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6.45% Destroyer Hero / Chapter 2: Izuku's no good very bad day

Chapter 2: Izuku's no good very bad day

Izuku drudged up the steps to the apartment, dreading the conversations that he would no doubt be having tonight. First he needed to go over what he knew he was walking into:

1) He was just expelled from school for getting in a fight

2) The fight was with Dad's boss's son

3) He shattered the son's elbow

4) He might be arrested if the Yamada family chose to press charges

5) Dad was likely fired instead of being promoted

'Oh that is bad' Izuku realized as he began working out how to maneuver himself to avoid as much. He was deep in thought as he approached the front door, 'hide in my room, skip dinner, tomorrow they won't be as furious' he decides while fumbling with his keys. Key in hand, he presses his ear to the door to hear who is home. As expected, he didn't hear anything, he cursed his bad luck that he couldn't tell if anyone was home. Quietly he keyed open the door. Peering inside he found the apartment dark and empty, 'good mom's gone out.'

Izuku took his shoes off, but didn't leave them by the door, instead taking them with him to his room, 'the less they notice me, home the better' he thought to himself once again locking the door. As he walked across the apartment, he took note of the empty bowl in the sink – it would seem mom ate the last of the ice cream. Slinking back into his room, he placed a binder on the ground and placed his dirty shoes atop that. Looking around the room, he knew things were about the change, and in a big way. He approached the large limited print All Might poster with the text: "You Can Be A Hero!" underlining his winning grin.

"I'm sorry All Might. I failed…" Izuku admitted while reaching up to carefully remove the poster. Slipping his student ID under each taped corner, with tearful eyes he watched as the collectible came down. With the absolute pinnacle of care, he rolls the poster before placing it back in its tube. That was the most painful part of the process of taking down all of his hero merchandise and placing it into storage. Hours passed in silence as Izuku methodically placed each collectible into a case beneath his bed.

When he was finished with his endeavor, he wedged his chair under the door handle and settled down on his bed. He had no idea how long it might take for his parents to come home. After around an hour he heard some commotion in the rest of the apartment, it must have been his mother coming home since no words were spoken. He closed his eyes, hoping to sleep through the rest of the night.

Today was supposed to be perfect, but Hisashi supposes that was too good considering his failure of a child- no, after this monumental screw up he needed to distance himself from this family. Inko had lost the body that made her so desirable after these last 3 years of constant stress eating over that damn brat. Speaking of that disgrace of a boy, it would have been so much easier to disown him if he had just been consistently an asshole; however, the boy of course had to maintain the appearance of being his sweet useless son.

Where did he go wrong? No, it couldn't have been his fault his son's pastime was beating the shit out of his classmates and senpais. It was certainly Izuku's fault. He was smarter than this, for all of his constant and incessant crying about becoming a hero he sure acted like a thug. Maybe he'd end up joining a gang, with his green hair he wouldn't have to work hard to make it bright like that Bakugou brat.

Either way he'd have words with his son and wife regarding the divorce he would no doubt start filing after work. This family was a burden that he could no longer carry. If he has even one ounce of luck in his whole body, his boss won't find out about Izuku's fight. Still that left him plenty of time to worry about his promotion. Maybe even if the boss found out he could make it up and get the promotion since he had finally decided to abandon the brat and divorce Inko.

Still that would have to wait until he went to his real job, not that he currently wasn't working, but this dead-end office job that was once his aspiration had lost all appeal after it became apparent that Izuku's behavior would stop him from advancing. No, his real job that he had picked up 2 years ago after he came to that realization, was as a "helper" for some criminal organization. His flame breath, he had found, could reach cremation temperatures making him a useful tool in corpse disposal, and much easier to deal with than that upstart Dabi.

Still that was hours away, he would have just enough time to start the filing process before heading to the warehouse where his "evaluation" would take place.

Sighing, he stood up and walked toward his manager's office. "Torika-san, my brat got in another fight" Hisashi spoke with a practiced even voice to not show how incredibly tired of this he was. Torika-san was younger than Hisashi, installed by his father in charge of the department as grooming to have him take over the whole company. He was a clear bachelor by the way his suit was pressed, tie pulled slightly loose; overall he had a very easy and approachable demeanor. Hisashi liked Torika-san, he speculated that Torika saw in Izuku the same light as his own failure of an older brother.

"Geez Hisashi! That's what, the 3rd time this week?" Torika-san let out an exasperated sigh.

"4th time actually," Hisashi grumbled back to the man "this is the last straw."

"Finally divorcing the old bag and ditching the kid with her, eh? I can't even get mad about that, nor can or will I blame you for it Hisashi." Torika-san regarded the tired father warmly. "This is a good choice; they were holding you back."

"Could not agree more sir. I need to step out to deal with this, I'll see you tomorrow sir." Hisashi agreed.

"Have a nice evening, the office on Shyotan and 37th street has a very good divorce attorney by the by." Torika-san smiled.

Hisashi let out a warm smile at his manager, sure he wanted the position, but this guy had a heart of gold and was business minded already. 'Wouldn't mind staying with the guy as he takes over the business either,' he thought pondering how far up the ladder he could climb thanks to their good relationship.

A few hours later, and a stop by a very good legal office, Hisashi arrived at the warehouse where his whole life could change. The promotion would have him become much more than a contractor held at arm's length, instead he would officially join and be given a much more stable and much more lucrative job, probably as a clean up specialist. Hisashi was still concerned though, his boss who he only knew as "Dead Arms" a take on both his quirk and mocking the pro Death Arms for taking a name better suited for a villain, was a neurotic man and a perfectionist who already had issue with Izuku being quirkless.

"Dragon, pleased to see you arrived early." Came the melodic voice of Sir Tepes, the muscle of the organization. "Master Dead Arms dwells within, I advise you play carefully this evening, when he arrived earlier, he was in a rather sour mood." Hisashi gulped at this, that pretty much guaranteed he wouldn't be getting a promotion.

"Thank you for the advice Sir Tepes." Hisashi replied coolly. Dead Arms was an emotional man at the best of times, sure he might not get a raise, but may still be brought in on a more permanent basis. This day could still turn out okay. He was ready to leave his family behind and be the successful man he knew he could be, even if that included his being a villain by association.

Entering into the warehouse, Hisashi immediately made note of the heavy atmosphere, and of the smell of a fresh body he would no doubt have to dispose of after his interview.

"Dragon! Before you get in here deal with the corpse!"

Or he would just do it now, turning on his heel toward the corpse. Taking a few deep breaths before letting out a blast of emerald heat before narrowing his mouth to condense the heat into the incinerating black flame he had developed over the years. Once he got up to temperature, the scorching blast of flames consumed the body readily. Out of breath, he hurriedly made his way to the room where Dead Arms was waiting. Composing himself and knocking before entering with a smile.

"Dragon, did you dispose of the bodies?"

"Yes sir, they are but ash now."

"Dragon, do you know what my priorities in this business are?"

A difficult question no doubt. Was this rhetorical? Or was Hisashi supposed to come up with an answer… assuming the latter he quickly began brainstorming a few different answers. He knew the organization dealt drugs, info, and rarely death. They weren't like most other villains, they wanted money, but not fame, only killing members or competitors never drawing attention.

"I believe the goal is to make money as safely as possible, fame doesn't really matter to you- "Hisashi started.


'oh god, oh fuck, he knows who I am, is this a test? Am I about to die?' Hisashi was sweating bullets and trembling before the four-armed villain who towered over the lesser man.

"Y-yes?" the cowardly man stuttered out.


Last time Hisashi wasn't sure, but now he was certain that Dead Arms was spitting out his family name… had he done something to Dead Arms' family? He couldn't've, he would never hurt someone…

It clicked in that moment, something in Hisashi- no, Dragon, told him all that he needed in that moment. The brat had hurt Dead Arms' family, he had to pay.

With renewed determination, and an angry look he met his boss's eyes straight on. "My brat son hurt your family, didn't he?" a pause, " I do not love my family Sir, I stopped loving them before I started working for you, Sir."

Dead Arms let out a wicked grin, suddenly much calmer as he recognized the anger growing in his new subordinate. "Tell me Dragon, what am I about to order you to do?"

"Izuku hurt your family, he needs to pay. He has been a blight on my life for the last few years. I doubt you plan to order this, but I want to kill him." Dead Arms' grin did not falter, the fire in his eyes only grew.

"You're right, I wasn't about to ask that of you, I would never order a hit on family; however, Izuku you said his name is? He doesn't sound like family anymore." Dead Arms dropped his wicked grin switching to a more paternal grin, like you might expect seeing on a teacher proud of their student.

"I'll be back later tonight then sir." Dragon turned to leave but was stopped by Dead Arms.

"I want to be certain of you, you do this and you're in, we'll help with what comes after. Good Luck Dragon." Dead Arms let an assured smile spread across his face as he watched Dragon leave.

After receiving the call that Izuku had shattered Yamada-kun's elbow, she quickly found herself at the bottom of her favorite gallon of matcha ice cream. Sighing she pulled herself up off the couch taking her bowl to the sink promising herself to clean up properly later, she needed to get ingredients for dinner tonight, Hisashi might have become distant but he was still loving and provided for them. She owed him a good meal.

Leaving the apartment, she walked over to the grocery store where she bumped into Mistuki.

"Inko! How are you?" She asked.

Inko made polite conversation, but excused herself mentioning Izuku's latest incident. On days like this she was just too tired to put up a good front. She knew she shouldn't loath having to talk to her son tonight when he got home. He just didn't learn and she had long since hit her wits end. Looking down at herself she realized she couldn't keep eating her feelings, either she was going to snap at her son, or she was going to kill herself with- 'wait when did I take all this ice cream?' Indeed, she had taken enough ice cream for a decently sized party, she was suddenly stricken with how much she ate. Gagging she began to put the ice cream back in the freezer determined to make her son better and stop gorging herself on a daily basis.

she checked the front door when she got back, Izuku wasn't home yet. 'Odd. He should have gotten back by now. Well, he has to come home eventually, he's probably just hiding from the scolding he's gonna get when he gets here.'

She set about prepping her husband's favorite, oyakodon.

Izuku jolted awake to the distinctly savory smell of his father's fire, immediately his mind kicked into high gear. 'Sure, Dad is stressed, but getting yelled at by his boss couldn't set him off like this… unless…' Izuku decided to end that train of thought as he heard his mother scream from the other room. For the first time in his life he ran head first toward a fight.

The sight that met his eyes where that of his father standing over his crying bleeding mother, knife in hand, wisps of fire rising from his mouth. Izuku locked onto the blood that coated the edge of the knife. He felt himself shift into that same mindset he had whenever he got into a fight. Filled with anger, analytical fury, but this time was different, this time it was greater than ever before.

"Step away from her villain." Izuku declared coldly. Both his mother and the man that looked like his father turned to face him with very different looks in their eyes.

Inko looked like she was staring into a raging fire, her fear filled eyes watery and clogged with running mascara and tears.

The villain looked mockingly at Izuku, locking on with the sort of focus Izuku had seen in closer fights, this villain was going to kill him. As if the blood on the knife wasn't already proof enough.

Izuku felt a pull at his heart, a moment later letting out a feral roar and charging at the villain in a fit of fury. Sidestepping a blast of flame, Izuku grabbed the hand that held the knife and bit down on it hard, tasting blood. The knife dropped to the ground but did not stay there, as it was quickly picked up by Izuku before taking a kick to the shin and a follow up to the chest sending him over the couch. Recovering from his slight daze, Izuku lunged at the villain again, taking a blast of flames to the face but plunging the knife into the man's shoulder.

"GAH! YOU FUCKING WASTE! WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!" The villain roared before letting out a blast of emerald flames which quickly turned black burning through the couch like a laser, the ambient heat igniting the carpet. Izuku rolled out of and through the flames and dashed into the kitchen. Pulling a pair of knives from the block, he spun just in time to spot the knife aimed at his chest. Ducking and sidestepping, Izuku bared with the pain of the knife slicing through to the bone of his left arm, deciding to sacrifice it in order to plunge the knife into the villain's side.

The villain let out another roar, slicing with the knife again, but this time managing to cut a nasty gash across the right side of Izuku's face.

Something in Izuku changed again, with a roar he pulled the knife out of the man's side, dashed through his legs and slashed at the back of his knees, causing the man to fall to the ground in a heap as his tendons were severed. The fire breather and a panic began mindlessly letting out more and more black fire, destroying the kitchen, but unable to move the blood-splattered child from his back.

Izuku took the knife with both hands and brought it down hard on the base of the man's skull. The blade scraped harshly between the bone, embedding itself down to the grip. The fire bellowing from the man's mouth died out quickly. Izuku let out one final yell, it could have been seen as either a yell of victory or of pain as he fell over onto his side and struggled to maintain his grip on consciousness as he bled and burned on top of the man's corpse.

"Never fucking hurt my family again asshole" Izuku breathed before blacking out.

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