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Chapter 3

I do my hair toss

Check my nails

Baby how you feelin'?

Feeling good as hell

Hair toss-

6 am...

I quickly rolled over and shut my alarm clock off. I jumped out of bed feeling refreshed after the weekend. Monday morning and I am excited for the week that is about to come ahead. Yesterday, I really didn't do much. I just went grocery shopping and cleaned the house. I then did my meal prep for the week and just lounged around for the rest of the day.

After saying a quick prayer, I picked my outfit of the day and laid it on the bed then went and hopped in the shower.

After taking care of my hygiene, I threw my outfit on and went to the chicken, fixing myself a bowl of cereal. With breakfast finished, I grabbed my book bag and headed to the bus stop to catch the 7:30am bus.

My first class of the day is 8:30-9:30 and my final class for the day is 9:45-10:45. They are both tutorial classes so they tend to be short.

I walked into the lecture class and sat down, pulling my laptop out to be ready to take notes. Mrs. Janice was our lecturer for the accounting major which I decided to take a module for. She was an actual pain and stingy with her marks but she would press hard until you fully understood what you needed to in the lesson.

"Hey bishh!" I looked up as I heard Jessica's loud mouth walk towards me.

"Heyyy babes. You good?" I asked my girl who I hadn't seen in almost two weeks. "Yeah girl I'm fine. I'm just tired, you know how it goes, having to juggle work and uni especially with it being the end of the semester and exams coming up."

"Hmm, tell me about it. I'm not ready for this class though. Mrs J is always tripping ugh." I said as I rolled my eyes.

We had 2 more weeks before our buffer week and then exams. This is our first semester of the last year so you know the stress is on.

"Okay class I hope you are ready to hand in those worksheets I gave you last week." Mrs J said as the whole class simultaneously started groaning and going through their book bags.

"Aye Miss J you know we only supposed to hand in worksheets during tutorials right?" Jerry, one of our classmates asked.

"Mr. Jerry, first of all, do not address me like I am one of your homeboys. Second, I told you at the beginning of the semester that for my module, I would ask for my worksheets whenever I see fit." She said looking up at Jerry with a firm look.

"Girl ugh, Ima have to finish up the worksheet while she is teaching this lecture" Jessica said as she mumbled with an attitude. I giggled silently as I double checked to make sure that I did have it. "Babes I learnt with her. I always finish up her worksheet the day she hands it out." I told her, pulling out the worksheet. "Ehh you know how I am girl looool. It's a miracle I have the gpa I do have because hunny!"

1 hour later...

"Okay class, don't forget our last lesson will be next week. I will go through some revision questions with you and that will be it for this module. If you have any other questions feel free to send me an email and I will get back to you." Miss J said as everyone was packing up and getting ready to leave.

"What are you going to do now?" Jessica asked me as we walked out of the class. "I have another class in like 10 minutes girl. I need to rush over seeing how it's on the other side of campus." I let her know as I hugged her. "We definitely have to hang out on the weekend seeing how we can't during the week." She said as she rolled her eyes super hard. "I promise we will. I've gotchu on Friday babes. Text me when you get home so I know you made it safe" I let her know while lightly jogging away. "I will. You too. Byeee!"

I made it to my next class, 1 minute late and rushed in to sit down, pulling out my books and getting ready for what was to come.

An hour later we were finally done and I hopped up, grabbing my book bag and quickly walking to the bus stop. It was 10:50 and the next bus came in at 11am. My job at the community centre had relaxed hours. I was paid for each hour I worked and you already know I'm trying to save my coins so I would work up until it was time for me to head to my managerial job at the bakery.

When I made to the community centre, I quickly walked in and was greeted by a plethora of activity at the main desk. There were so many parents that seemed to be trying to get their children registered and I could see how swamped Miss Kay was. Rushing to clock in, I came back to the front desk and helped Miss Kay, taking half of the parents who were done and showing them around the community centre.

The community centre doubled as a daycare so on one side it was the community centre and on the other side it was the daycare for all the parents that needed it. I was able to work on both sides. It depended really on what side needed the most help on a specific day.

When I was done with the parents, I finally settled in and went to my class with the older kids who were done with school for the day.

"Hiiiii Miss A!" I heard my kids yell as I walked into the class. "Hey my babies!" I enthusiastically replied as I walked in mentally planning what we would do for the next couple of hours. The "class" of children that I usually handled would all leave by 4pm which worked for me because I would then be able to head to the bakery.

"Okay guys let's take our seats." I said as I saw everyone head to their designated chair. "Before we start with a worksheet I need today's 2 people to tell us how their weekend went and what they did. Let's begin with Hannah." I said as I saw the always enthusiastic girl stand up with a huge smile, ready to narrate a whole story of what happened."

"Umm my mommy and daddy took me to the park and-and then we went to my auntie's birthday and I got cake and ice-cream, and it was a lot!" She said as all the children's faces lit up at the mention of ice-cream and cake. "Then we watched frozen and I sung with my daddy, then I woke up and it was Monday!" She said as she threw her hands up, clearly excited about the prospect of the week.

"That sounds like it was wonderful Hannah! I'm happy you had fun sweetheart!" I said while looking for another student to pick out. "Okay Josiah, stand up and let us know how your weekend went."

"Okay. My best friend came and slept at my house and we-we watched S-spiderman and we baked with my mom and then my daddy took us to-to play out." He quickly rushed out before sitting down. "Great! You must have had this much fun" I said as I spread my hands wide apart, watching him quickly nod with a huge smile plastered on his face.

I proceeded to hand out one simple math worksheet with about 10 numbers, along with counting aids for them to go through. As much as they were still quite young, I believed in cultivating their minds and pushing them just a step ahead. We would usually do a math worksheet. Do some quite reading followed by a loud reading session for about 30 minutes and then they would head outside for about an hour to play, before coming in, having a brief snack session and then taking nap until they were picked up by their parents.

A couple of hours later...

I had just finished up here and sent all my kids of before getting a text from Mr. Jay that a pipe burst at the bakery and we would be closed for the next day and a half. With this information, I headed back home, deciding to take catch up on some revision for the exams that were coming up. When I got home, I fixed myself a snack and wrote down a revision plan for me to follow and be organised. I also let Jessica know what had happened and that I was home already.

At around 10pm, I did my night time routine and went to bed, opening up Wattpad and catching up on the book I had been reading. I indulged in the drama until sleep eventually took over me.

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