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66.66% One shots of my MHA oc / Chapter 2: Tsukiko's Entrence Exam(Hero AU)

Chapter 2: Tsukiko's Entrence Exam(Hero AU)

Tsukiko stood at the entrance of her dream school, U.A High School. It was the day of the entrance exam. She had been adopted by a family that had been treated good so far even got her therapy, which was quite

a few steps above the ones that made her need therapy. It was actually her new older sister that was her therapist. Her name was Himura Annya. She was nice, sarcastic but she toned it down near her. On top of that she now had her personal favorite hero as her older brother. His hero name is Vamp. His quirk was called Vampire Bat. It made him able to have the same abilities of a vampire bat. He however couldn't really fly it was more like he was gliding. His costume has an extra glider in case his arms were full. He's cool. He even helped train her for the exam. Tsukiko brought herself out of her thoughts. 'Now isn't the time to think about my family.' Tsukiko walked into the school and was told to go to the auditorium where she was given the room she was to take the written exam. She made to the classroom that she was assigned to. There were only 4 other students there. This was Tsukiko's first experience in oral testing. Her sister suggested that after she did a series of odd tests. For instance, she remembered having to decipher a code that she was given the key to orally (A/N: I got diagnosed when I was in elementary school and only have retesting every few years to see if the school can write me off as non-disabled so that is the only recent retest I can remember) and interviewing her. Her sister said that she had a developmental disorder but she forgot what she said it was called. She honestly didn't really care much. This was her normal and that's how she's comfortable. The test was challenging and she had to guess on more than a few that weren't about hero law. Tsukiko and the rest of her testing group were then told to back to the auditorium were she took the seat that had her number. "What's up U.A candidates? Thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ let me hear ya!" It was Present Mic that was speaking in his usual loud voice. The auditorium didn't respond. "Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about this practical exam gonna go down, okay? ARE YOU READY!?" No one once again responded. Tsukiko look down to the rows in front of her and saw a boy with green hair fanboying about Present Mic and it seemed to be annoying the Blonde boy next him. She made a mental note to try and keep quiet as she chewed on the chew necklace around her neck as she was listening to Present Mic as he explained all of the enemies except for the fourth which she was waiting for. Then a blue haired boy with glasses raised his hand and a spotlight landed on him as Present Mic asked what was his question and he quite rudely asked what the fourth enemy on the sheet was. He also called out the green haired boy on his muttering. 'Seriously it isn't like the guy can help it.' Then the pointed at her. "And you with the black unkempt hair, stop chewing on that it is very disrespectful to the people who made it and why aren't you wearing a school uniform!" Tsukiko let out a sigh and unlike the green haired boy talked back. "Firstly, can you stop with the insulting description on people's appearances. Secondly, no it is made for that. Thirdly, I was homeschool half on my last year and refuse to ever wear that godforsaken uniform again. Also while I'm at it Greenie over there was in no bothering anyone besides you and the blondie." As Tsukiko waited for the blue haired boy to respond, the green haired boy looked up at Tsukiko seemingly surprised. The blue haired boy didn't to know how to respond and just sat down. Present Mic brought the attention back to himself and explained the rest of the exam. Tsukiko then found herself outside of of the training ground alpha. A man with long black hair and bloodshot eyes was standing on the podium. Tsukiko watched everyone else as she started breaking down their abilities. Tsukiko couldn't tell exactly what a lot of their quirks were so, She then looked at what little she could see of the urban landscape. She thought about how she would avoid light. She decided that she would try to stay inside as much as possible. It was her best bet at coming out without any new burns and she was already starting to run low between the sun and the lights in the building. It was then the black haired man yelled for them to begin without a count down. Tsukiko didn't hesitate unlike most of the others and ducked straight into the closest building. She then noticed that she was on the verge of being noticed be a lot of robots and hid underneath the nearby staircase that was by the entrance. And started counting the amount of villains what appeared to be a lounge. There were 2 3-points and 2 2-points. As she hid she absorbed the dark sludge from shadows of the room and force it into the robot pushing prices of them apart. "That's 10 points." she muttered under her breath. She then thought about why there would be so many villains indoors. She then realized that the worst crimes and villains are usually indoors. She continued through the building and ended with 42 points by the time she had finished going through. She then left the building and saw a girl with what appeared to be earphone jacks coming from her earlobes. The girl had shorter purple haired and black eyes. Tsukiko watched as she started getting overwhelmed by the robots. She sludged the robot but didn't destroy them instead letting the other girl do it. The girl gave Tsukiko an odd look. Tsukiko then ran into the next building to at least let herself absorb some shadow as she felt her supply running low. She ducked in and lucky for her was not immediately meet with villains which gave her time to hide in the shadows. She then saw someone coming through the door letting the light in. It was the girl from before. Tsukiko put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet. The girl seemed confused and Tsukiko pointed to the room next to them. The girl stabbed into the wall with her jacks. The girl whisper "Why are there robots in here? Aren't these buildings just for show?" Tsukiko shock her head and quietly said "The worst villains hid indoors." The girl nodded. The girl said "There's 6 robots in total." They then heard the guy from earlier announcing that there were 10 minutes left. They took out the villains Tsukiko getting 3 points out of it. They then heard something that got their attention. It was a loud metal sound then screams. They looked at each other. They peaked outside and saw a large robot it was surrounded by rubble that used to be buildings. 'How many people would have died if this was real? What am I thinking?! People can be hurt by this right now!' Tsukiko asked the girl if she could hear if anyone was trapped under the rubble. The girl asked "You want to go out there?" Without looking at her Tsukiko said "Someone could have gotten seriously hurt even if this is U.A. There can be tragedies anywhere. (Even right under heroes' noses.) I want to make sure no ones hurt." Earphone girl was on Tsukiko's blind side currently so she couldn't tell what her response was. "I can't see you if you're on that side so please either come to my other side or answer out loud." Earphone girl came up to her other side and nodded. Earphone girl asked "Can you see me now?" "Yes, so can you hear anyone?" "Not from here I would need to get closer" "Ok" Tsukiko then ran out towards the wreckage the giant robot caused. Then it was announced that there were only 5 minutes left. She then noticed the girl was following her as they made it to the wreckage. The earphone girl stuck her jack into a piece of rubble and said "No one nearby." "Oh that's good then." It was then that she remembered why she had been trying to stay indoors as long as possible. She started to feel light headed and realized she probably was running a high fever at this point. It was the first sign of what happens when she doesn't have enough shadows in her system. She started trying to get back to cover before it worse after all she was trying to avoid getting any burns. Earphone girl seemed to notice something was up as she walk up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. Tsukiko flinched slightly but it wasn't very noticeable. They then both heard that guy's voice counting down from 30. Tsukiko felt herself getting more lightheaded as she was trying to listen to both Earphone girl's and the man's voices. She then looked down to see most of her exposed skin getting sunburns. From the sounds of worry that she could hear in Earphone girl's voice, she saw it to. Then she felt herself getting picked up. It was then she passes out.

*P.O.V switched to 'Earphone girl'*

The purple haired girl was worried about the girl she just meet that seemed to be burning with fever and suddenly developing sunburns. She had picked the girl up who she just noticed was oddly small and light for their age and ran for the emergency medical station that was set up before this. She realized that she didn't even know this girl's name.  She made it and saw a little old lady in a nurse uniform. The nurse noticed the girl and asked for her name and what happened to the girl. "My names Jirou Kyoka I don't know what her name is but we went to look for people in the rubble from the 0-pointer." "Oh don't worry I already know who this one is. I already knew this may happen. Poor thing." "Is she going to be okay?" "After being in a dark room and a healing session she'll be fine. Speaking of which can you be a dear and take her to the nurses office a keep the lights off when you get in there." Kyoka nodded and brought the girl into the building after getting directions. Kyoka felt odd about the girl she was carrying. Apparently this was a common enough thing that the pro hero/school nurse already knew her yet she still came and from the little that she knew of her she wasn't stupid. Kyoka made it to the nurse's office just as her arms were getting tired. She put the black haired girl, that she decided to nickname Shadow, down on one of the beds and turned off the lights. Kyoka decided that she wanted to stay with Shadow to keep her company if she woke up. She sent her parents a quick text that she would be home a bit late. She stuck one of her jacks into her phone and played some music. She sat there for awhile waiting for Shadow to wake up when she noticed her starting to stir as though in a nightmare. She watched for a moment wondering if she should just wake her up. Before she even got the chance Shadow jumped up breathing heavily and looking around the room. Kyoka attempted to calm the girl down. "Hey, you're just in the nurse's office. We just took the entrance exam together, remember?" Shadow nodded and started breathing regularly. Shadow didn't seem very talkative at the moment so Kyoka just let there be silence as Shadow got her baring on her surroundings. The door open and the nurse walked and said "Good you're awake Kubo and it seems this nice young lady stayed with you." The now named Kubo nodded. "Why am I here?" Kubo asked as she tilted her head as though she was trying to remember. "Your quirk's drawback hit you a bit too hard." "Oh... that makes sense." Kubo only then looked over her body to see the sunburns all over that Kyoka could only imagined hurt a lot along with more than a few scars that she hadn't previously noticed. Kubo seemed more annoyed than anything though. Kyoka decided to ask the girl about it. "Do they hurt?" Kyoka wanted to facepalm but Kubo shook her head and said "Not really but they probably should. I was really trying to not burn this time."

*~~~~P.O.V switched to Kubo~~~~*

Tsukiko looked over her burns. They weren't the worst she had ever had so that was a good thing. She was still disappointed that she had burned at all. She then realized that she didn't know Earphone girl's name. Tsukiko decided to just ask. "What's your name?" Tsukiko looked at the girl avoiding her eyes. "Jirou Kyoka. I never got your full name by the way." "Oh it's Kubo Tsukiko." It was then that the doors slammed open and she saw the her current adoptive mother. She had dark blue hair that was almost black with red eyes that didn't have normal circular pupils instead she had slitted ones. She had two fangs coming from her top lip. Her most noticeable features are a pair bat wings coming from her back and a pair a bat ears where human ears should be. Her name is Himura Annasisha. Tsukiko was surprised that she had came. She knew that she was going to be at home waiting for her but she hadn't expected her to come and check on her. She didn't even think that she had been here for too long after all Jirou was still here. Tsukiko stared towards the woman as she came towards her. "Tsukiko, What happened?" "My quirk." Tsukiko's eyes looked at the woman half expecting to get yelled at or hit for being late. Then she remembered that this family wasn't like her previous ones were. Annasisha turned to Recovery girl and asked "Is she going to be okay?" Recovery nodded and said "I'm just waiting for her to regain more stamina and absorb more before I heal her. I assume you want to at least get her to the car before she passes out from exhaustion. Also don't think I'll forget about how you were advised not to participate in the entrance exams this year Kubo. Your still in a very delicate state in your recovery. Even if you don't feel it you're body still has not completely recovered." Tsukiko shrunk away from the tone of the scolding. Tsukiko just nodded in reply feeling sad that even if she would have made it in Recovery girl would most likely keep her from getting accepted. "But from what I heard and saw you did well." Tsukiko looked to Recovery Girl with hope in her eye. Maybe just maybe Recovery Girl wouldn't bar her from entering. "I have decided that if you do make it in I won't stop it." Tsukiko felt herself smile for the first time in a long time. Maybe she can really do it! She even made a new potential friend. Speaking of Jirou she was still here and heard everything and most likely has questions.

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