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96.19% Naruto: Hokage's Legacy / Chapter 101: Flashback-kun or Flashback senpai, its really up to you!

Chapter 101: Flashback-kun or Flashback senpai, its really up to you!

Pain started to rise into the air and gathered the rest of the paths of pain outside of the village, "Feel pain, contemplate pain, accept pain, know pain! One who does not know true pain cannot know true peace. And now, the world shall know pain. Almighty Pu-"

Before he could finish a yellow blur kicked him, sending him crashing into the ground, this was Naruto Uzumaki!


Naruto was sitting on Mount Myoboku, blocking out everything and focusing inside his mind space. Naruto came face to face with the beast, "Hey nine tails, I need your power to beat Madara."

The beast looked down on Naruto, [That is not Madara Uchiha, he is different.]

Naruto didn't understand, "How is he different?" 'If he isn't Madara, why use his name?'

The beast stood up, [His chakra was different, that isn't Madara, but it is the same person who controlled me the night I was sealed into you.]

Naruto was shocked, "So you were being controlled that night?" Naruto didn't understand why someone as strong as 'Madara' would need to use the tailed beast to destroy Konoha. Even he didn't know if his father could beat the masked man.

Naruto shook his head, "No matter who he is, he is strong. And if I want to have a chance at beating him I will need your chakra, all of it that I can get."

The beast looked down on him, [So? Are you going to fight me to take it?] The beast chuckled, he didn't really think Naruto could beat him, but he did know he would be a tough opponent.

"I don't want to, but I will if that's the only option."

The Ninetails got a little more serious, [And what would the other option be?]

"I need to be able to trust you, and for that to work, you need to be able to trust me. I know you don't want to share your name, for whatever reason, but I think that is the best way to show that we trust each other."

The beast laughed, [You really are an Idiot, I already told you no, plus it's not like you can do anything about it.] the beast laughed even harder at the thought.

Naruto got frustrated, "And why the hell won't you! Just tell me your name, it's not that hard, we do it all the time!"

[You humans don't share the same meaning of a name, you throw it around without a care in the world. But we are different, we are beings of mass destruction, we are capable of turning the world to ash. And because of that, people fear us. There has only been one person who truly cared about me since my creation, and he was the one to give me this name. I am NOT about to tell some brat my name just because he needs a favor. If you want my chakra so bad, come and take it.]

Naruto took a step back because of the pressure, he had never seen him this serious and filled with bloodlust. Naruto sighed and undid the clone behind him, going into sage mode, "I guess it's about time we had our battle."

The beast nodded, [Before you take off the seal let me tell you this, the only way you can get my chakra is to grab ahold of it and pull. Just so you know, I'll be trying to kill you too.] The beast didn't want to lose, nor did he think he would, but he respected Naruto and wanted him to have a fair fight.

Naruto slammed his hand on his stomach and undid the seal. As soon as he was free the nine tails swung his tails at Naruto, Naruto created clones to soften the blow, but it still sent him flying upwards!

Naruto made a copy of himself out of only chakra, ready to grab onto the beast's chakra. But he also knew he was trying to grab ahold of his too. Chakra can only be caught with chakra. All he had to do was take the nine tails chakra away from him, then he could fight 'Madara'.

[Sorry brat, this is going to be over fast] the beast lifted up his tails and head and began creating a dense ball of chakra!

Naruto leaped back and created a ton of clones all getting ready to use Rasenshuriken! "This might be his strongest attack!"

The giant black ball of dense chakra was fired out of the beast's mouth and met with the frightening power of the Rasenshuriken barrage! The blast sent Naruto flying and dispelled all of his clones!

Using the Rasengshuriken barrage took up all of his senjutsu energy and was forced out of sage mode. Naruto looked up only to see the nine tails ready to use the same attack again! Naruto knew he couldn't block the attack but he hoped that he could change the trajectory with a giant Rasengan

Before the beast could launch his attack, multiple golden chains wrapped him up and forcibly closed its mouth, he was not going anywhere.

Out of the shadows came a woman with red hair wearing a green and white outfit. Naruto was shocked, he recognized this lady. "M- Mom!!!!!!!!!!"


Sorry for not updating much recently and this short chapter, I have had things to do and have been really tired recently, sorry. I am hoping by next week I can start doing this more but no promises. Anyways, have a nice day.

KakuzuCantolopes KakuzuCantolopes

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