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Batman - the Dark lord Batman - the Dark lord original

Batman - the Dark lord

Author: Mr_Omniscient

© WebNovel


Vir a 22 year old teenager otaku, who just like to read comics and watch superhero movies' he is a big fan of batman from childhood but his biggest regret is to see batman get meta power's.

he hates batman vs superman movies just cuz batman has to do so much to fight with superman.

everytime he sleeps he get dreams of batman getting superpowers and beating villains as well as heroes for fun sake.

one day he decided to kill himself by truck kun to meet god and ask for wish to reborn in dc world.

obviously it was his thinking, no one know what happens after person dead.

but just to fulfill his biggest fantasy he had to do this, for a teenage boy who don't have parents and lived in orphanage when he was child, a single, alone and poor as well work as part time worker just to eat and live. obviously if he can fulfill his wish by doing something like this then why not.

after while vir saw a big truck coming on road so he jumped in front of truck ' bammm !!!!!! ' "aghhh..... that was really bad idea " said vir as he lost consciousness.

few moments later.

dark clouds.

" is this heaven.. ? " vir regain his consciousness.

he never thought that killing himself would hurt that much, it was really biggest pain he received till birth.

" ooyy boyy..... come here " a sound come from dark clouds in front of vir.

" god ...? creator....? is that you , where am i , is this heaven ? " surprisingly vir asked.

" heaven..!! you want to go to heaven..? hey shitt hole, no one from thousand of years gotten in to heaven, whoever committed single sin out of my seven sins come to me at hell, and i m not my brother whom you called god or creator, i am destroyer also called devil the lord of seven sins, and this is hell, i am going to destroy your memories so your soul can go to reincarnation wheel where my brother - the creator will create new body for you ". said the voice in dark cloud.

" devil..? hell..? am i that bad person ? " vir asked.

" argghh.... have you never get angry, greedy, lusty, jealous or have you not committed single small crime that you regret ?" said destroyer.

" may be " vir told.

" that's it then, if you had control over your emotions and never felt to this sins, then after death you can go to heaven and become angel. but from ten thousands of year's no one got into heavens."

" ohh , don't you love your brother, you guy's are family right ? " asked vir just to get to know more about this place cuz he dead just to meet god, but the person in front of him seems like hate god and saying that god is his brother.

" nahhh ,, he is piece of shittt he can create anything so everyone loves him and he never created anything for me to play or to destroy, sometime in anger i destroyed his hundreds world's but he created thousands in seconds, i don't like him that's for sure " said destroyer.

" i think you are wrong, he doesn't create anything for you to destroy cuz he don't want people to hate you, i think he loves you that's why he gave you souls after dead to destroy their memories, it's a good thing you know, nearly everyone regret their last life and everyone had some bad memories, by destroying them you are doing good deeds you know " vir told.

" .... " no voice come from dark clouds.

vir never know this thing's he just guess it and want to spend his time with destroyer to get to know more cuz the only fact that he committed suicide is to reborn in new world.

but after come to know that he is in hell all his dreams shattered, now the only thing he can do is to chat with devil and get to know more about his situation.

after sometime a voice comes

" hey... buddy you are right , i asked my brother directly that did he love me and that's why he create this system to destroy memories and he said that he don't have time to told me this bullshitt but if i know then get the **** out of here, hahaha.... !! but i saw love for me in his eyes "

" i am happy, tell me what you want or anything you want to destroy, i can do for you " a voice come from dark cloud again.

" thanks, but i don't want you to destroy anything, i just want to reborn in dc world as batman, can you do that ? " asked vir.

" actually for you to reborn in another world you have to get new body that's the work of my brother, anything else ? " asked destroyer.

" i guess that, then can you not destroy my memories cuz i have my best memories watching batman and i don't want to forget that " asked vir.

" that's very small request, i can do that but how about this' i will gave you eye of destroyer - you can destroy anything you see, also i will gave you indestructible body, i mean i can't create body but after my brother gave you new body i will make that body indestructible " said the destroyer.

" that's pretty op i guess, my past memories and a eye which can destroy anything and body that no one can destroy, but what's the use of this if i m not in dc world as batman " said vir.

" i can only do this much, so tell me want it or not " asked the destroyer.

" well yes, i can't say no to your goodwill " said vir.

" heheeehee.... okay then i will send you to meet my brother so you can reborn, nice to meet you hope we meet again" said destroyer.

after that vir's soul directly pierced into dark cloud and felt unconscious.

few moment's later.

vir regain his consciousness.

" where am i now " said vir looking towards white clouds in front of him.

" so you are the guy whose memories are not destroyed and got blessings of my brother " asked the creator.

vir guess that the voice in front of him must be creator of tens of thousands world the one and only GOD.

" yes sir, so where are you sending me ? " asked vir.

" you got blessed by my brother so you must be sent to world of magics and superpowers, and by clearing my brother's misunderstanding you help me a lot too, so tell me which world you want to go, i don't care what you to do in that world cuz i have thousands of that. so just enjoy but don't destroy whole world " said God.

" really !!! can you send me into dc world...? i want to reborn as Bruce Wayne " said vir.

" that's easy i will do that, also i will gift you mind of creation - anything you imagine you can create except living beings, it's not as powerful as mine but you can certainly rule at least hundred world's under me " said God.

" you mean if i create dimension portal i can go to another world ? " asked vir.

" ya but not every world is without ruler some world's have powerful beings that you can't even see so how can you even destroy them with your power, but you have my mind of creation so you will certainly become powerful as them in no time " said God.

" okay then i m ready " said vir .

" hmmm "

and instantly vir felt unconscious again.

few moments later.

vir regain consciousness, saw that every thing he sees seems to have become small.

then he saw his small hand and certain that he is reborn but don't know if it's dc world or is he really Bruce Wayne.

" wow martha, he really looks like me see his eyes and this lil nose " a voice come from room as vir felt that someone pick him and saw a familiar face which he saw every time he saw batman's father Dr. thomas Gabrial wayne, he don't look exactly same but the looks are pretty similar.

that set, he really is the son of wayne family and martha is his mother.

now he is certain that he reborn in dc as Bruce wayne.

" tom, give my son to me his looks are like me not like you " said martha.

" hey hey cool martha, i am just kidding, by the way have you decided name for our son " said thomas.

" bruce, it means the descendant of king " said martha.

" wow nice name martha, we will call our son Bruce then " said thomas.

" hee hee hee ... " bruce laughed to see his parents he was orphan in past life so his feelings for his parents in this life is real.

" young master Bruce if laughing, i think he like the name given by my lady " said alfred pennyworth.

" i think soo " said martha.

' so that is alfred, the loyal butler of wayne family ' thought vir as he saw a middle aged man at corner of room.

" so my new life starts i guess " thought vir in his mind as he felt sleep cuz nothing to do.





and that's how a teenager otaku reborn as Bruce Wayne and legend of batman - the Dark lord begins.

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