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100% Azael's Cyberpunk Adventures / Chapter 3: Is this Real? (...Water?)

Chapter 3: Is this Real? (...Water?)

So here I am, eating a casserole with some meat (if you could call it that), sipping my Real goddamn Water (TM), wondering how the living fuck did I end up in Cyberpunk 2077. No, scratch that, the lady told me it's actually 3rd January 2073, but believe it or not, I really am on the outskirts of Night City. Happiness... not. A lot of people would probably jump up and down from excitement, but from a logical perspective, it is looking motherfucking bleak. With no gun, no money, no transport with a few given clothes and food supplies given to me generously by miss Grey (that's the couple's name btw) that will maybe last me 2 days, I doubt I'll even get to Night City itself.

After a hearty meal, I decided to ask for the closest direction to the city, a 35 mile brisk walk, and head into the belly of the beast, that Night City is. Why? Because between getting stabbed in a dark alley, or becoming a nomad, I'd choose getting stabbed at any day. And why's that? Well, that's a simple question; I hate socializing :)

Alright, enough planning, let's get going.

I fucking hate walking. It's so boring and tiring. Especially if you don't have anything to listen music with, or some thoughts to take your mind off the walking part. Plus my previous soreness is creeping back in on me, and I don't think I like it. Should I take a nap somewhere on the side? Hmm, what if there are wild animals outside, wouldn't they try and take a bite outta me? I think I'll pass on sleeping for now I guess. I wonder how much longer will I need to walk, at least I think I see some lights in the distance. God have I really walked away the entire day? Surely I must be nearing NC now, right?

Wrong. I walked until the sun rose up again. Fuuuuck. So sore. But I'm very close to some buildings overlapping the roads right now. Are those border security buildings? Uh Oh... I kinda might've forgotten about that part. I'm sure they'll let me thru though, right...?

It went surprisingly fine, actually. Well, except for the fact that first I was made to wait for a few hours, which was pure torture since I didn't have anything to occupy my mind with. After which they asked me to deposit my weapons, and after I told them I have none, the cunt behind the counter asked the guards to search me. They were not delicate with it. Me no likey. They finally took me to a room and the guy sitting behind the desk started asking me questions.


"Hello, my name is-"

"I asked for a goddamn name!"

'Fine motherfucker, I'll play your little game.'



"None." I smile at him. He looks at me as a dissapointed parent at it's autistic child, after which he proceeds to draw a large X on his checklist.


"No Idea" I beam at him with another smile. More X's

"Any Cyberware?"

"As far as I know, none." Unfortunately, that was true. I did not find anything cyber-y on my body. No smile this time, sad time bois.

"Items on you?"

"A meat paste, some clothes and 2 bottles o' Real goddamn Water (TM)."

"I meant contraband, you dumbass"

"Ah, in that case, none" Another smile of mine hits the man's face.

"Where are you from?"

"The junkyard." :)

"Hmph, what are you playing at?"

"Nothing, m'dear, I simply awoke at the junkyard about 2 days ago, with no memories and nothing on me. I wandered up to here, meeting a nice couple named Grey, who outfitted me with the stuff that's on me."

"And you just expect me to buy that?"

"Well, yes. You can also ask the Grey's whether or not I had something on me before or not. " Another big smile sprawls on my face.

"Hmph. wait here."

And so I waited. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours. I am starting to go a bit crazy from the boredom, but the guy actually returns (which I was starting to doubt if he would), with another person.

"We checked with the Grey's, they confirmed your story, for the most part."

"What do you plan on doing in Night City?" The other, guy asks.

"If I'm honest, I don't know. I'll just try and get a job somewhere and try to survive somehow."

The first guy starts laughing and says: "Kid, if it was this easy to survive in Night City, the population would grow, instead of declining steeply with each day. Whatever, let him go, he'll die within the first week anyway."

"Sure, if you say so, John." Says the other.

"Wait, so you'll let me go?

"Yeah, do whatever, just wait for us to make something up and scribble on your papers and you can, nay, will, fuck off."

Nice! This time a genuine smile appeared on my face. In a few minutes my adventure filled life finally begins!

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