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23.52% Teadium Vitae

Viridian City

The rain had finally stopped, and with some time left in the day I wanted to reach Viridian so I could sleep there. Maybe stop Ash from blowing up the Pokémon center because I honestly don't know if they have regular hotels or if trainers just typically stay in Pokémon centers.

Ignea is coming along nicely, she learned metal claw not too long ago. By games standards she's around 13, but I don't know if she just learned it faster from me telling her about it and having her use so many scratches. Either way, even with it barely being a day I feel we've really bonded already, but I imagine Ash thought the same thing until his Charizard stopped listening to him.

Well we bumped into Misty, or rather she ran into us because she was carrying her bike and wasn't paying attention. I really didn't want to meet any of them yet, but looks like that's not going to work. I've been quiet this entire time and she's just been going on and on about Ash and she's going to make him pay for her bike. I really miss my headphones in these situations. Please oh great and merciful ROB let there be headphones in this world.

Thank ROB we made it to Viridian, unfortunately we were both heading to the Pokémon center. While I had plenty of money for as many potions as i could get, I figured an actual check up and rest for Ignea would be best. When we walked in I was able to make a dash to the counter while Misty laid into Ash just like the show. And that's when the Team Rocket nation attacked... All jokes aside it's comical how disorderly they are, you see it in the show but it's nothing like seeing right in front of you. I wish I could say I stopped them, but ash and the Pikachu brigade had other plans. With a huge explosion and Team Rocket blasting off, it seems the plot is unavoidable unless I specifically interfere before it can happen. Though it's probably for the best to keep it the same.

Thankfully they do have hotels in the area and I bought a room for the night, coincidentally Ash and Misty ended up on either side of me, sigh. Misty once again bumped into me the next morning because she was yelling at Ash and not paying attention. It seems like destiny that I'll have to deal with these 2.

"Sorry kid, didn't see you there, it's almost like you appeared out of nowhere again." Misty rapid fires as she helped me up.

Dusting off my clothes I hmphed back and with a nod try to escape. If only I was so lucky.

"Hey! Aren't you going to say thanks and introduce yourself?" Misty looked truly stupid at this moment.

With a tilt of my head and a squint of my eyes I try to figure out if she's being serious.


I see, so she's really being serious. "Let me get this straight, you knocked me down and want me to thank you. While giving you my name when you haven't given your own?" I respond in my usual quiet voice. She quite literally has steam coming out of her ears, gotta love anime. Ash is trying not to laugh, since he finally doesn't have her wrath directed at him anymore. Ugh I should have just answered and escaped, now she's going to yell at me for ROB knows how long.

"I can't believe I've run into 2 bratty punk kids, let me guess you're from Pallet Town too and just started your adventure." She fumed

"Did you figure that out because you ran me over on the road between here and Pallet or some other superior detective skills?" Yikes when did I get so confrontational, I guess I never really had anyone mad at me for no reason, but this does not fit my go with flow and keep out of the way of people. Does feel a little freeing to say what I'm actually thinking though. Is it a product of being young again?

"Are you listening to me!" She yelled into my ear.

Oops seemed to have zoned out. "Uh no I wasn't, sorry. If it will get you to stop yelling at me, my name is Alan Vitae, and yes I'm from Pallet. I got my Charmander Ignea from Oak's Lab just yesterday. Now if you'll excuse me I wish to make it a decent distance through Viridian Forest to Pewter before night fall." Turning to leave I pray to ROB above they leave me alone, but Ash challenges me to a battle.

"Wait! I'm a on a journey to be the best Pokémon master, so I challenge you to a battle. See who the better one from Pallet town is!"

Looking back at him "it doesn't look like your Pikachu wants to." Resuming down the hall it seems that shut him up because he didn't say anything else, however that wasn't the end of it because they ended up following me. Apparently it's "safer to travel in groups" or some such, and I'm not about to run away from them, so it seems I'm stuck with them. Resigned to my fate, I huff and make my way to Viridian Forest.

My bag has proved useful once again, it came with a detailed map of the Kanto region. This made it easier to traverse the forest, and what do you know, Ash caught his Caterpie. Just like the show it is absolutely obsessed with Misty.

"Alan you can't tell me you're fine with this bug!" Misty complains at me.

"Caterpie is a good Pokémon for Ash."

"See Misty, Alan likes Caterpie! Why can't you?" Ash snaps back at Misty

"Just keep that disgusting bug away from me." Misty said heatedly which visibly effected Caterpie.

With that discussion finally over we settled down to sleep. And wouldn't you know it just like the show Misty screams like her own version of an alarm clock when she sees Caterpie sleeping near her. That's when Pidgeotto swoops in.

Beating it with Pikachu like the show, he easily catches it. Leading to Team Rocket coming out and trying to capture Pikachu. With Ash not having any other Pokémon but Caterpie and Pidgeotto he's in a tough spot. As much as I should probably help him, this is where Caterpie is supposed to evolve. With the overpowered move stringshot, Caterpie systematically wraps up team rocket and sends them packing.

Walking up to Ash I congratulate him on his battle. "Good job Ash."

"Thanks Alan! Whoa, what's happening to Caterpie?" He turns his attention back to the evolving Caterpie in his hands.

"Caterpie is evolving." I succinctly reply, and get back to putting everything in my bag so I can leave.

It's been a day since the battle, Ignea is on the cusp of evolving. One more tough battle and I'll have a Charmeleon, maybe I should finally battle Ash. He does have 3 Pokémon now, but we should also run into the samurai kid soon. With Ash trying to capture a weedle and Misty screaming it seems we're finally here.

"Greetings, am I addressing the Pokémon trainer who comes from Pallet?"

"We're Pokémon trainers that come from Pallet." Ash says while pointing a finger towards me.

"I'll battle him first." I raise my hand, if I want to actually battle him before the beedrill swarm that is destined to come.

"Very well then, duel me trainer of the town of Pallet. Pinsir go!"

"Ignea, it's time to evolve." I respond with calling out Ignea.

"Ignea, use ember then follow it up with Metal Claw." I say quietly, Ignea has gotten used to my voice by this point, not to mention she know the strategies I like to use. Pinsir takes the ember directly, Ignea charges forward with a dual Metal Claw that takes out Pinsir.

"I see you're just a strong as the previous Pallet Trainers, if not stronger. Here comes my next Pokémon, Metapod Go!"

"Ignea, metal claw again."

Metapod is instantly defeated, but sadly still no evolution. "Sorry Ignea, they weren't as strong as I hoped." With a grunt of indifference she walks up beside me. Ready to watch the next battle. That's when the Beedrill swarm came and we ended up in samurai boys cabin.

One Heroic main protagonist montage of Ash rescuing Metapod and it transforming into Butterfree later we are on our way to Pewter.

It took us a couple more days to reach Pewter and in that time I had Ignea learning iron tail, as well as getting a head start on dragon claw. Though I really don't know how to teach moves, so I doubt it will be useful here. But iron tail was learned quickly and will be very useful against Brock. Though Onix will be a tough battle.

Quick stop at the Pokémon center with Ash and Misty thanks to Flint, we let our Pokémon heal up and rest before taking on Brock. We're now eating at a table inside a restaurant.

"I'll tell you what Ash, if you ask me really nicely. I'll help you out." Misty sing songs towards Ash.

"You should probably listen to her Ash, she is the youngest sister of the Cerulean City gym leaders after all."

Misty doing a great impression of a magikarp while Ash starts choking on his food.

"Y-you knew?" Misty finally asked.

"You think I would go on a Pokémon journey without researching the gyms I would be fighting at?" I tilted my head as I stared at her quizzically.

"Well, why didn't you say anything?" She asks exasperatedly

"Because I wasn't planning on traveling with you 2, you both just kind of tagged along."

They both had the decency to at least look slightly ashamed.

"Like I said Ash you should take her advice, you really don't have the best Pokémon for this gym with it being a primarily rock type gym." And with that I slide out of the booth and walk to go get Ignea from Nurse Joy. So that we can get some last minute training.


Author's note: Accidentally ended up making this one longer. I'm gonna try not to follow the episodes one after the other as much, since I'm not really changing anything yet. I do need to kind of cheat and sneak in a random Bulbasaur because obviously Ash needs to keep his since that one doesn't want to evolve. And don't worry there will be slight deviations to the story as it goes on.

Thanks for reading


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