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Chapter 2: P2 NOT SO MAGICAL

Mia had not noticed that she had woken up and stayed up the rest of the night thinking about the boy next door Jerry until she hit the dismiss button on her phone alarm clock. she hopped out of bed droopy and feeling tired as ever. she had never felt that way about a boy before it was like she loved him at first sight. Mia went downstairs to greet her mom. "Mia you look awful what happen," Mia's mom said. "yeah I didn't get enough sleep last night". Mia poured her coffee and her creamer and walked slowly up the stairs, with her robe dragging behind her. about thirty minutes Mia was out the shower and getting ready to go meet up with Jerry. Mia liked him but he wasn't going to know unless Mia made a move, so she called up her three besties Carla, Enzo, and Jeremy to set up a party with just the four of them and Jerry around 8:00. Mia got in her car and drove down to Jerry's house to meet up with him to go to the Stone Plaza Mall. She nervously walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Jerry had answered the door with partially bleached designer pants and a white T with a leather jacket on. With some white Nike high tops. he stepped out of the house with the cutest smile on his face. "so where are we headed" Jerry said. "we are going to the stone plaza mall to go shopping for the group party I'm having for back to school and you are invited". Jerry's smile got bigger as he opened the car door and hopped inside. a few moments later they are in the stone plaza mall parked in aisle 6.while Mia is getting her purse Jerry gets out to open her door. Mia turns around to the door and gets out, she looks up at him and begins to blush. "thanks you are such a charm". Mia nervously says. as they walk into the mall they see Carla, Jeremy, and Enzo sitting at little miss Annie's. as Jerry and Mia is walking up to them Carla goes up to Mia and snatches her hand as Enzo and Jeremy start talking to Jerry. Carla yells "so i guess we meet back up at my house at 8:00 after this". Enzo waves at Carla and says " guess so".

the boys: "so y'all go out now or what?" Enzo says with laughter. "no we do not but she seems like a goodie, goodie". "yeah OK I bet she is" Jeremy said sarcastically. as they walked into the footlocker to go look at shoes and clothes. " yo what do you mean" Jerry said anxiously. Enzo butts in and says "you must have not seen her at a party dude.'' "speak English please." as they are going to the front desk to pay for their clothes Jeremy says "wait till you get to the party."

girls: as mia and Carla enter the doors of the pink store mia notices a smile on Carla's face. mia stops at the shirt rack and says "give it what's up Carla" "well" Carla says hesitantly "Enzo just texted me and said everything is going great." mia and Carla gets a matching pink sweatshirt hoodie and black ripped skinny leg jeans. as mia and Carla is up at check out mia whispers "shit is going to be magical."

around 7:20 they all meet at savage pizza to get their order for the party that night. Jeremy and Enzo get the two boxes of pizza with ground beef and mushrooms on them. while they are paying Enzo sneaks a slice of pizza. Mia looks back at Enzo with a confused face. Enzo says with his face stuffed of pizza "shopping makes me hungry." everyone burst out laughing as they walk out the revolving doors. they all arrive at 7:50 at Carla's house when they get there they all headed down to the basement to put on the first episode of the new season of greys anatomy. Carla looked back at mia and said "were ten minutes early so we have to wait until this stupid news comes off to watch it". she put the remote down on the table next to the pizza box and sat down to eat her pizza. on the last five minutes of the news, a news anchor comes on with disturbing news "hello this is Caroline Simmons with ABC breaking news a now identified man has been found off the main road of wickery bridge this body seems to have been there for an estimated time of about a week ago." all five of them is just looking shocked as thousands of thoughts are going through Mia's head. as the news anchor goes on saying that the victim's name is jerry, Donavan. Jerry rushes off the couch and says quietly "that's my dad". Mia and Jerry rushed to the car to go to Jerry's house they finally arrived. Jerry unbuckle his seat belt, opened the car door hopped out, and ran to the door of his house. Mia sits there on the side of the street thinking I just killed my crush's dad.

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