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5.26% the bird cage / Chapter 1: ch 1. the arrival of the birds
the bird cage the bird cage original

the bird cage

Author: snoosification

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: ch 1. the arrival of the birds

"jeon junkook i scentence you for voluntary manslaughter for 2 years in prison. may god safe your soul." the judges hammer slamed on the desk.

"its over..." kook thought.

he was taken away from a guard to the bus who was gonna take him to his new home. "how i am gonna survive this?" he layed his head on the bus window and watched for the last time the surrounding outside. he sighed and tried not to cry.

"hi there."

the boy next to him raised his hand to him. "i am taehyung. im going there too." kook looked at him. he was pretty, looked like the same age, but too childish to be a real gangster. kook shook his hand. "i am jungkook. why are u busted?" he really was curoius. "car theft." kook raised his eyebrow.

"theft? u dont look like a criminal." tae smiled wide. kook liked this big smile. "yeah i know. but u have to eat and live." kook nodded. "u?" "i made a stupid mistake with my friends." he sighed. "how many years?" "2." tae smiled again. "me too! 1 year for the thefts, 1 for insulting an officer and resisting the caught."

kook chuckled. "i can't imagine u beating a policeman" tae smiled sad. "i got panic and didn't want to get caught." kook nodded. "i think we should stay together. u are the only descent guy in this bus." tae wisperd. kook looked around.

"yeah! thats true. lets stay together and keep our backs covert."

they both smiled at each other. "listen! we will arrive shortly! i want u to know that there are rules u have to recognise and obey all the time! so shut up!" the officer in the front yelled. he told them a lot of rules. the boys listened very carefully.

they got in. stripped of their suits or normal clothes, got a very embarrassing examination, shower, new clothes and got stuff what was necessary for their hygiene. after that they were guided to their block and box, what will be their new home for the next years.

tae stayed glued to kook, he was scared of the inmates who starred at them. they were "fresh meat", some whistled, some made rude comments, one even smacked their butts. "i dont like it here at all" tae whispered. kook nodded. "we just have to survive."

"i am officer brenner. i am the highest rank here. i say, u do. understood?" the boys nodded. "this is your cell. dinner is at 7:30 pm, lunch at 12:30, breakfast at 7:00 am." the boys nodded again. brenner scoffed and walked with the next pair to another box.

tae and kook got in, looked around. "i take the up!" both said it. they looked at each other and played stone, paper, scissor. kook won. they put their stuff away and walked out to the big courtlike oval room where all cell doors faced. there were round tables and chairs, tvs up on walls, the kitchen in the back, a door to the yard outside. there were also signs to the libary, the infirmary, the own barbershop, the laundry, the mechanical workshop, the gym, classes, ect.

"looks like we can do some stuff in here." kook statet.

"hey jin?" "yeah?" "how would u like to be with a new cell mate?" joon didn't even look at jin. jin came forward and looked down to the tables. "not happy. why? is there fresh meat down there?" joon smirked. "maybe" "who is it?" joon pointed out. "oh... i get it" one of the guards came along.

"hey brenner!" joon turned to him. "yeah namjoon" "i like to change my cellmate" brenner looked at him than to jin. "with whom?" joon turned back to the rails and pointed to kook. "him". "and where goes jin?" he looks at jin, who was leaning on the rail with arms crossed. "ask him" joon shrugged his shoulders. suga was quiet the whole time.

"and where should i put the other youngster? he is new and he will get eaten by the beasts in here" brenner asked. joon grinned and looked at suga. "put the baby in his box, its time for yoongi to get more social"

"oh hell no!" suga almost yelled.

brenner smiled back at joon. "alright. pack your stuff jin. you ll be in your new box tomorrow after breakfast." jin sighed, yoongi cursesd. "why?" he asked joon.

"as i said its time for u to get socialized. u ve been here as long as i and u never got a cell mate. its not good for your mental health!"

yoongi just rolled his eyes. he looked down again and observed his new cell mate. he was a tall skinny boy, with big eyes and a bigger smile. he looked like a child. suga sighed heavy. he looked annoyed at joon. "i am not a babysitter! look at him! he will get in trouble all the time. what the fuck should i do with him?" "fuck him?! u didnt have someone for ages! as far as i know" he looked at jin, who nodded.

jin knew everything and anyone. he made it his trade to know all secrets. at least the good secrets, which could get used for something. suga looked now angry. "dont look at jin. its not a secret nor a shame to NOT fuck around and everyone, like u"

joon smirked. "at least i am satisfied and not grumpy like u all the time." suga just scoffed. "i never got something nasty at least." joon chuckled. "i am negativ on all charges of nastyness!" suga scoffed again. "excuse me boys. my next victim just finished his shift. see ya later" jin smiled and walked off.

"the poor guy." suga stated and watched tae again. "yeah. jin is jin." joon sighed and scanned kook up and down. he smiled. he couldnt wait to have him in his box.

namjoon "joon" was a gang leader outside and inside. he was into drugbusiness and getting information. his gang wasnt the only one in here, but the most respected and powerful. he had men in the other blocks too. everywhere it was needed and necessary. he was even good friends with officer brenner and got him on his payroll.

his right hand was jin. his left hand was yoongi "suga". he knew the cold suga for years. he was in another gang outside, but in here they thought fighting against each other would make their positions weak, so they got together. they got to know jin in prison. they heard rumors about him and decided to have him better as a friend than an enemy.

the three stars of the bulletproof gang.

kook looked around, tried to ignore all the stares and comments and saw a man on the upper floor, leaning on the rail and looking down. kook suddenly shiverd. this mans aura radiated pure dominace and leadership.

*this must be one of the "kings" in here* he thought, shiverd again and observed him secretly.

he was tall, but not huge like others here, lean figure with muscles, tatoos, blond short hair, dimples when he smiled. in all he looked nice, but kook could tell to never made him angry or noticed his weak butt.

kook noticed another man next to the "king". he was smaller, but not weaker. he looked annoyed and cold. also blond hair with undercut. tatoos, a broad chest and also muscley. they talked to each other.

kook saw another man, very broad shoulders. the same size as the "king" but with a very good looking face, suddenly these men looked at him and tae. goosepumps spread over his body.

*oh no! dont notice me! thats not good!*

kook saw them talk with this officer brenner and pointing at him and tae. he was shocked and turned around. he didnt want them to know that he was looking at them.

the night came and a "LIGHTS OUT!" yelled through the block. tae and kook layed down on their beds, they talked for a bit and eventualy fell asleep. as they sat down the next day for breakfast, some of the inmates sat down at their table too.

"hey cutie! give me a morning kiss!" he leaned close to tae and made a kissing face. tae looked disgusted and leaned away. "ewww! brush your teeth first!" the others laught and started to harass the boys.

suddenly a "they belong to me" came from behind. the inmates flinshed away and looked up to the speaker. kook shivered. it was the guy from yesterday. "come on boys. u sit at the wrong table." kook and tae stood up and walked kinda wobbly with the man. tae turned his head and stuck his tongue out to the disgusting guy.

he was not so concerned like his friend. they came to another table and sat down. "hi i am taehyung, but u can say tae to me" he greeted the man on the table. kook gulped. "jungkook" "u can say kookie, like me" tae chirped. joon smiled big. "tae, kook, nice to meet you. i am namjoon, or joon, this is jin and this yoongi" he pointed at his friends.

"never call me yoongi! its suga for u! if i ever hear yoongi, i ll rip your tongues out!" tae and kook looked shocked wide eyed at him. joon and jin chuckled. "dont mind him. suga it is for u" the boys nodded. they talked a bit to get to know each other.

kook was still on his edge, he couldn't find a reason, why this powerful guy wanted to spent his time with them. tae on the other side babbled and smiled as if nothing was out of the odinary. it looked like he liked to get new friends. *god, he is really a moron or just into another reality* kook shook his head.

he felt joons eyes on him. he didnt like that at all. so he didnt look up to meet his eyes. kook wanted to get up from this table asap and hid himself in his cell. joon smirked. he liked what he saw. this boy looked like a rabbit infront of a big snake. joon could feel his shivers.

*oh this is going to be great! i chose good* he looked at tae. *he is good too, but to innocent. perfect for yoongi* joon smiled again.

suga on the other side, was highly annoyed from tae. he liked his silent room, he liked his solitary and now he got a bubbly non-stoping-talker. suga sighed frustrated and glarred at joon.

jin watched all and was very amused. the poor boys. he petty them a bit, they didnt know what was comming for them. specially this child taehyung. it would be funny to find out who will win. yonngi or this boy.

as the boys got back to their box they were awaited by brenner. "get your stuff boys. you have new arrangements." "are u seperating us?" kook asked shocked. "dont piss your pants, boy! u gonna like it" he waited until they got everything and guided them to their new boxes.

"u in here" he pointed at tae. the boys looked at each other. "come on! i dont have all day time!" he pushed kook lightly to joons cell. kook walked in and saw what he had feared.

he was now in the lion cave.

tae looked at his new surroundings carefully and smiled big at suga. "hi! looks like u are my cellmate now!" suga ignored him coldly. tae sighed and sat on his new bed. he coughed. "do u snore?" tae flinched. "not that i know" "if u do i will strangle u in your sleep." suga growled. *oh great*

kook put his stuff on the lower bed, as joon sat on the upper one. he sighed and sat down. "why?" he asked lowly. joon jumped down and made kook flinsh back. joon pulled kook from his bed up and let him stood in the middle of the small room. he looked at him up and down and licked his lips.

kook immidiatly knew what the man wanted. he felt sick.

"listen! u are my bird now. mine. u will not get involved with anyone without my permission. u will not let anyone touch u, u will not fuck around. u will do what i want, when i want it, how i want it. u will obey me absolutly and i will make sure nothing will happen to u. got that?" he looked scary, kook shiverd.

"i asked u something" kook nodded. "SAY IT!" kook jumped. "yeah! yeah, i understood!" joon smiled. kook let out his breath. "u want to fuck me?" he whispered. joon smirked. "hm. u should show me your asserts first, dont u think?" kook looked wide eyed.

"come on! strip down" joon commended. kooks hands trembled as he pulled his shirt away and the pants down. "boxers too!" kook looked shocked, but did it. joon walked slowly around the naked kookie. "hm.... nice...bent down" "no" joon looked angry at him. "i said bend down!" kook sniffed, tears started to build. he starred at joon and bent down.

joon examined the ass and the hole carefully. he licked a finger and shoved it in. kook almost fell forward, he searched for air. at least joon was carefull, not like the guards yesterday. kook could feel that joon thrusted his finger in and out.

"what are u doing?"

"finding and trying out if your hole is suitable for my dick" joon driely stated.

kook gulped. "and? are u done?" "dont be so snappy to me." "u want me submissiv? naaa you wont get that." joon put his finger out. kook sighed relived. as joon washed his hands, kook put his clothes back on.

"did i allowed u to get dressed?" he raised a brow. kook froze in his doing and let his boxers fell down again. "what u want? if u wanna fuck me, do it than, but u will not get a moan or anything else out of me." joon smirked.

"a challenge. i like that. put that shirt away and let me see u again." he started to roam his hands around kooks body, felt the skin, inhaled the smell, grabbed the dick. kook let out a tone.

"no sounds huh?"

joon smirked. kooks face got reddish. "keep your hands from my crotch pervert!" he snapped. joon grabbed his face hard. "i told u! u are mine, i can do as i please!"they starred at each other.

"how is your bird?" jin asked as they sat down on the benches in the yard outside. joon sighed. "a challange!" jin laught. "u wanted him, now cope with it!" suga tied his shoes. "whats with yours?" "if he snores i will kill him!"

jin raised his brows and watched suga ran to the basketball field. "do u really think it was a good idea? he will destroy the boy!" joon sighed. "we will see." he stated fast and turned his attention to some men he had business with.

"hey friend!"tae waved his hand to kook. "dont ignore me too!"kook snapped out of his thoughts. "who is ignoring u?" "this suga guy" kook raised his brows. "be happy about it!" they walked out to the yard. "why?" kook just shook his head. "dont ask. come on let do some exercise!"

lunchtime came and they sat down to their new "owners". "taehyung, jungkook, how were your first nights?" jin asked nicely. they nodded. "good" "all okay, thank u jin" "what are u doing this afternoon?" "gym" "libary" the boys looked at each other. "i thought we exercise a bit more?!" "we can do that too. but as i got a statue as my cell mate, i need entertaining, so a good book"

jin laught out loud, even joon chuckled. suga looked up and confused. "what?" "nothing! get back into your world" "i just imagined how to kill him" suga sqinted his eyes and looked at tae. tae flinshed.

"a really good heavy book. to hit something with it, if necessary"

tae stated with gritted teeth. beside suga all others laught. suga sighed. "i will mutilate u. startig with your tongue!" "maybe i should get a weight from the gym too." he leaned more in, closer to suga. "u cant even lift it! with your spaghetti arms!" "i can! and i dont have spaghetti arms!"

tae pouted and looked at his arms, left them up to show him his muscles. "there are no muscles idiot! how u wanna hit me even with a big book?" suga mocked. "oh try me!" their faces were just inches/centimeters away from each other.

sugas eyes got wide when he noticed and backed away. "see what i have to work with?" he snapped to joon. jin and joon were cry laughing at that point. "oh stop it!" jin cried out held his stomach.

kook was quiet surprised that joon read complicated books. he didnt tought that he would have the brain for it. that gave him a new part of joon. "what are u reading?" joon looked up from his book. "are u really interested?" kook sighed. "u know u should get yourself a hobby, or else time will be too long in here." kook nodded. "yeah, i will think of one"

joon looked again. "are u nervous around me?" "kind of" joon smirked. "dont worry. your payment isnt right now on my agenda" "payment?" "for your safety. u know... sex" he wiggled his brows with the last word. kook scrunshed his face. "i know. so u dont wanna jump me and do it now?" joon laught.

"u might have a sexy body, but i am not an animal. i dont have the urge to fuck u right now. so calm down" kook sighed relived. another safe day and night for his ass.

tae heaved the heavy book onto the table with a thud and glanced at suga. he saw him smirk at the sight. "so u found a book?" "yeah" "what is it about?" "roman history, beginning to end! 10.000 pages" he smiled. "wow. still, if i wanna hurt u this wouldnt help u at all." suga stated and smirked again.

tae furrowed his face. "what u want from me anyway?" suga tilted his head. "to shut up! i like my silence!" "i am silent!" tae complained. "u speak in your dreams" "its not my fault! ....what i am saying?" "wont tell." "come on! what am i saying? please?" suga smiled.

*he is cute! .....hell! what are you thinking?* "chibberish mostly. shut up now!"

jin worked his victim for the day. he moaned excitedly. the guy cried and coldnt breath properly. again he smacked the already blood red ass and thrusted harder. "no more, please!" the guy cried out. jin smiled. "more! give me more screams!" he hit him again with force.

the week came and went in a blink of an eye. the prison life settled in for the Boys slowly. every day was almost the same. and kook and tae noticed that nobody of the inmates harassed them or even looked at them anymore. they were safe. for now.

snoosification snoosification

that was my first story. there will be grammar mistakes a lot, sorry for that! need to edit sometimes! :) have fun anyway!

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