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11.39% Autumn / Chapter 9: Week 5 - pt 1

Chapter 9: Week 5 - pt 1

30th September

After a grilling weekend of trying to help Stenton with his science homework and

time with Connor Autumn finally had a few hours to herself late Sunday afternoon where she lay on the grass by the lake listening to her music. Smoking a cigarette doubting it out closing her eyes for a short while before Dan caught up with her and talked to her for a while before she headed home for supper.

Connor and Daniel stood by the bridge autumn approached them yawning. 'Up late babe?'

'Yeah I couldn't sleep.'

'You best not fall asleep during class.'

'I'll try not to.'

They all walked to school Autumn yawing all the way.

'You keep her up late Con?'


'You sure? She looks like she's been at it all night.'

'Fuck off Jae we spoke yesterday. I left her at four I aint seen her till this morning.'

'Sure what ever.'

'It's the fucking truth she just ain't had much sleep.'

'And we all know why that is.'

Connor went for him, they all held him back.

'Just quit it Jae if Con says he weren't with her he weren't with her.'

The bell rang. 'Come on let's go in.'

They all loosed Connor and they all walked into school going to registration.

Autumn and Connor walked down the hall. 'I'll see you second lesson babe.' He said kissing her cheek.

'Late Autumn.'

'Later guys.'

Autumn walked into lesson as Con and Daniel continued down he corridor to their first lesson.

Stenton called her over and smiled tapping the seat next to him. She slothed down to the table sitting down. 'Look I'm sorry about the week end I'll try harder I promise.'

'It's fine Stenton really.'

He smiled.

'Right class lets settle down and begin.'

Autumn met Connor, Dan and their friends at break. They all smoked in silence feeling the friction in the air.

They all had a cigarette before the bell rang for the end of lunch. They all went to registration. Connor kissed her softly. 'I'll meet you after okay.'


'Later red.'


She walked away as Connor and Daniel walked down the corridor to lesson.

At the end of the lesson their teacher called them back to see him. 'I've been speaking with the head and she has managed to find you a tutor.'

Stenton's face paled he hoped he wouldn't he'd prefer spending time with Autumn she was doing well it was just a pity his brain wasn't.

'But unfortunately they won't be able to tutor you till after Christmas I'm sorry Miss. Cleveland, but you will have to continue helping Mr. Stenton till then.


'You best be doing your best Mr. Stenton or I'll find you someone else if you start messing around until you have a tutor.'

'I will sir I promise.'

'Good you may go now.'

They both walked out of the room heading to their next lesson.

'Well I guess you've got the pleasure of my company till after Christmas.'

'I guess I do.'

'I'll learn I promise.'

She looked at him.

He smiled.

'I best be going Stenton I'm already late.'

'Sure red I'll see you next lesson.'

She closed the door going into her next lesson sitting down next to Connor.

'Where you been?'

'Had to talk to sir about Stentons' tutoring.'

'How's it go?'

'I have to help him till new year then he'll have a tutor.'

'Right class settle down.'

He smiled at least come the new year she'd be spending less time with Stenton and more time with him.

They walked out of lesson going for a cigarette before their next lesson.

The friends had lunch going outside for a cigarette before registration and their last two lessons

Connor stood by the gates waiting for Autumn

Autumn and Stenton walked out of the class room heading down the corridor. 'Thanks for all of this red.'

'Its fine Stenton.'

'Maybe we can go for a shake and a bite to eat once we've done our homework.'

'I don't know Stenton.'

'No strings red just as friends.'

'Then I'll pay for mine.'

'You don't have to.'

She looked at him.

'Fine. So can I walk you home.'

'Con's waiting.'


They walked outside Con stood waiting smoking.

'Guess this is my que to leave. Later red.'

'Yeh later Stenton.

Stenton walked away and Connor doubted his cigarette out dropping his arm over her shoulder kissing her cheek. 'Lets go.'

'I'm surprised you're still here.'

'I thought I'd wait tonight.'

'We weren't that late Con the tutor was giving us homework.'

'So you'll be seeing Stenton this weekend?'

'I guess'

They walked away from the school walking over the bridge. 'I'll meet you tomorrow okay.'


He kissed her softly. 'Night babe.'

'Night Con.'

1st October

Mathew looked at Autumn, who was twitching. She wasn't sure that she could talk

today she'd got so much to fit in so little time. She hoped she could deal with the pain today. 'You ready Autumn ?'

She looked at the scruffy haired shrink, could she pour her heart out to him, pour all her anger out?

She pulled herself up off the chair outside the office stepping in. He closed the door behind him. 'Please sit.'

She walked slowly over to the sofa dropping down onto it.

He sat opposite her looking at her. 'Are you okay Autumn? I can sense your insecurity this morning.'

'I'm fine it's just.. it's hard to talk about it.'

'Try Autumn you need to put all of your demons behind you.'

'I know it's just she was my best friend.'

He changed his position to upright engaged in her response. 'I see.'

'We were so close then her and Rudgey got it together.'

'One of Taylor's friends?'

'Yeah, his best friend. I always thought that he made a pass a her to prove that Taylor wasn't the only one that could pick'em. She was so different than he was.'

'What do you meant different?'

He was so up front he knew what he wanted. She was so quiet, she was always unable to make any decisions until the last minute.'

'So you recon he talked her round, twisted her arm.'

'Maybe she never said. She said that she was meeting him and was unsure she'd made the right decision, I said she'd know. It wasn't what was on the outside it was what was inside that counts. You can't always go on a person by face value. I told her it's only a mask it's what's on the inside that counts right.'

'Yeah it is.'

'Anyway she met him. I didn't think she would she was so nervous, so unsure of what to wear or whether he'd show or not.'

'And did he?'

'Yeh they clashed. They were both running late. He'd had a run in with his olds, she'd had a run in with her wardrobe. Both of their parents weren't to struck on the idea that they were meeting up. They weren't to pleased that they were in different years. I don't think either of them were sure if it was going to go anywhere after their first date.'

'Yet it did.'

'Yeah it did. She was so happy, they were together every break and lunch. They saw each other after school and we all spent the weekends together.'

'So they were really into one another?'

'Yeah she really loved him then..' She stopped tears fell off her face.

'It's okay Autumn. Take a breather.'

'I need to finish.'

'Maybe next time.'

'She was my best friend Matthew and she died on me.'

'I'm sure that it wasn't like that.' He said moving over to her placing his arm around her trying to comfort her. 'You had no idea what she was thinking Autumn.'

'I wish that I had then she wouldn't be dead. She'd be here.' She cried.

He pulled her close. 'It's okay Autumn, I'm here just take it one step at a time.'

She cried onto his oversized jumper.

The bell rang.

'You best be going to your next lesson Autumn.' He said taking his arm round her he wished today that he'd got more time with her. He placed his fingers under her eyes wiping her tears away. 'Just remember the good times they'll cancel out all the bad.'

She pulled herself up walking away. She opened the door. She looked at Mathew who simply smiled. She closed the door behind her. He was worried about her today she'd barely opened up yet he could understand why. She felt abandoned by her friends.

Daniel squeezed her sides. She stared at him through her glazed eyes. 'Need I ask what the prob is, or should I just keep it shut?'

'It's not a good day Dan.'

'Care to share.'

'Not really no.'

'You talk to Harding.'

'He's my shrink.'

'And I'm your friend.'

'You sound like Con.'

'Well he's right.'

'I'm sorry Dan it's just too much pain.'

'I understand. It took me a lot longer to talk to Grayson than you are to Harding. I'm impressed that it hasn't took you six months or more.'

'I was told not to screw it up.'

'Don't mean that you have to pour your heart out during the first few sessions.'

'I didn't.'

'You slipped up though.'

'I didn't mean to it was a slip of the tongue.'

'So is it really going okay?'

'Yeah. It's just a bad day.'

'Trouble getting started?'

'Trouble talking about the parts of the past o wish to forget. The parts of the past that hurt so much.'

'I understand I'll walk you to class and I'll meet all of you at break.'


They walked down the corridor, she went into lesson slipping in next to Connor.

'Where have you been?'

'Sorry I was out late. I bumped into Dan he walked down with me.'

'Right class settle down.'

They all walked out of the class for break having a cigarette before there next lesson. They all met up for lunch.

'So are we all up for Saturday.'

'What's happening Saturday?'

'Haven't you told her?'

Connor sat phased.

'Hazza's sixteenth dummy.'

'Oh shit I forgot.'

'Eight pm.'

'Sure we'll be there.'

'You'll come won't you Autumn?'

'I guess.'

'Cool you can tag with Con and Dan. They know the place like the palm of their hand.'

They all went outside having a cigarette before going to registration.

Connor looked at Autumn. 'You don't have to go.'

'It's okay.'

'You sure? You seem a little unsure.'

'I'm fine it could be fun.'

Connor kissed her softly telling her he'd meet her at the end of school.

She went into her last two lessons sitting next to Daniel.

The bell rang and they all walked out. Her face hadn't changed much from this morning. 'Look red I'm sorry if I sound as if I'm prying.'

'You're not.'

'Well I'm sorry if I did, I know how hard it is to open up about the one thing that you want to forget. So does Con and I'm sorry.'

'It's fine.'

'How's about I take you for a shake?'

'You hitting on me?'

'No. I just want to say sorry.'

'I don't know Dan. Con.'

'He'll be cool.'

'About what?'

Daniel looked at Connor. 'Just a shake to say sorry.'

'Your big mouth get in the way again?'

'Yeah Autumns' session daint go to well.'

'Really why?'


'I'm sure you can tell us.'

She glared at him dead.

'Maybe not.'

'So is it cool for me to take Autumn for a shake?'

'Sure. I'll meet you around four and I'll buy you one too.'

'You don't have to do that,'

'I do. Me and my big mouth an apology babe. I should know by now when no to push it. The look in your eyes said that I crossed the line.'

'Fine. I'll meet Dan first then you just to shut the both of you up.'

They smiled. 'Sweet.'

'Come on let's go.'

They all walked out of school meeting their friends walking how. Saying their goodbyes.

2nd October

Autumn met Connor and Daniel by the bridge and the all walked into school going

into registration. Saying their goodbyes to Daniel. Connor looked at Autumn still not completely convinced with her decision to join them for Harry's party Saturday night. He dropped his arm over her after lesson. 'You know you don't have to come Saturday you can always bail.'

'I know, but I want to go.'

'Are you sure babe? You seem a little nerved about being there with all of us. There'll be a lot of people there.'

'I know.'

'You sound nervous.'

'Its just that I haven't been invited to a party in a while.'

'We're your friends babe you're one of us don't you ever forget that.'

'I won't.'

'I'll have to go babe I'll meet you at break okay.'


He pecked her on the cheek walking away.

She went into her next lesson Harry called her over. She swallowed walking to him sitting down next to him. 'So Con just leave you?'

'Yeah. He seemed to be in a rush.'

'Miss. Mathewson, German if he's late again he'll get detention, Bet he wished he'd never chose it now. She's a mega bitch.'


'So are you looking forward to Saturday? I am it's going to be a blast.'

She looked down muttering.

'Right class settle down.'

The bell rang and everyone stuffed their belongings into their bags walking out. 'So are you meeting Con?'

'At break.'

'I'll walk with our to your next lesson.'

'You don't have to.'

'I insist.'

'Great.' She muttered under her breath.

They both walked down the corridor to their next lesson she walked in Stenton smiled calling her over. She slothed over to him sitting down. 'So you going to the shin dig sat?'


'You don't sound to enthusiastic about it red.'

'I have a headache.'

'Hazza collar you?"

'In lesson.'

'Oh boy.'

'Right class settle down.'

They all walked out lesson. 'Well at least we ain't got no homework this weekend'


'Cheer up red it may never happen.'

'It already has.'

'Ignore him red.'

'I'll try.'

'I'll see you later.'


She went up to the smoking corner lighting a cigarette.

'Sorry for this morning babe.' He said kissing her cheek. 'If I could change the subject I would.'

'Can't you?'

'Afraid not I tried.'


'So how did your history lesson go?'

'Don't go there Con.'


'I have the biggest headache ever. Harry never shut up about his party for the whole hour after he coloured me into sitting next to him.'

'He's always like it he gets over exited.'

'My head hurts.'

'You can always bale.'

She opened her mouth.

'What's red going to bail out on?'

'The party.'

'Oh no, no one bails on Hazza. Remember last year.'

'Oh yeah.'

'Why, what happened last year?'

'A few of our "so called friends" failed to tell Hazza that they weren't going to turn up after they promised they would.'

'Wh-what he do?'

'He threw the biggest wobbly ever. They were left feeling ten inches tall after he finished with them.'

'So I take it their not invited?'

'Like ever.'


'Don't scare her Dan.'

'She will be.'


'It's okay he's right I can't bail even if I wanted to.'

'Look I know it's a big step for you to be around everyone and at school right now. All I ask is you try for Hazza.'

'I will I promise.'


'Sorry we're later guys we got held up.'

'That's fine.'

They all lit their cigarettes before the end of break.

The bell rang and they all said their goodbyes.

James and Autumn went into their last lesson before lunch. 'You okay Autumn you were pretty quiet at break.'

'I have headache.'

'Let me guess Hazza.'


'Don't worry about him Autumn once the party's been and gone you won't have to hear about it any more.'

'I hope not.'

He looked at her shocked.

'Oh sorry I didn't mean it like, oh shit sorry I meant.'

'I know Autumn we've all felt like it. He gets a little to excited. No one can calm him down. I just hope Con don't turn the cold showers on him this year just to shut him up.' He laughed.

'He never.'

'He did babe.' He laughed. 'Con got so pissed off he almost told him he weren't going.'

'He didn't.'

'Oh he did, but he decided to shut him up instead. He changed the water setting on the shower nearly freezing Hazza' s balls off. It was funny.'

'Bet he didn't find it funny.'

'No he didn't but it shut him up though.' He laughed.

The bell rang. 'Come on let's go to lunch.'

They pulled themselves up going out of the corridor to the dinner hall meeting the other having their lunch going out for a cigarette. Harry stood silently, smoking.

'What wrong Hazza? Cat got your tongue.' James cracked.

He stated his silence smoking.

'What you say to him Con?'

'I just reminded him of this time last year.'

'He piss you off again?'

'For the last hour.'

'Oh boy.'

They doubted their cigarettes out and the bell rang. They all went into registration. Connor looked at Autumn. 'You okay babe?'

'You actually gave him a could shower?'

'Yeah.' He laughed. Coughing. 'So Jae tell you?'

'Sort of.'

'Look babe it was the only way to shut him up, and without letting him down, I'd've got it in the neck for a month after, maybe longer with silence. He was pissed, but not half of what he would've been if I'd've dissed his party cause of his badgering.'

'You wouldn't do that to me would you?'

'I can think of better ways I'd shut you up.


'Right class open your books.'

He smiled at her opening his book.

The bell rang, they all handed their books in walking out of the room.

'How would you shut me up Con?'

'Guess you'll never know.'

'Con.' She said trying to keep up with him.

'I'll meet you here.'

'But Con.'

'Later babe.' He said kissing her.

They want into their last lesson. Stenton smiled calling her over.

She sat next to him. 'Your head better today red?'

'Yeah thanks.'

'Right class settle down.'

They all walked out of class.

'I'll see you Friday red.'

'Yeah Later Stenton.'

'Later red.'

Autumn met Connor ant d the others by the gates.

'So what's wrong with your face?'


'What did you say to her Con?'

'I just said I could think of better ways to shut her up than a cold shower.'

'Yeah a lot more.'

'I'd like to see the cold shower.'

'Jae!' They chorused kicking him.


'Sorry babe ignore them.'


'Come on let's make tracks.'

They all walked away the rain coming down fast. 'I guess we're gonna have to do with the rain aye Autumn?' Jae smiled.

'Ignore him Autumn.'

They all said there goodbyes. Connor looked at her. 'Ignore Jae okay.'

'I just feel so.'

'I know.'

'I just can't believe he...'

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her slipping his arms round her kissing her with tongue. He pulled away. She just looked at him. 'So was that how you were going to shut me up?'

'No I was going to stick my cock in your mouth!' He cracked

She stared at him blank.

'Bad idea hugh.'

'Yeah a real bad one.'

'I thought so.'

'I have to go Con.'

'Sure lets hope it's not raining in the morning.'


'I'll see you here tomorrow.'


He slipped his arms from around her. 'Later babe.'

'Later Con.'

She walked away. He sighed lighting a cigarette hoping he hadn't offended her in any way. He walked away.

3rd October

Autumn met Connor by the bridge. 'No Dan today?'

'He's meeting us there.'

'Oh okay.'

'Come on we best be going it looks like it's going to rain again.'

'I hope not.'

They walked away heading to school, the heavens opened.

'Fucking great.'

'Should've wore a coat.'

'So should you.'


Harry looked up and nudged Ashby who nudged James. They all stared at Autumn as her and Connor approached them.

'Hey guys what you looking at.'

They nodded. Daniel looked over at the drowned pair. 'You pervs.'

'Can't help it bro she's hot.'

'Don't tell Con that.'

Connor and Autumn walked over to them.

'So are we ready to go in we're soaked.'

'We can see that.'

'What's wrong guys.'

'Nothing just lookin.'

'They were perving on Autumn.'

'It's a little rain guys.'

'We know it just brings out her best assets.'

'Next time I'll wear a coat.'

'Please don't.'

'Guys put your boners away let's just get inside.'


They all walked into school the bell rang.

'We'll see you at break if it's not raining.'

'Sure bye guys.'

'Bye Autumn.'

'Yeah bye.'

'Ignore them babe.'

She looked at Connor she wished she could. 'I'll see you in lesson okay.'


'Later red.'

'Yeah later Con, Dan.'

She walked away.

'I hope she didn't take it to personal.'

'She'll be fine Con.'

'I hope so.'

Mathew looked at Autumn. 'Forget you coat.'

'It weren't raining when I left the house.'

'Come on I'll get you s towel so you can get yourself dry.'


He smiled as she slipped in.

He closed the door passing her a towel. 'Thanks.' She said taking it off him drying her hair and blouse. She placed it on then cabinet sitting down. 'So I bet your friends had a lot to say about you getting wet.'

'Don't Matt their hormones have been on over drive since yesterday.'

'I see.'

'I'm sorry okay. I just wished they'd keep their opinions and sexual comments to themselves sometimes.'

'I can see your vexed today take a breather and we'll begin.'

She breathed in and out she wasn't sure that she could talk today she was so angry. She wished the blouses were made of better quality so no one could see straight through them.

'So are we ready?'

'I guess.'

'So whilst you were at your previous school who was your best friend?'

'Caz. We told each other everything. I was close to my other friends but we told each other everything.'

'What did you talk about?'

'Everything, boys, Taylor and Rudgey,'

'I see... were the guys at your school like your friends here?'

'A little.'

'Tell me a little more tell me what it was like to be you.'

'A night mare. Especially in weather like this my friends got harassed to. I think Taylor and his friends got a buzz out of us in wet clothing they went a little crazy. Their comments were dirty to.'

'So did any one else say anything?'

'A few Taylor soon shut them up.'

'I see.'

'He thought they were overstepping the mark.'

'Yet he did.'

'He reckoned he was aloud to because I was his girl and his territory.'

'I see.'

'I tried to tell him I could handle it and to ignore them he couldn't.'

'So what happened?'

'He layed into them he was a little over protective. They went to the head he managed to get himself out of it like every other time.'

'How many times were there?'

'A few we chose to keep it shut, they didn't and got in more trouble than they bargained for. Taylor had a short fuse. He didn't like grassers he made damn sure they never done it again.'

The bell rang.

'We'll talk more next week okay.'


They pulled themselves up he opened the door. 'Just Ignore all the guys here Autumn they mean no harm they think with their genitals not their brains.'

'I will.'

'Next week Autumn.'

'Bye Matt.'

He smiled as she walked away he'd got to admit she had a pretty good figure on her though he chose to keep his opinions to himself.

'Hey red looking sexy.'


'I see you got caught in the rain this morning.'

'I did so what.'

'Chill red you've got a hot bod that's all.'

'Nothing else.'


'Nothing else you want to add with that foul mouth if yours,'

'Not today no. I guess the guys have had plenty to say.'

'When don't they.'

'Let's just get to lesson red.'

They walked down the corridor going to lesson.

Autumn stood smoking a cigarette at least the rain had held off.

'So you finally got dry.'


'Sorry about the guys this morning.' He said lighting his cigarette blowing the smoke out. 'They think with their boners not their brains.'

'And you don't?'

'Not at all you're a hot chick red, but I'm not them. I keep my opinions to my self I don't wish you or Con to rip my balls off.'


He kissed her cheek taking the cigarette if her. 'Thanks babe.'

'I wish you'd buy your own.'

'I do I like to share yours.'

'It's your turn next.'

'Sure babe.'

The bell rang and they all went in for the last lesson before lunch.

The friends all met up for lunch. 'Look we're sorry Autumn we didn't mean to offend you this morning just the opposite we didn't think you'd take it that bad.'

'It's fine.'

'No it's not we should've know better after last year we got a few slaps.'

'Yeh Jae had his balls twisted.'

'That weren't funny guys.'

'We know. All we're trying to say is we're sorry it won't happen again will it Jae.'

'No it won't.'

'It's fine can we just eat.'


They ate their lunch heading outside for a cigarette before the bell went.

They all went to registration.

'What did you say to them Con?'



'I may have said something. You were upset Autumn I just told them to watch what they were saying unless they didn't want any balls left.'


'It worked daint it.'

She kissed his cheek. 'Thanks.'

'No probs we're friends babe. They should learn to keep their sexual preferences to them selves.'

'Like you.'

'Just like me. Come on let's get to lesson.'

They all walked away Connor kissed her cheek her and Daniel went onto lesson.

Connor placed his arm around her and they went into their last lesson before heading home.

'I'll see you tomorrow babe.'


He kissed her softly. 'Tomorrow babe.'

'Night Con.'

She walked away he lit a cigarette and walked away.

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