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Chapter 27: Chapter 22: Wall Running

Sorry for taking so long to pass the chapter because of the circumstances going on in my life. First study, it is very difficult because I need to find a good signal just to study. Second, my phone which is near to its death because for many years it been used. If I have no cellphone anymore, I couldn't take classes in the future.

I only borrowed from my nephew once just to make a chapter but I can't always use it because he is also studying. Third, it is difficult to find a job. Our country's economy is collapsing and many businesses are closing down, and yet I can't find any job because of Covid19's lint and incompetent leadership of the officials within the Government.

Lastly, Mental problems. I no longer knew I would make my brain confused as to what I should do right. I am also depressed about what is happening in life. I want to kill myself to stop this pain but I don't want my mother feel sad. Father left us and I don't want her to give sadness.

I know one of the readers is already experiencing this. Hopefully whatever happens, do not give up until to the end.


<May, Year 2010>

After 5 Months

"Yaaaaaaaa!" Kai gritted his teeth and threw his Katana which turned into a bokken.

"Communication my ass! Come on, Embodiment of MILF please talk to me again and explain this sh*t!." Kai complained.

Kai turned 10 years old this year. He is still trying to communicate with his Katana but he couldn't. Also, he found an alternative way to gain more chaotic energy by scaring his victims, falling them to the ground with a rope to their legs. He found out a person could unconsciously release their Chaotic Energy but it will also fade away if Kai wouldn't get it immediately.

The Earth has abundant energy like for a normal person by eating foods to gain energy through vitamins and such. For Magicians or Sorcerers could gain the Energy from the World or probably like Ancient One said other dimensional existence could give abundant energy by giving it to them. But for Kai, gaining Chaotic Energy was so troublesome because the Chaotic Energy will be gone in any second or maybe due to some primary energy of the world that suppressed its energy.

Personal Energy was a troublesome way to gain mana likewise to improve it. Kai, who had a unique type of Magic, couldn't cultivate easily. However, Last Month he found out ways to easily gain them by wreaking havoc on certain places like Drug Cartels and other criminal establishments that he could use for. Basically, causing Chaos.

Unfortunately, the world wouldn't let him do what he wants because it easily suppressed the Chaotic Energy and could only cultivate for a limited amount of Energy.

"Good Evening, Onii-Chan. Mama Bear asked me to call you for a Dinner." A monotonic voice of a girl resounded the Gym room.

Technically, it's not a human girl but an Artificial Intelligence made by Tony gifted to him on his 10th Birthday. Kai thought it was an Iron Man suit but an advanced AI system like JARVIS developed and was gifted to him. He couldn't complain since it was a gift, and it must be appreciated by a person who gave it to him with all of his efforts.

Then from a wide flatscreen TV, a form of animated cute little girl was shown. Her white hair was braided, snow-white skin, big blue eyes, and had fox-ears on her head.

"Hai, Snow. Are there any night contracts? It seems my body wanted to work out." Kai asked while cleaning his wet face with a towel.

"None so far but there were remaining extermination contracts which you can get from Blyad Russian Bar. The Mercenaries didn't even try to pick it due to its troublesome objectives which were to cut the leader's d.i.c.k and feed it to him but you cannot kill him. Also, the reward is not -" Snow's monotonic voice explained but was stopped.

"Alright, I take it." Kai grinned and then picked up his Katana from the ground. (AN: He is not gay, okay?)

"Onii-Chan. My program was to prevent you from any event that you couldn't control." Snow said.

"Sheesh, Tony programmed you to be like that. Although he was your creator I'm your Brother and new owner, right? How about this, change your program to be something not to be an overprotective little sister to me? Plus, you know my powers that Tony didn't even know, right?" Kai slowly explained to Snow like a troublemaker brother explaining nonsense towards his sister.

"Humm" Snow was silent for a moment but agreed in the end.


Then a whimpering noise was heard. Kai turned his attention to it and saw Buddy with a pitiful expression because Nekochan proudly rode him indicating she was a God and Buddy was her dog. Kai walked to them and picked up the fluffy snowball, Nekochan. After what he did, Buddy became happy with his tail waving continuously.

Then Kai walked out of the room and had dinner with the family. After the packs stopped their former business, they became more cheerful and always smiling. Kai has no problems besides he could freely use his potentials without intervention.

"When you will return to California, Kai?" Mother Bear asked while eating her salad.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to find out my powers." Kai said.

"How about school then? Did you change your decisions even if it was too little?" Laura added.

"Nope, not my thing. Too troublesome dealing with the kids."

Laura sighed and didn't continue their conversation, instead continued their dinner time.

"Is Arthur in the bar?" Kai commented.

"Yep, you gonna take contracts tonight?" Shantal said.

Kai nodded while cleaning his teeth with a toothpick.

"Kai, can we talk for a moment before you do your own thing?" Laura said.

Kai wondered what she was going to say. After the dinner, all of them went about their own business except for Mama Bear and Kai who still stayed at the dining table with Buddy to the side of Kai while Nekochan was at the table licking his fur.

"I know you hate disgusting people, Kai. You wanted to kill them after you tortured them but can you do me a favor, Dear?" Laura slowly said.

"What is it, Mama Bear?" Kai replied.

"Can you stop now killing people? But of course, you can kill them if it's meant to be dangerous."

"Why though?" Kai frowned.

"You know we are trying to change, remember? Even if I couldn't change your mind about going to school and enjoy it, as a Mother, I want my son to be the best. I will support you with your dreams, hobbies, and anything that seems to be good. However, can you please stop killing even though your hands were already dirty and filled with blood?" Laura said.

Laura was still trying to change her troublemaker son, and she only wanted the best for them. She knew everything including their personalities, dreams, and also their dark past. She knows Kai was one of the hardest children to change his decisions.

"You know, I thought you would stop your mercenary work after you became close with Tony and busy with your training. But it seems I couldn't stop you when we saw from the news that a bunch of wanted criminals tied without clothes while hanging from the top of an abandoned building. Haaa, I really don't know how you did that but please Kai. Could you stop killing?" Laura told him.

"You know I could not stop killing since it was dangerous work, Laura." Kai sighed.

"How about this, you may kill them if the situation is dangerous but you cannot kill those people whenever you see them. Let the Police do their jobs, okay?"

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll try, Laura." Kai replied.

Laura hugged Kai and patted his head. Later on, he left their house from the top of the building and went outside to visit White Bear's bar.

Kai thought if he couldn't kill his prey then he would torture them first before leaving them. Kai is not a hero nor a villain, he kills them if they deserve to be killed. Also, following White Bear and Mama Bear is a sign of respect for the couple who accepted them wholeheartedly and gave the family, love, and home.

Kai has a philosophy, if a person gives you good things then he will repay it with good things but if a person gives him bad things, he will give them hell.

The location of White Bear's was unique. It was below the restaurant like a basement and before he could enter the bar, he needed to enter a narrow passageway then he would see the sign of the bar named Blyad Russian Bar.

Opening the oak door, the sound of rock-pop music heard by him. He went in then saw many customers talking, laughing, drinking, and fighting. But when Kai entered the room, all of them looked at him. The room went silent, only the music could be heard.

Kai was new from them because he accepted the contracts through White Bear. Besides, he is too busy and doesn't have time to step from the Bar.

The people inside tried to intimidate him but Kai didn't care for it but rather continued to walk inside towards the bartender section. He also saw White Bear playing cards among the others with a cigarette in his mouth but he didn't look towards his location.

"Good evening, how may I help a teenager like you? We don't offer drugs here, Kid. But I can help you to buy you mathematic books." A Canadian Blonde Man with an eyeglass said.

"Hmmm, the place is much better than the bar we had in Russia," Kai said while observing the whole room.

"Hey you, you're Jack Hammer? You look like s.h.i.t but you will be my friend from now on, Four Eyes." Kai added.

Kai wanted to stand up but he was stopped by two men locking from both sides.

"Well, well, well. What are you doing here, mate? Did you leave your home?" The mid-30s thinly man said to him.

"Do you have money, Kid? The bad guys here will bully you but if you give us money we will give you protection from them." A long-haired caucasian man added.

"Sheesh, you two smell like shit. You both were grown up but didn't have time to clean yourselves. Disgusting." Kai spoke while pinching his nose.

"Ohh you dirty mouth is the same as Wade, eh~?" The thin man placed his hand on Kai's shoulder.

"Get off your dirty hands, even that shit smells like you just finished masturbating." Kai removed the hand resting from his shoulder.

"Also you, Clown Face. Don't touch my pocket or you will lose your hand." Kai slapped the hand of a caucasian guy.

"Hey guys, he is just a kid. Can you both -" Jack Hammer tried to persuade the two.

But instead, the man with a thin body pulled Kai's collar upward.

Kai grinned and didn't care for his intimidation.

"I BET 1000 DOLLAR FOR VAN WOODS AND JOE RODWORTH FOR DEADPOOL LIST!" A loud voice of White Bear interrupted the people inside.

The customers like contractors, mercenaries, or even hitmans looked towards White Bear. Wondering why he bet on the two idiots threatening Kai. They knew White Bear even when he was retired and also a legitimate contractor neutral ground for mercenaries.

Then they heard a shout of a man.

Kai quickly picked the military knife from the thighs of the tiny man then stabbed his thighs abruptly. Afterwards, immediately pulled it then rolled it back to slash the hand of the caucasian man who tried to pick up his Colt-45 from his pocket.



The thin man picked up his gun from his side and aimed it towards Kai. But Kai quickly touched the gun and disassembled it with his quick motion hands. While the other hand of Kai with a knife quickly stabbed the other hand of the caucasian man towards the direction of a wood table.


The knife nailed his hands and the guy couldn't move it out because his other hand was gone and bleeding entirely.

Afterward, Kai picked up the bottle from the stool and smashed it to the head of the thin man. The alcohol bottle broke but instead, he used it to pierced the throat of the man.

"Achkkk" The thin man squirming while trying to move the stuck bottle from his throat but he eventually fell and died.

Kai then turned back his attention at the caucasian man who was crying and nailed from the table.

"Oppss, sorry. I didn't mean to nail your other hand." Kai sarcastically said and he removed the knife.

The poor guy hugged his bloodied hands and cried.

"He-heeelppp me"

"Ahhhh, sorry my friend. Give me your hand to help you stand. AHH I FORGOT, you don't have it now." Kai sadly said.

He helped the scared caucasian man to stand up.

"Here, see. I help you, don't I? Wow you look tall" Kai cleaned the clothes of the caucasian man.

Then he went towards White Bear's location who was watching him and sneered. Kai observed the people around them, he grinned which caused the other mercenaries to gulp.

"AHH, I FORGOT!!" Kai touched his head and cried.

"What is it? Here clean your bloody face" White Bear asked and handed him a towel.

"I promised to Laura that I would never kill in vain," Kai complained.

Kai looked to the caucasian man who begged to call for an ambulance.

"That guy seems to be in pain. Hey bro, can I borrow your gun for a moment?" Kai told a Canadian man beside him.

Kai picked the gun and aimed it towards the pitiful caucasian man. But he was stopped by him.

"Name is Wade Wilson. Can you spare him and give him a wonderful life? You know life is wonderful th-"


The caucasian man died with a bullet hole from his forehead.

"Oooppps, sorry. I'm Kaios Ivanov and nice to meet you, Wade Wilson." Kai introduced himself.

"Holy s.h.i.t. White Bear! Is he your foster son?! I'm trying to change his entire life by giving him a sophistical meaning to his life. But this kid didn't even finish my words." Wade said.

"Hahaha, it's not my fault. Hey, give me my money you lost. EASY 2000 BUCKS BOYS!" White Bear laughed loudly.

"Damn, how about I give you an extra coupon for a massage session and a discount at a chimichangas restaurant," Wade said while presenting his coupons.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g no, Wade. Give me no-"

"Oohhh hey, Kai. How old are you?" Wade abruptly said to change the topic.

Kai sneered while looking at White Bear.

"I'm 10 years old," Kai said.

"Hoooooly shit!!? Is that true?" Wade cried out and look towards White Bear to confirmed his age.

Kai and WB nodded.

"What did I do in my life? I lose to a 10-year-old kid? What about this, did you already lose your Virginity?" Wade asked Kai.


"Ha! I win! Hey are you a Mutant?." Wade called Jack Hammer.

Kai tilted his head from what he asked.

"What's Mutants?" Kai asked the talkative man.

"From what I've observed, you're tall, strong, flexible, and have good senses. That's I thought you're a Mutant. Mutant was a group of people who have naturally developed their superpowers and abilities and sometimes affect their appearance." Wade explained.

"Like the Fantastic Four superheroes?" Kai said.

"Exactly but I'm not sure if I could categorize them as mutants. Anyways, do you want to taste the calming products here? Hey, Weasel come here!" Wade suddenly changed the topic.

Weasel walked to them while making a distance from Kai. He seems scared by what he did.

"What's those calming products?" Kai asked.

"Since it was your first time here. Hey Weasel, give this kid a blowjob." Wade said while placing his hand on Kai's shoulder.

Kai immediately shuddered.

"No! I'm straight!"


After the moments from the Bar. Kai left with a signed contract with the help of White Bear.

Before he left, White Bear threw free drinks for everyone to change the tension into a friendly atmosphere after Kai killed the men. They quickly befriended Kai with the help of talkative Wade Wilson and after that, they quickly make a party.

Afterward, he returned to his home by first entering the restaurant. Since it was midnight, the customers at this time were fewer, and the only one who helped them was their worker.

Kai went upstairs then entered their house. He saw Mama Bear and the packs focused on watching a series of a telenovela. Only Nekochan riding with Buddy greets him.

He didn't mind them as they watched the series but instead went to his room to get his weapons.

His weapons were stashed behind wardrobes by pulling a lever beside a lamp.


A mechanical sound was heard then the wardrobe rotated sooner after, he saw his weapons already in proper placement.

The shining variety of weapons was placed in the accordingly section. His personal Silver Deagles with a backup part below of it, a variety of throwing weapons like shurikens, knives, and small axes, while his hidden blades in the middle section, and lastly his O Katana in the top section. However, there's a missing item above it.

"WHERE'S MY WOLF MASK!??" Kai shouted.

He went back to the living room to ask the occupants of the house.

"Mama Bear? Where's my Mask?" Kai asked.

"Ohh your mask? Yesterday, I saw your mask was broken. There is a crack on the side and it can't be worn properly nor can't be attached. Don't worry, I made a new one made with nice materials but it's not your former mask which was literally like an Oni mask. I'm thinking how can you see properly or breathe from it when it's too close to your face. Wait for a second, I'll get it." She said.

Kai frowned and decided to wait for her.

"I will come to help you get dressed because your fashioned sense is so bad." Lily stood up and walked to him.

"I want to come as well, shishishi," Shantal added.

"Me too!" Twinny said while dragging Kwinny.

"Haaa, so troublesome." Kai sighed.

Sooner or later, Laura brought back a black mask with a White sewn Wolf. Then they went to Kai's room. First, the girls picked up many clothes from Kai's wardrobes, while Kai aligned his personal weapons from the table.

"Hmmm, yep. White is not fitted for you since it is meant for pure-hearted people. Alright, girls, we choose black." Lily said.

Kai twitched his eyebrows but eventually let them do their work.

They chose a hooded black trench coat with tails, a black fitted t-shirt, gothic baggy pants, and military boots. (AN: You can see the referrence here)

"See, you look good as a death reaper," Lily said.

"Does he look like a stalker?" Shantal added.

"No, more likely a person who had Eight-Grade Syndrome," Twinny said.

"Chuunibyou. Humm" Kwinny added and hummed.

"Come here you little shits, let me spank your asses!" Kai gritted his teeth.

The girls shivered and distanced themselves from him.

"Watch your words, Young Man. Here's your Mask." Laura spanked him and eventually gave him his mask.

Kai examined the mask and it was better than his former mask.

"Alright, you can now wear your protection gears," Laura said.

Kai with his new suits wore his protective gear like metal knee pads, shin guards, and fingerless gloves.

"You look good now, you're like a ninja." Laura smiled.

While the girls hold themselves to not to laugh.

Kai then wears his hidden blade, placed the two deagles to his thighs, picked up 6 magazines and divided it into two into his belt, throwing knives holstered from his chest that was attached to his bulletproof vest, and lastly, his bokken sword turned into a real O katana placed behind his back.


"That's what you called Magic," Lily commented while the rest nodded from what they saw.

"Alright, let me remind you guys. Be aware of your surroundings as I noticed in the last few days that we have been observed by shady people. Understood?" Kai reminded them as he wore his Wolf mask covering his lower face.

"Alright. Snow, make a connection system into my earpiece headset." Kai touched his earpiece.

"Right away, Onii-Chan." A monotonic voice of Snow said.

"I'll go now," Kai told them.

"Take care." They said.

He left the room and went to their top floor which was an open space. The floor was a garden of Laura, and also where she hangs all of the wet laundries.

The night's cool breeze kissed the face, Kai. His attire was fitted against the cold night even though he didn't feel the cold due to his power. The shining tall buildings were the trademarks of the city while the people did their own business.

Kai focused his hearing sense, and he could hear the noises approximately 100 meters away from him.

"There's no shady people this time. Snow, gather information about the illegal prostitution bar, especially our primary target. Also point out the best location spot in that place since it was located in the West side of Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen they say." Kai commented.

"Right away. Ohh, Kai. Tony is calling you right now? Want me to connect you with video chat through phone or just call using earpiece?" Snow said.

"Of course, earphones. I don't want Tony to see this since that guy was an exaggerated person." Kai said.

"Hello, Mr. Stark?"

"Hey Kid, why are you not using video calls? Are you m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.i.n.g right now?" Tony asked.

"Of course not, Mr. Stark! How's the Expo?" Kai denied and changed the conversation.

"Good, really good. Actually, I was invited for tomorrow to Washington and I need you there with Rhodes.." Tony said.

"Washington? What are we gonna do there?"

"You know it and also book a flight for your family on 29th since it was my birthday soon. Additionally, wait for the company's chopper because tomorrow you will be with me since Happy will have a different task for him. Alright? Bye Kid." Tony said and didn't wait for another word.

"Maybe it's the Government again. Haaa so troublesome." Kai sighed.

"Alright let's work."

Kai after what he trained for many months, gained other necessary skills that would give him a big help. It was wall running. He discovered it when they escaped from an armed group of women who might be soldiers taking a vacation after they were discovered peeking through the holes of a public restroom of a public pool.

He used it when he was almost cornered after he went into a dead-end street. Fortunately, it was night time and no one saw him do it. Only he found out that, White Bear was in prison the next day while Klaus was brought back home because he is still a kid but he was punished by the Twins and Laura.

First, he conjured an exact amount of Chaotic Energy and manipulated it into the form of a spiral spring, and transferred it into his whole legs.

Black spiral energy circling the legs of Kai which looked like a spring covering his legs. He felt the sensation of weightlessness from his lower body but it cost too much mana if he took it for too long. Then, he jumped too high because of the force behind it in the direction of a tall building. He landed perfectly without destruction from the impact of his momentum due to the spiral black energy reducing the impact whenever he lands. Afterwards, he needs to transfer all of the visible energy from his knees downwards to his feet. Then compressed it and circulated the energy to his feet even though he wore boots, and after that, he ran.

When he ran, only the footmarks of his boots left marks on the windows of the building.

Kai ran upward of the tall building and when he reached the top, he jumped again not to land to the building but to glide into a certain direction.

"Woohhhh!!!!" Kai happily shouted.

He felt the breeze of the night and the shimmering light of the city.

He is in the air, gliding with a small amount of black energy released by him. He fell slowly but in a steady way. This is also a new type of skill he made, Featherfall.

He enjoyed it while mesmerized by the beauty of the city. However, when he was still stuck by the aesthetic view of the city. An unknown fireball in the human form was flying in the sky. Its speed was too fast but because of the night, he couldn't see clearly. Then suddenly...


The two crashed with each other.


One of my friend recommended me to create a Patreon account and PayPal in case of people wanted to support my works. Please feel free to donate me to support my family. However, I don't know the operations of Patreon.

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