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75% Journey Into One Piece / Chapter 26: CHAPTER-27: CHAOS IN THE SEA


#Grand Line:

"Master...we are about to reach Sabaody Archipelago."

Ian: "Well, finally...we will soon go to the New World..hehe"

After several days of sailing, Ian's group is about to reach Sabaody Archipelago, the final island in Paradise and close to Red Line.

During these days, after leaving Water Seven, the God Hunter Pirates entered the Florian Triangle, the mysterious Sea. It was full of mist and the most mysterious is that Ian's map didn't work on this sea. They sailed through this sea and also saw several huge and tall shadows. After sailing for many days, they also didn't find Moria's largest ship in the world, the Thriller Bark. Later, they finally came out and the sea became clearer. Soon, they reached Sabaody Archipelago.

The Sabaody Archipelago is actually a massive mangrove forest growing out from the middle of the ocean with each tree of the forest serving as an 'island' on which people live. As it is close to the Red Line, it is a highly visited rest stop for all sorts of travelers preparing before entering the New World.

While sailing near the Grove 27, the huge black ship with God Hunter Pirate flag caught everyones attention.

"Eh! God Hunter Pirates...they are here...ahh run."

"Are they going to the New World? Phew! Soon the Grand Line will be peaceful again."

But at this time, a proud voice sounded and three fat figures in white space-suit like robe and wore oxygen tank attached to a glass case around their head. They are the World Nobles 'Tenryuubito'.

"Father, I want that ship."

"Well, lets take it if you want, Charlos...guards get me that ship"

"Ehhh!" Hearing his words, the guards started having cold sweats on their forehead.

'Do you know who that is? Angering them is like looking for dead.'

But they could only agree as they are the World Nobles. Then, one guard came forward and shouted towards Ian standing on the deck.

"Hey you..leave your ship if you don't want to die."

Hearing the words, Ian turned around to look at the one who dared to threatened him. First, Ian saw the three Tenryubito and recognised them.

'Eh! Isn't they the Rosward Family...I have hated them to the core while watching the series.'

"Hehe...I am honoured. Little pearl, bomb them with cannons"

When the guards heard Ian's first sentence, they sighed in relief but after hearing the next sentence they were dumbfounded. Before they tried to stop, several cannons from black pearl pointed towards them and shot several cannonballs.

*boom* *boom*

The whole area was bombarded and destroyed into pieces and the three Tenryubito were nowhere to be seen 'directly sent to hell'

Looking at the destroyed area made the people felt horrified.

"Shit! The God Hunter Pirates killed three World Nobles!"

"Ahhh! run, the navies will be here soon.."

"We are finished...ahh!"

The peoples were horrified. The World Nobles are a taboo in this world. Now that Ian has killed three of them, the people were scared that the Marines will send warships to destroy the island.

Soon, black pearl docked on the port and Ian's group landed on the Grove 27 and started heading towards Grove 13 where Shakky's Rip-off Bar was.

Ian wanted to meet Shakky and Reyleigh before leaving Grand Line towards Mermaid island.


Navy HQ, Marineford;


"Damn that kid! Another trouble finally ended and now a new one. Killing the World Nobles again...Huh...huh...this old man may die from shock because of this kid.."

Kizaru: "He really is causing very much trouble...its terrible"

Akainu: "Killing the World Nobles...hmph! We should take him down immediately. I will go to Sabaody and do it personally."

Aokiji: "Wait should stay here. Your temper is not good right now. It may cause useless destruction. I will go and besides I want to see their strength."

Akainu: "Damn Aokiji! Are you teaching me?"

Sengoku: "Stop! Akainu....Aokiji is right and I have important things for you in New World. Then, Aokiji..leave it to you. Garp, you also join him"

Garp: "No way! Last time, I was beaten to a pulp by that kid and my back still hurts. What a pity! I can't go..hahaha"

"Oii...Garp, choose a good excuse."

Kizaru: "Heh..its troublesome! I will go with you. I also want to check how strong he has become."

Sengoku: "Well then..Aokiji and Kizaru, you both immediately go to Sabaody and check the situation."



Ian's group soon reached Grove 13 and saw the Rip-off Bar. It is an infamous bar for its high prices and Shakky's practise of beating up the customers who refused to pay, the bar then came to be known as the rip-off bar.

The door of the bar suddenly opened which made the people inside the bar to look at the door involuntarily. Then, several people came inside making the customers inside suddenly shuddered.

'What! God Hunter Pirates...they have come here?'

Ian: "Well, isn't this the famous Rip-off bar?"

Seeing the group entering her bar, Shakky smiled slightly and shouted to the other customers.

"Guys! the bar is closed. So, pay for your food and hurry out."

Immediately, the people paid their money and left hurriedly. They don't want to stay in the same room with the family of devils. After all left, only Ian's group, Shakky and an old man with white hair remained inside the bar.

Shakky: "*giggle*..Ian-kun, finally you came here. I have been waiting for you."

Ian: "Oh! You were expecting for me? it love at first sight? "

Shakky: " can also think like that. Well, what shall this customer have?"

" Soft Wine...please"

Ian then sat beside the old man looked at him and said,

"Nice to meet you, old man. Or should I say 'Dark King' Reyleigh"

Reyleigh: " know me? Haha..nice to meet you Ian. I wanted to meet you after Shanks told me about you."

Ian: "Oh! so Shanks have told you about me,huh."

Reyleigh: " kid, you finally decided to go to New World!"

"This sea has become boring, so I decided explore the new sea."

Shakky: "Ian-kun! I have been curious...what your goal is about?"

Ian: "Its simple, just thinking of conquering the whole sea. I guess..hehe"

"Haha..kid, that is quite a big dream."

"Of course, dreams need to be big in order to have greater achievements."

"hmm! interesting...Ian-kun*giggle*"

Ian, Shakky and Reyleigh talked for a while. The otther crew members also ordered some food and joined the conversation until all of them sensed numerous people outside the bar.

Sabo: "Hehe, captain! I think we've got visitors."

Shakky: "I have to say, Ian-kun. Your entrance on the island was quite dramatic."

Ian: "Hehe, it seems like I overdid it a little. Guys! lets go out and greet them"

Albedo: "Hai..Ian-sama"

"I'm getting excited"

"Me too...huh,huh"

Then, they got out and looked around to see navies surrounding them in the front. Among them, there were Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Aokiji.

"Hehe...what's two admiral doing here. Isn't it too exaggerated if its to meet us."

Aokiji: "Ara..Ian-kun, Do you know how much trouble you have caused us? So you see we can't let you play anymore." Then, he looked at Robin which made her slightly trembled remembering the horror in the past but soon recovered. She didn't need to hide anymore cause she has good strong family now.

Sabo: "Hehe...captain! Let us fight them. Its time to show our strength."

"Yes, captain! Leave it to us.."

Knowing that Ian's group were ready to fight, the navies also started getting stiff. Aokiji attacked first and used 'Ice Age' startes freezing the whole ground but before reaching Ian, Koala used 'Heating' to increase the temperature of the area melting the ice. Koala's ability has limited range but it made Aokiji at a disadvantage.

'World Breaker'

Suddenly Sabo used his distortion ability to break the ground towards the navies. Law soon created ' 'ROOM' and used 'Scramble' to instantly exchange a broken stone near Aokiji with Sabo. The combo attack was so fast that Aokiji had no time to react. Sabo appeared beside him and punched him with 'Dragon fist' covered with haki.


Aokiji flew away and crashed on a building. At that moment, a bright light emitted from the sky and Kizaru's figure condensed.

"Yasaki Sacred Jewel"

Several light bullets shot down at Ian's group.

Koala:"Heh...think you can touch captain? So naive."

"Freezing" "Ice mirror"..The high temperature in the area instantly turned freezing and an ice mirror formed and deflected the light bullets towards the surrounding navies.

*boom* " Whaaattt!!"

At the moment, the navies had the urge to cry. They were already horrified with the battle of the superpowers and now they were attacked mercilessly. They were completely useless in the fight.

"Its terrible....your ability to change the temperature, its quite scary kid" Kizaru didn't expect his attacks to be deflected and fell on the navies instead. He appeared beside Aokiji but both of them sensed a huge danger heading towards them and saw a pink blade energy shot towards them. They immediately jumped away and the blade energy flew forward and hit on the huge Yarukiman Mangrove and directly slashed it into half.

Albedo: "Tch! It missed. I wanted to slice one of them...ufufu"

Aokiji: " we are currently at a disadvantage.."

Kizaru: "Its so many strong people..We can't handle them all..its scary"

Now the two Admirals were in a bad situation. Only two of them couldn't handle many strong peoples.

Then, a mocking voice sounded,

"Hehe, what happened Admiral Aokiji? Can't handle my teammates? Also, Admiral seems like you didn't get enough last time."

Hearing Ian's word, Kizaru suddenly flinched remembering the long torture.

Kizaru: "You know that it can't be help! And your strengths are very scary."

Then Ian's hand lifted high above, lightening started emitting and immediately shot down.

"Thunder Dragon"

A huge lightning with dragon form fell down from the sky causing loud crackling sounds.

Kizaru wanted to escape from the attack range but Augur aimed his rifle, used arnament haki and shot on Kizaru. 'Death shot'

"Humph..don't think you can leave easily."

"What!! cough, cough....what a strong one..cough"

A big hole appeared on Kizaru's stomach. Although it could be recovered easily, the pain caused from the hit was intensive.

"Ice wall" A thick ice covered Aokiji and Kizaru together blocking the attack of Ian.

*booom* *crackle*

The huge dragon hit the ice and bombarded shaking the whole Grove 13.

Shakky: "What power...Ian-kun is very powerful."

Reyleigh: "Haha...I think another powerhouse will appear soon. The pirate world will soon be in chaos...interesting"


After a while the smoke disappeared, but half of the Grove 13 has now become barren. Some navies who were alive shocked!

"Oi, oi...whats the situation? Where is Admiral Kizaru and Aokiji? Are they dead?"

"No can't be.."

The navies were now completely a mess right at the moment.

Ian: "Hump! they can't be dead with only this much, they are all Admirals...guys lets go....Old man Reyleigh, I may asked you to coat our ship."

Reyleigh: "Of course, after all I am a coater...haha"

Then, Ian's group left with Reyleigh towards their ship. The black pearl could go underwater but they can't stay on the deck and have to stay inside. So they decided to go with coating.

In Grove 13, the ground suddenly bombarded and two figures came out. It was Aokiji and Kizaru. And slightly glimpsed looking at the surrounding.

"Its terribile...this much damage, they are strong"

"Well, lets go back and report to the higher ups."

They soon left the spot taking the injured navies. Although they could still fight, it was useless at the current situation.

On the other side,

" Then I think its time for us to leave, see you Reyleigh...Oh! by the way, here give this to Hancock if she come here.."

Ian handed a box covered with a handkerchief.

"Hehe, kid...So, even Hancock has fallen for you. Then, I am looking forward to your troubles in New World..hahaha"

Soon, black pearl descended under the sea and left for the Mermaid Island followed by JaberWocky.

Reyleigh: "Hehe, they are a group of freaks...even their Sea King is the strongest I have sensed."


Next day, the news of the battle between the God Hunter Pirate and the Admirals caused an uproar throughout the whole world. The Marines and the World Government tried to hide the news but it was no use.

"Shock! God Hunter Pirates returned to its Glory after two years of disappearance. Tenryuubito killed! Battle of Marine and the God Hunter Pirates destroys Grove 13!

Two Admirals retreated from the battle against the God Hunter Pirates. Is this the rise of another Emperor of the Sea? No one can tell what the future holds..."


Somewhere in New World;

Red-Haired Pirate Ship:

Shanks: "Haha...another Emperor of the Sea...that Ian, as I thought he is strong...I am waiting for our reunion.."


Whitebeard Pirate Ship:

Whitebeard(Yonko): "Gurarara...interesting! this kid is very interesting! A new Emperor of the Sea? Gurarara....I want to see it...*gulp* *gulp*

" Pops...don't drink too much!"

"Don't worry, I won't die...gurarara"


New World, Totto Land:

Big Mom Pirates:

Big Mom(Yonko): "Mamamama...God Hunter Pirates! New Emperor of the Sea? mamamama....Katakuri! Collect information about this pirate group."

Katakuri: "Yes, mama"


Wano Kuni Country,

Beasts Pirates:

Kaido (Yonko): "What is this bullshit! A new Emperor of the Sea? Hmph...we don't need that many..*gulp* *gulp*...Damn those Marines, can't even control a single pirate."


After that event, New wanted posters of the God Hunter Pirates have also been updated shocking the Whole World.





















970.000.000 B








756.000.000 B








340.000.000 B








300.000.000 B








320.000.000 B ( Mainly because of his logia type)








300.000.000 B








300.000.000 B








189.000.000 B


As for the information about the new crew known by the marines. Don't forget, there is the strongest information agent, 'CP-AEGIS 0'....


chapter end....hope you like it.

Ok guys see you next time.....

If there is any mistake, just remind me.

thank you.....;)))))

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