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100% The son of the reincarnation of sieg and mordred pendragon / Chapter 4: Dungeon and meeting fem vali lucifer

Chapter 4: Dungeon and meeting fem vali lucifer

Izukus prov

I just woke up feeling a little tired and slow i still felt excitement for something i forgot after a few minutes that feeling vanished in an instant once i remembered what i wanted to do today after that my excitement grew even more and decided to open dungeon but first i need to look at stats

'status' i thought and the familiar floating blue screen appeared in front of me

Name Izuku kotagiri pendragon

Titles: The son of the dragon queen of domination and the dragon king of destruction the son of the strongest dragons in the super natural world the dragon with infinite potential and the gamer

Lvl: 1

Physical Abilities: Mordred pendragon sabers fighting style sieg casters fighting style siegfried sabers fighting style

Magical Abilities: Sieg's dead count shapeshifter sieg's blasted tree {locked}{has more power then frankensteins}{locked} siegfried disengage {locked}armor of fafnir {locked} siegfrieds dragon slayer {locked} mordred's instinct {locked} mordred's mana burst {locked} mordred's crimson lightning {locked} mordred's battle continuation {locked} boost{locked} pernitrate{locked} shirou emiya reinforcement infinite command seals

Skills: Sieg's ability to shoot lightning from his hands{think of the fgo ones}locked dragon senses

Sacred Gears: None currently

Dungeon: Skelton


Inventory: Clarent locked sieg's sword with balmung transformation{don't know what astolfos swords name is in fate}balmung form locked mordred pendragon sabers armor {locked}

After that i thought the words dungeon

After that i woke up in what seemed to still be in the same place but my enhanced hearing from being a dragon could hear a lot of footsteps coming here i quickly took out my fathers sword before gripping it tightly in my hands i was scared of this i have never fought anyone before only my parents who take it drastically easy on me during my training so i tried my best to do what my dad told me don't be afraid to play dirty in a fight you must always think your enemy will do something dirty to win so you should be prepared to do it before they can so after that i went into my moms fighting style commonly uses 1 hand for using her great sword and using the other one to punch or just does normal kicking she also normally threw her sword sometimes i didn't really know why before i remembered both my mom and dad fought dirty sometimes my mom more then my dad after that i started sneaking around using my enhanced hearing to find good hiding spots and if they are coming the way i am going from what i notice there are mostly groups of 10 to 20 i can't fight that many yet i am not strong enough i needed to find one were the group were 5 or under

Time skip 1 hour

I have been looking for a small group for an hour now i am starting to lose my patience and start attacking the big groups even though i know i would die very quickly though i couldn't help but be happy when i saw a group of 5 enemies i got excited and gripped my sword tightly before using reinforcement on my body to make me move faster and stronger i charged at them and was able to kill 2 of them the first one i killed i quickly grabbed his sword and armor before it hit the ground the second i messed up i wasn't able to catch the sword it fell on the ground alerting the other 3 skeletons and all i could think was frick they were not suppose to notice me yet though i was cut out of my thoughts when my instincts told me to dodge i quickly look up seeing a skeleton about to cut me in half i quickly move fast and quickly use reinforcement of the armor then threw the armor at the skeleton affectively stopping him from killing me sense the armor was rather hard thanks to reinforcement i quickly gathered myself and put some distance between my self and the skeletons i noticed the one that i threw the armor at had his sword stuck in the armor so at most currently it is just a blunt sword sense the armor is just gonna block the sword from cutting me after that i decided to take out the other 2 before him sense the other 2 were more dangerous then him i quickly did another charge at them and was about to strike one of them before the skeleton blocked and countered the second skeleton went in for the kill but i quickly gathered myself just barely dodging the attack and then quickly moving my sword cutting off it's head effectively making it so his sword and armor dropped to the ground after that i quickly had to dodge a sword strike from the one i wanted to kill before i quickly did a swift kick to his chest that didn't keep him down so i decided to throw my sword at the skeleton though he easily dodged it i didn't really plan for him to dodge it so i frowned i was now weaponless before i remembered the weapon that fell down from the first skeleton from before i ran over there quickly to grab it while i skeleton watches with interest based on there body movements after i grabbed the sword i decided to use reinforcement even more to the max my body can handle after that i charged at him making a loud boom sound once i rocketed off the ground i then appeared in front of him and was about to cut him in half everything went in slow motion i could tell this skeleton was gonna die here there was no way he could block it before i see the mark of the god that sent me here making it so the skeleton was able to easily block it we started trading hits back and 4th blocking and countering each and every strike after 10 minutes of this the skeleton messed up he over extended leaving himself wide open after that i quickly killed him before taking a few deep breaths after 10 seconds of that i grabbed the sword of the skeleton i just killed and put both of them in my inventory before walking to the wall were my fathers sword was and pulling it outside of the wall before i remembered and questioned wasn't there one more skeleton here what happened to them after 3 seconds of looking around the room before seeing him in the same room i first saw the skeletons in trying to pry his sword out from the armor i sweat dropped at this and ran at him quickly killing him after that i was really tired and very stressed out so i decided to leave this dungeon for a while

'Leave dungeon' i thought after that i found myself back in my room before smelling the sent of the fallen angels here i suddenly noticed i was very sticky i wasn't aware of why i felt sticky before i remembered mom saying something about you get covered in something called sweat from doing this like training and the like i quickly grab some clothing and head to the bathroom to shower

Time skip 5 minutes

After i was done with my shower wearing new clothing{izukus clothing} i decided to go see what uncle azazel is doing i came into the room only to see a very pretty girl with white hair and yellow eyes{changing vali's blue eyes to yellow}{fem vali looks once she gets to be a teenager she gets the same body type as well}i couldn't help but feel weird seeing her like i wanted to stay by her side and protect her for some reason after sitting there looking at her in silence because i found myself unable to take my eyes off her azazel turns to me and calls my name i quickly snap out of my trance and look at azazel he told me to come over he had someone to introduce me to after i came over to her and found out this girls name is vali and that she is currently this generations white dragon emperor vali said she apparently doesn't have a last name from what i can tell we are both the same age i was rather excited about this to have a friend sense i was never really able to talk with any kids because my parents were always on the run to protect me so after my intro duction i was confused on were she was gonna sleep apparently in my room i was questioning why but he said it was because my room has more then enough room for 2 sense it is a 4 person bedroom and also there was 4 beds in there 2 of them were actual beds the others were couch beds after that i agreed from what i could tell vali was uncomfortable with the idea of sharing a room with a guy and i understand why i also felt uncomfortable sharing a room with a girl but not like i really mind cause to be honest it was rather lonely being in that room by myself so after that azazel asked me to take her to my room and i said sure with a smile and i took her hand and started dragging her to our room she felt embarrassed and a little shocked cause she wasn't expecting physical contact like that sporadically though she didn't understand why she didn't mind it after 5 minutes of walking i they were in there now shared room she couldn't help but be rather surprised at how big it is sense even the room is bigger then it was at her old house i noticed she was slightly in a trance before i decided to get her out of it by showing her were the bathroom was what was her bed and that she has to share a dresser with him until she can get a dresser of her own she seemed a little surprised before saying she understands though she starts mumbling about why do i have to share my dresser with a guy though i decided to just smile before telling her i was gonna leave for a while i have some training she seemed interested when i said the words training and asked me if she could join me i was rather surprised because i was gonna go into that skeleton dungeon i was indecisive if i should tell her about the system sense i just met her and i wasn't sure i could trust her but my dragon instincts were telling me to trust her that she will never betray or abandon me after sighing i explained to her the system and she was shocked but asked if there was a party type of thing i questioned what that is before she seemed to get shy and said she played some video games so she knew there were things like party in these types of games i got interested if that was the case with this system and how do you invite people into a party and adding onto that thought the system replied with

{User can invite people to party and they will each get access to the system itself allowing them to get new skills how you get people into a party you just simple have to desire them to be in a party and a screen will show up in front of them if they accept or decline}

That excited me so i decided to at once invite vali to my party and she clicked accept without hesitation though she didn't understand why she trusts him so much more then she trusted her own family

Vali's prov

I heard azazel call over someone when i looked to my left i saw a kid my age and i couldn't but get almost entranced by him after that azazel snapped me out of my thoughts though i didn't notice azazel smirking at what was happening between us after that i heard him say something about me sharing a room with this izuku kid i felt uncomfortable with the idea of sharing a room with a boy yet i don't understand why i don't hate the idea of sharing a room with izuku i was brought out of my thoughts of the feeling of someone grabbing my hand before seeing it was izuku smiling and dragging me with him i was embarrassed and a little shocked about getting physical contact like that so suddenly though she didn't understand why she didn't mind him holding her hand or even rather liked it after 5 minutes of walking with him i saw a rather big door izuku opened it and i saw the room and i was surprised at how big it was it was way bigger then my room at my old family's house after that i was in a trance looking around the room but i was taken out of my thoughts by izuku wanting me to show around the room after agreeing to that he showed me the bathroom my bed and that i was gonna have to share a dresser with him i was surprised and rather shocked but i told izuku i was fine and understood in it before mumbling to myself why do i have to share my dresser with a guy but i heard izuku talking about leaving for training and i was interested in that i asked izuku if i could join him i noticed his gaze was indecisive though i saw him sigh after that he told me to keep this a secret please i was rather surprised when he sounded like a mix of seriousness worry and hesitation i was taken back a little sense i have met him this whole time he had been a rather upbeat and happy person i said yes i promise with seriousness and determination in my voice he smiled and started telling me about the system i was rather surprised about this and that it sounded like those old video games i liked to play i asked him if there was a party feature he looked confused before i admitted that i use to play some video games though i said it rather shyly he asked what is a party on games i explained to him what it is and from what i could tell he seemed interested in this before i notice him getting a rather surprised expression before smiling after that i saw a blue screen pop up asking if i want to join a party with izuku and i agreed with any hesitation i didn't understand why i didn't hesitate like i get this feeling that i can always trust him with every fiber of my being it makes no sense but i am not gonna question it for to long sense i noticed we were in a dungeon like hallway after that he told me we should move some skeletons are coming this way after that i quickly followed him we were hiding from the 20 skeletons that ran passed us after that we started walking for 5 minutes before we found a group of 6 skeletons he said he would take care of 4 i take the other 2 i was worried for one because he was fighting so many at once and i wanted to help but he smiled and said don't worry i have fought way more then 4 only so vali quickly whispered divine dividing her sacred gear was reveled though it looked incomplete i wasn't able to summon it completely because i wasn't strong enough yet i still could use divide though after that i saw izuku pull something out of his inventory a sword that looked rather rusty but i needed something to fight with until i got strong enough were i could just use my fists after that i saw something on izuku that looked like circuits on his skin i was gonna question what it was before izuku asked if i was ready i decided to say something i saw on a movie once icy hot partner with a smile on my face i could tell he knew what it was sense he chuckled a bit after that he charged at the 4 enemies in front of him before i did the same to the 2 enemies in front of me i started with a sword slash trying to get a quick hit in before he blocked it but i hit him and quickly used divide on him weakening him and increasing my power after that i was able to rather easily over power them sense i kept on dividing there over all power and increasing my own after about 10 minutes i killed both of them before i thought to myself i do hope izuku is okay though i quickly left to see if he was okay and help him if he needed it before i smiled happily seeing him fine just resting i then walked over there and sat next to him learning on his arm before falling asleep sense i was tired though i didn't notice my arms hugging him tightly

Izukus prov

i saw the 6 skeletons and told her i was gonna take 4 while she took 2 she was hesitant and was worried about me getting hurt so i smiled and told her don't worry i have fought more then 6 thankfully she seemed a little calmer i didn't really want her to know my first fight i nearly died and this is my second real fight ever i quickly after i saw her bring out divine dividing i gave her a sword from one of the last skeletons i killed for her protection after that i brought out my fathers sword for myself while reinforcing my body to the max before she could ask a question i then asked if she was ready and i just heard her icy hot partner joke and i couldn't help but chuckle at that movie joke sense i loved that movie{no joke i love the rest in peace department movie ngl}i charged at my four opponents and quickly brought out a second sword from the skeleton i killed and killed 2 of them after that the other two noticed my presence i then charged at them again it was an intense battle of none stop blocking countering and dirty tricks after about 5 minutes i killed one of them do to them over extending after that i dodged an attack from the second skeleton after the dodge me and the skeleton were fully focused on the other just circling each other waiting for one of us to make the first move the skeleton rushed first i rushed him shortly after and it was just as intense as the last was but with a lot more blocking countering and dirty tricks do to this skeleton being just as fast as me with reinforcing my body to the max it can take though after five minutes i got a lucky shot and killed him though it was a gamble killing him there sense it was a 50/50 if i lived or not i then started sitting down relaxing trying to catch my breath before i smelt that vali was coming this way i decided to not do anything sense i have nothing to worry about i was surprised when she decided to sit next to me even leaning on me and falling asleep i then feel something gabbing me before seeing her arms rapped around me tightly i didn't understand why but i liked her doing this so i decided to put my sword away and the one vali put down when she was lying on me and put them both in my inventory before leaving the dungeon i started carrying her and was gonna put her in my bed i was rather surprised when i was leaving i feel her grip tighten and dragged me into a cuddling position i was surprised before feeling something wet on my shirt before seeing her softly crying and hearing her talk in her sleep saying please don't leave me i don't want to be alone again i felt bad about that and decided to hug her tightly back and petting her head and whispered in her ear that i am not going anywhere i felt her crying stop and she snuggled in more and we fell asleep hugging each other with smiles on both of our faces

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