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45.91% Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction) / Chapter 117: CHAPTER 117(Hidden Records)

Chapter 117: CHAPTER 117(Hidden Records)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)




"So what is your day job anyway?" Yang asks, sitting at the edge of his bed as he watches Freya get dressed.

The sun was barely showing on the horizon and she was scurrying around trying to get dressed.

"Don't worry about it, just know she'll be pissed I skipped work yesterday so I need to go now," she rambles out, finding her top and putting it on.

"Then let's take the shortcut," Yang says, getting up and scooping her into his arms bridal style.

"What are you doing?" she asks as he begins descending the stairs.

"Flying you up to your room, it'll be fun," he says, walking onto the balcony as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Don't go too fast ok," she says, her body instinctively trying to curl in and hold onto him even more.

"Ha... where's the fun in that?" he gives her a devious smile.


Taking off at speed well above any racehorse, ascending at almost 200mph directly toward the top of Babel. A blue streak of flames in their wake.

In just over 30 seconds they arrive at the top, hovering in place close to the roof, Freya was clinging to him with her face buried into his chest, holding on for deal life.

"You're kinda cute when you get like this," Yang says as he steps onto the roof, but the woman doesn't let go of him.

"That...wasn't that bad," she admits, slowly getting off of him and standing on her own.

"People like going fast, that's one of the things everyone has in common," Yang shrugs as she catches her breath.

"Right," she steadies herself and looks up at him, "I'm usually busy until around sundown, but I should have a day off in a week," Freya says.


"Casino, I think it could be fun, and it's one of those places I couldn't go without Ottar so I've never been, having you is far more fun so maybe I'll like it," she says.

"Hmm, that's the kind of thing that's more fun with a group."

"Then bring your team, maybe Hephaestus will finally make some progress with the Crozzo boy..."

"I doubt that, they're both...waiting for something, it's weird and I think only blacksmiths would understand it," he shrugs at her idea.

"She's so hopeless, one working eye but might as well be completely blind," Freya rolls her eyes at the thought.

"Oh yeah, what's below the eyepatch?" Yang asks, taking the chance to solve one mystery.

"If she didn't show you I won't tell, now I need to get to work, I'll come find you when I'm free," she leans forward and tiptoes to give him a passionate kiss, which he happily returns.

"I can definitely get used to this," he gives her a small smile before she turns to enter Babel through the roof.

As the door closes behind Freya, Yang turns to the rising sun, walking to the edge of Babel he sees the light illuminate his body, wearing only his shorts, barefoot and shirtless...he feels nothing.

"All the power in the world and I can't feel the sunrise on my skin..." he whispers to himself, looking far out to the sun rising above the ocean.

Looking down at Orario, the massive city housing over a million people, Yang takes a deep breath as he walks toward off the edge.

'Time to get to work...'

---Later That Evening...

Walking down one of the fine stone hallways of the guild, following closely behind Varissa, Yang finds himself in front of a large set of double doors.

"The guild master is waiting for you," Varissa says before turning to walk away.

"Thanks," Yang says before knocking.

"You may enter," the man's voice calls out from within the room.

Wearing a black shirt and combat pants combo with his element-resistant boots and a blue jacket, Yang enters to see...something, behind the desk.

"Hi there," Yang gives a small wave as he approaches the man.

Guildmaster Royman was supposedly an Elf, from what Hephaestus told Yang the man was so arrogant and deep into politics that he'd lost his Elven features. Yang could now see what she meant, wearing a three-piece suit, standing at barely 4 and a half feet tall, his face looked closer to a pig and his potbelly could be seen from the other side of his desk. If not for his pointed ears Yang would have never believed him to be an Elf. His pale skin and green eyes being a few of his last elven features as his white hair makes him look perpetually stressed. It was easy to see that stress gave him the look of an older man even for a relatively young Elf.

"You should be more mindful of how you greet your elders child," the Elf says in a pompous tone, already earning a hard glare from Yang. "take a seat and let's discuss the request you made."

"Right... I'll keep that in mind," Yang says as he takes a seat in one of the chairs at the man's desk.

"Now, you requested information pertaining to the frontier region of the dungeon, we've already verified the item you brought as proof, but we have on more issue before we can simply hand over such volatile information," Royman says, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table as he looks at Yang.

"Mhm, more red tape... so what's the problem?" Yang asks, leaning back in his seat, already not liking where this is going.

"I simply need to know if you will be leading the expedition."

"Obviously, my team is going, Welf, Thalie, and myself," Yang raises a brow at the strange question.

"That's what I was afraid of, see, the time it would take adventurers to get past the Dragon Vase allows them to build a good reputation and relationship with the guild and city, we can't simply allow just anyone to enter those floors, should the information of what they contain reach the people it could cause issues for everyone," Royman explains, trying to make his case.

"So the problem is you don't trust me, that's it?"

"That's a crude way to put it, but yes, we can't allow the public to know what lies below, it could cause panic or despair in the people and they may doubt our ability to protect them."

"Then I just won't tell them, easy," Yang shrugs, problem solved he thinks.

"Well in a sense, yes, but we---" Yang gets tired of the games and simply interrupts the man.

"Just tell me what the hell you want and stop wasting time already," he demands.

With a huff and disapproving scowl, the man gets to the point," we would feel more comfortable if Finn---"

"Denied, try again," Yang grows out at him, causing the Elf to startle and lean back into his seat.


"Couldn't do what my team did in his decades exploring the dungeon, he doesn't fit into my team and my system, and quite frankly him requesting me for that seven-week expedition is the only reason I'm not trekking through the icy floors now," Yang says, anger in his voice at the thought of so much waster time.

"Hmm," the Elf glares back at Yang, furrowing his brows at the young adventurer's argument," you need the guild's permission to---"

"To what? Enter the dungeon, if you ban me and I try who do you have that can stop me, maybe you don't realize but I'm strong, really really fucking strong," Yang's magic suddenly flares up, as if the air itself became many times heavier in the entire guild building, not enough to hurt anyone but enough to certainly make it difficult for the man in front of him to breathe.

Royman gasped desperately, trying to fill his lungs as his body began to sweat, straining to keep itself upright in what felt like an active gravity chamber.

"You can only set rules for things you can enforce, remember that," Yang says as he retracts his magic, allowing the man to take a deep breath and pry his face off his desk.

"Gah," the man takes greedy breathes as he steadies himself, "we, only have... floor zone..." the man tries to say, wiping the sweat off his face as he leans back in his chair.

"All this crap over ten floors worth of maps and info, hand it over so we don't have to see each other again," Yang orders.

Reaching into one of the compartments in his desk, Royman slides a thick folder over to Yang before withdrawing a water bottle to take a drink. "Everything else was lost when Zeus and Hera familia homes were destroyed, they only managed to get to floor 70 because of the weather," the Elf says as he takes another sip.

"Good meeting," Yang gets up, storing the documents into his inventory and giving the Elf one last piece of advice, "get in the way of my adventure again and the next guild master will know better, and remember. If you like that job then you really don't want the public knowing you tried to stop the only capable team from exploring the dungeon, so play nice...have a good day," he turns around and casually saunters out of the room, leaving the man a sweaty mess.

As Yang exits the room, the man can't help but mutter to himself, "where in the world did Hephaestus even find him?"

Walking out of the room, Yang sees Varissa kneeling beside a young girl in the hallway, the woman was also glistening from a layer of sweat much like Royman was, the young Elf girl however dazed and mumbling to herself slumped against the wall.

"Eina, Eina can you hear me?" Varissa calls out as she cups the girl's face.

"Mhm, Varsa..." the girl mumbles out.

"Uh...did my magic cause this?" Yang asks as he walks up to them.

Looking up at him with her eyes narrowed slightly, "so that was you, everyone felt it but Eina was delivering a message to the guild master so she was closest, she should be fine," the woman tells him.

"Here," he casually hands her a potion, "sorry about this trouble, I just leveled up so need to get used to how much stronger I am," he shrugs before walking down the hall and exiting the building.

As Yang exits the building and begins walking toward the shopping district to peruse the magic shops, the message ring on his finger vibrates, he raises it to his mouth immediately to begin the call.

"Yo," he says.

"Yang, get to Welf's apartment, it's about your weapon," Hephaestus's voice rings out.

With a smile on his face, Yang immediately turns and leaps high above the nearby buildings, using his usual flames he flies up to his balcony to get to Welf that much quicker...


---Finally saw what happens when someone that Yang can't just ignore tries to push him around.

keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Finally saw what happens when someone that Yang can't just ignore tries to push him around.

---Finally some progress on his weapon.

---Zeus and Hera only got to floor 70...interesting :)

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