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44.44% Slow Life in my crossover / Chapter 2: Chatting with God

Chapter 2: Chatting with God

GOD "You are right, this is usually the place where I bring people before I reincarnate them".

Karma" right now I have a lot of questions, first, why do you look like morgan freeman? second, you said this is where you usually reincarnate people, does that mean you are going to reincarnate me too? third, you are a god, right? there are more gods? and if there are more can you tell me if there is someone stronger than you? those are the most important questions the others can wait for now".

GOD" well, for your first question I usually get bored a lot so from time to time I enter some world, yours is the world I go to the most for the anime, for your second question if I'm going to reincarnate you, and for the third, if there are other gods but do not worry I am the strongest by far, I was the first one who came and the one who created everything, any more questions? "

Karma" why are you going to reincarnate me? I am not saying that I am not grateful but I would like to know why? "

GOD "I have several reasons: first, because you have been a world-famous musician with your music you have helped a lot of people which has produced a lot of good karma; second, your will, even knowing you were going to die you decided to do one more concert; third, although you have lived a good life you have never had someone you could call friend or family so I think you deserve another life; and maybe or maybe not, I am reincarnating you because I'm bored".

Karma" ok, although I don't like that you are going to watch my life as if it was a show, you are reincarnating me so I'm not going to say anything, another thing if you are going to reincarnate me I can decide what world you are sending me to and how many wishes you are going to let me make?"

GOD" I'm going to let you make five wishes, and yes, you can choose which world you are going to go to, and before you ask me, yes, every anime, novel, manga that exists, exists, how can the earth and other worlds make stories out of them, you don't need to know".

Karma "ok, can you give me some time to think about wishes?"

GOD" sure"

------------Timeskip: two hours later------------

Karma" I am ready to make my wishes, the first one I would like the world I am going to go to to be a big crossover, and please can you make them four be like little sisters to me?"

GOD" and who are you referring to?"

Says the fucking god with a teasing tone of voice.

'uhhhhhhgg, how I'd like to punch him in the face. '

After thinking that I see how he's smirking on my face.

'I knew the motherfucker could read my mind. '

Karma" you know who I'm referring to stop playing dumb".

GOD" ok, ok, you don't need to be like that"

He says while trying not to laugh

Karma" fuck you, my second wish is that you combine the systems of My life as Tadano, but I want you to change one thing I don't want that if I improve an ability it will change how I behave, the gamer system, and if you want you can include something else, and I also want you to let me change the time ratio from outside the ID to inside the ID, and I also want that the missions that the system gives me have no punishment or any penalty".

DIOS" ok, but you want the system to have will"

Karma" no, I just want it to be more like an AI that if I have a question I can answer it".

GOD" ok, you can continue"

Karma "for my third wish I want you to give me complete immortality, that nothing can kill me, seal me, steal my powers, suppress my powers, with an extraordinary regeneration that can heal everyone in less than a second but that the regeneration can be turned off if I want, and that I can share it with whoever I want".

I stop talking for a moment to see if he grants my wish and I see how he is nodding at me so I continue with my wishes.

Karma "for my fourth wish I want my appearance to be like karma akabane but more handsome and I want to have a big little brother, and for my fifth wish I want to change my race for a nine-tailed fox, recommend me which one is the best".

GOD" you know you could ask me to make you the same as me but you want me to make you some nine-tailed fox don't you?"

Karma" yes"

GOD" I still prefer the fox?"

Karma" yes, why are you asking if you can read my mind?"

GOD" because I want to be sure, but are you sure you don't want to be the same as me, you would be the origin, just by existing you could become stronger and learn all concepts and laws easily"

Karma "I prefer the fox, and why do you care so much about it?"

GOD" HOW can I not care you can be like me and be as strong as me eventually but you prefer the bloodline of a fox!"

Karma" well I just like animals a lot, especially foxes"

GOD" ...... that's the whole reason you want to be a fox?"

Karma" yes"


5 minutes after god shouted profanities at me

GOD "I've calmed down now, you know if you want to have fox traits so much, by having my bloodline you could do it since by having my bloodline you can change your shape just by thinking about it"

Karma" then for my fifth wish I want your bloodline"

GOD" by having my bloodline you will become stronger the longer you are alive, every year you are alive you will get 0,10% of my total power, when you reach 5 years you will be the strongest, for several reasons you will be the strongest before but I made some characters stronger than their anime counterparts, and also because some characters have power in another league compared to the other"

A portal appears and sucks me before God lets me ask how I'm going to gain 0.10% of his total power if he should also get stronger over time

shiro_ngnl shiro_ngnl

from now on I will upload the chapters every Monday, Thursday and Sunday.

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