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86.44% Yandere-Kun x Male Rivals And Others / Chapter 51: School Festival: Cleaning Club

Chapter 51: School Festival: Cleaning Club

*Third P.O.V*

Ayoshi wasn't part of a club, so the Student Council assigned him to help out the Cleaning Club. Ayoshi had never heard of the Cleaning Club before. He was given a piece of paper to direct him to the clubroom.

The Cleaning Club was in an area of the school that was secluded and not many people frequent. 

When he reached out to open the door, it was slammed open. The person walking out of the door didn't get a good look at who was in his way.

"Who the fuck is in my way!?" He was one of the delinquents, they had really bad tempers and didn't care who you were. They will beat your ass if you annoy them. 

However, there were two people who the delinquents feared and respected, their boss and…

"Aishi-Kun! I-I m-mean hello sister-in-law! I'm so sorry for the disrespect! I didn't know it was you." The delinquent, who was once ready to fight, quivered in fear once he realized who it was.

'Why do they call me that?' Ayoshi thought. "It's fine, but what are you doing at the Cleaning Club clubroom? You know Osoro-Kun doesn't like you guys messing with people unnecessarily."

The delinquent perked up, "Don't worry sister-in-law, we're not causing trouble. Us delinquents actually run the Cleaning Club and the boss is the president."

"Oh, really?"

The delinquent vigorously nodded his head, "If I may ask, sister-in-law, what are you doing here?"

"I've been told that I have to help the Cleaning Club for the School Festival."

"Ohh, then you must be searching for the boss," the delinquent opened the door and held it for Ayoshi, "right this way, sister-in-law. I'll lead the way."

Ayoshi walked through the door, and thanked the delinquent. The delinquent then walked ahead of Ayoshi and led him towards Osoro.

Ayoshi was led to a room filled with all the delinquents under Osoro, he saw all of them doing their own thing. They were usually loud, but they were currently quiet because their boss was asleep and they were scared of waking him up. 

When Ayoshi spotted Osoro, he noticed that the other was sleeping on the couch. Ayoshi started walking towards the delinquent leader, as he was walking by all of the little followers noticed him. They all showed him some respect and said hello. Ayoshi just nodded towards them.

But there was this new member of the gang who didn't know Ayoshi and was confused as to why everyone was showing some pretty boy so much respect.

So he got up from his spot and walked up to Ayoshi, the other delinquents didn't stop him for fear that they would be implicated. They also all thought the foolish newbie was too cocky and he needed a lesson.

"Hey you! Pretty boy! The boss doesn't like to be disturbed when he's sleeping. So unless you want your face to get messed up, I suggest you leave." The foolish delinquent arrogantly said. 

Ayoshi looked at the foolish delinquent and completely ignored him. He walked around the fool and towards Osoro, who was still sleeping.

Ayoshi was reaching out to wake up Osoro when his wrist was suddenly grabbed by the same foolish delinquent.

Everyone in the room gasped, and the delinquents started to quiver in terror. Osoro had many rules when it came to Ayoshi. And the most important one was never and they mean never touch Ayoshi.

Osoro thought they were dirty and were unworthy of touching Ayoshi, Osoro didn't want them tainting Ayoshi.

But this foolish delinquent dared to touch Ayoshi, and as soon as his skin came into contact with Ayoshi's skin, Osoro's eyes snapped open.

Osoro's hands reached out and ripped the foolish delinquent's hands away from Ayoshi. And held the hand in a painful grip.

Osoro looked down at the foolish delinquent with terrifying cold eyes, "Who are you?"

Sweat started to pour down his face, his hand was in agonizing pain, to the point he fell to his knees.


"I said, who are you?"

"I-I'm one of the n-new re-recruits!"

"You're out." Osoro said as he threw the foolish delinquent to the side.

"B-boss!" The delinquent cried out as he got up.

"I said you're out, so leave before I snap your hand off. I don't like repeating myself." Osoro said as he started to lose patience.

"Boss, I don't understand! Why? H-he's just some pretty boy!"

Osoro pulled Ayoshi into his arms and held him tightly, "Because this 'pretty boy' is my-" He froze, almost forgetting he hasn't asked Ayoshi out yet, "Because I fucking said so!"

The delinquent's heart dropped, he finally realized why the others were showing Ayoshi so much respect. He started shaking while holding his crushed hand.

Osoro moved Ayoshi to sit on the couch, then walked up to the other, "I said I don't like repeating myself." Osoro said as he paused between each word.

The other delinquents started surrounding him, when he realized he was far outnumbered, he ran out of the building.

The others started laughing their asses off until they noticed Osoro's fierce glare, causing them to quickly shut their mouths.  

Osoro walked back towards Ayoshi. He sat down and laid his arm on the back of the couch, behind Ayoshi, "Did none of you idiots tell him the rules?"

Sweat started pouring down their faces as they tried to stammer out an answer, but they were so scared they couldn't form proper words.

"One of you answer the fucking questions!" Osoro snapped.

"N-no boss!" They yelled out.

"Why not?"

"It was him!" Delinquent one yelled as he pointed to delinquent two.

"What!? It was your idea!" Delinquent two yelled back.

Soon they all started arguing as they pointed fingers at each other on who came up with the idea to not tell the new guys the rules.

Osoro just sighed at their shenanigans, he looked towards Ayoshi. He took Ayoshi's wrist in his hand and gently started rubbing it.

"Are you ok? Does it hurt?"

Ayoshi shook his head, "No, he wasn't that strong."

Osoro chuckled, "Still, he made it all red. That little shit, I'll teach him a lesson."

"Don't, another fight and you're expelled. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Osoro smiled, he pulled Ayoshi close, "You're right, he isn't worth it. Why are you here anyways?"

Ayoshi looked up towards him, "Do you not want me here?"

He laughed at Ayoshi's response, "Of course I want, but you've never come over before."

"You never told me about this place."

Osoro suddenly felt stupid, "Oh..yeah, I never told you about this place. I forgot."

Ayoshi shook his head at Osoro, in a disappointed manner.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll make sure to not forget about this kind of stuff again." Osoro rushed to say.

Ayoshi nodded, "I'm here because I've been assigned to help the Cleaning Club for the School Festival."

Osoro smirked, "Aren't I lucky, I got my own little helper."

"Mm, what is the Cleaning Club? I've never heard of it."

Osoro sighed, "Well, it's exactly its name. We clean, we clean up after big events like the School Festival. Or just big messes that happen in the school. We also clean up trash from other schools that come here to cause trouble, that's our biggest job."

"I see, is that what we're going to be doing during the festival?"

"We aren't going to be doing anything."

Ayoshi looked at him with a confused face.

Osoro gestured towards the delinquents, who were still fighting, "They're going to be dealing with all the work during the festival."

"Then what are we doing?"

"I don't want you doing any work. I'm gonna take you around to have fun."

Ayoshi perked up, "Really? But can they really handle a day without you?"

"They fucking better! So don't worry, we're going to have fun."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."


"I better not get a call, a message, or a scream for help! I want to be left alone today, so you idiots better not fuck up. Got it?"

They all nodded their heads so hard they could have fallen off, "Yes sir!" 

"Boss, are you going on a date with sister-in-law today?"

"Yes, so you little shits better not interrupt us."

"Of course boss, of course boss!"

"We would never interrupt you!"

"We don't want to upset our sister-in-law!"

His idiots had started calling Ayoshi sister-in-law when they found out about him. At first Osoro was annoyed by it, but the more he heard it the more it grew on him. 'Sister-in-law doesn't sound so bad now, it makes it sound like Ayoshi's my wife.' Osoro thought with a smirk.

After Osoro talked with his boys, he went off to find Ayoshi. They agreed to meet at the school gate. At the sight of Ayoshi, he froze, there he stood with his hair done up as he wore white yukata with cherry blossoms scattered upward from the bottom of the yukata. 'Beautiful.'

Ayoshi turned to see Osoro standing there. 'Why is he making a weird face? Is he constipated?' He walked up to Osoro, shaking him out of his dazed state. "Are you ok?"

"Ye-yeah!" Osoro shoved his hands in his pant pockets. "Why are you dressed like that? This isn't a summer festival."

"I told my mother my friend was going to take me around the festival and she rushed to take me to a tailor to get this made for me."

Osoro smirked, "Then I better make sure you have a good time so you have good things to tell her."

"Mm, what are we going to do first?"

"Food, I'm hungry." Osoro grabbed Ayoshi's hand, puffing out his chest at everyone seeing them together.

Ayoshi paid no mind to it, just assuming it was one of Osoro's weird habits. "I want octopus sausage."

"Got it," Osoro led them to one of the many food stands. "Two octopus sausage," He said, sticking up two fingers. The girl handed him two small plates with sausages, a toothpick sticking out of one of the sausages. "Thanks."

Ayoshi took the plate, eating one right away. "Mm."

"How is it?"

"Good, but Amao-kun's are better."

Osoro frowned, "Who?"

"My friend, he feeds me sweets."

'I swear, if some man with a van told him he had sweets and to follow him, he would.'

"My mom mentioned games and prizes. I told her I would bring her something back."

Osoro gestured his head to the side, "Let's go over there then, I see a few." After finishing their food, he led them to a menko booth.

"We need just one more player, come join and win fun prizes!" A student called out.

"What do you want?"

Ayoshi looked at the variety of plushies and pointed to a strawberry with a face on it. "That one."

Osoro cracked his knuckles, "This is going to be easy."

"Just in case someone doesn't know how menko works. There are three players in total, two will lay their menko on the ground. When it's your turn, your goal is to flip one of the menko over by throwing your own menko at it. If you succeed, you keep it and the loser is out of the game. If no menko flips, it's the next player's turn. We will draw straws to decide who goes first." The student held three straws and Osoro, along with the others, pulled.

Osoro looked at his straw, "Fuck!" He got the shortest straw.

The student then handed them all a menko. "Go ahead and start."

Osoro laid his card on the ground with the other student. 'Don't worry, can't let Ayoshi see you sweat.' 

The student threw his menko and failed, so then the second student went, which flipped Osoro's menko. "Yes!" She exclaimed.

Osoro clenched his fist, digging his nails into his palm. Ayoshi grabbed Osoro's fist, "It's ok, we can try another game."

"No! I will win this game." After a few minutes, a new game started and Osoro joined. Game after game, he lost. He crushed the menko in his hand, "Why can't I win!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Please don't destroy the menko cards!" Osoro released the crumbled menko, allowing it to fall to the ground and the student rushed to snatch it up.

"Oh, hey boss! Hey sister-in-law!" The delinquent paused, "Woow, sister-in-law, you look beautiful."

Ayoshi touched his hair, "Thank you, no one has ever said that before."

Osoro's eyes darkened, "What did I say?"

The delinquent shrunk into his shoulders. "Sorry! I'll just play this game." Before Osoro could do anything the student gave him a menko.

"I want to play too," Ayoshi said, taking a menko.

Osoro sighed, taking back the crumpled menko. "Fine…" After drawing sticks, Osoro finally got to go first, but his excitement died down when he failed to flip a card over. "Ugh!" The delinquent went next, taking Osoro's card, making him want to slam his head against a wall.

Ayoshi tries, but fails, then the delinquent goes and wins. "Yes!"

"What would you like as your prize?"

The delinquent squinted his eyes, thinking long and hard. "I'll taaaake theeee-"

'Don't choose the strawberry, don't choose the strawberry!' Osoro screamed in his mind.


Osoro rubbed his face in his hands, sighing.

"I want to play one more time," Ayoshi said. The three played one more time, this time Ayoshi winning.

"What would you like?"

"I'll take the shark."

Osoro was looking down at his feet when a derby looking shark plush came into view. "Huh?"

"For you."

"What?" Osoro's eyes widened. "Why? I didn't win you the plush."

"You've been trying you hardest to win for me for the past 30 minutes, plush it reminds me of you." Ayoshi said, shoving the plush in Osoro's hands.


"Scary, but harmless."

Osoro finally gave Ayoshi a smile, hugging the plush to his chest along with Ayoshi. "Thanks."

"You owe me one," Ayoshi mumbled in his chest.

"Haha! Always. And another thing."


"You look gorgeous, I'm sorry for not saying so earlier." Osoro said, blushing.

"I know, I could tell."


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