEN:HYDRA'S GLORIOUS MISTAKE / Chapter 2: Origins-1961: Anything To Help

Chapter 2: Origins-1961: Anything To Help

Iris had taken a receptionist job at the request of her mother. She sits at her front desk, losing herself in a vintage comic of Captain America. With each turn of a page she feels her heart groan at the simple life she's been forced into. She was always craving adventure, even as a child. Her Mother however, did not. Not after losing Iris' Father, George. She was always sure to stray Iris away from such prospects. Iris couldn't be mad at her Mother for sheltering her and her over-protectiveness. She knew she was all her Mother had left of her Father's memory.

Just as her comic starts it's climatic beginning, her day dream is interrupted. A shrewd man quietly makes his way to her desk. Allen Tanner, the pompous jerk of 31st Avenue. In his features, he is quite charming. Flaxen, volume hair. Green eyes that almost resembled emerald's in the right lighting. As he makes his way to Miss Crawsen, all the girls in the office sneak glances at the peacock of Tanner & Associates strutting past them.

He leans his entire weight on one elbow against the front of her reception desk. Flashing his devilish smirk at her- but Iris doesn't look up from her reading.

"Miss Crawsen, I must say, you look so lovely in your blouse this afternoon- but I can't help but to imagine what it would look like on my bedroom floor after a few drinks." His handsome smirk still on his face. Iris rolls her eyes. Exhausted with Allen and his insufferable pick up lines.

"Allen, what would your Father, Mr. Tanner, say about such relations among his employees. Besides, I'm clearly not your type. As my brain is fully functional and currently in use. If you'll excuse me, as I need to return to my work at hand." she says holding up her comic.

Allen is quietly fuming, but a predator will always be just that. Never letting his prey out-best him. He glances down at her comic and snickers " O yes, it seems I have caught you while your ego is still bruised." he says as he stares a hole through her with his jaded eyes.

"I beg your pardon, Allen, but what is it that you could possible be referencing too?" she responds sharply.

"I heard about your mother causing a scene about you trying to enlist. Medic Support, if I'm right?" he says with a touch of venom "It's good to have such a proper woman in your life. One who is able to remind of your place in a man's world."

Iris is fighting back her anger. It takes everything she has to not pick up her stapler and drive it in his cranium. She calmly sets down her comic and shoots Allen a fuming glare.

"Why yes Allen, you are correct. And seems you've been up Myrtle's skirt again to overhear such information." Iris says staying poised "My dear Mother did have quite a fit over my announcement of wishing to enlist in our military. As life has not been kind to such a beautiful woman, especially after the capture of the 107th regiment that resulted in my poor Father's demise. So it would seem that even a flea like you could understand why a proper Mother would raise a scene. Now, Mr. Tanner, it seems to be my lunch hour and this conversation has left a very bitter taste in my mouth."

Iris collects her belongings and walks away from her desk, brushing her shoulder against Allen's. He turns his head as she storms past him to catch one last look at her. Proud of himself for the damage he has inflicted. She keeps her head up and marches straight for the ladies room. Forcing the door open so hard it snaps back on it's hinges. She quickly glances to see if anyone is around. But she can't fight it back anymore and tears gather in her eye's. She can feel her heart crumbling into her stomach. "Why do you let him do this too you?" she says to herself.

"Iris? Are you OK?" a small voice says behind her. Iris alarmed quickly dries her tears and spins around. She looks up to see her friend Sarah approaching her. Kindness beaming from her smile. "Yeah...Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she tries to act like nothing is wrong while drying her cheeks. "I heard everything.." Sarah says softly.

Iris fights the overwhelming rage that burns threw her veins. Clinching her fist before letting out a long breath. "I'm fine, Sarah. I just want to knock his perfect teeth out." Iris says regaining her composure. Sarah giggles "I think that would make him chase after you more Iris.". Both women laugh. Sarah always knew how to make Iris laugh. She reaches for Iris' hands and holds them in hers "Come on, it's a perfect day for a stroll." Iris smiles and follows Sarah out of the building and walks beside her. It was a beautiful day. The Sun beamed brightly and Iris drank in it's warmth. Sarah rambles on about the gossip she and her mother over heard at their Church's potluck. Iris tries to listen, but she's never been one to care about rumors or gossip.

Sarah grabs Iris' arm and Iris stops in her tracks. Alarmed at thinking that Sarah has realized she hasn't been listening. "I forgot to tell you- Me and some of the other girls from the office are donating blood tonight! There was a flyer tacked in the break room. You should come!" Sarah says excitedly. Iris thinks of her father and her desire to enlist.She didn't want to enlist to be a hero. She wanted to enlist to save lives. She tried to explain that to her Mother, but she wouldn't listen to her. Iris smiles at Sarah, "Anything to help.."

As the work day finally finishes, Iris walks outside to see Sarah standing with four other women. Beth, Rose, Lola, and "Not her.." Iris says to herself, Myrtle. Iris despised Myrtle. Sarah like to gossip, but was loyal to her friends. Myrtle, however, was nobodies true friend. Iris was convinced she was the poster woman for the war slogan "Loose lips, Sink Ships!". Iris snickers to herself at her clever insult.

"Iris! Over here!" Sarah shouts. Iris huffs, but decides to join the group anyway. She puts on a fake half smile as she walks towards them. The girls all chatter on and on while walking to the blood drive. They talk about their dates, whispers about Greta who contracted a social disease, their shoes, the Kennedy's. All Iris could hear was Myrtles whiny voice and grimace every time she let out an unsubtle laugh.

"Iris, you alright? You're awful quite this evening. " Beth questions. Iris realizes she hasn't spoken a word since joining the group. She hastily replies "Yeah, of course. Sorry. Just distracted I guess.".

"Probably choked up on butterflies after Allen's advances, huh, Iris." Myrtle says with jealously in her voice. "He's absolutely charming Iris. I just can't imagine why you haven't let him take you out. Not even once." but Iris knows it's a jab. Before Iris can respond, Sarah quickly chimes in, "That man is a pig, Myrtle! Why you find him so dreamy is beyond us!". Myrtle realizes her insult didn't take root like she had hoped and all the girls agree with Sarah.

Iris smiles at Sarah who nods back at her. The ladies reach the building addressed on the flyer in Sarah grasp. The group move their way inside and see a check-in table where a older woman in a white uniform is setting. " Good Evening, Ladies! Are you here to donate blood?" the older woman asks.

"Yes." Lola replies " We saw your flyer in our lunch room."

"Excellent!" the woman responds "Fill out these cards, and Dr. Thule will be with you shortly!". The women find seats and quietly fill out the information requested. The ladies finish and Beth volunteers to return the cards to the check-in desk. After a few moments, a tall, slender man rounds from behind one of the curtains, "Ms. Undersen?" he calls out. Beth looks up to see his dark eyes, and she goes pale. "Y-yes, sir." she murmurs. Dr. Thule smiles, "We are ready for you." he says extending his hand towards the curtain. But his smile does nothing to add comfort to his demeanor. The ladies can all see Beth nearly ready to faint but finds her feet and follows him. One by one each girl is taken back behind the white curtains.

Iris is last, and something about this place is making her uneasy. Dr. Thule returns Beth to her seat next to Iris. She is relieved to see Beth return to her normal color again. The man holds up a card with his long, skinny fingers. "Ah, Ms. Crawsen. It appears you are the last of the group. Please, follow me.". His voices sends chills down her spine. "Run Iris, Run from this man." a voice inside her whispers. But she doesn't listen, convincing herself that her fears are just irrational.

Iris pushes herself off her seat, and follows Dr. Thule behind the white curtain. "Please, make yourself comfortable on the table." Iris reluctantly walks to the table. "Run, leave this place!" the voice inside her cries louder. But Iris is not one to run. She takes a deep breath and lifts herself on to the cold table. He grabs her arm, placing it forearm up. Iris is startled at his touch, but relaxes herself. He begins rolling up her sleeve and his icy fingers graze her skin. Dr. Thule carefully arranges his table. Iris glances over to see him preparing the needle. Iris closes her eyes and tries to control her emotions.

"Now, Ms. Crawsen, I'm sure you are aware that this will cause just a bit of discomfort." Dr. Thule says with a cold demeanor. Iris opens her eyes and looks up to his long, pale face nodding her head as a response to him and he carries on. With the needle in his boney fingers, he sticks Iris. She bites her lip, it hurts but it's nothing unbearable. She looks down at her arm to see the blood filling a small glass vial. Once the vial is filled, the man takes a small piece of gauze and applies pressure to the puncture site and removes the needle.

"That's it?" Iris ask confused. "I thought you would need more then such a small vial to help anyone."

"O, yes. You would. But we now screen for blood types and anomalies before taking so much." Dr. Thule responded "After we have cleared you from any anomalies, someone from the organization will contact you about donating more." Iris is not really satisfied with answer she is given but she's in to much a hurry to escape the presence of this man to question him any further. Dr. Thule walks Iris back to her friends and wishes them farewell.

As Iris walks outside the building, she feels a weight lift off her chest. She looks to the rest of the girls but they didn't seem to have the same experience as her. The girls walk each other home until only Sarah and Iris remain in each other's company. As they approach Sarah's home Iris finally blurts out "Did you feel weird back there? At the donation center?" Sarah looks at Iris "You mean the Frankenstein guy? He definitely freaked me out." Sarah replies.

"No, I mean. That whole place. The Nurse, The Doctor. None of that felt strange to you?" Iris questions. "Well," Sarah says "They said the screening process is new. Medicine has made so much progression lately. Maybe their still adapting to change themselves." Iris looks at Sarah who is so confident in her answer. "I think you've been reading to many hero stories Iris. Not everyone who makes you uncomfortable is secretly some evil villain." Sarah remarked with a coy smile "Be careful on your way home hero.." Sarah replied jokingly. Iris chuckles "Always."

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