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90.9% Lazy Life As The Primordial / Chapter 28: Chapter - 25

Chapter 28: Chapter - 25



Straight out of nowhere, a car smashed into the villa's wall and entered through it while conveniently hitting one of the mercenaries straight in the back, completely shattering his spine.

'One down, fourteen more to go.'

Thought Jin while getting out of the car as he was thinking about how the canon has been thrown out of the window here with his interference more than what happened in Fate and High School of The Dead.

First of all, he just met TangTang, when according to the original she was supposed to try the 'prank' on Yang Chen a few days later, not this day.

Now, Lin Kun is here with mercenaries instead of just coming to insult Ruoxi alone.

According to Sai's summary, Xu Zhihong basically shit himself when he heard that Ruoxi married him, so he hurried up and stopped pursuing Ruoxi as he cut all of his connections to Lin Kun as fast as possible so he can avoid 'offending' him.

Lin Kun, being desperate, sold all of his remaining shares which Sai instantly bought, then used the money to hire this team of mercenaries.

Now, in the original, Lin Kun was supposed to kidnap Ruoxi after hiring mercenaries after he came alone to this villa twice just to get his ass handed to him by Yang Chen and thrown in a dumpster twice. He sold his shares and hired a mercenary team that ended up being Yang Chen's subordinates and the matter was dealt with.

Right now, the mercenary team in front of him was not the one that is from his subordinates as he clearly told them that he doesn't want them to operate in Zhong Hai. This mercenary team was later introduced in the story as the hired helpers of some random mob who was a businessman from Singapore trying to take revenge on Ruoxi because she sent him to prison or something like that.

Thinking that the plot of the book is getting kinda compressed, Jin was internally happy as he didn't need to wait for long before he could 'complete' this story.

[A/N: - Well, as you may see, I will be trying to minimize the time intervals between certain events or yeet out certain characters that were supposed to be introduced later in the story as long as the context makes sense and doesn't have bullshit like what I did above.

For example, I'll be making the time interval between the retrieval of the Buddhist item and the fight over the Holy Grail have a time interval about a week instead of however much it had in the original book, and stuff like that.

The original book is too fucking long and got too many side-plots that I felt my brain getting fried trying to think how to implement them into the book without dragging the arc out, so I came up with the brilliant idea to yeet almost all of them using reasonable excuses. For example, most of the plots of Yu Lei getting fucked because of other companies won't be happening as Yu Lei will be cooperating with the company of the MC, etc.…]

Anyway, seeing that all of these people are pretty much from 'rival' teams, he made up his mind to send them back to their creator as they are pretty much bad guys and are coming for blood.

Just as Jin finally stood out of the car, the mercenaries took their stances with their guns as they were trained veterans, so they got their bearings back almost instantly after the initial surprise from the sudden intrusion.

All of this happened under the gazes of the tied-up females. All of them looked at the scene in front of them with fear in their eyes.

[A/N: - Obligatory cringe warning.]

Ruoxi in particular was horrified seeing that Jin came back. She felt a contradicting number of mixed emotions rampaging inside her. She was very afraid, seeing that he came back into the line of fire. She was really sad and remorseful that she would become the reason for his 'death' just because he came to help her. She regretted asking for his help the other day. She felt a tremendous amount of guilt remembering that he had multiple lovers that will be left alone just because of her willfulness in refusing to marry the Xu family young master.

But most importantly, she felt an immeasurable amount of hatred and anger towards herself at this moment. Why did she feel so happy?! Feel so blissful, and even a little bit hopeful when he came here to save her even though she knew full well that he was going to die here?!

She wanted to scream and shout to tell him to leave quickly, but her gagged mouth didn't let her do so. She could only look at him helplessly as her already red-puffy eyes started watering again.

'Why do I always lose everything that I love and make me happy?!'

'I never hurt anyone, why is it always me?'


'….well, this is enough, isn't it?'

'Just as Jin told me before. I already had everything any girl could ask for. Huge wealth. Good health. Great friends. Vast influence. Beauty. I had a loving grandmother, Wang Ma, … and I even married the love of my life.'

She smiled depressingly at the thought, although she really couldn't because of the gag.

'If I had accepted being in a relationship with Jin back then, would today's outcome have been any different?'

'No need to cry over spilled milk…'

Looking towards Jin who looked towards her with a gentle smile, Ruoxi felt as if she was getting choked while someone twisted a knife into her heart.

'…why? Why is he still smiling like this?! How can he still be smiling towards me so gently in the face of death?! Why is he trying to give me hope?!'

Looking into his eyes, Ruoxi's eyes became firm as she made up her mind.

'Other lovers or not. A wife or not. If there is a second life, please let Ruoxi accompany you there. I'm really sorry that I can't accompany you in this life, Jin.'

With a final tear dropping, Ruoxi steeled her mind that the moments her binds were removed, will be the moment she takes her own life. If she can't accompany him during this life, then she will accompany him in his death.

'This time, I am not letting go!'

____/POV Change\____

'Why is he here?!'

This was the thought of the young woman tied to the chair next to Ruoxi.

'Is he the husband that Lin Kun was Talking about just now?'

Mo Qianni never thought that Ruoxi, her best friend, would marry someone without her knowledge, but what came out as a surprise was the person that she married.

'Shenyu Jin.'

A strange and arrogant name. This was her first thought when she heard him introduce himself years ago.

She has never heard of such a family who would use the word 'God' in its name.

They first met when he was accompanying Ruoxi once before when she was in university. Back then, the Old CEO(Ruoxi's Grandma) was still alive and in control of the company, so Ruoxi had the time to act like a girl her age.

Seeing them together was a surprise since Qianni knew that Ruoxi was not interested in dating anyone as she was focused on her studies. So, seeing them together made her raise an eyebrow.

She had to admit that seeing them together, Qianni felt as if they were a match made in heaven. A breathtaking beautiful girl and a celestially handsome boy. Even she felt stunned and a bit jealous seeing them together, however she murdered any budding thoughts she could have at this moment.

Although she and Ruoxi are more than sisters, she would never back down when it comes to love. Even if she was a third party, she wouldn't feel despicable as long as the other party didn't avoid her… Ruoxi however was the granddaughter of her benefactor and her mother-figure.

After the death of her parents at the age of thirteen and with no other relatives, Mo Qianni, a young child with no way to get around in her hometown, stole someone's wallet and then ran to Zhong Hai to work and earn money. Around three months before she met the Old CEO, Ruoxi's grandma, she was washing plates and vegetables and doing some general tasks. Since she was too young, although she looked older than the similarly aged kids, she would still be sent back to her hometown if she got discovered to be a child labor.

Back then, she only wanted to earn some money and enroll in high school. Since the school fees weren't very expensive, and Qianni herself was really smart, she could still deal with working part-time and studying at the same time.

Life however had it hard for the girl.

A budding girl like her with a developed figure and beautiful face that is rarely seen, she was bound to meet with such misfortune.

The pig of an owner of the small restaurant kept harassing her behind his wife's back. He'd say shameless things to her, and even try to touch her.

There was that once where she got accidentally blocked in the storeroom by him. He didn't allow her to get out. He even wanted to do that thing to her…

She used all of her energy to bite him before running away. However, the owner told the employees that she was stealing in the storeroom, and that he discovered her and was then bitten by her as a result.

So… she got caught by them and couldn't escape. She was only a kid after all. Finally, the owner's wife seized the opportunity to hit her. That humanoid trash of a woman had despised her for a very long time. Having been way prettier than her, she ignited her jealousy, even if she was only a small child. So, under the situation where the owner couldn't say anything, she used a rolling pin to beat her violently, saying that she was a thief, a thief who dared to escape after stealing and biting someone. So, she broke her leg with the rolling pin…

Having her luck blossom for the first time since the unfortunate demise of her parents, the Old CEO happened to see such a scene and helped her out. After various twists and turns, the Old CEO helped Qianni out and sent the couple to prison, where they couldn't get out after that. She even paid for Qianni's surgery, otherwise, her leg would have been left with nasty side-effects.

The Old CEO, having seen Qianni's talent, decided to help her and fund her study so she can work in Yu Lei in the future.

To Ruoxi's grandma, she may have just helped Qianni out of sympathy and pity and brought a little girl with high potential up. However, to Qianni, it was an unforgettable and unpayable debt when it came to her funding for education and dealing with the people who caused her intense suffering, since her life would've been ruined otherwise.

The debt she owes to Ruoxi's grandma is a life-saving debt that she can't even begin to think how to pay it. It's to the extent that if a day comes where Ruoxi wanted her to disappear completely, she wouldn't even decline her request.

So, for Qianni, getting rid of those budding feelings was the least she could do in honor of her late benefactor.

When Qianni asked Ruoxi about him, and from the little info she was told and her observations, she inferred that he might be some son of an influential family or a rich family. He was wearing branded clothes and accessories, although they looked normal, but to someone like her who works with luxury brands, she can recognize them with a glance. Not to mention the limited-edition supercar he drove. No one from a normal family would have the budget to get such things.

Qianni also noticed an irregularity in Ruoxi. She had a small unnoticeable blush on her face as she introduced him as her senior. Many may not have noticed the blush on Ruoxi's face back then, but Qianni has been with Ruoxi since she was 7. She has known her for about 10 years, so seeing this expression on her face was a surprise to her.

[A/N: - After much searching on irrelevant chapters, I could finally deduce the age of Qianni and Rose that were never mentioned in the book. Qianni is supposed to be a year older than Rose, and Rose after a shitload of chapters was supposed to be 28 when the plot started. Since I couldn't find that shit when I first started the arc(stated in the second chap of the arc), I made Rose's age the same age of Jin(25), so Imma just roll with it and make Qianni 26 yo instead of 29 in the original cause I'm lazy to change older chaps.

P.s Fuck the original author for not giving a fuck about mentioning any details like this.]

Qianni of course could still notice such a difference on the face of her 'little sister'. Ruoxi has always been aloof, albeit not cold like the current her, but she had an aura that made approaching her seem impossible. She only showed such a variety of expressions with people she is close with like her and her other friend, Cai Yan.

They then met a couple of other times when Ruoxi had him meet her grandmother after she asked to meet him.

Last time she saw him was today in Ruoxi's office and it was the main reason why she came here to speak with Ruoxi.

She knew that Ruoxi and him had denied the romantic relationship between them when Ruoxi refused to accept joining his harem, so seeing him as her husband today out of the blue was a shocking thing.

Seeing him breaking into the villa's wall all of a sudden almost gave her a heart attack.

'Why the hell is he even here right now?!'

Qianni always had an explosive personality. She saw that he entered the villa in this way which clearly showed that he knew that there are mercenaries in the villa, otherwise there is no chance a sane person would drive into the villa screaming like this.

'Wait a second…'

'…he was not just driving while being drunk, right?'

'Please don't tell me he is drunk!'

____/POV change\____

Wang Yulan(a.k.a. Wang Ma) never thought in her mind that one day her young miss would marry without informing the Master. Although she knew the truth, the young miss should still be oblivious to it.

She was shocked about the current state they were in. The Master seems to have hired some foreigners to 'take care' of the young master.

Wang Ma could do nothing but pray in her mind for the safety of her Young Miss and Young Master.

[A/N: - Not writing anymore for her lol. Although I love Wang Ma, she is not in the harem, so I am not gonna really write an extensive POV for her tbh…]

____/Normal POV\____

Jin looked around as he sensed 14 living guys in the mercenary team including the leader and scout. He looked at the body with a broken spine in front of him as he nodded in approval that his accuracy while driving is superb.

Jin looked towards the three ladies who were tied and gave them a reassuring smile. He noticed a strange shift in Ruoxi's gaze, but he didn't really pay attention to it as he didn't sense the 'sleeping beauty' inside her waking up anytime soon. Although he seems to think that the look in her eyes vaguely resemble the look in the eyes of his cute little sister, he put that idea in the back of his mind for the time being.

Jin materialized two strange looking guns in his hands as he took aim the moment two of the mercenaries fired their guns.


*clang clang clang clang*

The sound of guns firing kept going on from both sides. Sparks were ignited midair accompanied by the sound of empty shells and the falling bullets that collided midair. Also, six bullets already hit the ropes and gags of the three tied ladies freeing them, but they were smart enough to stay still or they might get hit by a stray bullet. Although, having a bullet passing by your head and almost grazing your cheek and arm is almost as traumatizing.

"Fucking aimbot, I call hacks!" (Random mob #457721280-3321)

"What a rude welcome. I even took the initiative to give you a high-speed welcome gift, tsk tsk tsk."

Jin pointed the gun at the body of their dead comrade as he shook his head at the serious yet terrified faces of the mercenaries.

A guy who can accurately snipe every single bullet from a machine gun midair without missing a single one is beyond the scope of a random guy affiliated with some local gangs. Their killing intent intensified as well as their vigilance.

Jin then looked at Ruoxi, whose mouth was wide-open from the shock as he wanted to try something, so he spoke.

"Ruoxi, do you trust me?"

Ruoxi was perplexed for a moment since the conversation suddenly shifted towards her. Then as the question registered in her brain, she firmly answered.

"With my life!"

Although a little bit surprise, Jin smiled at her answer as he looked at the men who were still hesitating and assessing him, then he spoke with a smile.

"Gentlemen, please excuse me for a moment, I need to change my clothes as I don't want blood to ruin them."

And instantly, his clothes morphed into a complicated looking shit that I can't describe, except that it looked edgy as fuck and was all in black with a metallic looking skull in the middle of the chest area. Fight clothes rule #1, The edgier you look, the cooler your appearance is.

[Image here.]

Jin then cast a protective barrier around the three ladies, it also blocked the sound for the next couple of seconds.

"Ok, I am democratic here. You guys gave me a sudden opportunity to act cool and flex in front of the ladies, as well as helping me avoid tons of drama in the future. I'm going to at least make you choose who goes first."

Just as he finished, the scout who was on the roof jumped with a knife for a sneak attack after 'successfully' hiding for a while after he got down from the roof to the hall after the car crash and the gunshots.


The blade in his hand was met with three metal claws appearing from between the knuckles of Jin's hand(Wolverine's claws).

"So, you called dibs on the first place? Adios!"

Was the last thing the scout heard as another set of claws found their way into his heart, tearing his bullet proof clothes as if tearing butter.

[Another one down, Master. Twelve more to go!]

[Playing "Doom Eternal OST - The Only Thing they Fear is You".]

Sai, who was having the time of her life capturing the 'valiant figure' of her Master, chirped happily from inside the car.


The beat hit hard at the same time as the corpse of the scout slid from the claws to fall on the ground.

"Oh, good beat!"

Said Jin as a burst of Heaven and Earth Restoration Energy engulfed the claws, cleaning them from any traces of blood before they retracted inside his hands while the guns disappeared.


*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Just as the leader spoke, all of the remaining guys started shooting their guns towards Jin who broke into a run avoiding all the incoming bullets as they missed and started breaking parts of the walls, antiques, and ceiling of the living room of the villa.

Seeing the scene of Jin running around in a circle, Delon wasn't willing to waste his time on Jin who was nimble. He took the gatling gun from his back and the massive gun looked like a toy in his hands.

"I don't know nor care who you are but die!!"

Delon wasn't bothered to aim. The firing speed of 6 thousand rounds per minute allowed him to finish the task with an easy sweep! As soon as he yelled, Delon had pulled the trigger of this monstrous beast!

"Wait. That's illegal!" (Jin)

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

The metal shells of bullets kept falling like it was raining. The continuous sound of metal falling could be heard when they landed on the stone floor.

Delon looked brutal, as if he was a Bengal tiger craving for human flesh. Thick veins appeared on his arms, exuding an immense, breathtaking aura as the gatling gun became a berserk beast in his hands. As sparks ignited, the dense bullets instantly formed a row of holes on the wall making it into some kind of stony-Swiss-cheese.

Jin however was leisurely having the time of his life running on the walls and ceiling dodging the incoming bullets while acrobatically jumping from one place to another. And nimbly skipping the wall that had a door as it was obliterated during the first time Delon shot.

Jin also occasionally jumped near one of the mercenaries while using a blade made of the golden flames of the Samadhi True Fire to lop their heads off while saying 'Hand thy heads' in a deep voice imitating Gramps.

[Go Go, Master! Only four mobs remain!]

Sai who was cutely playing the role of a cheerleader, was shouting rather enthusiastically seeing the bloody scene, or lack of since the fire sealed the wounds, so no blood was spilt.

Having decided to finish with this farce, Jin leapt towards the direction of the leader as he decided to be done with them.


The dude wasn't going to go down so easily, otherwise he wouldn't have led a bunch of Vietnamese mercenaries all the way to Zhong Hai for a mission. With a surprisingly good control and speed, the gatling gun acted just like a short-range stick. He turned around instantly before swaying the gun right at Jin's head!

Just before the attack connected to Jin's face, Delon only saw a small smirk on his face as the gun went through Jin's body without resistance.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of his grim reaper from behind.

"After-images are pretty damn cool and badass regardless of the fight they are used in."

Just as Delon turned around, he was met with an open palm that will be that last thing he will see in his current life. Jin's palm hit Delon's face, as his fingers held I tightly as he lifted him off the ground.

"…just who are you?"

Muttering with difficulty, Delon wanted to at least know the name of his killer. He was sure that someone with such skill won't be a nameless nobody from a random gang.

"Does Pluto ring a bell?"

Jin asked with a small smile.

"From Mickey Mouse?" (Delon) [A/N: - It's a joke, he didn't say this...]

Looking at the realization that drowned on Delon's face as he looked resigned to his fate, Jin only muttered one word.


This was the last thing Delon heard as a torrent of blue flames raged from Jin's palm and enveloped his body and the bodies of the remaining three mercenaries who were reloading their guns behind Delon. In less than a second, all of their bodies, weapons, and other equipment were disintegrated and not even ashes remained from them.

Looking around and seeing the collateral damage, Jin nodded in content towards his damage control. Except a destroyed wall, the walls and ceiling having too many holes, the furniture getting pretty much disintegrated, and the bodies that loitered on the ground. He silently thought about going to a certain world and teaching a certain magical guild how to do minimum damage to their surroundings when they fight in an area with buildings, just like himself.

Jin then looked towards the three women and the now unconscious Lin Kun that he yeeted inside the barrier during the 'fight'. He then turned around and looked through the now non-existent wall towards a corner of the garden as he spoke.

"You are still going to hide?"

From the dark corner of the garden, a tall slender lady walked over with silent steps.

The lady who walked over had looks that were similar to Cai Yan, but her figure was taller and more voluptuous. She had long hair and wore a skin-tight leather shirt and light blue jeans, which outlined her slender curves. She didn't look as heroic as Cai Yan and was more of a clam graceful beauty that came out of an ancient painting.

This is Cai Ning, Cai Yan's older twin sister, and the current 'stalker' of Jin.

"Finally, my stalker decided to make an appearance, how have you been, Miss. Flower Rain?"

Jin spoke towards her with a smile, but there were no emotional fluctuations on her face as her expression stayed indifferent while speaking.

"Pluto, you are making too much of a ruckus. This will be hard to cover especially with the whole neighborhood hearing the gunfire."

Jin didn't answer her as he had a serious expression while looking around the place.

Seeing him like this, she narrowed her eyes a bit as she spoke.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing her question, Jin stopped what he was doing as he spoke.

"Well, I ran out of fucks to give, so I was searching for some around."



Even the indifferent Cai Ning couldn't help but be irritated by his attitude. First, she failed her mission in keeping watch on Pluto secretly without him noticing, and now she had to deal with his 'distasteful' personality.

"Well, if you guys were competent enough, then you wouldn't be bitching about it right now. Aren't you guys in the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade supposed to be protecting this land from foreign influences like mercenaries and those in the supernatural side as well? Those guys are mercenaries from Vietnam, and they were heavily armed at that, and they still sneaked right under your noses like the 'competent' bunch you are.

If you have the energy to bitch about it, then you should have done your job properly and prevented them from coming here in the first place. All in all, I helped you guys wipe your asses by dealing with them, and you even let them endanger civilians, so I fail to see where this is my problem." (Jin)

Hearing the sarcasm in Pluto's voice, Cai Ning couldn't refute anything he said and can only bear with it silently with a clenched fist.

"Ruoxi, Wang Ma, do you guys have anything you value here in the villa except whatever it is in your rooms?"

Wang Ma and Ruoxi who suddenly became the center of the conversation snapped out of their trance as they hurriedly shook their heads in refusal.

Jin looking at them recovering fast, he was inwardly praising his foresight in granting them a temporary Gamer's Mind to avoid too much bullshit drama with the killing and stuff.

"Ok then."

Saying so, Jin snapped his fingers as space started distorting in front of him revealing two rifts to the rooms of Ruoxi and Wang Ma. With another snap, they saw all the items in the rooms disappearing into portals in the ground, and finally the two rifts condensed into two black bracelets. These were spatial storages that contained two hundred and fifty square kilometers of storage space.

The bracelets then disappeared and reappeared on the wrists of Ruoxi and Wang Ma.

"Ok, no items of value are here, so let me tell you how to deal with something like this, kid."

After Jin said so, he waved his hand as all the bullets, empty shells, dead bodies, blood, and weapons started floating from all over the villa and built a small hill in the middle of the hall.

And with a burst of Heaven and Earth Restoration Energy, the energy transformed into a dark blue liquid that appeared behind Jin. The liquid had black miasma-like fumes dissipating out of it.

Looking at the liquid, all the 4 ladies felt their instincts screaming at them as fear was ignited in their minds while the liquid moved like a squirming slug.

The former tied ladies had it better because they instantly recovered because of the Gamer's Mind, Cai Ning however was still afraid, although when another thought crossed her mind, she was beyond shocked.

'Nether Water Stage!'

Mentally commanding the blob of water, it engulfed the small hill of corpses and equipment. Within a few seconds under Jin's precise control, the water corroded the small hill leaving nothing behind, at all. No bodies, no bloodstains, no heavy equipment, no gear, nothing! It didn't even touch any of the rubble that were scattered under the bodies.

"Step number one, get rid of any troublesome evidence."

They heard him saying this as they suddenly felt dizzy because their surroundings suddenly shifted. They were now sitting on air in the garden looking at the villa from outside!

"Step number two…."


They suddenly saw a red streak of flames flying from his hand as it hit the villa, and with a soundless explosion, flames raged out, completely engulfing it in an instant.

"….always use the gas leak as an excuse. Some people have been using it for years, and it works like a charm…" (Jin)

'Southern Bright Trigram Fire?!'

Cai Ning though with fear. She had seen him use the Samadhi True Fire at the start, then the Nether Water, and now the Southern Bright Trigram Fire?!

She knew about his status as one of the twelve Olympian Gods, but she never expected him to be a cultivator as well, and it seems like his cultivation level is unfathomable! Even her master hadn't even broken into the tribulation stages, much less her.

And all this is not counting his strength if he unseals as a Hades!

Cai Ning made a mental note to report what happened now down to the finest detail to her superior. The threat level of this monster just went above the current level of what they can handle.

Looking at the burning villa, Cai Ning remembered something.

"Where is Lin Kun?"

Hearing her question, Jin's smile froze over as he heard a faint sound of screaming from inside the villa.

"Ehehehe oopsie~?"


[A/N: - So as some of you have noticed(those who read the original book), I have yeeted the mother of Mo Qianni out of the book by making her dead. To be fucking honest, she was one of the people that extended the bullshit drama of the original book, and I didn't have the patience to deal with her, so I decided to use the most optimal way to deal with her, and now she is dead. No drama with the mother or with the abusive gambling addict of a shitty stepfather.]

Darkstar11051999 Darkstar11051999

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