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Chapter 23: Mascot

"Why does your forehead have bumps, Kid?" Tony asked, looking curiously to the swelling forehead of Kai.

After he bumped into a superfast flying unknown object, he lost consciousness for a moment and landed on a trash bin on the streets. But instead of going home, he continued his mission but the target was not at the location which he eventually decided to go back home with a big bump on his forehead. It seems the cause of impact did give troubles for his regeneration unlike when he was injured but this time, it was different.

"I crashed into something yesterday that's why my state has become like this," Kai said.

"Well, that's new. I never thought your carelessness leads you to that. But it looks fun though." Tony commented and tried to touch the bumps of Kai but he dodged it whenever Tony tried to touch him.

"Stop it, Mr. Stark. How about you? You look….. pale?" Kai wondered.

"N-no, I didn't sleep well yesterday. Come on getting inside, we have something to do." Tony anxiously said.

Kai entered the limousine while checking the new driver after that they started to leave.

"I didn't know you hired a new personal driver? What happened to Brother Happy?" Kai said.

He checked the driver who was strong based on what he observed. It was his instincts that told him that the driver was different.

"Happy became the head of the security and we hired professional bodyguards like him?" Tony told him.

"Really? That's great! Hey Mister, what's your name?"

He didn't reply but instead focused his attention. Kai grinned at him and kept asking too many questions if he was a retired soldier or something connected in the military.

"Hey, Kai. Stop pestering him, here have banana juice." Tony gave him a juice from the fridge of the limousine car.

"I keep thinking about this, Mr. Stark. These past days you look like more... forcing something that you didn't even like. More likely, desperate and anxious about something you wanted to avoid?" Kai commented.

He once again sensed the Chaotic Energy went out from Tony's Energy. It was the negative energy of fear. He grabbed it as soon as possible even though it was too little for him.

"Don't worry about me, Kid. I can handle my situation but thank you for your consideration." Tony replied while he sips a glass of champagne.

Kai didn't ask for more since Tony sometimes is a troublesome person. He's either, arrogant, prided person, narcissistic, and lastly stupid billionaire who would bang beautiful girls but unfortunately, he stopped it since he had a serious relationship with Pepper.

Afterward, they soon arrived in Washington, DC. They went to the Senate Hall after that, Kai saw many high officials and reporters already inside of the hall.

As they entered, the flash of cameras from the reporters gave out bright lights coming from. All of them went to Tony and gathered around as they asked too many questions like what he would do or what he would decide.

"Good luck, Mr. St-. Ack" Kai commented while trying to find a seat, especially when he saw a beautiful woman in a military suit, he decided at first to sit with her.

"No, Kai. You will be with us, isn't Peps?" Tony said while choking Kai to his neck. He was holding Kai and locking him to his neck.

Pepper discussed a little bit with Tony and then giggled at the antics of the two. Kai sighed and let his self dragged by Tony.

"You know I'm not part of the senate hearing, and why you make me sit here in front of many people!?" Kai cried out but Tony didn't care.

He's with Tony at the front sitting and facing the judges of the hall. Many military officials had the interest to confiscate Tony's suit while the others had their agendas regarding it.

"The hearing will start now!" A man in the middle with other judges started the hearing.

The Man started to discuss something about the suit Tony. But the two didn't even listen to him and kept pestering each other.

"Look around you, Kid. You couldn't even find a proper place to sit. With me, you could be popular the next day after this hearing." Tony said while pointing the cameras around them.

"You stopped me from sitting on that sexy chick soldier! If you didn't hold my neck, I could even ask her what she preferred, like my gun… you know?" Kai told him while waving his eyebrows towards the military woman.

The woman didn't even look at him but there's a smile on her face.

"You called that little gun of yours, didn't even seem to be useful though," Tony added.

"Listen both of you!" Pepper suddenly intervened with them.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark? Can I have your attention" A Senator named Stern said.

"Yes, Dear?" Tony turned his attention to the man who's asking him.

They argued about the weaponry suit of Tony Stark. The Committee keeps trying to argue to control his weapon but Tony didn't back down as he debated with him.

"I am Ironman. The suit and I are one. You can't have it. Turn over my suit is like giving myself. Which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution. " Tony said while the people behind at the back laughed at his statement.

"But you're my sugar daddy, Mr.Stark." Kai abruptly said which the others kept laughing at them.

"Look Mr, Stark. I'm not a weapon expert-"

"In prostitution, of course not! You're a Senator, come on!" Tony abruptly said.

The people laughed again.

"Well, he looks like to be part of prostitution, Mr.Stark. 'cuz his mouth looks like the mouth hole of a sex doll, played by ugly as-" Kai wanted to say in a minimal voice but he was stopped by Tony. Unfortunately, the people inside heard it and laughed too hard.

"Mr.Stark, can you please remove that boy beside you? He's not part of this senate hearing." Stern sternly said.

"My pleasure, Good luck, Mr.Stark." Kai immediately stood up and tried to go in the direction of a beautiful woman soldier but he was stopped by Tony.

"No no, you're not. Don't worry, I will ask her later for you. I reject it, your honor, my little buddy here cannot leave without me since he was the one who gave me confidence in this entire hearing." Tony sarcastically said.

"You make me your mascot!!!" Kai sternly said

Tony didn't listen to him. Due to him, Kai decided to stay and wait to end the hearing. But then a man in a suit sits beside him.

"Alright, if that's what you want, Mr. Stark. Anyway, I'm no weapon expert but we have weapons experts here. I'd like to call Justine Hammer, our current primary military contractor." Stern said.

"Hammer??" Kai immediately muttered and look towards Justine Hammer.

'Does this guy and Jack have a connection to each other? Since they have the same last name, Hammer?' Kai thought.

Kai looked to him as Justine Hammer stood up to explain to consider the people inside with bootlicking words. After that, he returned to his chair with Kai on his right side.

"Mind if I ask you? Do you have a brother?" Kai quietly asked.

"Back off, Boy. You do not belong here." Hammer said.

This triggered Kai but then grinned.

"Hey watch your words, four eyes. You have no right to say those words since he asked you nicely. Ladies and Gentlemen, you see this? Our Senate invited not a weapon expert but an expert of bullying an innocent boy." Tony defended him as the people looked towards Justine Hammer with disgust.

"Bu-but -" Hammer wanted to say something.

" Enough of these gentlemen as we wasted too much time. Be focused, the Committee would like to call Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber, please?" Stern commented.

"When the Master is here, the dog will follow." Kai laughed

"What? Rhodey?" Tony stood up and wait for the newly arrived Rhodes inside of the committee.

"Mr.Stark, since you need to be in the middle part, could you please ask your dog to change his seat at the back?" Stern asked.

"Fuck you, f.u.c.kface," Kai replied.

"Ohhhhh" The crowd was surprised by it.

"No no, I can sit at the right side and Rhodes could sit in the middle since there's 1 remaining left from the 4 chairs." Tony grinned.

"Jesus, Tony. You even went with Kai. Haa what I'm gonna do with you. Kai! Language please!" Rhodes sighed and sat between Tony and Kai in the middle.

The hearing continues and discusses the benefits of having Ironman but Stern immediately stopped it as he directly told Rhodes to discuss the important part which where people tried to manufacture and imitate the Ironman suit of Tony. Stern was desperate to keep the suit but Tony has countered that.

Meanwhile, Kai touched the glass of water from Hammer. He immediately put negative energy inside of it.

"What are you doing?" Hammer sternly said.

"Ahh, my bad. I thought it was mine." Kai replied normally then played the ballpen on the table and danced it on his fingers.

Hammer didn't ask for more and decided to focus on the hearing. But he drank a little bit of water and stopped when he saw Tony's plans.

As the senate shows the picture and evidences the negative effects of having Ironman suit. Tony programmed and commandeered the screens.

"If you direct your attention said screens, I believed that North Korea," Tony said while swapping the screen of his holographic phone.

The screen shows the videos of North Korea imitating the suit of Tony, however, it was bad and even killed its soldier. Not only the country of NK but Iran and lastly the industry of Hammer.

"Is that Justine Hammer? How did he get inside of the game?" Tony sarcastically asked.

"Hahaha, you're pathetic." Kai laughed at Hammer.

Justine Hammer quickly went to the screen and tried to stop the video. In the middle of the event, he quickly touched his stomach and bent down while sweating hard. The screen was still going on, and Hammer decided to pull the chords of the screen with a strong will to defeat his situation.

Meanwhile, Kai quietly circulated energy into his middle finger then he flicked it while covering it with his other hands. Mini compressed energy force invisibly flew too fast towards the ass of Hammer unplugging the chords of the screen.


"AHH!!" Hammer cried out painfully as he felt a sudden gush out of shits from his anus. He held the cord tightly which he also unplugged.

"Oohhhhh!" The crowd booed.

"OH MY GOD, JUSTINE HAMMER YOU'RE IN THE TV. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL." Tony said while holding his breath not to laugh.

"That's not the point and there's no reason, Mr. T-" Stern stood up and talked.

"The point is you're welcome. THE POINT IS! WE'RE SAFE. America is safe! Do you want my property?! You can't have it!? Just like this little Kid here, you cannot have him since he owned himself and right to protect his property. EVEN if there's a possibility I gave him some shares of my property, YOU CANNOT EVEN HAVE IT SINCE AMERICA IS SAFE. But I did you a big favor." Tony explained.

"What?" Kai frowned at what Tony said.

"I've successfully privatized world peace." Tony stood up and said.

The people stand up while clapping their hands at the speech of Tony.

"What more do you want ha? I even tried to play baseball with these ASS-CLOWNS." Tony insulted them.

"Let's go, buddy," Rhodes said to Kai.

"Fuck you, Mr. Stark," Stern said.

"Fuck you too, buddy," Stark replied.

"Ohhh, Justine pooper. You don't belong here either. You belong to take care of that shit of yours. HAHAHA, SO LONG ASS-CLOWNS." Kai added the spiciness of the room.

"Fuck you too, Dog." Stern even told him.

"Fuck you too, D.ckwasher. AHHHH SIS POTTS!" Kai replied while Pepper dragged him with her fingers holding Kai's ear.

As they left the Senate Committee Hall and went inside of the Limousine, sooner and after they decided to take lunch first.

"Sheesh, Sis. You dragged my ears too hard." Kai pouted while caressing his ear.

"You deserved it, Kaios. You two were in the TV media and didn't even think about your Image. And you Tony, you made Kai your mascot for the entire hearings. Did you have even blah blah blah" Pepper suddenly cried out as she reprimanded the two.

"Mr. Stark. I hate you." Kai said in a low tone.

"What's the reason, Kid?" Tony curiously asked.

"You used me as your mascot for the entire hearing of the senate with cameras. You know I hate the media, right?"

"Hey, don't be sad about it. In fact, you gained more popularity because of your handsome looks and what's more you could attract many beautiful women of the Earth. " Tony said.

"If the people made me a meme of the month. I will quit being your bodyguard." Kai added.

"Haa! I bet you wouldn't. I bet my entire car garage that you highly favored if you really quit as my bodyguard when you loved my games, movies, collections of magazines, and other entertainment I had." Tony provoked.

"I bet I would. You better be true to your words if you lose, Bro. Hehehe I could have that mustang of yours." Kai grinned evilly.

"Since when I broke my promises to you, Kid?" Tony said.

"When you said: I will make you a spaceship so you can experience space. YOU GIVE ME A FCKING TOY SPACESHIP NOT THE REAL THING! " Kai imitated the show off of Tony's personality.

"Hahahaha." Tony laughed at him.

"BOTH OF YOU DID EVEN LISTEN TO MY WORDS?!" Pepper cried out, and really mad at this time.

"Hey, Mr.Stark? Can you shut the mouth of Sister Potts like kissing her in the fairytale stories?" Kai asked Tony in a low voice.

"Sadly to say, we couldn't have the chance to change her m-" Tony whispered but was kicked by Pepper on the knee.


A sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway. There are also the voices of many people inside talking and focusing on their own tasks. Then, the person stopped and pressed her finger to the biometric scanner.

Afterward, the mechanical door opened, and the inside of the room had people sitting at the table. The newly arrived person knows them, a black American man with an eyepatch with a female agent sitting beside him, a man in a suit with a gentle smile, and lastly a man with deep focus eyes like a Hawk.

"Am I late, Director Fury?"

"Yes you are but not in this new mission I'd give you." Nick Fury said.

Then he tossed the files to the person in front of them. The person reads the files manually.

"A mission with two different objectives? I have no problem observing Tony Stark but why are the boys part of this? Does he have a big relationship with Stark?"

"It's because I trusted you to gather data not to ask me." Nick Fury said.

"Clint, are you sure about your instincts? You might be wrong?"

"It's not about asking if Clint's observation was true. The point is, we need to gather data about him, do you understand, Agent Natasha Romanoff?" Nick Fury said.

Natasha Romanoff didn't reply at first but instead looked towards the picture of Kai with a perverted grin reading a perverted magazine.

"Even me judged that stupid face of his but when you faced him, don't take him easily," Clint advises.

"Alright, I take the mission." She said.

"Good, take a rest because you will start tomorrow." Nick nodded.

As Natasha decided to leave the room, her mind couldn't think about anything.

'He looks familiar. Did I meet him before?' She thought.

"Sir, the Fantastic Four are rescuing people in the vicinity of New York." Phil Coulson said.

"Did they accept our invitation?" Nick asked.

"Unfortunately no, they didn't accept being part of the Avengers as they continue to be an independent group," Coulson replied.

"I see. How about Doctor Bruce Banner?" Fury asked again.

"He's currently in New York under surveillance from us, especially from General Ross."

"Thank you, Agent Coulson. For now, if the Fantastic Four won't accept then we will focus our attention on these two, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner."


Hi it's me. Sorry for the late upload since I was busy from my hectic schedule. I'm still trying to find a job but might give up soon because I'm too tired walking around to find a fcking job. Especially it's too hot since it was summer seasons. Lastly, thank for those people who gave mentally support.


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