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42.42% Lazy Life As The Primordial / Chapter 12: Chapter - 11

Chapter 12: Chapter - 11

[A/N: - Just finished watching Fate/Zero. Damn the fights there were great af, Iskandar best bro!]


"Jin-sama, I need your help with something."

Said Medea who was wearing an apron and peeling a potato skillfully.

It has been three weeks since Medea killed that regular master. Nothing worthy of mentioning happened during these three weeks, except Medea finally accepting not to call him Master, but she refused to say his name without the (-sama) suffix. Her cooking skill reached the level of a regular housewife too.

"Sure thing, Medea-chan. What's wrong?"

Jin asked with a smile. It was a rare thing to see his cute servant asking something from him except her cooking lessons and massage occasionally after hearing Sakura's constant bragging.

"I need to get the gate of Mount Enzou, the gate can be used as a summoning catalyst for a servant. Although it will have a limited movement, but it's still better than letting another master appear." (Medea)

"Hmmm, that gate huh. Sure thing. After we finish eating let's go get it, it won't take long." (Jin)

____/Scene Change\____

In front of Mount Enzou's gate, Jin was currently drawing a magic circle around it. No one noticed anything because of a simple illusion spell.

After 10 minutes, he finally finished creating the circle and contacted Medea telepathically.

"I'm done on my end, Medea-chan. Did you get a boulder large enough?"

"I'm done here, Jin-sama. The boulder is in place on the magic circle you created near the mansion." (Medea)

"Ok. On my mark start pouring mana into the circle." (Jin)

"As you wish." (Medea)

"3…2…1…now!" (Jin)

Jin and Medea started pouring mana into their respective magic circles.

In front of Jin, the magic circle stared scanning and tracing the gate at an atomic level, while in front Medea, the boulder in front of her started melting while an illusion of the structure of the gate appeared on top of the circle.

After 10 seconds, the two circles stopped glowing, and in front of Medea was an identical gate to the one at the mountain. Jin then created a small rune and pressed it on the original gate, suddenly the space around it distorted and it was swapped with the fake one that was created from the boulder.

Seeing his handywork, he wiped his non-existent sweat, removed all the traces of the magic circles and the mana traces then teleported to Medea.

____/Scene Change\____

"So, what do you think?"

Asked a smirking Jin while looking at Medea.

"Fascinating, Jin-sama! This is simply fascinating! You perfectly recreated the gate on a molecular level including its aura! Not to mention that you did manipulate the space to swap them perfectly without a single miscalculation with just a single rune!"

Medea was fangirling and acting like a magic otaku after seeing Jin in action.

"Well, enough of that. Will you do the summoning, or should I do it? Mmmm thinking about it, you do the summoning." (Jin)

"Are you sure, Jin-sama?"

Medea was startled that he will let her summon the servant.

"Of course, I trust you. And seeing the other Masters' faces when they see a servant summoned by another servant will be priceless hehehe."

Jin said with a smirk.

Medea looked at her Master who had complete trust in her and smiled.

"I will not disappoint you, Jin-sama!"

"Ah! I'll be waiting for it; I'll go take a shower first. I'll be starting Diablo III later for your info."

Jin said as he started walking away.

"Diablo III?! Are we playing Co-op?!"

Medea asked with shinning eyes. During those three weeks, Jin remodeled her into a fine otaku that he can pass his legacy to. She is only missing the degenerated parts of his legacy, but this can be solved next week after he swipes his V-Card with Saeko.

"Only if you finish quick enough."

He said with a smirk as he went away while leaving Medea who was burning with fighting spirit to score a World Record for the shortest time recorded to summon a servant.

____/Scene Change\____

The young Primordial and his cute servant were currently having the time of their lives in the slaughter fest in Diablo III. Suddenly, he remembered that Medea was supposed to summon her servant and asked.

"Medea-chan, did you finish your summoning ritual?"

Jin asked while not moving his attention from the screen.

"Ah that, yes, the summoning was a partial success. He is a nameless servant from the Assassin Class. He is close to a wraith than a Heroic Spirit though. I think it was because I am a servant myself, so the summoning process got twisted and summoned a fictional character instead of an actual Heroic Spirit. He is also bound to the location of the gate, so he can only cover the mansion and not leave this area."

Medea replied as she continued playing.

"Is that so? Well, I'll go check on him. Having a male company is a nice change of pace once in a while."

Jin said with a smirk while looking at the irritated Medea.

"What's wrong, Medea-chan? Jealous that your 'Master' will spend time with someone else instead?"

Jin asked her with a smirk as he got close to her.

"Or do you want Master to give you a massage to relieve the stress you accumulated from the summoning today."

Jin spoke in her pointy ear as his breath tickled her making her shudder in excitement.


Medea nodded shyly as her face was burning from embarrassment when she remembered the last time her Master massaged her. She never expected that she will make these strange and lewd noises from a simple massage.

But she had to admit that it's like a drug, once you tasted it you can't stop asking for more.

"Well, it's a promise then. I'll visit your room tonight, but first I'll go accompany our guest. Leaving him alone without even greeting him will reflect badly at my image as a host."

Jin said as he got up and left towards the door.

____/Scene Change\____

Jin walked to the guest house near the mansion. He felt a presence on top of the building, so he went up to meet him.

He jumped to the roof and there he was met by a samurai swordsman with long indigo hair tied into ponytail and indigo eyes. He wears a traditional light purple umanori hakama and kimono, light purple tabi and black zori with purple haori and tekkou and carries his sword, Monohoshi Zao on his back. [A/N: - Copied from wiki.]

"Yo! Sup!"

Jin said while raising his hand.

Assassin looked at him and spoke.

"You are that Vixen's Master? What brings you here?"

Jin put on a serious face and spoke.

"I came here for three reasons. I want to have a duel with you, have a drink then propose a deal."

"Ahaha interesting! The Master of 'my Master' wants to have a duel with me! Sure!"

Assassin seemed genuinely interested as he replied, although he spoke with a mocking tone when he said 'my Master' as he hates being ordered around by a woman.

Jin then went and grabbed his shoulder and teleported to training room.

"This place is sturdy and isolated, no one will bother us here and you can go all-out with no problem." (Jin)

Assassin hearing him unsheathed his katana and spoke.

"I am Sasaki Kojirou, Assassin Class Servant."

"I'm Oukami Jin, Caster's Master."

Jin said as he summoned a katana of the same length of Assassin's. He limited his parameters to be the same as Assassin's as well since he wanted to enjoy a fight of pure skill rather than brute force.

Both of them took their distance and assumed their stances then moved at the same time.




Their swords clashed with each other. They were trading blows equally. Strength, technique, and agility, they were completely matched. However, as they both took their distance, Jin smiled then spoke.

"Warm up is over, let's take it up a notch, shall we?"

They both moved again and engaged in another contest.

____/Scene Change\____

"Ahhh man that was the best!"

Said by a half-drunk Assassin who finished gobbling a whole bottle of wine after they finished their duel.

"Don't hold back I got lots of them! Cheers!"

Jin said as he started drinking his own bottle after tossing another one towards Assassin.

After a while they finished their mini drinking party, so Jin spoke.

"Now that our little drinking party is finished, let me propose a deal. You have a week to consider it though, and I won't force you to accept it, it will be purely out of your own free will to accept or decline."

"Let me hear it." (Sasaki)

[Time skip 1 week.]

Inside the workshop of Jin's mansion, Jin was currently standing in front of a glowing purple colored crystal.

Suddenly, cracks started appearing over the crystal, then it shattered.

What was revealed was an extremely beautiful naked young lady with purple hair, she had 2 purple fox ears on top of her head and nine purple fox tails coming from the lower part of her back.

[A/N: - Couldn't find any Saeko arts with fox ears, only cat ears.]

"Welcome back, Saeko-chan. You look absolutely stunning."

Jin spoke with a smile after seeing Saeko's new appearance.

Saeko who heard him had her ears twitch and her tails moved a bit.

"I'm back, Jin."

She said as she used her new powers to materialize a purple kimono on her body.

"I see that you got a bit proficient in using your powers huh."

The young Primordial asked with a smile seeing her create clothes naturally.

"Well, it's thanks to someone who drilled all the basics of this race's abilities into my brain and muscle memories, so it comes to me naturally even though it's a bit weird at the same time." (Saeko)

"I see. Ok then Saeko, I have an extremely important thing to ask of you."

Jin spoke as he looked at her with a serious expression.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Saeko was a bit taken back, he never looked that serious even when he told her his identity.

Jin took a deep breath and spoke.

"Can I pet and cuddle your ears and tails?!"

"Huh?! (Saeko)

"That's the extremely important request?!" (Saeko)

Saeko didn't know, but she was sure that her eyebrows were twitching.

"Of course, it is! Animal girls are justice, and fox-girls reign supreme!! Do you know how many of my virgin years have I wasted dreaming of cuddling fox-girls?! Just imagining the mofumofu you can do, petting their ears and rubbing you face on their fluffy tails while hugging them!! ….."

Jin pretty much went into a state of extreme excitement if she were to describe it politely, while he was going on preaching on how superior fox-girls are. She felt her head hurt seeing her lover like this. She knew she had to stop him right now, because she can feel that if she didn't then there will be a "Fox-girls' lives matter!" foundation in every world they visit.

So, she didn't speak and only got closer and let her tails hug his body.

Jin who felt the soft sensation around his boy snapped from his thoughts about creating a religion to worship fox-girls and started caressing Saeko's tails while enjoying the softness.

Saeko herself was holding down her moans while feeling extreme bliss from having him touch her tails and caressing her fur.

After spending two hours violating Saeko's ears and tails, he finally snapped back to reality only to find Saeko who was breathing heavily while her consciousness was hanging by a thread. She had a mini pool from her liquid beneath her from the number of orgasms she had during these two hours.

"Guess I took it a bit too far from my excitement, teehee pero~!"

[A/N: - I'm not gay…]

Saeko who heard him wanted to smash his head, 'a bit' ?! He calls this a bit?!

"Well, Saeko-chan. Now that the extremely important stuff is out of the way, let's complete our little promise~."

Saeko who heard him had her face a little pale as she remembered her promise to him.

"W-Wait! N-Not today. I'm still tired!"

Saeko tried to persuade Jin but ultimately failed when she felt her strength coming back while he was looking at her with a lewd smile.

"No can do, Saeko-chan. This past month was torture for me… If this went longer, I might as well shave and become a monk…"

Saeko who heard him sighed and resigned to her fate, but she can't deny that she has been anticipating this moment for a long time now.

The young Primordial teleported to his room with Saeko. He didn't forget to lock the place and put a time barrier. He doesn't want Sakura or Medea to catch him balls deep inside Saeko after all…

[15k words of R-18 have been omitted. AKA, they fucked.]

After two hours inside the barrier, Jin left the room while leaving Saeko who had white liquid coming from between her thighs. Thanks to his skills he instantly became master of sex that would make the strongest incubus grovel at his feet in worship.

He underestimated his skill though. Saeko couldn't take it and fainted from pleasure after two times.

'Man, it's hard being so perfect~'

While he was thinking about something that would make all the males want to smash his face, he heard Sakura's voice from the living room.

"Nii-sama, you are back!"

"Hello, Sakura-chan. I'm back."

"Where is Saeko-san?"

Sakura asked since Jin said he'll be bringing Saeko from the airport and skipped school.

"Ah, Saeko is really 'tired' from her 'journey', it was a tough 'ride' after all. She is sleeping in my room right now. She will probably be up and running by tomorrow morning."


Sakura nodded and couldn't wait to meet her Sister-in-law… sister? Depends on how you look at it…

____/Scene Change\____

Next day, Jin was currently in the cafeteria eating with his lovely kouhai, Mitsuzuri Ayako.

"Shinji has been taking his frustrations on the first-year boys lately, senpai." (Ayako)

"Hmm? What happened?" (Jin)

"From what I heard, he got shot down pretty hard by Tohsaka." (Ayako)

"Tohsaka Rin? Ahahaha, that seaweed sure got some 'balls'."

Jin laughed loudly when he heard that the Seaweed confessed to a girl in general not about Rin. He did leave him with a pretty nice 'gift' after saving Sakura after all.

"Keep your voice down, senpai! Anyway, Shinji has been in a foul mode since yesterday. Since senpai has been absent, I had to keep an eye on him all the time through the practice, so I'm exhausted."

Ayako said with a sigh as she started eating.

"Hehe my bad, Ayako-chan. I got some family business to take care of."

Jin said as he scratched his head while remembering the steamy night that he had with Saeko.

"It's ok, senpai. But I feel like he is gonna try to get even with her somehow." (Ayako)

"Even if I know that he is stupid, I don't think he is that retarded." 'It's a lie, he is even more retarded.' (Jin)

"But he can't avoid her if she comes to him though. I'm not sure why, but Tohsaka has been coming to watch at the dojo a lot lately. You've been absent so you don't know about it, senpai."

Ayako said as she continued eating.

'She is checking on Sakura huh, well although I really hope they get along, Rin is a hypocritical piece of shit. I mean after she became the head of the Tohsaka Family, she never bothered asking about Sakura, she just occasionally looks at her from afar, like what the fuck?'

Jin and Ayako finished their food and stood up to leave. Just before Ayako left, Jin called her.

"Here, Ayako-chan. A gift I got for you, thanks for taking care of the club in my absence."

He put a bracelet around her hand, gave her a wink and left without waiting for her reply.

The bracelet he gave her is a defensive artifact. In the original timeline, Rider attacked Ayako and sucked her blood that she almost died. With this bracelet, if she were to encounter danger, she will be teleported to him before the danger befalls her, while being unconscious with fuzzy memories as well.

He did this because he is worried about his cute kouhai's safety, not because he is trying to score points with her at all… ok maybe a little…

____/Scene Change\____

Jin was currently leaving the school alone. Sakura and Medea went together for a "girls' day out" or so they said. He was then met with Emiya Shirou and three girls, one of them was kowtowing towards Shirou, another was sitting on her back and the final one was just standing near them.

"Hmm, what are you guys doing? Emiya, are you into that kind of kinky SM stuff? I won't judge, but you guys are in public. At least go to the forest near the school…"

Hearing him Shirou was confused, while the three girls blushed.

""N-No, O-Oukami-senpai, i-it's not like that!"""

They practically screamed from embarrassment.

"I know, I am joking, but your current state is a bit… unique… Anyway, since you guys have no club activities you should already head home like what you were instructed by the school. It's not safe right now." (Jin)

"Did something happen, Oukami-senpai?" (Shirou)

"They said that there was a homicide at the intersection near the school. A family of four was attacked, and only the youngest child survived. The parents and older sister were stabbed to death. And those gas leaks in Shinto too. You guys better take care on your way home."

Jin said this as he left them to head out first.

____/Scene Change\____

It was the next day at school. Jin suddenly felt a wave of magical energy sweep the school.

'It has started huh. This is the day when Shirou didn't die even when he was killed…'

'According to the original, Taiga-chan-sensei was supposed to ask Seaweed to clean the dojo, but Seaweed made his love interest aka Shirou do it to show him who is the alpha in their relationship.'

'I should play matchmaker and do the same then.'

After the young Primordial praised his genius, he went to the dojo to fli-*cough*train his kouhais and ask Seaweed to clean the place.

____/Scene Change\____

Jin was currently standing with Medea on top of the school building watching Archer's fight with Lancer while being cloaked by an invisibility spell. He enjoyed the fight, seeing it in real life is something else after all.

'Man, the visual effects of the anime can't do this fight justice.'

He then heard Medea's voice.

"Are we going to join them, Jin-sama?"

"Nah, not this time. I'm here to let you witness what you have learned of as 'Plot Armor'. Do you feel the presence inside the dojo?" (Jin)

"Yes. Although it's extremely pathetic amount of magical power, but he does have a bit."

Medea spoke with disdain in her voice. After being bathed in some of the magical energy of her Master, she came to despise every single magus out there. Even hers when she was alive at her peak can't hold a candle to her Master's.

"Well, he is the definition of 'Plot Armor', you see that he is in the wrong place at the wrong time, right? The fight between servants should never be witnessed by normal people after all. See what happens next, he won't die even if he was killed."

Medea was confused by her Master's words but stayed silent as she watched.

The rest played as the original, Shirou got found out by Archer and Lancer as they stopped their fight, and he ran away into the school.

They saw him running inside the school until Lancer stabbed his heart with Gáe Bolg.

"You won't save him, Jin-sama?"

Medea doesn't care about the life of this insect, but she knows her Master's personality.

"Nah, he won't die after all. See?"

Just as they finished speaking, they saw Tohsaka Rin, Archer's Master healing Shirou using her jewel Magecraft.

"See? Told you. This guy normally would've been a cockroach in this Holy Grail War." (Jin)

"He isn't?" (Medea)

"Hehe, he can't survive unless I will it."

Jin said with a small smile that sent shivers down Medea's spine.

They then saw Archer manifesting near Shirou and putting the same jewel that was used to heal him near his body.

"What are we going to do now, Jin-sama?"

"To watch the rest of the fun. Do you think it will end like this? You're in for a great surprise hehe."

Jin said this as he grabbed Medea and teleported near the Emiya residence.

Jin like any normal Master in the Holy Grail War, he raised his guard to the maximum and did like what any sane person would do.

He got a lap pillow from Medea.

Medea stopped giving a fuck about the insect from before and the other servants. She was in a bliss right now while playing with her beloved Master's hair with his head on her lap.

They lost themselves in this comfortable silence until they heard the sound of clashes.


Medea who had her sweet time with her Master interrupted, was currently emitting killing intent from every fiber of her being.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her head, she saw her beloved Master patting her head.

"Calm down, Medea-chan. We can continue this as much as you want later, just set back and enjoy the show."

Jin spoke with a smile while still patting her head. Although he can't see her face because of the hood, he already knows that she is blushing and has a thin smile on her face.

They saw Shirou running towards the storehouse of his residence with Lancer following behind him. Just then, the smile on Jin's face became wider as he spoke.

"It's time."

"Time for what, Jin-sama?"

Medea asked while being puzzled.

"The time for the magnificent plot armor to strike again! The time for the incompetent trash to summon one of the strongest Heroic Spirits!"

They then saw light coming from the storehouse as Lancer was blasted away. A few moments later, they saw a young woman in her early-mid teens with a slender physique, soft skin, and green eyes. She has "finely textured" blonde hair that seems "as if sprinkled with gold dust." Her face shows some signs of naivety and displays elegance. She normally wears shining armor with an old-styled dress, made from old-fashioned blue cloth, underneath. She is actually older than her appearance would show. [A/N: - wiki description.]

They saw the girl taking a sword stance with an empty hand, but when they focused, they noticed the mana around the sword keeping it invisible by using wind.

She and Lancer then started attacking each other.

"He actually summoned Saber?!"

Medea exclaimed in surprise as she looked towards her Master.

"Hehe, told you. Plot Armor. Do you think that anyone of his level would survive twice against Cú Chulainn who is using his Gáe Bolg even when he is not serious?"

Jin said with a sarcastic smirk as he continued to watch the battle between Lancer and Saber.

Just then they heard Lancer's shout.


He then he used his Noble Phantasm against Saber, who in turn tried her best to deflect the attack away since it targeted her heart.


Saber was sent flying towards one of the buildings in the residence but landed in front of it.

The dust then settled to reveal a wounded Saber who deflected the attack and only get her shoulder pierced by the spear not her heart.

Lancer then left after he couldn't kill Saber with his last attack.

"What an incompetent Master! He can't even heal her!"

Medea said with disgust as she watched Saber go and face the other master and servant that appeared while still being wounded from the earlier attack.

What happened next made her want to go personally snap Shirou's neck!

He used a command spell to stop her from attacking in front of battle-ready enemies!

"What the hell is that idiot doing?!"

Medea shouted.

"Calm down, Medea-chan. He was thrown into the whole thing out of nowhere, so he is confused. Plus, he dreams of being a *pffft* hero of justice, so how can he watch his 'servant' kill someone else without stopping her? Moreover, the other Master is a student in our school. And some off the record info, she is Sakura-chan's biological sister, so even if he didn't use his command spell, I would've interfered and stopped the fight personally. Sakura-chan may hate and resent her, but she is still her last living family member." (Jin)

[A/N: - I don't know if her mother were dead or not by know, but since she got brain damage by the end of Fate/Zero I decided to make her dead, otherwise I would have had my MC personally kill her. What a fucking bitch that has no problems of sending her daughter for torture for bullshit reasons. A fucking disgrace and unworthy of being called a mother.]

After watching the whole scene unfold, Jin and Medea teleported back to the mansion.

"Medea-chan, you head back first, I need to have a word with Assassin." (Jin)

"Is there something wrong, Jin-sama? If he doesn't listen to you, I can use the command spell to force him!" (Medea)

"There is no need for that, Vixen. We just have something to talk about." (??)

Jin patted the head of the fuming Medea before looking at the one speaking.

"So, have you made up your mind?" (Jin)

"I will take you up on your offer." (Assassin)

Darkstar11051999 Darkstar11051999

4333 words~

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