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don't know might update later

Author: crazy_son

© WebNovel

wait what!?


'man why is it so dark in here? I didn't think afterlife was so boring... to think I actually thought that it would be fun that I would be able to go to another world and be as evil as I want that I would be strong and powerful...'

'well now that I think about it isn't it a really cliche troupe that before reincarnation the MC has to wait in a dark or white room for a really long time....'

'i don't like waiting.... isn't it also a troupe that you can see your own life to pass time here and I think some MCs actually we're able to control this space after which a deity was summoned out their ass to give them a 'chance' I want to try that...'

SO I started trying to control this space to do some thing... I was unsuccessful... but it was a good time pass... was is a key word there...

'i really don't want to go into a thinking frenzy like those MCs, it would probably make me sad... I didn't really do anything in my life... like I really didn't do anything fun apart from eating tasty food made by my mother....damn now I am sad... I miss my mom...'

(some time later)

'fuck! it looks like I won't get a system and I won't meet a god until I tell my story... if some auther is writing this I really hate him right about now... I don't want to... OK FINE I GIVE UP!! YOU WANT A SAD STORY YOU GET ONE MEDIOCRE SAD STORY MOTHER FUCKER!!!'

'ahhh~ that is good, I really needed to get that off my chest, now to my sad story we go so I can finally meet my system.'

now where do I start? I think from the begining should be alright, my name was Hamza, I lived in pakistan, Karachi, I know what some of you might be thinking, where the fuck is that? it is located right next to India, it is not the best city to live in but it is definitely better than hundreds of other cities in the world,

I was born in Karachi and lived all my life in there, I have never gone out of country. ever. but I do know four different languages urdu(practically same as hindi) , english, sindhi, arabic I can only read the last one...

I was a student before I died, 17 years old in college...

I loved reading before my departure from the living and I watched a plethora of anime which kind of explains why I don't have many friends, we Don't have a avid anime community in my country,

I had good parents they were amazing at there job, we were the middle-middle class income wise, I always had a roof over my head and food on my plate but you know I wasn't really attached to them, never had a good connection with them, I love them whole heartedly I would take a bullet for them but I just couldn't trust anyone with my life, even them. I was molested by a older girl in my school, I was a cute kid you know, that was what made me really paranoid about almost anything, I got over it but I would still get jumpy around people even friends...after that incident I jumped around schools that also made it really hard for me to make friends, it also made it really hard for my younger brother to make friends too bc we changed schools together, I feel sad about that...

I also was a really bad son, I know I disappointed my parents a lot, it was really emotionally stressful for me for some reason I always thought that I was a burden to them maybe it was because my goals for myself were too high, sometimes I even wanted to kill myself...

up until I discovered anime and novels when I was 13 the first anime I watched was a harem anime named parallel world rapsody something, I actually wanted to know more about that anime after I finished the anime so I searched it's manga and finished reading that after that I read the whole novel of that anime, I LOVED every single minute of it....

who knew that was a rabbit hole? who knew that the deeper I went in the harder it would be to get out?, the deeper I went in the more degenerate I would become... I didn't.

like damn, you know I knew what the fuck cock docking was when I was 13!!! NO ONE SHOULD KNOW THAT!!! I knew ways to make people do what the fuck I want with words!! WORDS god damn it!! I became a amazing liar and that was only the anime and official novels!! then came the ffs... damn that is all I have to say... this is the thing that made up my world view, I don't think anyone would say this but if you are willing to learn (like I was) you can learn new and interesting things from ffs you can explore how different people think of a single topic, to say the least reading and watch was my salvation and damnation it made me happy but it also made clear to me the reality of our world...

oh I think I am going into too much details so let me just tell you how I died and end this shit...

so you remember how I said I would take a bullet for my family? well the thing is, I say that bc I did take a bullet for my father... you see me and my father were going to a wedding of his friends daughter on his bike when two people stopped us at gun point and demanded our bike and all of our cash, I being a idiot thought that I could take the theifs gun from his hand cause he had it out extended towards me in my reach...

so I grabbed the gun and tugged at it and easily took it from the robber and shot him in the head... who knew that the other robber also had a gun?...not me. he pulled his gun out and shot me in the chest 3 times luckily I also managed to shot him in his neck. dead center. he died in front of me, at least I know my father was unharmed and can support my other siblings... shortly after I also died but I managed to tell my dad to tell my brother to make sure and wipe my net history, I really don't want my mom to see any of that...

'now that my mediocre life story is finished, I would like my system or wishes to present themselves to me!...'



I sense something coming towards me from behind and turn back... it is surprising slow as if it is swimming towards me... it is a light of some sort, it's like a wisp... it stopped in front of me.

[hello, host?]

[why are you... dancing??]

[now you are trying to sing?]

meanwhile I was celebrating getting my own system....

'hell yeah~ hell yeah~ I have a system~ hell yeah~ hell yeah~ I have a system~'

(sometime later)

[if you don't stop dancing I AM going to leave...]

"wait WHAT!!"


[then stop.]

"I stopped okay!?"

[ Alright it's fine, I am humbled that someone would be so happy to see me but everything has a limit you know...]

[now that you have stopped... let see me ask you some questions, ok?]

"alright, ask away it's not like I am going to die, I have time for a cute system, that is going to be mine..."

[...ok, so do accept being my host?]

"...that is it?"



[ alright, so I can start bonding with your soul right?]

"yes, no wait is it going to hurt?"

[I don't know, I haven't done this before... probably?]

"... ok, try and make it less painful...? I guess"

[as you wish host!!]

[ starting binding with host soul...10% done...22% done...]

as the system said that the 'wisp' started entering by 'body' and stirring around... it was like my soul was clear syrup and the wisp was a green color dye... it wasn't a little painful but it was bearable it wasn't as painful as described in some novels and ffs...

[69% done...]


[100% done, successfully bonded with host]

[would host like to name the system?]

"you don't have one...?"

[ I don't have my name on my database...]


[yes host, system doesn't lie to host, system can prove that by showing honesty percentage...hmmph!]

" ok, I believe you... but I am curious how much is the honesty percentage?"

[I have a 99% honesty setting, bc sentient beings don't like 100% honest things for some reason...]

"oh... that's alright. keep it that way, I can understand why people don't like 100% honesty, certainly don't want you calling me a ugly piece of shit now that you are living in my head... or soul"

[so, host would you like to name me now?]

"oh I almost forgot about what do I call about daisy.... nah, lucy? that should be alright... yeah, system from now I will be calling you lucy."

[understood, host.

updating name....


[ host, now would you like to see your status.]


crazy_son crazy_son

tell me what i should do with this story, should i make my own world or should i make a universe travel kind of thing?

i will make the first world resident evil if it is the later...

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