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It was now Monday and time for school and unlike any other back-to-school day, Mia wasn't really feeling this one. she put on a tie-dye long sleeve t-shirt and some Nike sweat pants with some Nike powder purple high tops. she had her hair in a sloppy ponytail to the back with a light purple scrunchie around her ponytail. she grabbed her bag waved bye to her mom, grabbed her keys, and began to walk out the door to her car. she got in the car and sat there. as she was just staring out into the open she began to cry. thousands and thousands of thoughts were going through her undeveloped teenage brain as she started the car and began to drive down the street. mia got nervous as she had to pass the wickery bridge to get to her school. as she was driving on the bridge she had seen a memorial with his pictures, flowers, and stuffed animals where she had killed him. she was finally off the bridge and no more than 500ft from the school. she exhaled sharply thinking in her mind, you have to act cool, calm and collected. get your shit together mia and walk into this school ready to smile. she parked her car next to Jeremy's red ford f-150 he got for his birthday. she walked into the school with a fake smile on her face heading to the front office to get her schedule from the guidance counselor. when she looked through the glass window she had seen jerry, she quickly turned around and started to walk down the halls trying to fit in with the crowd before Carla had stopped her in the halls. Mia was startled. "what the fuck Carla don't scare me like that ever again." Carla laughed. "sorry, anyway I think we should tell the whole team because we both know Jeremy and Enzo are the brains of the operation." "umm.. ok.. whatever tell them to meet us at Monet's after school." mia turned back around to see if she could get her schedule and her locker number without seeing jerry. she finally reached the front office to see that he had left. she hurried to go get her schedule and left for her first block.

As she walks into Mr. Floyd's twelve-grade physics class she spots jerry sitting on the right side of the classroom upfront staring into his phone. mia had Mr. Floyd's class in the eleventh so he was a pretty cool teacher. mia rushed to make her way to the very back. she let her hair down slightly in front of her face so jerry wouldn't recognize her. she then pulled out her phone and began to text Carla. mia: how is your first class going. Carla: good how about you. mia: you would never guess who the hell is in my class. Carla: if it's jerry you need to stop ignoring him and say hi your really acting kind of suspect if you ask me. mia: okay I will try to but ELT is starting so I will see you in the halls.

mia turned off her phone and took out her notebook and mechanical pencil. mia glanced at jerry to see what he was doing, he put his phone in his pocket and looked back at mia while mia was still looking at him. mia quickly turned her face to her book and began to act like she was writing what was on the Promethean board. mia already knew everything, Mr. Floyd was teaching because she went to a camp for gifted children over the summer in tenth grade. before she knew it the bell was ringing and everyone was getting out of their seats gathering their things and walking into the hall. mia was the first one to get out of the classroom she wanted this day to be over before it got any worse.

before mia could step foot into her ap mathematics class jerry came from behind her yelling her name trying to get her attention. mia tried to walk faster but the faster she walked the more he called her name. "mia, mia wait I want to talk to you about something." mia finally gave up on running away from him, she stopped turned around with an angry face. "why the hell are you calling my name in the halls now everyone knows my name, thanks." mia tried to turn back around and walk away but jerry grabbed her arm in concern. "what the hell is going on I thought that you were past me acting that way at the party last week." mia blurts out with an attitude " oh well I'm not now can you let it go, the hell." "mia I should be the one mad, you told me you were coming to the funeral and you pulled a no-show." mia drops her notebook and starts to raise her voice "why should I go to a funeral of a man that I don't even know." before any more damage could be done Carla ran in between the two of them. " hi, guys let's just take a little breather now." jerry turns around and begins to walk away as the warning bell rings.

it was now 3:10 and school was letting out mia hopped in her car and drove to Monet's to meet Carla, Enzo, and Jeremy. mia walked in and ordered an iced frappuccino with soy milk. as she was getting her order she had seen Jeremy pull up right in front of the coffee shop. he hopped out opened the door and walked up to mia. 'im confused as to the reason you were yelling at Jerry in the halls this morning." "okay I know that's your homeboy or whatever and I know you like hanging out or whatever but what I and Carla are going to tell you I know you're going to be mad." Jeremy looked at mia nervously as they sat down waiting for Enzo and Carla to meet them. a few moments went by before Carla and Enzo came walking through the doors as they began to sit down mia begins to tell the team what happened that night after the bonfire party.

Enzo angrily says "so long story short not only did you kill someone but you killed our friend slash your crush's dad and you want us to help you cover your ass?" Jeremy chuckles "Carla she is playing isn't she? I mean I didn't know you were that capable mia." Enzo and Jeremy started laughing. mia got up out of her seat. "follow me outside." they all followed behind her to the outside where her car was parked. "do you see that big piece missing from the grill of my car, I had to tell my mother a bird ran into it but in all actuality a mans body ran into it. so either you can make jokes or you can help me come up with a way to get the police to stop looking at me as a suspect because they were at my house the other night." Carla butted in and said "you know she is right when we met each other for the first time our bond was so tight we said we would ride or die for each other, she isn't asking us to die for her she's asking us to at least ride for her." Jeremy says " okay if she's in it were in it too, we are in this together they all went back in the coffee shop gathered their stuff hopped in their cars and drove away knowing that they were a true team now.

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