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7.14% Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary / Chapter 1: Prologue
Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary original

Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary

Author: GrreedyGoblin

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Thirteen, the overseer of the thirteenth Multiverse, patiently sat behind the desk in his office, if it could even be called that. With short brown hair and dull brown eyes, one could simply lose in him a crowd of people if they didn't pay attention. Thirteen liked it that way. Having a simple appearance helped him out when he had to communicate with mortal beings. Just as he was about to do now.

A pale-skinned young man with hair as white as snow and eyes blue like a clear sky appeared in front of Thirteen. He had a handsome face, which would've looked delicate if it weren't for the scars on it, one going down his right eye, a second on his forehead, and the third covering his left check. The young man looked around, taking in the in the appearance of the office floating in space. Not looking too impressed, he turned to Thirteen.

"Well, you're not the pompous bastard." Commented Michael, Thirteen already knew his name due to the recommendation from a fellow overseer. "Anyway, you got me out of that hellhole, so I guess I should be thankful." Continued Michael.

"Yes… Four isn't the most pleasant of us all." That was mildly put. Four was considered the laziest of them all. Anytime there was some kind of issue in his Multiverse, he would simply summon a random soul, tell them they are some prophesied hero and give them the standard hero package before throwing them at the problem.

Surprisingly, that worked wonders. Time and time again, the people Four summoned proved themselves and overcame the obstacles in their way. This however, led to the overseer's new favorite hobby, summoning souls even if there were no issues in his Multiverse and putting them in a disadvantageous position, just to see how far he could push them before they broke. Many failed, most of them did, but from time to time, some succeeded even when the odds were stacked against them from the very beginning. The person in front of him was the last of Four's experiments, and what Four considered the most successful one at that.

Michael was a mixed breed, hated by both of his races. Hunted down by both enemies and what should've been allies, he fought tooth and nail alone against everyone. Without any help from either side, he struggled fiercely, barely surviving each encounter. Despite that, he kept going until he finally slew the so called Demon Lord. Severely weakened after the last battle, the 'good' side used that chance to imprison him and left him there to starve to death.

"So what do YOU want?" Asked Michael with obvious animosity.

"I will be upfront with you…" Started Thirteen.

"I heard that before." Interrupted Michael.

Thirteen continued with a wince. "I need your help. My Multiverse isn't doing so good at the moment due to an… issue caused by the fourteenth one. Mine is already known as the unlucky one where events tend to… be unlucky, but things spiraled out of hand recently."

"And how is that MY problem?" Asked Michael. He really didn't feel like dealing with this bullshit again. He got fucked up once and already learned his lesson.

"It is not." Admitted Thirteen. "However, I would like to request your help."

"Which I don't have a reason to accept, do I?" Questioned Michael.

"You don't. And I have no way to force you, which is why I would simply request your help. Four didn't provide you with any assistance, but I will do my upmost to aid you." Said Thirteen.

"And why should I trust you?" Asked Michael.

"Because unlike Four, I need your help. There are a lot of dimensions in my Multiverse that will suffer. Too many will die, too many souls will be corrupted. As overseers, we have very little wiggle room to interfere, but you can do it in my stead." Explained Thirteen.

"Why can't you give that job to someone else? Just pick a random unlucky soul from your Multiverse." Said Michael.

"I can't. Due to some complications, I can't guarantee that they won't end up being corrupted." Thirteen shook his head. "You have proven yourself capable and I trust you. Even against all odds, you succeeded. I need someone like you to handle the issue I'm currently dealing with."

"Hmm." Michael thought for a few seconds. "I have two questions. What will happen to me If I refuse? And what do I get in return?"

"If you refuse." Thirteen frowned. He would rather Michael accept his request, as finding someone as capable won't be easy. Still, Thirteen answered truthfully since he knew Michael valued that. "I will have to either return you back to your… prison. Or I can send you back to your original world where you will enter the cycle of reincarnation."

Michael frowned. Returning to his prison was something he would prefer to avoid. Returning to his original and entering the cycle of reincarnation sounded much better, but… he wasn't satisfied with that.

"As for your reward… that would depend on what you desire." Thirteen continued.

"Revenge." Michael was quick to answer.

"Against whom?" Asked Thirteen.

Michael didn't need to think about it. The people of Liorderat, the world Four had sent him to, had wronged him. But in the end, he had been set up by the overseer. If it hadn't been for Four, Michael wouldn't have been forced, or more like tricked, into that situation. As much as he hated the people of Liorderat, he loathed the one that placed him there much more. "Four." He answered simply.

"That's…" Thirteen paused. "I…" He paused again.

"So, you can't give me what I want." Stated Michael, seeing his hesitation.

"As overseers, we can't directly work against one another." Answered Thirteen.

"Just like how you can't directly influence your Multiverses." Replied Michael. Both knew what the other meant.

Thirteen thought it over. He couldn't make someone as powerful as an overseer. If he could, he would just pick any random soul and assign this job to them. The death of an overseer will also cause a lot of waves. 'However… hmm that could work, I suppose. If not, then maybe it won't be too bad.' Thirteen looked at Michael, who was staring at him without blinking. The man in front of him had nothing left to lose. Hatred had been the only thing to keep him going in his prison and what kept his mind intact.

"I can't promise you revenge." Replied Thirteen truthfully. "However, I can give you the opportunity. I can bless you with a power that will let you grow stronger quickly and almost limitlessly."

"Would that be enough?" Asked Michael quickly. He wasn't sure if almost limitlessly would be good enough.

"It will only depend on you." That wasn't what Michael wished to hear. He wanted a reassuring 'Yes,' but maybe he was asking for too much. Though it at least gave him some hope.

"I will agree…"

"Great!" Thirteen exclaimed, interrupting him.

"But if I deem your blessing… not what you promised, you can forget about my help." Continued Michael.

"That's… understandable." Replied Thirteen. "If there is nothing else you wish to add; we can get started." There was urgency in his voice, as he said that.

"Not for now." Replied Michael.

"Great." Said Thirteen and pointed at him.

Michael felt a wave of overwhelming energy swirl around him, seeping into him, and changing his very being. It made him understand how insignificant he was compared to the overseer, but the moment the energy passed away, Michael quickly frowned. Not only did he feel weaker than before, but looking down at his hands, he had also become younger.

'Tricked again.' Anger burned inside Michael. He should've known, but he had the faintest of hope that this might be different. At least this time, he could just refuse to help, to spite the one that deceived him.

"I know what you are thinking." Said Thirteen quickly. "I can feel your emotions. You anger and bloodlust is radiating from you. I promise I haven't deceived you."

Michael didn't respond. He just stared at Thirteen with his ice cold eyes. 'Empty words.'

"I had to adjust your body to function better in my Multiverse since the one you came from had different laws. I also had to do that to grant you your blessing. You might be weaker right now, but you will quickly grow back in strength with your new power. Simply think of 'Status' in your mind to get a better understanding of it." Continued Thirteen.

Doing as told, Michael thought in his mind. 'Status'

[Michael Wynneiros

Body: 1

Mind: 3

Soul: 5]


Aura Manipulation(Apprentice)]


Magically Gifted]

'Weak.' Was the only thing that came to his mind seeing his Status. The ability Michael prided himself in, Aura Manipulation, had carried over, but it was only at the Apprentice level? He might've learned on his own, but he was the strongest warrior in Liorderat.

"As you can see, your stats are currently low, but they can be raised quickly like I said earlier. Your Aura Manipulation has carried over as well, but since Aura works differently in my Multiverse, it's at a lower level." Explained Thirteen.

"So what is this, some kind of video game power?" Asked Michael. "I only need to kill stuff to get stronger?"

"Not exactly. It will help you raise your 'Stats' and 'Skills' quickly, but killing others won't make much of a difference." Informed Thirteen. He could've potentially made his powers like that, but it would've ruined the reincarnation cycle in his Multiverse. To grow stronger by killing others, would mean that Michael would be absorbing the souls of those he slew. His Multiverse would simply be unable to produce new souls quickly enough to compensate for the lost ones.

"You can also focus on your 'Skills' and 'Perks' to get a better understanding of them." Continued Thirteen.

[Aura Manipulation(Apprentice): The ability to manipulate Aura, the manifestation of your soul. Aura skills take 1.5x Aura to use at current level.

Special Ability: Locked until Aura Manipulation reaches Expert level.]

This was much different than what Michael was used to. In Liorderat, Aura was the manifestation of one's physical prowess. It was developed through constant training and by undergoing many life and death battles. Here however, Aura was the manifestation of his soul and he wasn't sure how he felt about that yet. Michael turned his attention over to his perk.

[Magically Gifted: Due to your heritage, you have an easier time learning magical skills and your magical reserves are twice as large compared to normal magic users.]

Michael scoffed at that. He may have had the talent for magic due to one part of his heritage, but there had been no one to teach him. No one had taught him how to use Aura as well, but that was easier to learn, unlike magic, which one could blow himself up if he didn't know what he was doing. Maybe he could make use of this perk in the future.

"Now what?" Michael asked after inspecting his status. "I can't help but notice that I'm weaker and younger. I don't know how I can help you with your issues in this state."

"I have isolated the dimensions that have already been corrupted, but that won't last for long. You will have 7 years to prepare and grow stronger in your first dimension. I will speed up the time there to make sure of that." Informed Thirteen.

"Fine." Replied Michael.

"Now." Thirteen clapped his hands. "The first place you will visit is Planet Earth. It's mostly populate by mundane humans, but there is a secret society of wizards and witches. The magicals tend to keep to themselves as they see normal humans as lesser than them. The wizards and witches sent their kids to study at schools hidden by their magic…"

"This sounds like Harry Potter to me." Michael mused, remembering a story from his first life.

Thirteen paused, his eyes widening in surprise. "You're from the first Universe." He stated in shock. That wasn't something he had expected. That place was so small, it wasn't even considered a Multiverse, but it was the first to be created. The people there didn't have any special powers, except for very few of them. They could get glimpses of other Dimensions in their dreams, which inspired them to create stories, which were nothing but fiction in their eyes. That however was far from the truth.

"Does it matter?" Asked Michael with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really. Well, it actually makes things easier. I won't have to explain as much." Replied Thirteen. "How much do you remember?"

"Not that much. Just the basic plot, I guess." Answered Michael.

"I see. Well, in this Dimension, the same events happened. Except Tom Riddle Jr. the one known as Voldemort delved into magic far beyond him. He made a pact with demons, which made him far stronger than what he should be." Informed Thirteen.

"So, I gotta kill him?" Asked Michael. That was something he knew how to do. Very well at that.

"Not necessary. That will be your secondary objective. Whether he lives or dies, doesn't make much of a difference. He won't be able to do much on his own." Said Thirteen. Even if Voldemort took over the entire planet, it won't be a real issue since he won't be able to leave the Dimension on his own no matter what.

"Your first and only important objective is to stop the demon forces. They will invade the Dimension in 7 years, no matter what you do. You have to prepare for them and stop their forces no matter what." Explained Thirteen.

"I can do that." Michael had fought against demons day and night for over 20 years. One could say he was experienced in dealing with them.

"You can see your objectives on your status. There are three of them for this Dimensions, but like I said, only the first one is something that you have to complete. The other two are optionional, but you will be rewarded for them if you decided to complete them." Explained Thirteen.

"And the rewards?" Michael asked.

"Both will change the fate of the people there, causing an influx of energy, which I will direct towards you. Your new… constitution will absorb it and use the energy to strengthen yourself." Answered Thirteen.

"That's acceptable." Nodded Michael. "I presume I will be awarded for completing the first one in the same way then?"

"Yes." Confirmed Thirteen.

"Anything else I should be aware off?" Asked Michael.

"Shortly after you arrive, someone will come to you. You can trust the man as he will help you prepare." Replied Thirteen.

"Fine. Sent me off then." Said Michael.

Thirteen nodded in response, and he felt a kind of energy wrap around him. Moments later, Michael found himself in a village made out of bricked and wooden housings. Knowing that someone will be coming to pick him up, he stayed in place while casually looking around. A few people were walking around, all of them dressed in robes and with pointy hats on their heads. They looked… different compared to the mages and wizards he was used to seeing, but he reminded himself that he was in a different world once again.

Deciding he'd seen enough, Michael mentally opened his Status to see his objectives.

[Primary Objective: Stop the Burning Legion from invading and taking over the world. Eliminate all demons and destroy all portals on Earth.]

[Optional Objective: Ensure the death of Tom Riddle Jr.]

[Optional Objective: Collect the Deathly Hallows.]

Michael wrinkled his nose. He could see how Tom's death could change the fate of some, but he wasn't sure how collecting the Deathly Hallows would do so as well. He wasn't even sure exactly what they were, as he didn't remember that much about the story. It's been a long time since he had watched the movies after all.

The first objective, especially the 'Burning Legion,' reminded him of his first life. Though for the life of him, he couldn't remember where he knew the name from. Michael's memory wasn't that good, but maybe there was something he could do about it with magic. His musings were interrupted by a presence he felt appear out of nowhere next to him. He might be weaker, but his senses were still sharp.

Turning around, Michael saw a tall and thin old man with a crooked nose. He had long silver hair and even longer beard that reached down to his waist. Bright purple robes with stars on them covered his body with a similar pointy hat on his head. Blue eyes stared back at Michael, trying to figure him out.

"Dumbledore, I assume?" Asked Michael. He wasn't sure if this was him or not.

"You would be correct, young man. Unfortunately, I don't happen to know your name. Forgive me for that." Replied Dumbledore, gazing Michael up and down, trying to figure him out.

"Not surprised." Said Michael, ignoring Dumbledore's unasked question about his name. "How did you know to come here?"

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes. Just a bit earlier, he received a vision of kid with white hair in Hogsmeade. Something urged Dumbledore to meet with him, telling the old man the kid was important for the future of the world. That had been more than surprising for Dumbledore, considering he wasn't a Seer. The old man knew a few Seers, but he was certain he wasn't one. Not once in his hundred years had he ever had a vision before. The fact that the kid even knew Dumbledore came with the purpose of meeting him, put the old man on edge.

"How are you aware of that?" Asked Dumbledore. His wand, the one he took from Grindelwald, snapped in his hand with his long fingers tightly grasping it. Dumbledore's magic pulsed out, searching for any hostiles nearby, but his eyes never left Michael.

"I was told someone I could trust will come meet me." Said Michael calmly. "We have much to discuss old man." He continued.

"About what, if I may ask?" Questioned Dumbledore, still keeping his guard up.

"The future." Answered Michael. "Tom Riddle's return. What he had caused delving into magic he shouldn't have. And some other things, like the Deathly Hallows." He finished. Voldemort had made a pact with a demon, and the Burning Crusade was going to invade the world in seven years. Michael made the connection quickly and didn't need Thirteen to explain to him further.

Dumbledore just stared at Michael with his eyes opened wide. This was not what he expected to hear. "It seems that we really do."

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