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37.5% Harry Potter and the Blood of Kings / Chapter 12: Castle Black

Chapter 12: Castle Black

Stepping off the train there trunks in tow the two Weasley boys. Looked around for their mother. "Ah, there she is," Charlie said pointing to a short and plump ginger hair woman with five small children around her. As Bill saw where his brother was pointing his face lit up. Rushing towards them the two boys called "Mum".

Turning the woman saw them and let go of the boy and girl holding her hand.

Bending down she stretched out her arms to take the to into and embrace.

As soon as the boys reached her they let go of their trunks and warped their arms around their mother.

"It's good to see you two again." she said affectionately "Bill I hope you took good care of Charlie the same as last."

Bill grind herring his mother "Of course I did, what kind of brother do you take me for."

"The type that lets his brother get into trouble every few days," she said giving them a motherly smile.

"Mum, we're hungry," said a pair of identical red-haired twins.

Standing up she took the two youngest children by the hand and said "Alright, then let's go."

Throughout the journey home, they talked about their year at Hogwarts and all the magic they had learned.

Remembering Eleanor Charlie wanted to talk about it but Bill told him "Wait till dad comes home, he'll want to hear this." Nodding Charlie kept quiet.

A few hours later they were all sitting in the living room except for Molly Weasley who was cocking dinner. Bill and Charlie were playing wizards chess on the small coffee table in the middle, Percy was sitting on the sofa reading a book called 'Hogwarts a history', Fred and George were wrestling on the floor, and Ron and Ginny were playing with magical building blocks.

Suddenly there heard the doorbell ring and the voice of Arthur Weasley "Good evening Weasleys." he called in a joyous voice.

"Good evening dad." the children called back.

Arthur Weasley was a tall thin man with blue eyes and the same ginger hair as the rest of his family. As he walked into the living room he was almost thrown over by the sheer speed his two oldest sons tackled him with.

"It's good to see you again boys," he said smiling.

"It's good to see you too dad," said Bill.

"What he said" Charlie replied grinning from ear to ear.

Now sitting at the dinner table there plates filled with Bangers and mash.

Arthur was talking about his day at the ministry "So, I had to go over to this old lady's house to stop her evergrowing glasses from destroying it had to obliviate her of course but all went well." Arthur said cheerfully.

"Hey, dad we met someone very interesting in school this year," Bill told his father.

"Oh, who," Arthur asked interestedly as to who this person was.

"The heiress of house Black."

Arthur's eyes widened hearing this "Are you sure you didn'-"

"No she wasn't lying" shouted Charlie.

Everybody except for Bill was taken aback at the sudden outburst.

He wasn't surprised because of the talk they had on the ride back.

In a compartment in the red Hogwarts express, Bill and Charlie were sitting opposite each other eating what seemed to be sandwiches they took from breakfast that very morning.

"Hey, Bill?"

Bill just grunted still having a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Do you think we'll see her again?" asked Charlie looking out onto the passing fields.

Swallowing the bite he had in his mouth Bill inquired "Who?"

Charlie sighed "You know, Eleanor."

Smiling Bill answered, "Yeah, I think so."

"She wasn't at all what I expected of a Black."

"Yeah," Bill said indifferently taking out another sandwich.

A dreamy look passed across Charlie's face "She was so kind and polite."

"You like her don't you?" Asked Bill.

"What, no no she's way too young," said Charlie in absolute shock.

"Yes you do like her, I felt the same way around her I think she might be part veela." Bill retorted leaning back.

"What's a veela?"

Bill started to explain "No need to worry little one your big brother will enlighten you. Veela are magical creatures that mainly live in eastern Europe, they are all extremely beautiful and men are unconsciously attracted to them. That's why you're so attracted to her."

Charlie's eyes widened "Realy that's so mean."

"No, it isn't, it's just how they are. But I think she might have had a more powerful effect on you."

Charlie turned and continued gazing out of the window "You might be right."

Back to the present, Molly smacked Charlie around the head "No shouting at the dinner table."

Holding the back of his head Charlie sat down "Sorry Mum."

"You better be, or no quidditch for a week," she said angrily.

Arthur coughed "Bill you were saying"

Swallowing the bite of food he had in his mouth Bill said "Yeah, she said she had a problem with the floo network so Professor Dumbledore invited her to stay till it was fixed."

Shaking her head Molly interjected, "Dumbledore wouldn't invite some random girl to stay at Hogwarts and definitely not a Black."

"Mum I'm sure, at the end-of-year feast she was sitting with Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall," Bill said putting another piece of sausage in his mouth.

Leaning forward Arthur asked "Bill, you know women can't be heirs. But judging on how you talk about her, it sounds like she's not your typical Black. Kann, you tell us who the new heir of Black is."

Taking a sip of the water in front of him Bill said "Well, first of her name is Eleanor, she looked about six to seven years old, had long red hair and two mismatched eyes."

Arthur frowned "Six to seven, oh she'll probably be in the same year as you Ron."

Ron just grunted having his mouth full made it his only option.

Bill continued by saying "She had a very nice personality, she was polite and had that way of talking that made you think she was important, you know what I mean."

"I think so," Arthur said reaching to put some more food on his plate.

"Oh, and I think you'd like to talk to her she's as fascinated about muggles as you are." They all looked at him in shock but Bill didn't see as he was cutting his sausage while talking.

"You see, she came over to our table the evening before last and had dinner with us. One of my friends, Mary Kent, she's muggle-born, sat opposite her at the table and as soon as Eleanor knew she was from a non-wizard family, Mary was bombarded by questions."

As Bill looked up he saw his father's eyes gleaming with interest.

Before the two witches, Eleanor and Victoria stood at about thirteen feet in height a gate made of oak and steel. Looking around they noticed they were in a dense forest with only a gravel pathway leading from who knows where.

Walking forward Elenor placed her small hand against the door and with inhuman strength pushed it open you could hear the groans of the gats as they probably hadn't been opened in at least a decade.

AS the view of the inside was revealed Eleanor's eyes narrowed in anger. The normal clean and organised courtyard was now absolutely disgusting there was animal excretion everywhere and destroyed furniture was just dumped among it.

As they walked it Eleanor almost vomited at the smell, noticing the smell Victoria quickly cast an anti smell spell.

As they entered through the gate they noticed the light coming from the castle windows.

"Your highness, it seems that someone is already here," said Victoria nervously.

"Yes, that would be Cygnus Black the current Lord Black, and from what I've heard he was never a supporter of Voldemort."

Victoria flinched hearing the dark lord's name "Your highness, please don't say his name." she whispered agitatedly.

Turning to look her servant straight in the eyes she said sweetly "Victoria, always use the proper name for things for Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself. But if you don't feel comfortable saying his name yet then you don't have to."

Victoria nodded at that "I will try my best."

A bright smile appeared on Eleanor's face "Great, now let's head inside."

As they carefully passed through the walled courtyard Eleanor and Victoria were careful not to let their robes touch the animal feces.

Reaching the double doors leading into the castle Eleanor reached out her hand bit was stoped by Victoria "Your highness let me, what use do I have if you don't let me do anything for you."

Eleanor chuckled hearing Victoria's words "You're right, I'm just not used to this whole royalty thing."

Victoria smiled at her "Thank you your highness." she then reached out her hand and grasped the large silver door knocker it was in the form of a crow's head.

Pounding it against the door three times created a loud reverberating sound to spread through the desolate area.

Slowly the right door creaked open and behind it stood a tiny house elf it was just below two feet. Looking closer at it Eleanor noticed that it was a she.

The house-elf now classified as a female was quite cute looking for a house-elf she didn't have the long nose common to her race no hers was small and pointy.

Her eyes however were the most eye-catching they were a deep ocean blue and so large you could get lost in them.

She wore a tea towel tied into a toga it was very clean you couldn't see a single dirt patch on it.

Suddenly the small house elf shouted "I-I won't allow you to hurt master." while raizing her hands ready to cast magic.

Razing her hands slightly Eleanor crouched down and said "Tell me little house-elf, what's your name?"

"Tilly, miss," the house-elf said in a squeaky voice.

"Well, Tilly we're here to hurt Lord Black, I just want to talk to him," Eleanor said calmly gazing straight into Tilly's eyes.

"We'll even give you our wands if that's needed," Eleanor said that knowing full well she didn't need a wand to kill someone she had her nails that could cut through solid stone.

Tilly looked nervous but still nodded and stretched out her hands, palms upward.

Reaching into her Mokeskin bag she pulled out the wand her mother gave her and placed it on the house-elfs hand. Eleanor then looked at Victoria and motioned her to do the same.

Victoria then pulled her wand out of a pocket on the inside of her robe' and handed it to Tilly.

Carefully taking the wands she held them in one hand and motions for them to enter.

As Eleanor stepped inside she saw a great entrance hall it was at least thirty feet high and about twenty-five feet in diameter. The ceiling was beautifully painted it depicted a murder of crows gathered around a crown.

The hall looked similar to when she first saw it the only difference was the furniture it looked more modern around the victorian era she presumed.

"Miss, madam if you would please follow me." Eleanor was so engrossed in the scene that she didn't see the house-elf had walked halfway up a large stone stair case which led up to a corridor.

"I'm sorry just reminiscing," Eleanor said before following Tilly up the stairs victoria following close behind.

"It sounds like miss has been here before." asked the house-elf.

"I have, but it was a long time ago," Eleanor answered with a vacant stare.

All Victoria could think was 'A long time ago she says, it's probably been over a millennium.'

When they reached the top of the staircase Tilly turned right and continued down the corridor. They went up two more flights of staircases and multiple corridors where a few moving portraits recognized her and bowed respectfully.

They soon reached the master bedroom its doors were made of solid oak and had a dark tone to them.

Tilly then reached out her hand and knocked.

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