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100% The mystery of the Tree / Chapter 2: Chapter two

Chapter 2: Chapter two

Its been a few hours since she met the strange man. She some what started to trust them. Despite the strang wolf parts. "It hurts." She crys. "Shh we are almost there." He said holding the girl close. Walking yet another hour or less. Who knows when the woods look alike. He stops. "We're hear." He said. The girl looks and finds a little cabin. The man opens up the door. To see a long tunnel. "What the?" She tilts her head. "Now you think a person like me would live somewhere so simple." He asked. She nods. He chuckles. They reach the other side of the tunnel to see a huge base. "Welcome to my home." "Welcome back Sir." Another voice spoke. The boy had blond hair and dark blue eyes. He seems to be the same age as her older sister. "Avery have you seen Raphael?" "In the medical building." He spoke. Avery looks at Mia . "You must be Mia." He said. She squeaked and starts to shake. "She is having troubles trusting. Give her time." The man speaks and walks off with me still in his arm. "W..what is your name?" The girl asked. "Jake." He answers. She nods. We walk out to a town like place and into another building. "Raphael are you in here!?" Jake shouts "Will you keep quiet i am trying to recover from the last child that was here two days ago." A grumpy man spoke. "I need some help with Mia. She is hurt." The man walks up. He look to be 40 years old with white hair with orange streaks in his hair. I freeze up and stop breathing. "Set her on the bed here I will take care of her. Come back in the morning." Raphael said. I shake my head. "Mia, Raphael will be taking care of you and make sure you get better trust me. I will be back soon." Jake said and left. I didn't move a muscle. Raphael looks at me. "I wouldn't hurt you child." He spoke. She nods and still sat quiet. "Mia what happened to your leg?" He asked. "I... I was scared that Jake would kill me and...and ran. I ran into a hunters trap. It was circle with teeth." She shyly said. The man looks at Mia. What has this child been through to face begin killed. "I see. Can you take off you pants without it hurting?" I asked. She shakes her head no. "I am going to cut off the pants leg so I can get a look of your leg alright. I will get you new ones when we are done." He explains. She nods her head in response understanding. When he was finish taking off her pants leg he gasps at the horrifying condition. "You have more then one wound. Some are older then others. Child what happened to you?" his voice lacing with concern " beat me really badly. Sometimes she stabs and burns me." She explained. Raphael was about ready to murder the woman. "Well I can take care of them but some still will show for a while." He said. She nods. "Will it hurt?" She asked. "I will try my damn hardest to make sure it doesn't." He said. She nods "Okay I will trust you." She said. "Kid just call me Raph." He said. As he started taking care of her wounds he got to look over her health. She was really malnourished and had on really shredded clothes. But her blanket was well taken care of. After finishing her wounds. He stands and speaks. "How would you like to get something to eat." He asked "My sisters said not to eat because of poison." She said. The man gets on his knees "Sweetheart you really need to eat or you could die of hunger." He spoke. She looks at him. "But I am okay and only had crackers for all my life to eat." She said. The man hangs his head feeling his heart hurt. This child has been throw hell at such a young age. "What you where taught was wrong. You need to eat. Will you try it if I showed you it's okay?" He begged. The little girl looks at him. "O..Okay." she whispers. Raphael felt bad for the child she never should fear of such thing. He gently picks up the girl. "Well you will love the food here that's for sure." He spoke as he carried the girl outside after giving her fresh clean pajamas. She breathes in the air. "I am glade to be outside. I never had what's the word fresh air before." She spoke. Raphael looks at her shocked. The girl was locked up since she was a born. "What happened to your father?" He questioned. "Mommy killed him. I seen it with my own eyes." She spoke. That's it I am now pissed at this so called mother. "Hay lets go see Jake and see if he will join us." He asked. The child smiles. "Yes that sound good." She excitedly whispers. "The child warmed up to Jake and me" Raph thought with a smile. "Jakey!" The girl bellows loudly. Raph chuckles. "Hello Mia. Raph is everything alright?" He asked. Mia starts to shiver in Raph's arms. "We were wondering if you would come eat dinner with us?" Raph hinted. Jake nods and grabs Mia. Feeling how cold she was he rubs her back to warm her. "You will meet some children and your age maybe make a friend or two." Jake said. "No thanks mommy said friends bring pain. Every friend I made mommy hurt me. So no thanks." The girl said. Jake looks at Raph. "So tell me Mia what where you doing in the woods?" Jake asked. "My big sister Megan told me that mommy hired men to kill us." She said. That struck a cord to the chest. This case happened only once and that's this one. This child has been through so much. "Well they can't get to you hear. If they try I will kill them." Jake stated. Raph looks at Jake with shock. It was normal for foster cases to get adopted by one of us but he never imagined it would be Jake. But all the same he knew they where perfect for each other. Mia keep him happy. He deserves it.

Jake looked at Mia who had fallen asleep. "Poor child was tuckered out. Jake you can bring her with you if you want she will have to have a checkup in the morning." Raph said as he hands him her blanket and leaves. Jake grabs her blanket and walks off to his home. When he gets there he lays her on her new bed and covers her up. "Sleep well Mia. You deserve it." He said as he leaves.

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