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... Sasuke P. O. V...

As the team 7 was making their way to Tazuna house, Sasuke keep stealing glances of Shi Yan their was anger and unwilling in his eyes, For someone who he saw as nothing but a useless nobel to be stronger than him hurts his Uchiha Pride, Back in the training field when Shi Yan released his Killing intent which immobilized him, even thought it was probably a ninja protecting him from the shadows in reality though he knew such was not the case. But was unwilling to just accept the truth, ' If I cannot even surpass this boy toy how am I supposed to kill Itachi ' With newfound resolve he promised to grow stronger.

Shi Yan observed this change but was unfazed, ' Sasuke is just a revenge crazed idiot, Even though Shi Yan inadvertently feeded him the information that Uchiha Massacre was not what it seemed on the surface, but he couldn't catch on, not yet at least, Although in the future he may become a strong person but he is a failure of a shinobi, the only reason he can be anything is because of Indra blessing '

'Not that I can complain being blessed myself with so much amazing things but still at least I am not conceited. '

What is Sasuke problem is not his naivety but his worthless arrogance and unfounded pride, He is not willing to accept the fact that maybe his way of thinking is not as perfect as he thinks . Pride with no substance is poison and people like Sasuke will fall to any level to feed their Ego, No matter what happens, he will still be coaxed by Orochimaro such is his fate and path that he will walk.

Not only Sasuke but all of the team 7 was looking at Shi Yan with complicated looks, especially Naruto, as Shi Yan friend he was aware that he practiced but to have the ability to play with someone on par with Kakashi, this was beyond his imagination.

As they keep walking the reached Tazuna house


" Dad"

A beautiful women opened the door, surprised and happy to see her father. She welcomed us in her house and expressed her gratitude.

As this drama was going on Shi Yan walked inside to have a sit and spotted the dinning table , He went near and * Bang * kicked the whole set across the Hall.

" What are you doing " After registering the shock of my uncalled for Rudeness, Sakura Shouted, I paid no heed to anyone and took out a designed circular table, put a white glistening cloth on it , I also took out a comfortable sofa leaned on it. I also brought a tea set with a package of cigarette on the side.' There nothing that goes best with a cup of tea than cigarette'

" Oh..My, why are you so angry, I was just in a little thirsty from all the walking from the journey and wanted some rest . I cannot comprehend how I could have offended you "

Fuming at my innocent answer, They were all staring at me, even that little twerp Inari came down hearing the commotion.

" I wanted to have some tea so I prepared proper setting for it. "

" If you wanted to drink tea you could have told us "

Inari shouted angry at my demeanor.

I snorted " I don't want to drink your low Quality Horse piss like tea, I only drink tea befitting my status as a nobelmen . "

Inari loudly retorted " If you want to drink great tea go drink it in your house, "

"Hahah... I will do whatever I want and you can't do anything to me because I am strong, and I can understand why these kids are angry but you" I pointed at Tazuna and his family " Why are you infuriated, I am just doing what Goto did to you all, He came in your town took what he wanted and did whatever he desired, And you could do nothing, You all will cry that he is dangerous and powerful but in the end you are just cowards unwilling to face your problems,

Even if these ninja got rid of Goto someone else will come along, That is just the way of the world . If you will all bow your heads like bitchs people will go behind you, took you by your hair and fuck you like one , Don't blame them, your fault is as much as them too "

Shocked at my answer they all were silent, especially The three genins they have all their life's liked in a sheltered environment, sure Naruto and Sasuke has face some dire times but Hokage still protected them from the shadow, now in the real world their many idiotic views are being crushed. They are getting a taste of the cruelty that is humanity unending Greed and are seeing the dark side of the world the sooner they adapt the better.

At the side Kakashi was looking at Shi Yan with praise in his eye, if only ge knew why Shi Yan did all these.

' Ahhh. The Idea of that little shit telling everyone that they are going to die and Naruto preaching about his dream made me nauseous'

With new resolve Sasuke looked at Kakashi and said " Sensei I want to train" Both Sakura and Naruto were of the same thought.

Kakashi gave his signature eye smile " I was going to do just that" He looked at Shi Yan and asked" Would you like to join"

" A chance to see 3 genins failing and falling again and again , sure count me in " Shi Yan smirked coldly.

Team 7 shudder as they know a hell of a trolling was coming their way.

Next Morning.,

Kakashi showed his students the Tree Walking, Chakra control training, Both Naruto and Sasuke was falling again and again after Shi Yan got his fair share of fun He excused himself to do his own training.


Shi Yan was sitting Cross-Legged with ' Samatage rarenai' in his lap meditating. ' Although I have many profound Arts they are not compatible with my Cultivation Technique, I can only create my own though insight, But with my Advance world knowledge and Profound arts as references, I created 4 Profound Arts :

Death Ray (Water) : By compressing and spinning the water elements at a high pressure and realising it in the desired direction, ' It's quite like Freeza Death ray only white in color hence the name, ' same as used against Zabuza.

Heaven Flames (Fire) : Controlling flame temperatures to the highest level producing pale blue flames, extremely Hot in nature. The best part about is that I can use heaven Flames with my mastery of sword to result a great damage dealer attack.

Seismic Guard (Earth) : A light Yellowish like cover on the body, capable of distributing damage and reducing attack power of enemy to a huge degree, ' Quite like Gaara Sand Armour '

Swift Step (Wind) : A movement technique, Range and speed depends on user body limitations, ' The first technique I mastered, it's an amazing life saving technique to say the least '

With Shi Yan mastery of Sword , he has 4 top A-Rank jutsu if converted in Ninja world senses, He has few more simple application of the elements that can be counted as B-Rank or C-Rank .

During his fight with Zabuza he gained insight on mixing two elements and creating a new Profound Arts. If successful he can create a kekkei Genkai like effect. .

' But it is very hard to do this at my current level, I can maybe understand it but the application is very taxing to perform at my current realm but it can be a great Trump Card. I am now very much looking forward to the next Showdown in two weeks. '

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