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Chapter 4 First day at UA

It was the first day of school for every UA student Madara found himself in the scene where the green headed idiot was talking with dumpling cheeks and getting flustered."Ugh how disgusting such a pathetic being is somehow the main character of this pitiful world"Madara said annoyed at the presence of Midoriya.Madara never really liked Midoriya or any of the characters except for the villains he thought of the encounters as exciting seeing two factions fight each other over there dumb ideologies.Madara was hoping to find a worthy opponent that can bring him to go all out when fighting,he was pretty disappointed when he fought All Might he thought of the number 1 hero as someone to make him at least try a little but was thrown away like the trash he was.

Madara than began to walk and bumped into Midoriya on purpose pushing him on the ground"how weak you fell on the floor from such a light bump do you really deserve to be here get out of my sight trash"."Hey who are you to say that to him a voice from behind called out Madara turned to see dumpling cheeks trying to discipline him "you think your better than him huh you shouldn't say that to someone you barely know if you want to make friends here than you should" but before she could finish what she saying she got a chill in her spine and Madara interrupted with his death stare saying in his deep chilly superior voice"Silence you think I'll have the weak trying to discipline me".

She than fell to the floor he legs becoming jelly due to the fear of being in front of such a superior being and Madara than left entering the building there were a many whispers going around from the students about him."hey isn't that the guy that destroyed the whole exam grounds" one student said "yeah I heard that his quirk is summoning meteors" another said "wow his quirk his dangerous I'm surprised he isn't a villain" a female student said "watch out he's coming this way wait he's going in the direction of class 1-A you think that's where his class is" a male student said.

Madara than began to ignore them and proceeded towards his class sliding the door open to see a loud class go silent in an instant after meeting his gaze "hey you long spiky hair bastard close the door and sit the fuck down one student said Madara recognizes this voice and looked to see Bakugo sitting on a desk with his legs up what the fuck are you looking at what you wanna fight"."What am I staring at you ask i don't honestly know I can't seem to think if I'm looking at either a weakling or a piece of trash who's family probably doesn't love him" Madara said with his expression still the same as before."WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU BASTARD"Bakugo said anger in his face,"oh my apologies I didn't know you were also deaf wow this is interesting a dumb brute who's family doesn't love him has a hearing problem oh how bad I feel for your pathetic soul"Madara replied.Madara hated Bakugo the most because of how loud and annoying he was he was thinking if he should break one of his arms and make him disabled to the point where he can't ever use his quark,but he was one of the main characters companions and he didn't wanna change the story just like that.

Bakugo than got up walking towards Madara to scream in his face when all of a sudden Mr.Goody two shoes stepped in saying we shouldn't fight it's the first day and we're all future heroes plus the teacher will be here soon but before he could finish trying to defuse the situation Madara pushed him making him fly back hitting the wall.Everyones eyes were shocked to see someone use their quark on another student especially when they weren't allowed to be used inside the school or without a license.Madara than walked up to Bakugo punching him in the face as light as he could to make sure he didn't receive any brain damage but Bakugo not being strong enough was thrown like IIda across the room.Madara than began to walk to the back of the room sitting on a random desk putting his head down waiting for Aizawa to show up and

scare all of the students with his bluff.

Midoriya than walked into the classroom getting ready to introduce himself when he saw that Bakugo and IIda were on the floor hurt and saw a figure in the back that was probably responsible.Midoriya saw who the figure was and kept his head down and walked to his seat making sure to avoid contact.Than the door opened and a man in a yellow sleeping bag came in "I'm your teacher you can call me Mr.Aizawa or sir now everyone get up and get dressed into your training uniforms we're going outside"Aizawa said.But what about orientation Ochako said,there's no need for it it's only a dumb speech now follow me outside this is important.Madara knew what he was talking about he was going to pull his bluff about expelling a student with his throwing test.

Once everyone was outside Aizawa explained about throwing the ball with your quirk and if you don't get it far enough you fail.Madara interrupted saying "bullshit you can't do that you don't have the authority the only one that can expel a student was the principal".Aizawa was annoyed that someone called his bluff than he remembered where he's seen the student from he was the one with group b that destroyed the whole exam scoring 2000 villain points and only 100 hero points for getting everyone in the area to safety."Tch"Aizawa said pissed that he wasn't able to scare the students and see the true power of their quarks through pressure."Still this is a test to see the capabilities of your quirks and this will be your first test that goes to your grade"Aizawa said to try and pressure the students again."You can't do that either grading starts when a full week is done and students are familiar with the teaching and the building"Madara said to try and piss of Aizawa.Just get in line and throw the ball as hard as you can with your quirk Aizawa said angry that this student keeps on interrupting and ruining his plans to distinguish who the ones with talent and ones who need help are.

Bakugo went in first and scored 705 and after the students went on scoring and the last one was Madara.As Madara was getting ready to throw the ball he felt Aizawas gaze and knew that he was trying to cancel his power so he decided to scare him a bit he threw the ball so hard that the surrounding area was engulfed with wind.Aizawa tried used his erasing quirk but it didn't cancel out"What the hell I can't erase his quirk how is that possible I can even cancel out the strongest quirk users what the hell is his quirk I have to tell the principal about this"Aizawa said he was extremely nervous it was the first time he wasn't able to erase someone's quirk this made him suspicious and cautious.When Madara was walking he glared at Aizawa and whispered to him saying"don't push your luck also aren't you going to look at the score"Aizawa than looked at the score and his eyes widened the score wasn't like Ochako's with an infinity sign but instead has ??? cannot measure.Everyone stared at Madara knowing who the strongest one probably was,Madara caught 3 glares that made him laugh it was Todoroki,Bakugo and Midoriya but Midoriya wasn't exactly glaring with hate or any ill intent but was glaring with curiosity wondering what Madara's Quirk was that the scorer wasn't able to measure it.

Mohammed_Jawad Mohammed_Jawad

Yo it’s ur boi Author-Sensei sorry if I uploaded late I’ll be sure to upload more early I hoped you all liked the chapter make sure to comment on what you liked or what I should fix even comment any good suggestions that I should add to the story.Make sure to rate the Novel cuz it’ll be a big help to get a lot of attention from other readers.I would also like to thank everyone that favorited this novel it means a lot that I know some people like what I do.Hopefully we blow up and more like it

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