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10% You Make Me Shine / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Finding Girlfriend

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Finding Girlfriend

Max met Rohan in kindergarten school. Even though they were always in the same room they didn't talk much. Up until one day when Max was very mad. His maths book was in his hand. The only thing Max can't tolerate is a math problem. And the book is his only enemy.

He only had to memorize the numbers from 1 to 10 and this little thing drove him crazy. Upon failing to control his anger he threw the book behind him which directly hit a kid who was sitting on the last bench. He started crying right then. Max wasn't bothered at all. A kid is crying in the classroom so the teacher came to him to stop him from crying. He angrily asked, "who threw the book like this?"

Just then a kid with weird teeth pointed to Max and said,

"It was him, sir"

Max's math teacher never liked him. The reason was simple. Whenever he tried to teach, Max would always make noise and complain about the subject. His teacher went straight to him and said,

"Did you do it? Why?"

Max was silent. So the math teacher believed that it was Max who did it. So when he was about to pull his ears, Rohan stood up and said,

"I'm sorry, sir. It was me. A lizard fell on my book and I got scared. So I threw it"

The teacher's face became normal. He always liked Rohan. He's obedient and doesn't really talk much. So he let it go. If it weren't for Rohan, Max would seriously get a beating from his teacher that day. But Max kept wondering. why would that boy take the blame for me? After the last period when all the kids were going home Max went to Rohan to talk to him about what happened earlier. Rohan was outside waiting for his parents to come. When he realized Max was standing beside him he didn't look directly at him but he said,

"It's OK. You don't have to thank me."

Listening to his arrogance Max wanted to kick him real hard. But something about that boy was interesting. So instead he just slapped his hands and both started laughing. They became best friends ever since. Max was always loud and very friendly to everyone. Since Rohan was always with Max so he made few friends as well. Rohan was never good at talking to people. He would always just stay quiet. But with Max, he suddenly changes.

They both talk a lot. Sometimes other people would get annoyed when they talk. After finishing their board exams they both decided that they'd go to the same college. They'd be inseparable. Almost all the kids were also in the same college. So their college was no different than their high school. Rohan first caught a glimpse of Nadia during their orientation class of first-year students. The microphone was being passed from students to students and everyone was introducing themselves. Nadia took the mic and introduced herself by saying,

"I'm Nadia Jaman from Department Of Science"

Her voice was soft as ever. When the mic was given to Rohan he couldn't utter a word. He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even realize he had to introduce himself as well. Max was restless. He was waiting to get the mic as soon as possible. Seeing Rohan distracted, he took the pleasure to grab the mic and simply said,

"I'm Max. He's Rohan from the Department of Business Studies"

After the orientation class Rohan confessed to Max that he liked Nadia. Rohan had never liked anyone before. So much that Max was suspicious that he also might be gay. But when he confessed he was relieved. Rohan was not very confident. On the other hand, Max was totally the opposite. So he grabbed Rohan's hand and went straight to Nadia who was talking to her other friends. Max knew Rohan didn't have to guts to go and talk to her directly so he took the initiative.

"Um. Hi. I'm Max" he said

"I'm Nadia. Nice to meet you"

"Same here" he smiled "This is my best friend Rohan"

Rohan became so numb that he couldn't say anything. His entire body froze.

When Max was busy talking about different matters in class, Rohan was thinking about Nadia. Few days after their orientation class Nadia would come to their department building and spend some time with them.

All three got very close to each other. Nadia's friends became theirs and theirs became Nadia's. Even though Rohan didn't talk much but Nadia was very friendly to him. Little talks with her every day was enough for him. Max became Nadia's best friend. But the position for best friend in Max's heart was already taken by Rohan. Sometimes Max would deliberately skip classes so that Nadia and Rohan could spend some time together alone. When Max wasn't around Rohan would treat Nadia with lunch and listen to her talking stuff he had no idea about. Rohan realized his feelings towards Nadia had grown. The little talks weren't enough for him anymore.

So he decided that after the farewell ceremony for the seniors he would confess his feelings to her. The college arranges a farewell ceremony for the senior students every year. The Juniors gave flowers to their favorite senior mentors and the seniors treat them to a nice dinner. Max, Rohan, and Nadia got the responsibility to arrange the entire ceremony with the help of four teachers.

The ceremony ended smoothly and the seniors and all the teachers were very happy with the three's work.

After the ceremony, Rohan was looking for Nadia with a red rose in his hand. He was supposed to give it to his favorite senior. But his favorite person is Nadia. Outside the faculty building, he saw Nadia taking Max to the hall room by the hand. This thing between Nadia and Max was normal. It didn't bother him that much. He knew he had to go talk to her right away otherwise he'd have cold feet. So he looked at the rose and followed them to the hall room. Arriving there he saw Nadia very close to Max. She held his hands and said,

"Max, I need to tell you something"

"Yeah. Sure. What is it?" Max asked

"Um...the thing is..."

"Yes. I'm listening"

"I think I like you. No. I definitely like you, Max"

Just when she said it there was a very big smile on her face. Rohan had never seen Nadia smile like that before. The rose he was holding fell on the ground lifeless. He couldn't bear the scenario so he just left with a hole in his heart. He was sad and heartbroken. His best friend and the girl he likes are now together. He thought. He wanted to hate both of them. But they were his only friends. So he decided that he'd move on.

Nadia started skipping class. For a few days when Nadia didn't show up, Rohan wanted to ask Max about her. But then the scene from the other day would haunt him. So he stayed quiet. It was Max who told him about what happened. He was happy that he didn't keep it a secret. Max told him that he didn't like her the way she did. Rohan was worried about her. So was Max. Rohan decided he'd pay her a visit. He even went to her house but he just kept standing there. And with fail attempts to ring the bell he left.

I am such a coward. He thought to himself.

The next day Rohan went to talk to Max. Max as usual was busy watching a series on his laptop. But when his mom said "Rohan is here for you" he quickly turned it off.

Rohan didn't want to go inside his room so they went for a walk. Later they went to Khan's Café.

Rohan said "have you talked to her? She's totally ghosted, everyone"

With a calm voice, Max said,

"Don't worry. She'll be alright" and took a sip of coffee. Immediately he said,

"Why do people drink coffee anyway? It's so bitter"

Hearing him say this lifted Rohan's mood a bit.

"This is exactly the reason they drink coffee," he said laughing at Max.

"I'd rather drink tea," he said smirking away.

Spending time with Max really helped Rohan. He was sure that Max didn't like her. But Nadia still doesn't know Rohan has feelings for her.

After a few days, Nadia came back to attend classes. She missed every class this week so she had to join extra classes to make up. Rohan was finally tension-free when he saw Nadia's normal self.

"See? I told you she'd be alright" Max said with a proud voice.

Max had to go home after college. But Rohan didn't want to leave Nadia alone. So he waited for her. Her classes ended after two hours. She comes out with her other friends and spots Rohan. Seeing Rohan waiting outside for her was very touching. Then she remembered the things Max said when she went to his place.

"I may not like you the way you want me to. But someone out there does. And he still likes you. I think you should give him the chance instead of me"

Nadia didn't know who Max was talking about. So she simply just asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Rohan," he said "Rohan liked you since the first year of college. I wanted both of you together but that idiot still didn't confess"

Nadia felt she kind of knew. But she wasn't ready to give anyone a chance since someone who she liked rejected her.

She took a breath and went to him.

"Hey, what are you still doing here," she asked Rohan.

He was sitting on the ground legs crossed stalking Nadia's Instagram account. He stood up and said,

"It's late and I didn't want you to go home alone so I waited for you," he said.

"Where's Max?" She asked.

"He had some work so he went home"

"That idiot left just like that? Let him come tomorrow I'll beat the shit out of him" she said with a serious face.

And looking at Rohan's confused face she couldn't stop laughing. Rohan didn't know Max told her about him. And Nadia didn't tell him either. She just wanted to know if what Max was saying the truth. She held his hand and said,

"let's go grab something to eat. I'm hungry"

Rohan wanted to ask if she's really okay but seeing that she really is he didn't want to bring up that topic anymore.

"Come on! Let's go. My treat" she said.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked

"You like readside foods?"



Nadia kept pretending that she didn't know the fact that Rohan liked her. She also told Max not to tell him. So he didn't tell Rohan about it but kept insisting that he told her. But Rohan, an idiot he's always been, didn't know what to do so it was up to Max to handle the situation. After their board exams, Max made a plan. He called Nadia and said,

"Do you like my friend? As in would you be interested in dating him?"

The other party spoke,

"he's actually a nice guy. So yes, I most definitely would"

"Ok so meet me at Khan's around 5 pm today," he said and hanged up. And then he called Rohan.

"Can you meet me at Khan's around 5:30? It's important"

The other party sighed and said,

"OK but only if you're paying for my coffee"


Nadia arrived at the café at exactly 5 pm. Inside Max was waiting for her. He explained his entire plan and hid behind the counter. He paid the staff to include him in his plan as well. He made all the arrangements and waited for Rohan to show up. Even Nadia became restless. The bell rang at the door as someone walked in

"Oh. What are you doing here? Where's Max?"

"What do you mean? I'm here for coffee. Why? Was he supposed to be here?"

That little brat put me up to this, didn't he? Rohan thought to himself. On the other side, Max was attentively listening to their conversation and was giggling.

"Well, since you're here so come sit with me," she said.

Rohan was nervous and shaking. Suddenly one of the staff members came and said,

"Someone bought you a red velvet cake and left a note"

he put down the cake on the table and gave a soft smile. Then left. Rohan became furious. Who could it be? If I find that bastard, I'd beat him till he ends up in the hospital.

Nadia started acting

"Oh. Wow! It looks delicious. I wonder what's inside the note" she said.

Then she started to read the note aloud enough for Rohan to hear.

"Nadia, I, Ayat, like you very very much. If you feel like meeting me in person then I'll see you tomorrow at this very same café"

After reading it out loud she started overreacting

"How romantic! This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me"

Rohan kept cursing the man who did it in his mind. Really,Nadia? What about me? I treated you to nice meals so many times. I took you home. I even helped you with your assignments even though I don't understand the subject. Someone just bought a cake and you're melting like ice just like that?

Behind the counter, Max was worried that they'd get caught since Nadia is so overdoing it.

Finally, Rohan spoke.

"don't eat it. I'll buy you another one"

"Why?" Nadia asked, "what's wrong with this one?"

"It could be poisonous."

"Who would do that? You're overthinking" she really wouldn't let it go.

"Someone is trying to be romantic with me. I should at least be thankful" she said.

Rohan couldn't stand it anymore.

"If that person meets you tomorrow would you like him and start dating?" He asked her coldly.

"Yes. Why not?"

"He could be a kidnapper or murderer damn it!"

He put his hand loudly on the table. The sound was so loud that everyone else became silent.

"You can't do this to me, Nadia!" He yelled

"Do what,Rohan?" She yelled too

"You can't like someone else!"

"Why!" She's pushed him to his limits.

"Because I like you! And I can't bear to see you with someone else!"

He finally said it.

He said it. My boy did it. Max thought.

Nadia calmed down and smiled,

"took you long enough to confess"

Out of nowhere Max jumped from behind the counter and shouted


You asshole. All of this was your dirty plan all along? You really played well.

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