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The Survivors

Optimus Prime walked into the medical center, where Ratchet was busy examining the five bodies of the Transformers that were brought back.

"Report, Ratchet." Prime said.

"They're alive," Ratchet said, "But barely. Their condition is recent so it is possible to wake them up. I'll have to charge them with Energon to get their systems back online."

Ratchet brought over a sort of hose-like tube that radiated blue from the Energon contained within. He walked over to the one on the far right table: this one looked like a sort of knight in armor, his head even resembling a knight's helmet with a visor instead of two eyes. He also had jet wings on his back, but there was also what looked like the front of a kind of car on his chest.

"A triple changer?" Prime asked.

"I believe so," Ratchet replied, "unless it's a vehicle that I have never seen before."

Ratchet prepared to hook up the cord when Prime stopped him.

"Wait," he said, "We need as much as we can for the Ark. I have a better idea."

Prime opened his chest cavity to reveal the Matrix of Leadership.

"We bid you return." He said, transferring energy from the Matrix into the Transformer's chest. A flash of blue light followed, and the Transformer shot up, screaming as he did, and fell off the medical table. Ratchet tried to grab him to calm him down.

"Easy! Easy!" he said: "It's alright."

The bot slowed down, breathing heavily for a few moments, then, looking around, he said: "Where am I?"

"Cybertron," Prime said, "You're in the medical facility of our base."

The bot slowly pulled a gun from his back as he slowly said: "What faction are you?"

"We are Autobots. My name is Optimus Prime. This is my medical officer, Ratchet."

The bot turned to Prime, putting his gun away: "You're Optimus Prime? THE Optimus Prime?"

Prime nodded. The other Transformer slowly walked up, and then, surprisingly, hugged Prime, beginning to sob a bit.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you." He said. Then, after a few moments, he pulled away abruptly.

"Uhhh, sorry." He said, "It's been a long day for me." Then, holding out his hand, "I'm Corvax."

Prime shook his hand: "All is forgiven."

"Yes," Ratchet said, "But would you care to explain that?" he said, pointing to the Decepticon symbol on Corvax's wing.

"That's partially why I'm here," Corvax answered, "Me and the boys are defecting."

"Defecting?" Ratchet said. "Is that right?"

"I assume these are the others?" Prime said, gesturing to the other Transformers on the medical tables.

"By Primus…" Corvax said.

"Relax, They're not dead." Ratchet said.

"Can you wake them up?"

"I can." Prime said, and he went to each of the bodies, waking them up the same way he did Corvax, and in a few moments, all five were standing up, looking around and wondering how they got there, but also embracing each other out of relief that they were still alive and together.

"Guys," Corvax said, "We made it to the Autobot base. This is Optimus Prime."

One of the other bots, a deep blue one one who had subwoofers on his shoulders, a visor that looked like glasses, and a chest box like Perceptor or Soundwave's, dropped to his knees in awe.

"He's even more amazing than I imagined," he said.

Another one, a black, bulky bot with wheels for feet, smacked the first one in the head: "Show some self-control, Beatbox."

"Do you really expect him to actually do so after the last 24 times you have told him that, Demotak?" Asked the third, a silver, skinnier one with helicopter blades on his back pointing down and a head with a red line going down the middle for an eye named Physicon. Demotak just grunted; Physicon had a point.

Corvax stepped in front of them: "Uh, sorry" he said to Prime, "I should probably introduce everyone. The one with the speakers for shoulders is Beatbox, the killer on wheels is Demotak, the skinny, smart one is Physicon," then he points to the other two: an incredibly bulky, dark green one with two cannon barrels on his back, and the other light grey one that looked like a Seeker, but with a more streamlined head and an angular visor instead of eyes.

"The tank is X-plode," Corvax continued, "and the jet is Airbourne."

"It is good to meet you all," Prime said, "But tell me, where did you come from?"

"That is not a story for here." Physicon said, "Let us go into a meeting room, perhaps?"

Prime nodded, and the group went into the mission control center. Once everyone had sat down at the main table, Physicon said: "Should you tell them, Corvax, or should I?"

"You do it," Corvax said, "You know more than we do."

Physicon nodded and began: "To start, we are from Earth."

"I thought I was the only one who knew of Earth." Prime said surprise dawning on his face.

Physicon shook his head: "The Decepticons beat you to it. They've enslaved its human race and is forcing them to build weapons of mass destruction that will be sent to Cybertron once they are completed."

"What kind of weapon?"

"A new model of Warp Cannon; one more heavily shielded than before. But that is all I know. The entire project is being overseen by one of Megatron's most trusted captains, a scientist by the name of Shockwave."

"I know Shockwave," Prime said, "Continue."

"While we ae not fully sure why he did it, Shockwave came up with an idea to create new Transformers using the code extracted from the metal of other Transformers. Their DNA if you will."


"In a way; and that is how we were created; each of us built from the DNA of a powerful Decepticon. I was created from Shockwave himself."

"I came from Soundwave." Beatbox said.

"Constructicon Bonecrusher." Demotak said.

"I came from Starscream," Airbourne said.

"And I, from Combaticon Brawl." X-plode said.

"And, I guess you could say I got the roughest one," Corvax said, "I was made from Megatron himself."

Prime widened his eyes in surprise; Shockwave had done some disturbing things in the past, but this was in an entirely different ballpark. Even more surprising was that they somehow defected.

"What made you decide to leave?" Prime asked.

Here, Corvax spoke: "We saw the suffering of the humans; how cruelly they were being treated. It didn't sit right with us. Physicon and Airbourne were able to hack into Shockwave's files, and ended up learning the truth of it all: the war, the project, everything. When they reported back to us, I knew that we had to leave. We had to save the people of Earth, but we can't do it alone. We need you and your Autobots."

"So we took a ship and attempted to escape," Physicon continued, "Our ship came under fire, but we made it through the portal gate in time, though, frankly, I don't remember much else as we went into stasis when we crashed."

"What portal gate?" Prime asked.

"There's a gate above the west side of Cybertron." Physicon said, "It's how they get their supplies and Energon to and from Earth. I'll be able to show you."

"If there's a gate," Ratchet said, "Then we wouldn't need to use as much Energon to power the Ark as I had thought."

Prime nodded: "We'll need to get to Earth through there."

"That'll be tough," Corvax said, "The Cons guard that thing more fiercely than anything else. If you want to get through that gate, you'll need to sneak past."

"Fortunately," Physicon said, "I can hack their security and put us under a false Decepticon signal. Shouldn't be too hard."

"It seems we will need your help then," Prime said, "Are you truly willing to join us though?"

The six looked straight at Prime and nodded.

"We're not going to be another one of those murdering freaks," Demotak said.

Prime stood up: "Then I will need to swear you into the Autobots before we can begin."

"We're willing to do whatever it takes," Corvax said.

Optimus morphed his hand into a brand and approached them: "Do you six swear to protect the people of the universe, whether it be our kind or another, from the Decepticons and all other threats imaginable."

"I swear," the six said in unison.

"Then, it is with great honor, that I pronounce you…Autobots."

Prime walked to each of them, burning off the Decepticon symbol with the brand and replacing it with the Autobot one. As he did, he said the name of the Transformer he branded: "Corvax, Beatbox, X-plode, Airbourne, Physicon, and Demotak."

Once he finished, he stepped back and saluted them: "Welcome to the Autobot resistance."

The six saluted back.

"Do you have a name for your group by any chance," Ratchet asked.

"We were thinking of Commandobots." Corvax said.

"Then Commandobots you will be," Prime said. Beatbox pumped his fist in the air, and X-plode and Demotak bumped chests.

Corvax turned to Prime: "If you're going to power your ship, you can take what Energon you need from our ship. There should still be a decently good amount left that we can salvage."

"Then that will be our first move," Prime said, "I'll see what Autobots we can spare to accompany you to the ship."

"Thank you, sir." Corvax said. As Prime left, Ratchet turned to the group.

"Well, fellas," he said, "Looks like you're one of us now."

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