Eleanor yawned and laid her head on her father's back. "How much longer?" she whined.
He chuckled, "It is not that much further. We just need to fly over those mountains, and we should be there."
The blue-eyed princess hummed in acknowledgement and snuggled closer to her father.
A joyous laugh echoed across the forest below them, and glancing down, Elanor saw her mother racing a falcon through the trees.
She couldn't help but smile when she remembered her catching a thestral mid-air without a broomstick.
Later, Eleanor asked her mother how she had done it, but Morgana just smiled and placed a finger on her lips.
Just as she was slowly drifting off to sleep her father banked to the side.
Eleanor shuddered, feeling nauseous, and leaning to one side she prepared to throw up.
She had never had the stomach for flying, which annoyed her greatly since it was the fastest means of travel.
"Apologies." she heard her father say from where he sat in front of her.
A smile formed on her face and leaning her head on his back she slowly tried to doze off again.
Her eyes soon fluttered back open as she felt herself descend, the broom jolted forcefully as a gust of wind blew them back up a few feet.
She felt her stomach turn over and closing her eyes she pressed her forehead against her father's back.
A groan escaped her mouth and she gritted her teeth trying to keep her mind off the current situation.
It wasn't long before they crested the mountains, and below them lay Hogwarts. Their descent was slow, the castle drawing nearer and nearer. Eleanor's eyes lit up as she saw the group standing at the entrance hall.
They had just touched down when she jumped off her broom and rushed at her grandfather jumping into his arms. The elderly man chuckled and stroked her head, "I missed you too, Eleanor." Releasing him she moved on to the other four. First Godrick lifted her into the air laughing, then Helga smothered her in her bosom, Rowena just stroked her hair and lastly Helena gave her a long hug. After her parents had also greeted each of them, Godrick swung the door open and motioned for them to enter. He then frowned his eyes focused on something behind her. Eleanor turned and her eyes widened, thousands of tiny lights were exiting the forest, loud chanting accompanying them. Drawing her wand Morgana stepped in front of her. "Get inside!"
"Yes, mother." Eleanor said, stepping into the great hall and closing the door behind her. She had seen her mother's spellwork and knew how powerful her grandfather and the others were, this would be over in a few minutes. The chanting grew louder and louder, and looking through the keyhole she saw flashes of light erupting from their wands. Shouts and screams began coming from down the hill but the chanting still grew louder
Raising her wand above her, her mother shouted, "Pestis Incendium!" and a collum of flame erupted from the tip. It morphed, turned into a massive raven, and dived towards the mob. She saw the lights grow brighter and the chanting get louder and louder. Eleanor's eyes grew wide as she saw a grizzled man crawl his way up the stairs a ghastly grin on his face. "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" Rowena shouted, sending stones and libs flying. But the mob just didn't stop coming soon it was five that made it up the stairs then ten. "HELENA!" Eleanor screamed, but it was too late the pitchfork had cleanly slid between her ribs."NOOOOO!" Rowena cried and a bolt of green energy erupted from her wand colliding with the man's chest. It was that laps of concentration that gave another man the chance to puncture her neck with a spear. A fountain of blood erupted from the hole and she collapsed. The next to go was Helga skewered by five of them, but in a last act of defiance, she killed them with a transfiguration spell turning them to stone.
Eleanor winced as she suddenly felt something sharp against her ribs, "Don't move, or I'll hurt ya." Her eyes grew wide as she saw about ten men shuffle past her they were each armed to the teeth and brutishly big. "CAREFUL!" she screamed, feeling the blade puncture her lungs and gasping fell to the floor. Her mother spun around, her wand high, an ark of green energy already bursting from the tip. The first three men fell, dead on the spot the fourth and fifth imploded. Noticing the men behind them Godrick turned only to have a sword run through him. He roared and a massive torrent of fire erupted from his wand engulfing the man and everyone behind him. Grabbing the sword he tore it out of himself and killed two more assailants before collapsing to the ground.
Next was her grandfather taken by a crossbow bolt, collapsing to the ground in a heap of robes.
"ARTHUR!" her mother screamed as a mob rushed him the first spear hit his abdomen the next his chest and the last his eye. "My love…" he whispered before crumpling. Eleanor couldn't stop the tears flowing from her eyes, spinning around her mother rushed towards her, "ELEANOR!" her hand out to grab hers. Eleanor raised her arm and clutched her mother's hand. The sword came down fast as lightning separating hand from wrist. Morgana screamed and sent a curse at the man only for another to step forward and run a pitchfork through her back.
Collapsing to the ground, her mother looked at her blurry-eyed, "run…"
A long howling shriek left Eleanor, and she felt pain deep in her chest before something came rushing out.
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