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All night mia had been having flashbacks of the night she ran over the man on the bridge. it was overwhelming her that she was the only one who knew her secret so she finally decided to get ready to head over to Carla's house on Sunnyside Rd. as she turns her engine on to backup she immediately recognizes jerry behind the car in her rearview. she puts the car in park and gets out of the car to see what jerry wants trying to avoid him as much as possible. "hey mia, I'm sorry for the other day for acting that way I'm so sorry." jerry says in a raspy voice like he'd been crying. " it's okay I understand my dad died last summer I was totally ghosting people for a while and being a total bitch to everyone I made contact with, well I better get going I have to be somewhere I'll see you around." "yeah I guess you will, also my mom wanted me to ask you if you were going to attend the funeral tomorrow?" mia says hesitantly "yeah I will try to do my best to get my schedule clear before tomorrow." mia knew she wasn't going to go she had to much regret in her to go to the funeral of the man she ran over and left for dead in the middle of the woods. she rushes back in her car after waving bye to jerry, backs out the driveway, and heads to Carla's house to blurt the truth out to her about Jerry's father hoping she would be the good best friend she is and keep her secret. mia drives up to Carla's house. she runs up to the door and starts knocking anxiously on the door, Carla answers the door with an attitude. "what the hell are you doing at my house at 1 pm you need to be getting ready to go back to school on Monday." "that's two days away school could wait for what I'm about to tell you." they headed up to her room locked the room door and started to talk even though Carla was mad mia showed up unexpected, they were best friends so Carla listened to what mia had to say. "ok shoot what you have to tell me mia, this shit better be good too." "ok... so you do you know how jerry's dad was found dead in the middle of the woods off wickery bridge." "Yeah and what about it." mia whispers and says "I might have been the one that killed him." Carla is flabbergasted by the way she just told her. "umm, okay you need to go home and at 6:30 you need to meet me at a different place besides the mystic grill. meet me at Monet's and we will try to come up with something to do there. don't come to my house with some shit like this again call me first please." "ok." mia said quickly as she walked out of the house and back into her car to go back home. when she reached her house it was just now turning 2:00. the hours were going by very slow for mia as she couldn't think of anything else but her being the one who killed Jerry's father. she slowly walked up to her house to open the door but when she opened it she instantly stopped in her tracks. the sheriff was sitting at the dinner table talking to her mother. she hurried to put the keys on the hook of the wall so she can rush up to her room but before she could even move 3 steps past the door her mother stopped her there in her tracks. "mia" her mother said."this is sheriff Winston he is here to ask you a few questions about jerry's dad." mia looked at the sheriff and then looked back at her mother trying to come up with an excuse to come up with but she knew sooner or later she would have to speak with sheriff Winston. she walked over to the table, she was too nervous to sit. the sheriff got out of his seat shook mia's hand and began to ask her questions." hi mia I need to know where you were about a week ago. do you remember?" mia studders and says "um i... uhh..mmm no I don't really remember, I think I was with some friends at the mystic grill." mia didn't completely lie she was with friends but she wasn't at the mystic grill. "okay thank you, if you remember anything else please let me know." the sheriff handed mia a card with his number on it and walked out the door. mia was relieved she ran up to her room took out her phone and called Carla and said "I don't think I'm going to be able to come to Monet's, I walked into the house and I saw the sheriff talking to my mom about the dead body." Carla gasps "oh shit girl you need to stay low for a little while if the sheriff comes back that means they're on to you." mia's pacing back and forth in her room thinking of every case-scenario she could possibly think of. mia hangs up with Carla and finally stops pacing and plops down on her bed. "I think they know and now I'm totally fucked." mia thought to herself.

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