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42.85% MHA: UA’s Bright Light / Chapter 3: A Look Into the past

Chapter 3: A Look Into the past

(UA High, Hallway)

A man rushes down the hallway while holding a brief case and walks into his office.

(UA, Naka's Office)

He sighs and sits at his desk and goes through some paperwork when his door opens slightly "Come in" He finishes doing the paper work and looks up to see Tamaki "Tamaki, what can I do for you...actually don't answer that" he gestures for Tamaki to sit which he does "Look I've told you before and I'll tell you again "The only person that can change your mind set is you, no one else just you, your friends can "encourage" but they can't change you themselves. You have to make that decision yourself" Tamaki nods "I understand Naka" Naka smiles "Good, now go on enjoy your time off for today" he nods and leaves while Naka writes in his journal "Note to self, keep an eye on my students during my next lesson" he closes his journal and gets up to leave when he sees a familiar sight "Archon, get off my shelves" he looks up to see a spirit form of a cat "Come on, down" the cat glides down and disappears "Good boy" he pets him before walking out of his office.

(Hikari's Home, Training Room)

Hikari breathes heavily and wipes sweat off his face, "Phew, ok, so I can use my light speed dash three times in a day but I have to have not eaten for three hours" he sighs and walks out of the training room and up to his room before noticing some food on his desk, he eats it before getting into bed and falling asleep.

However he failed to notice the dark purple eyes in the corner of his room, the eyes move next to his bed and the person speaks "It's been so long, I've missed you so much, I'll never let anyone part us again" she lightly traces her finger over his hair before she disappears into the floor through a black and purple portal.


A loud crash is heard and a poor pro hero is thrown through the wall "You really thought you could take on me, alone" he laughs madly and grabs the poor pro by the neck, who stares at him "You will pay for the 50 people you killed in cold blood" he grins "I will but not by your scrawny self" he notices several people and news helicopters surrounding him the hero grins "Your going away" he laughs and turns his wrist and a loud snap is heard and the people and the news broadcasters gasp in disbelief as the hero drops from the villains grip lifelessly, he then turns to the news broadcast screen "This is what happens when fakes try and save you from us" he then dashes away while thinking "Time to add another spike to my suit" and the public begin weeping for the hero.


He heads into the alley and adds another spike before grinning "The more spikes the more pleasure and the more pain, the more power" he laughs insanely to himself before hearing movement and realising that there's a man walking down the alleyway, he looks at him cautiously and the man looks back at him at smiles "I wondered where I'd find you Amplifier" Amplifier grins "So what do you want hm?" The man grins "I have come with an offer, join the LOV" Amplifier grins "I'll think about it" the man nods "Fair enough" he hands him a card "Call me when you've decided" he walks off while Amplifier grins "I sure will" he licks his lips "I wonder how it would feel to take a Detroit smash from All Might..." he begins grinning madly thinking about it "I bet the pain would be exquisite and the power would be...all consuming" he blushes "I can't wait, to take a blow from him"

(Hikari's Mind, Flashback, Junior High)

Hikari walks through the hallways when he hears several kids laughing, he walks over to see them harassing a very pale skinned girl with black hair who's sat under a tree, "Hey, you guys leave her alone, she's no different to the rest of you" the the kids run off seeing Hikari with a blank look on his face. He walks over to her and kneels beside her "You ok?" She looks at him with a shocked expression and nods "...Yes I'm ok...thank you" Hikari smiles "No you mind If I sit here with you?" Her face goes blank for a moment before she nods "...Not at all" he sits down opposite her and turns to her "So what's your name?" She turns to him "...It's...Yami...Yami Koko no" Hikari smiles "Nice to meet you Yami, I'm Hikari Sokudo" she smiles slightly "...It's nice to meet you to...Hikari" Hikari sits with her for a while before he eventually has to leave, he gets up and waves to her "I hope to see again sometime Yami" she waves back "...I hope so to Hikari" she watches him leave and thinks to herself "Why was he so kind...he told the others to leave him alone...he's so caring" she gets lost in thought while Hikari heads home.

(End of Flashback, Hikari's House)

Hikari bolts up with sweat running down his face "What the..." he wipes the sweat off his face before getting changed "Why did that come back, Yami...I wonder how she's doing lately?" He heads downstairs and eats some food before heading outside to do some shopping.

(Ward Mall)

He sighs and grabs his daily prescription of Pepto Bizmol and heads into the general store.

(General Store)

He browses around and picks up a few bits and pieces before hearing something outside, he pays for his items before rushing outside to see a group of shadow creatures, he growls and debates using his quirk but before he can even think a black and purple mist covers the area, he looks around sees no one. He doesn't notice the black and purple shadow with piercing dark purple eyes behind him, the figure quickly holds his throat from behind and Hikari immediately tenses in fear "Damn it, even if I used my quirk here, it wouldn't get me far the darkness is too thick" he feels the person slightly tighten their grip and they turn him around to face them. Hikari looks at them in shock, as they are slightly taller then him and he sees a female figure wearing what appeared to be a black and purple bodysuit with a purple mask that covers her face and purple boots, she stares at him and Hikari visibly starts sweating and thinks to himself "Wait...this is Lady mother's rival" he sweats more before Lady Darkness speaks "What's the matter...afraid of the dark little light" Hikari goes to respond but the darkness begins wrapping around him like a snake "Or perhaps you realise how powerless you are?" Hikari gasps and internally panics "She knows who I am I'm sure of it...she knows who my mother is and now she's targeting me" the darkness forms into the visage of a snake and tightens itself around his arms and legs and she takes her hand off his throat and instead grips his chin "So powerless little light and without your source, your doomed to fade out" Hikari growls "You won't get away with this, Villain!" She grins and whispers in his ear "I think I sleep" she breathes darkness in his face which knocks him out, she gently places him on the ground before smiling "I'll see you again soon little sure of that" she leaves the area and the darkness clears and Akarui in her hero suit finds Hikari unconscious and growls to herself "You will face justice for this Lady Darkness, by my divine light I swear it" she picks Hikari up and hands him to the medical staff who check on him.

(A few hours later, Hikari's Home)

Hikari bolts up only to be caught by his mother "Calm down, honey your safe" Hikari hugs her while breathing heavily and shakily "She knows, I swear she knows" Akarui's eyes widen "She knows what?" Hikari looks at his mother "Your identity and mine, she also seemed to be aware of my fear of the dark" Akarui thinks to herself "How does she know this much?!, I need to deal with her somehow" she looks at Hikari "Relax, I'm sure she was just messing with you and besides not everyone knows your my son" Hikari nods "True but she called me little light" Akarui's eyes widen even more and she internally panics "...Just who are you Lady Darkness?!" She hugs Hikari tightly "Listen let me worry about her, you focus on your life, now try to get some rest you've got school tomorrow" Hikari nods and heads to his room while Akarui heads out to patrol "I'm going to find you Lady Darkness and I swear I will bring you in personally".


Lady Darkness grins to herself "It seems Lady Lights little bulb has grown up so much, how wonderful. Now that I've gone after him I can keep her attention on me so she's clueless as to my real intent, I'll see you soon Akarui and you'll pay for your actions from before" she takes off her mask and reveals her dark hair with purple highlights in it and her dark purple eyes with black sclera.

(End Of Chapter)

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