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75% Tales of the Undead Sirens / Chapter 3: Prologue Part Three

Chapter 3: Prologue Part Three

The couple courted for a year, now officially a couple publicly. Anyone could see they were clearly smitten with one another. It came time for their relationship to progress, naturally, so the Major asked Ernest for permission to marry Della, the love of his life. He remembered the time, emotions, thoughts, everything. He could place all the details like it happened just yesterday.

Elias approached the older mans shop, sweat beginning to form in droplets on his forehead, which he put down to the heat outside. Nerves bubbled inside the Major.

"Good Morning, Sir" Elias smiled warmly at Ernest as the older man stood up from stocking the lower shelves.

"Elias, my boy! I have told you many a time to call me Ernest!" He feigned a slap in the air before turning back around to his duties. "What can I do for you?" He asked, his back to the Major to hide the faint frown on his face.

"Sir- Ernest, I would very much like to request your blessing to ask Della's hand in marriage. I thought, as her acting father figure, it best to ask your permission" The Major stood as confidently as he could, taking his military stance even though he knew Ernest wasn't looking. His facial features stoic and hardened due to the mindset the military had forced upon him.

"No." Ernest turned, his face sullen.

This caught the Major by surprise. "What?" He asked, shock evident on his face. His confidence dissipated instantly as Ernest spoke.

"You heard me and I will not tell you again."

As people started to wander into the shop, Elias flushed. He was a mixture of nerves and anger at this point, seconds from an outburst at the older man. Ernest had no right to treat the Major this way. After all that Elias had done for him, his family and Della?

Sensing the anger bubbling inside Elias at a dangerously rapid pace, Ernest collared the Major into the back room, leaving his shop unattended.

"Listen here boy-" Ernest began but Elias was too far gone.

"With all due respect Ernest, Della and I are meant to be together. I feel like she is expecting an engagement and I have every intention of giving her that, whether I have your blessing or not" It was a miracle that Elias kept his cool even with the anger threatening him from the inside. It was very much replaced by shock and confusion when Ernest began to smile and chuckle to himself.

"That's my boy… that's what I was waiting for" It turned into a belly laugh now, turning heads of the people in the shop and causing Elias to frown due to the unwanted attention.

"I don't understand…" the Majors voice was a mere whisper now, an attempt to minimize the attention of others on them.

Ernest moved to sit in a near by chair. A chair made from dark wood, clearly at the last of its days, an attempt to cushion it had been made, however, the fabric was ripped and stained with unknown substances.

"Elias, for my daughter- for Della, I want a man who isn't afraid to show emotions. Someone who isn't afraid to show what he wants and craves. I want you to love her eternally and show the world that you do. Only when you can do that will you have my blessing." Ernest had the warmest of smiles on his face now. Each word he spoke came full of emotion and sincerity. Tears prickled in the older mans eyes, however, they weren't threatening to fall just yet. It showed he cared about the future Della was going to have, the life she was going to lead and who would be by her side eternally to fulfill all of her dreams and wishes.

At this moment, Elias knew the type of man he wanted to be. He wanted to be the man that could broadcast his emotions with barely a word. The man who could comfort, love and cherish Della the way he was meant to. He wanted to be like Ernest.

Ernest quickly welcomed Elias to the family and although he was at a very old age and was losing control of his body, he was determined to walk Della down the aisle and give her the wedding she deserved. His daily activities like stacking shelves and even walking were beginning to lack luster. He shook constantly these days and it worried the whole town that their human treasure was just that; human.

Not long after the couple announced their engagement to the rest of the town, Ernest passed away suddenly. His dream to walk Della down the aisle was shattered and it only served to bring the young woman to tears. Not only had she lost one family but her father figure had gone at the happiest time of her life.

The couple planned an extravagant funeral for the shopkeeper. The townspeople who knew him and considered him extended family mourned openly in the streets. White and red rose petals scattered all around his shop and across the town. Donations were made to help with the cost, not that it mattered with the Majors career. Ernest was given the most expensive of everything, no less than he deserved. His coffin was a polished mahogany with solid gold trim, engraved with messages of love from his closest relatives.

The church was packed and townspeople lined the streets as the procession walked solemnly holding his coffin up high. Elias was one of the men helping to carry the coffin, the others being Ernest's only son, his younger brother and a young boy that helped in the shop on weekends. Ernest had always been fond of the younger generation that wanted to help in the town and had offered this boy a job straight out of his limited education establishment. They became fast friends and like Della, Ernest saw him as one of his own children.

Della followed closely behind the coffin, carrying as many daisies as her arms could hold. She was trying not to cry but every few minutes, a lone tear would trickle down her stained cheeks.

Elias was being brave for Della. He cared for the older man and was welled up with emotion but couldn't bring himself to cry. He knew that Della was family to him and he didn't feel entitled to feel how he was feeling.

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